InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Thoughts Before You ❯ What a Tangled Web We Weave ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me: k, so here is my question for the day. What does Kouga wear under his skirt? And what does Inuyasha see while fighting Kouga? And is that why he is so afraid of losing Kagome to him? Makes you wonder doesn't it. Well here I go, hopefully I can continue to be inspired to write this.
My Thoughts Before You
What A Tangled Web We Weave
Inuyasha stared dumbfounded as she spoke, then confusion settled in. “Huh?” he asked dumbly.
Inuyasha stared dumbfounded as she spoke, then confusion settled in. “Huh?” he asked dumbly.
“You said Kagome, and I said yes. I am Kagome.” She told him. She stood up slowly shakily taking her purse with her. Inuyasha was close in pursuit bringing up the cell phone with him.
He felt dumb now, “Yes, well, I didn't expect to see you here.”
”At a grocery store?” Kagome knew she wasn't being nice but she wasn't ready to deal with all this. She wasn't ready for the feelings that had come rushing back and didn't know how else to deal with it.
”At a grocery store?” Kagome knew she wasn't being nice but she wasn't ready to deal with all this. She wasn't ready for the feelings that had come rushing back and didn't know how else to deal with it.
Talk about one irritated Inuyasha, “What's the attitude for?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Sorry.” She said though not so meaningfully as it should have been. “Its just, well, I'm tired.” She lied.
Inuyasha didn't respond, he did however catch a glimpse of the ring on her wedding finger. “So you finally got married did you? I remember you saying you didn't want to go down that road for a while.”
Kagome looked to the decent sized rock on her finger. Inuyasha made a mental note about how it was nothing compared to Kikyou's but it was still of good measure. “No.” she said. “I'm not married I just got engaged.”
Kagome looked to the decent sized rock on her finger. Inuyasha made a mental note about how it was nothing compared to Kikyou's but it was still of good measure. “No.” she said. “I'm not married I just got engaged.”
“I'm happy for you Kagome. Who to? Anyone I know?”
This wasn't going to be good, she was a little reluctant to admit it. “Uh, yes. Kouga.” She hadn't met his eyes when she said it for fear of the anger she would soon see there.
“What?!” he was angry once again. “And how long did it take him to jump on that opportunity once I left? Couple weeks? No, actually I knew about his feelings, how long did it take you to go for him? I bet my spot in your bed wasn't even cold yet.”
Slap! Kagome blinked, she hadn't even expected herself to do it but it needed to be done. She had slapped Inuyasha. “Don't you ever say something like that to me again!” She inhaled deeply and calmed her nerves. “Please can we not argue about this, it has been almost four years since you left. You didn't expect me to sit here and wait for something amazing to happen did you?”
Slap! Kagome blinked, she hadn't even expected herself to do it but it needed to be done. She had slapped Inuyasha. “Don't you ever say something like that to me again!” She inhaled deeply and calmed her nerves. “Please can we not argue about this, it has been almost four years since you left. You didn't expect me to sit here and wait for something amazing to happen did you?”
Inuyasha felt his face, it had been years since he had felt that slap and he hadn't deserved it more. “I'm sorry.” He placed his hand back in his pocket. “You're right. So…” he floundered for more conversation. When had it ever been hard to talk to her? “What else has been going on? Did you ever get your Bed and Breakfast?”
She shook her head; the look in her eyes was almost remorseful. “No, I never made it to Hawaii either. That was just some stupid dream I had to get over. What about you, I see that you made it in New York? Did you become a publicist?”
“Yes I did.” He was proud of himself, “Things have been going pretty good down there. I am going to move into a house here after August.”
“Oh yeah, why the house?” she asked, not knowing what she was stepping into.
”I'm getting married.”
”I'm getting married.”
For a second time in her life Kagome's heart broke, “I'm… happy for you.” The two sat in stunned silence for a few moments before she finally muttered `corn'
“I need to go and get some corn. Kouga was making me dinner tonight and we need corn.” She straitened her posture and tried her best to be calm. “Maybe I'll see you around. Goodbye Inuyasha.”
