InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Tiny Kagome ❯ Grateful ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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My Tiny Kagome
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Chapter Eight, Grateful
Kagome is standing in the cage looking at a sleeping Sesshoumaru. It really irritates her that she has to stay in a cage, her new living quarters. She wanted to go home and see her family. How was she going to even do that now? Like she was into telling him that she lived in another time! And that Cahido guy had no right to give her away like she was his in the first place! Now she is stuck like this, mouse-size, unless she fell in love with someone.
Sigh. She missed her family. Her mom must be more than worried by now. `Mom, I hope she doesn't worry too much. Sota, he better be good and not causing any trouble. And grandpa, I hope he don't go over-board with picking illness.'
Kagome didn't just miss her family but her friends as well, in the future but more in the past. They don't even know where she is.
They had woken up days ago to find their friend missing. She was nowhere to be found. They looked all over in the hut. Some people were even accused of maybe even smashing her, but that got them nowhere either. They screeched and searched the hut in the smallest of cracks and there still remains no sign her `Kagome'. Shippou was almost mourning her death already.
Like they are going to actually give up that easily! Shippou decided it wasn't time until he'd see her dead body before he would cry again! He had to know for sure. The signs kept pointing though, that maybe she was most likely kidnapped.
So, here was Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Shippou, Kirara, Yani, and Mimi out in the forest looking for the miniature miko.
“It's as if she disappeared.” Mimi softly says, looking ahead in the forest they traveled through.
“Don't you think we know that?!” Inuyasha shouted with annoyance.
Yani glares at Inuyasha. The glare said, `Refrain from speaking in that tone.' Especially when retorting toward his younger sister.
Sango tripped and fell on the forest floor, which is very unusual, unless she was injured or something forced her. Miroku comes over to help her up but Yani is already picking her up off the ground.
Smirking at Miroku, he places Sango gently on her feet, even though he really wanted to continue holding her in his arms. He didn't want Sango to be angry with him. “Sango! Are you alright?” They both asked at the same time.
She wasn't paying them any attention, but something else. She didn't even realize that she had fell in the first place. So even if Yani were holding her at the moment she wouldn't have told him to let her go.
Everyone became puzzled at Sango's silence and looks at where her interested gaze is directed.
There, lying by a tree on the forest floor is a tiny fairy boy. His eyes are closed and a thin line of blood trickled down his forehead and out his mouth. Was he attacked? The only way of knowing was to see if and when he'd wake up so he could tell them. And weren't he supposed to be in some hidden part of the woods?
Sango reaches down to pick it up. “Don't!” Mimi and Yani said in a warning/panic tone.
She looks at them in question. “And why not? He might be of some use to help us find Kagome!” Then she adds what else she'd been thinking. “Plus, he is a child and wounded. He needs our help.”
“What if he's dead? Then what?” Asked Mimi.
“He's not! I mean, he can't… be dead… we have to at less try…” She looks away from them and gently picks him up anyway.
“No!” Mimi says trying to stop her. Yani tense. She pauses when nothing crazy happened to Sango.
Sango gazes at her angrily. “What is your problem?”
“Don't talk to me like that! I was just trying to stop you from hurting yourself. What if he woke up and by instinct fried you to a pile of ash? That's what might have happened.”
They glared at each other for a while. `Ahem,' is the noise that brought them out of their death-glaring match. The girls looked at the males of the group but it was none of them. Sango's face almost brushing Yani's in the process.
“Are you guys fighting over me?” The little voice is so soft and calm you wouldn't even know the being is injured. The voice was startling clear and loud enough for them to hear.
The two that were arguing looked down in Sango's left hand and saw that the boy she picked up is sitting and staring up at them with curiosity.
“Well at least we know he's not dead.” Mimi commented unhurriedly while lifting her fingers, ready to poke at him.
Taro A.K.A. Teddy glared at her. The glare was so sharp she paused and thought that the look he is giving her didn't fit his face at all. “What's the face for?”
“I've decided,” He began, crossing his arms over his chest. “… I don't like you.” The boy finished and raised his chin in the air.
“Why you … punk.” She reaches to squash him but Sango moved her hand out of the way.
“You let him get to you because…?”
“Alright already! Just asked him where Kagome is!” Inuyasha growled out at them, tired of the stupid commotion. He jumps down from a tree he had sat up in. The little boy jumped for a moment after hearing Inuyasha.
“K-Kagome-chan? What has happened to her?”
Everyone looks at him. `What was he talking about?' Their thoughts were similar.
“Oh!” Now Taro knew what they were talking about! She had disappeared from them. They were asleep though, and he was awake to report that. Are they just now looking for her? Or have they been searching for Kagome when they discovered her missing? If so, then these people must really miss her, Teddy knows he does. And he hadn't even known Kagome all that long.
Anyways, it wasn't his problem and he had to head home.
“What do you mean `Oh!' as in your just realized something?” Asked Yani looking at the boy studiously.
“I said that because… because I have to get home!” The boy answered nervously and loudly.
Taro is about to get up and leave by using a spell. “But you can't.” Sango voice makes him pause. He gave her a look that read, `Why not?' challenging it was, really.
“You are wounded and aren't healed yet.”
Taro sighed.
“How do you know Kagome?” Shippou piped in.
He gaze shifted to Shippou on the woman's right shoulder. “I was to watch over her. And she disappeared from sight in that lady's place.”
“You mean to tell me you were there?” Teddy slowly nodded his head.
Kaede is picking herbs and other leaves and stuff that she needed. Sigh. There, in the village are men that just couldn't take `no' for an answer. Just because she was restored her youth and eye, doesn't mean she is supposed to neglect her duty as a priestess and protector of this village.
Walking over to where she usually would, she begins sorting the parts of plants she collected. Kaede wiped them and laid them where they belong. There are people in the village that insisted on her letting them help her with things. She refused, because those of the ones that asked her now didn't ask her before when she was a wrinkled o' fat lady.
She is now physically young and can do the work herself. The people that helped her before, she let them help. Men tired to flirt with her numerous of times but didn't they even realize how older she is then they? Maybe, Maybe not or they just didn't care because of how young she looked.
She won't let them get to her though.
She'd even got some unpleasant looks from people, mostly the women of the village. Sigh. She'd been going about the days as normal, as normal as she could with two eyes. She had one eye for so long that it is sort of weird with two. If only they understood that this didn't happen on purpose but by accident. Kaede was grateful nonetheless.
Kaede left some stuff to dry in the sun. She'd play with the children of the village like she used to do. It was rather nice. She hoped everyone is doing all right and that they find Kagome. She stood as the wind blew against her body, her hair being caressed by the winds breeze. There is no way that she is going to let them bring her spirit down.
She is grateful, nonetheless.
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Tangerine_Mikan AKA Mala Valvah