InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True Origins ❯ Prolouge and Ch.1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Welcome to my new fic. Tell me if you like it!

Disclaimer:(sigh) No, wish I did though.


A woman with dark raven hair and lighting blue eyes walked through the woods on the night of the blue moon. The moonlight made her seem ethreal as she headed to the place that would give her an incredible power. What she didn't know was that evil and greedy mages did not want her obtain any kind of power. She was enough trouble to them already but they knew that she was too powerful for them kill so they decided to get rid of her by other means.

They would send her to another dimension and make it where she would forget all of her memories of ever living in this dimension. She would start a whole new life in a weaker dimension. One that would surely not make her any stronger. The dimension was none other than the dimension of Earth.

Chapter one: Powers

Kagome climbed out of the ancient well with her enormous yellow bag. She looked around her, taking in the beautiful scenery. She took a deep breath, relishing in the untainted air.

'This is why I love the Sengoku Jidai.' she thought.

Kagome loved the this time because this time was untouched. It was not yet touched by man. The only thing that it was touched by was mother nature herself. Shaking out of her revery, she rose up from the hard wood of the well and headed for the village to meet up with Inuyasha and the others.

Kagome had been in the Sengkou Jidai for four years now. She had defintely matured during that time and had learned many things. She had come to the conclusion that Inuyasha would never be able to truly let go of the memory of Kikyo. She had seen them together enough to know that. It still surprised her that when she did decide this that she didn't take it as hard as she thought she would. Maybe it was the fact that even though she was not the one chosen by Inuyasha, he could still find his happiness within Kikyo and that was all she really wanted, his happiness. She just hoped that Kikyo didn't have any plans on taking Inuyasha to hell anytime soon. That was something she could not except and would definitely prevent from happening.

Another thing she had decided long ago was that even though she might be the reincarnation of the miko, Kikyo, she was still her own person. Personally, she thought that Kikyo and her were more like twins. They might look alike but their personalities had nothing in common.

By this time she had reached the village. Perched on a hill, she looked downt the peaceful village and smiled. Everytime she came to the village she thought how her abnormal life had started again.


After hearing the exclamation, Shippo pounced on the young miko and hugged the life out of her.

"Kagome-okasan! I missed you! Do you have any chocolate?"

"I missed you too, Shippo and yes, I have some chocolate."


Kagome put her hand in one of the many pockets of her backapack and gave him a Hersey bar. She looked up and saw Inuyasha and the rest coming.

"Hi, guys!"

"Hello Kagome-sama."Miroku said.

"Hi Kagome! I'm glad your back."

"Wench! What took you so long!?

Kagome huffed and said,"What do you mean 'what took me so long?' What kind of greeting is that and I said I would stay at my time for three days and I did just that."

Sango and Miroku looked on with bored expressions on their faces. They had just seen eachother and what do they do? Fight of course.

"Whatever wench! I know the truth. You like going to your time because you just like to sit on your lazy ass!"

Kagome face flushed with anger as everyone around the clearing thought 'Inuyasha, you baka!'

"Thats it! SIT!"

Inuyasha plunged to the ground

"What was that for, wench?' his muffled voice asked.

"For not calling me by my name and being such a jerk! Believe it or not my name is not wench."

Miroku decided to interrupt the argument so he stepped up and said, "I am glad that your back, Kagome-sama."

"Yes, things aren't the same when your not around."added Sango.

Shippo jumped up on Kagome's shuolder with a chocolate smeared mouth and said, "Yeah, it is different. Instead of being a hotheaded jerk. Inuyasha sulks around like a little puppy."



Inuyasha was about to chase Shippo and beat the living daylights out of him, but he forgot about Kagome.

"OSWARI! Inuyasha don't be mean to Shippo and Shippo don't provoke him."

Inuyasha just cursed into the cold earth while Shippo looked down at his feet ashamed and said,"Sorry."

"Thats alright."