“Bye.” He turned to leave when he heard her voice; it was barley a whisper yet the sadness she conveyed in eight words made the air in his lungs turn to ice.
“Why didn't you ever write, or call me?”
Why hadn't he called, or written? She should know that shouldn't she? Inuyasha leaned back on to his hotel bed, staring at the white textured ceiling above him. He didn't know that it had affected her that much. After all they had talked about him leaving and how things between them just couldn't work out because she was going to school in Arizona and he was going to New York. It was even her choice to say once he was gone things were done.
“So why then?” he asked himself, why was she so sad right then, and why was this affecting him so much. Sure Kagome was his first love, and you can't ever forget something like that but he was over her. Wasn't he?
His thoughts were soon interrupted by the ring of his telephone “Hey.” He said into the high tech Razor phone. “What's up Miroku?”
“Nothing, just wondering how my most favorite client is. What about you?”
Inuyasha sat up and rubbed his temples. “Alright, do you remember that girl I told you about? The one that lived here then moved away with out a trace.”
It took a few moments but Miroku finally answered. “Yeah, what about it?”
“Well, I ran into her today. Apparently she didn't move away like her parents led me to believe.”
“Well talk about crazy, what does that have to do with anything? Are you taking my advice and leaving Kikyou?”
Inuyasha's temper was once again being tempted today. “I told you I love her, why don't you leave me alone about this sort of stuff?”
“Because my good man, you have only known Kikyou for a month and I think your stepping into things a little too suddenly.”
“What do you know?” he asked his best friend.
“A lot actually, I do happen to date quite a few women.”
“Yeah and all of them end up hitting you or you end up avoiding them.”
“It's the curse of a handsome man. Not the point here, so are you going to talk to this Kagome girl again?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “There was something… odd. Something she wasn't telling me.”
“Well considering the history you two share I would talk to her again because if you think she's hiding something than I am willing to bet that she is. Well, as much as I would love to continue to chit chat about this stuff my call was partly business too.”
“What this time?”
“You mean he's back?”
Kagome nodded softly. They young family had just eaten dinner and Ky was in bed fast asleep. She had avoided the story until the last possible moment when Kouga cornered her in their small bedroom and questioned her.
“What the hell does he think he's doing here after?”
“Well, he's getting married maybe he came to tell his brother. They are related after all.”
“Couldn't he just call Sesshomaru on the phone instead of coming here and causing a problem?”
“Well I guess he could, but I know Sesshomaru and he wouldn't answer the phone if he thought if was Inuyasha.”
Kouga seemed to be appeased on that subject for the time being and decided to move on to the next important one. “Did you finally tell him about Ky?”
Kagome shot up as if she had been burnt. “No, and he's not going to know until I'm dead and buried. I am not sending my son back and forth from New York and I'm not going to keep talking to Inuyasha. I hate the man.”
“Kagome he needs to find out from you before learning a different way.“
“No Kouga. Everyone but Sesshomaru thinks he is yours and I'll decide what is best for him. Please just let me do things this way. Its too late even if I wanted to tell him because Ky is three years old, obsessed with you and Inuyasha might make a big deal and take him away.”
Kouga didn't seem to agree with it, but he couldn't find many other things to argue about. He didn't want Inuyasha to take the son he considered his and he definetly didn't want to deal with the stupid man coming around here all the time to see Ky. “Kagome are you sure?”
“What am I supposed to say? Hi Inuyasha, long time no see. I've been great, oh and your son is doing great too. Yeah he looks just like you, same eyes and everything. I know I never told you I was pregnant so… surprise!”
Kouga ran his fingers through his shaggy hair once more before nodded. “Alright, alright, do things your way.”
“Thank you for understanding.”
Kouga went to her side and wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her firmly on the mouth. “Have you finally picked a date for OUR wedding? It's been three years.”
“I have put in for three weeks off in July how about then?”
He moved her towards the bed and laid her down, kissing her neck and undoing the buttons on her blouse.