"Kagome-sama, I think it would be a good decision to head out." Miroku suggested.

"Yeah, we might as well go."

Sango called to Kirara to come. Kirara meowed and jumped into Sango's arms and everyone started to head out. Inuyasha pulled his head from the ground and yelled,"HEY! Don't leave me here!"

Inuyasha caught up to them and took the lead.


'We've been walking forever.' Kagome thought.

The sky was filled with hues of gold and pink signaling to the group of shard hunters that twilight was now upon them. Kagome and the others were extremely exhausted. Kagome asked Inuyasha to let them rest for the night.

"No, we need to find a jewel shard or at least find some traces of Naraku." Inuyasha said firmly.

"Inuyasha, whats the point of finding a jewel shard or finding Naraku if we are too tired to fight?"

"Listen to her for once, Inuyasha. We all need some rest and if you don't let us have some rest, I swear I'm going to hit you so hard with my Hiriakotsu that you will have amnesia."

"I too would not mind for a rest." Miroku said.

Inuyasha looked like was about to explode. How could they even think of rest when they might be so close to finding a shard? Were they brain dead or some thing? He supposed that they did need some rest. They were only human. He turned his head to the side and said,"Feh! Alright we can rest here for the night."

Shippo didn't say anything for he had fallen asleep, along with Kirara, in Kagome's bicycle basket a few hours ago.

The group was about to settle down when suddenly Kagome sensed a shard. She told the group. Sango and Miroku immediatly stood up and took fighting stances. Inuyasha took out his tetsiaga and smirked.

"Alright, we get to have a jewel shard after all."

Right then a huge snake demon burst through the trees snapping them like toothpicks.. He examined the group and hissed out,"Give me your jewel shards."

Inuyasha retaliated by saying, "I think you got it backwards. I'm going to take the jewel shard you have."

Inuyasha glanced at Kagome and asked,"Kagome, where is the jewel shard?"

"Its in his forehead."

"Alright, this is going to be easy."

Inuyasha leaped up and swung his mighty fang down, but the youkai moved out of the way just time and started heading for Kagome. Sango swung her hiraikotsu trying to intervene the demon's advances toward her friend but the snake dodged easily and knocked her and Miroku with its cold scaly tale. Inuyasha tried to attack him again but he was smacked into a tree by the snake demon's mighty tail. He was effectively left temporarily unconcious. There was nobody to protect Kagome but herself.

Kagome tried to shoot an arrow but was caught in the tail of the snake youkai before she had a chance to do so. Kagome screamed and yelled,"Let me go!"

"Not until you give me your jewel shards."


"Then you must die, ningen."

He started to tighten his tail slowly squeazing the life out of the unfortunate miko. Kagome was thinking about everything that had happened so far since she had arrived in this time. When she met the hot tempered hanyou, Inuyasha. When she met the fun-loving Shippo.When she met the lecherous yet wise monk, Miroku.When she had met the strong and kind demon slayer Sango. When she learned about the evil Naraku. They had all gotten so far together. She couldn't let this happen. They were not meant to die here. She was not meant to die. She refused to die and she refused to let the fate of her friends be turned over to this evil scum.

As she was thinking all this she started to get angry, really angry. Her rage consumed her, so much that she could not even feel the youkai holding her anymore.

Unknown to her, she started to glow a bright blue. Her anger was igniting a power deep within her. It was begging to be let out. Kagome opened her eyes to reveiled blue orbs glowing with power filled with rage, determination, and purpose. Kagome screamed as she unleashed her power unleashing her from the hold of her captor. He was starting to regenerate, but Kagome raced toward the youkai's forhead and let out a huge energy ball that consumed the whole demon's head. Kagome bent down and picked up and purified the jewel shard.

Slowly her eyes lost their glow and returned to their stormy blue hue. Kagome looked down at the shard in complete shock. How did she do that? She barely remebered anything. All she remembered was how she got so angry and how pure hot power started to fill her body from head to toe. Where did it all come from? She looked around and looked at her unconscious friends and the still sleeping Shippo and demon cat.

'How the heck did they stay asleep this whole time?' Kagome thought increduously.

Kagome went over to Inuyasha and whispered, "Inuyasha, please wake up."

Inuyasha must of heard the miko's soft voice for he groaned out softly,"Kagome."

His eyes shot open and looked around franticly as he yelled ,"Kagome!"

"Yes, I'm here. Are you all right?"

Inuyasha brought Kagome to him and hugged her very tight. It seemed like he believed that if he didn't hold her tight she would dissapear from his grasp.

"I thought I was going to lose you." Inuyasha whispered.

Inuyasha saw Sango and Miroku a few feet away still unconscious. Inuyasha backed away with shock in his eyes. He looked down at Kagome.

"Kagome . . . how the hell did you survive?"

"I'll explain when Sango and Miroku wake up. Lets just find another clearing to stay for the night, please."


Inuyasha got up as Kagome went over Kirara and woke her up.

"Kirara, I need you to carry Sango and Miroku."

Kirara meowed and jumped from the basket and tranformed as Inuyasha came over and put both Sango and Miroku down.

Inuyasha started to walk away as Kagome slowly started to follow. Both were lost in their thoughts.


The shard hunters were all gathered around a warm, blazing fire. Everyone was now awake and ready to listen to Kagome's story.

Sango said,"Alright Kagome, please explain what happened."

Kagome sighed and explained to the best of her ability on what happened. When she was finished everyone looked shock. Nobody was sure what to say. They all thought how their Kagome could ever do what she just described to them. It just seemed so impossible. Fortunately, Shippo broke the uneasy silence.

"Kagome," he whispered aghastly, "you really did all that? Wow.

"You have got to be kidding me. How could you do all that?" Inuyasha asked harshly.

"I don't know. I don't see how I did it." Kagome said quietly too much in a shocked state to be angered by Inuyasha.

"I still can't believe what I'm hearing, but I'm glad your okay, Kagome." Sango said warmly.

"Thanks Sango."

"Kagome, you said that when you started to get angry that some unknown power started to emerge. Am I right?" Miroku asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I'm suspecting that since your a miko and that power is usually triggered by emotion that maybe since you haven't had to use too much power lately your power started to build up. When you got angry your power demanded to be released so that is why you unleashed all that power. Your built up energy needed to be released."

"Yeah, that might right." Kagome said. Her voice potrayed how tired she was from the tiring day.

Sango looked at Kagome and noticed how tired she was so she suggested to get some rest and continue this conversation tomorrow when they weren't so tired. They all eagerly agreed and so everyone settled down and drifted into a much needed sleep.

Before she went asleep, Kagome thought about what Miroku said. She wasn't sure if Miroku was right. When she did all that she felt like she knew what she was doing. It was like she had done those kind of attacks many times before, but how could that be? She had never done anything like that, right? This was so confusing. She could understand how she could've had built up power. The thing was that when she did that she felt like she knew exactly what she was doing. How could she have done those attacks when she had done anything like that in her whole life. Kagome was starting to get a major headache because she was so confused and decided to just go asleep. She could just think on the matter in the morning. Kagome then fell into a calm sleep under the blue moon.


Much later, Kagome was viciously brought out of her sleep when Inuyasha yelled for Kagome to get up.

"What is it!?" Kagome asked groggily.

Inuyasha didn't turn to Kagome. He just kept staring into sky with a scowl on his face.

He growled out,"Its Sesshoumaru."

**************************************************** **********

Thats it! Did I do good on the cliffhanger? If you want to kill me right now, I'm thinking I did. Don't forget to review and tell me if I should flush this fic down the toilet or continue because it isn't half bad! Or at least rate my fic. If you can't do either then thank you for at least reading. Well gotta go. Bye!