“Mama, can I get a muffin?” asked Ky as he pushed his face up against the class in Main Street Artisans
”Yes honey.” Kagome raised her sunglasses and placed them atop her head she began to read the menu despite the fact she had gotten the same thing ever since she found this neat little coffee shop.
”Can I get a milk, two chocolate ship muffins, a peach Italian soda, and a Swiss and mesquite chicken bagel?”
“Yes, that will be $12.03.”
Kagome reached into her purse to get the bills needed when she heard the deep voice behind her. “I'll get that.” Said Inuyasha laying down the thirteen dollars. “Keep the change.”
Kagome reached into her purse to get the bills needed when she heard the deep voice behind her. “I'll get that.” Said Inuyasha laying down the thirteen dollars. “Keep the change.”
Kagome froze on spot and turned to look at the dark haired man. “Hey Kagome. I figured you would be here. Creature of habit aren't you?”
”Mom, whose he?”
”Mom, whose he?”
“Uh, an old friend.” She said taking his hand and leading him to a window seat and sitting down.
Inuyasha couldn't believe it, the little boy with the felt cowboy hat had called her `mom' he stared at the boy's turned hear. He wouldn't look at Inuyasha, and when he did his face was partially covered by the hat. Judging by the child's size and he talking Inuyasha would say he was around three years old.
“Kagome, is he… is he really yours?” his voice was quite, not distracting to the young one that was happily eating the chocolate chip muffin.
Kagome nodded, smiling fondly at the child. “He is.” She pushed his milk towards him. “Drink it Ky.” She instructed and the boy did as told. Generally Kagome made him take his hat off while eating but she didn't want Inuyasha to pay too close attention to him. This whole situation was two close for comfort. She needed to get out of there!
Something didn't fit, “How old is he?”
“I'm three!” said the little boy loudly. “Mom, tell him to talk like I'm here.”
“Inuyasha, talk like he's here.”
Inuyasha laughed, “He's got a temper, is he Kouga's?”
Now was the time for the big decision, lie or truth, lie or truth! She just couldn't decide. If she lied and said yes he would think that she either cheated on him or moved right from him to Kouga not soon after he left. If she told the truth and said no then he would ask whom Ky belonged to and there she would be given the truth to lie or tell the truth once again.
She soon realized she didn't have to make that decision any longer when she noticed Inuyasha staring unblinkingly in to Ky's golden eyes, his dark almost black hair, hanging just slightly into the golden orbs.
“Come on Ky, we need to go to the store.” She said, practically ripping the boy up and grabbing their food and heading for the door. Inuyasha was so stunned he couldn't even breath let alone comprehend that she was trying to flee the scene. His senses soon came back to him and he followed her through the two sets of doors leading out of the building and down the street, she was close to her car.
”Kagome, wait!”
”Kagome, wait!”
“Well do one of them damn it!” he had been running after her and now had a hold of her shoulder.
“Don't swear in front of my son!” she shouted back, poking him in the chest hard. It was the only thing she could think to say.
”And mine?”
”And mine?”
After staring at him, searching for the words to say and fighting her tears. “Why did you come here!?” she finally said as calmly as she could.
”No, answer the question. Is he mine?”
”Yes.” She finally said. “Yes he's your son!”
Me: All right, the next exciting chapter of `My Thoughts Before You' lol yeah this one is a bit longer than the others. I hope you liked it. Please read and review Reviews Make Danjor happy. Well I'm off; I think I'm going to edit my other fic `The Girl Next Door' now. It's going to be up soon, it's an YYH thing. Well peace out home slices.
”No, answer the question. Is he mine?”
”Yes.” She finally said. “Yes he's your son!”
Me: All right, the next exciting chapter of `My Thoughts Before You' lol yeah this one is a bit longer than the others. I hope you liked it. Please read and review Reviews Make Danjor happy. Well I'm off; I think I'm going to edit my other fic `The Girl Next Door' now. It's going to be up soon, it's an YYH thing. Well peace out home slices.
Tron: Danjor, you really need to stop talking like that.
Me: Awe Tron have a heart.
Tron: Seriously, stop.
Me: *tear* awe, all right. Well good bye.
Me: *tear* awe, all right. Well good bye.