InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hikari’s match was next on the docket and I met up with the hottest male on campus his name is Katsu and my best friend, sorry girls he’s taken by that bitch over there my other best friend Hikari, Katsu and Hikari have been dating for years we all went to high school together me a year behind them and then we went to college and again I was a year behind them but finished in 2 years for my degree while they going for a 4 year degree. I and Hikari have been roomies since her senior year and all through college.
Remember when she almost walked in on you all those times of course she sees our facial mark and the one on our hand but she has no clue as to my hair color or my eyes or my ears. So good thing I had an anchor besides my glasses which I take off every time I shower. Well good thing I spelled that necklace too. Now about that boy that was following you what are you going to do if he shows up again?
I don’t know will you shut up now my friend is about to make the Olympic archery team. Uh oh Katsu just spotted me now I’m going to have my ear talked off by him, girls here is a description of Katsu if you are wondering, he is about 6'1 dark blonde hair, very broad shoulders with a chiseled chest and the clothes he was wearing accented that Hot body, dark stone washed jeans with a black wife beater with a unbuttoned blue dress t-tee over top it. It has got to be illegal somewhere to be that Hot! Not that his girl friend minded she got the attention to I mean 5'7 blonde hair, grey green eyes that change with her mood she is one volatile bitch, and she was dressed to kill at this competition black jeans with a pink tank top that bared her midriff with a tiny belly button ring.

Hey K how’s it going, what are you up to, how come you aren’t living with Hikari any more?
Konye: Hey Katsu it is going and I’m up to no good I went back home cause my sister finally came home. I am still sending rent money so she don’t have to worry bout that she just has to live on take out and frozen dinners for a little while longer.

Katsu: what brings you here now is it your friend qualifying for the Olympic team, she is only 2 points from winning first place and a spot on the team, or you just wanted to see my handsome face.

Konye: Handsome yes, for you no you already have enough on you plate with her she is killer today.

Announcer: Quite please I will announce the final four who also get a spot on the Japan archery team,
first: Hikari Asumi= gold
second: Nori Saki = silver
third: Kasumi Ayeka = bronze
fourth: Daiki Setuna

the fans for Ari applauded wildly for her cause it has always been her dream to compete in the Olympics. Ari came running up and literally jumped Katsu.

Ari: Hey Katsu did you hear that I’m going to the Olympics, oh hey K.. ! K ! Your finally back Yay now we can go do some guy shopping for you!
Konye: easy now Ari yeah I’m back I will spend the whole week with you but then I got to catch a plane for the Americas with my sister so I will spend as much time with Ya’ll as I can, so can Ya’ll do dinner I’m starving oh and it is on me .^_^.
Ari: ok if it is on you lets go to your restaurant the tiger bowl. .^_^.
Konye: if we go there it really isn’t on me it would be free but ok if it is the tiger bowl you want then we will go there to celebrate your gold.
Ari: Yeah that is where I want to go and can I bring a friend besides my boyfriend?
Konye: Sure do I know them?
Ari: I don’t think you do his name is Kazuko he is a professor at a community college near here, he teaches the culinary arts program I hear he went to the CIA for his culinary training. Ok let me go change and give him a buzz and then we will get gone.
Konye: Ok we will wait.
~do you think this is a good idea I mean, I might actually like this guy also I have the sinking suspicion that she’s trying to set me up and hey I have never had a boyfriend and never gone out except to manage my restaurant, and to top it all off he is a culinary arts professional and hey I’m one to except on a 2 year degree and already have 3 restaurants under my belt and I’m only 20 so it would be a long stretch that he would even give me the time of day.~
Ari: Ok all set, He said he would meet us at The Tiger Bowl and as far as I know he does not know you own that restaurant.
Konye: Did you guys drive or will I have to tow Ya’ll around.
Hikari: No we towed our selves I drove. Hey I got to go pick up some stuff I will meet you guys there okay K
Katsu: Hey K do you mind giving me a ride she brought me?
Konye: Sure lets get going Katsu. I want to beat the traffic rush hour kills me when I’m on the bike.
Katsu: Let me go get my bag, Ari picked me up from work. Ok lets go times a wasting
Konye: Kas do you know any thing about that Professor Ari invited?
Kas: Not really I took a couple of his classes for my job as a inspector he was nice then and Ari took his basic cooking class so she could survive with out your amazing cooking. I have never met him outside the class room so I don’t know what he would be like outside of the class.

They got on the Harley Davidson, I got the front he gets to hang on.
We zoomed off to the tiger bowl took us five minutes with Katsu whining for me to slow down.

Konye: Hey Katsu we are here you can let go now. Katsu are you ok do I need to pry you off me so we can go in.
Katsu:*weakly* Yeah K you need to pry my hands off from around you I think I’m stuck.
Konye: Ha ha * pries his clutched hands from around her middle* Hey Kas I think you need to walk around a little out here to work some feeling back in to your body. When you are ready to come in tell the waiter that your with me and ask for the VIP room, here is your and Ari’s, VIP cards and I will tell them I have a guest coming what was his name again and tell Ari to call and tell him to tell the waiter his name and he will be let him in.

Katsu made the call and told Ari what K told him.
Katsu: Hello Ari I need you to call that friend of yours and instruct he to give the waiter his name and he will be escorted to the VIP section where she will be waiting; she will be deciding on the next menus and cooking for us in the VIP Kitchen.
Ari: Ok I will call and tell him that. Hey Katsu do you think she suspects anything?
Katsu: No I don’t think she does but you never know her cunning mind of hers.
Ari: Ok Kas I’m going to hang up and call Kazuko and tell him and I will call you right back
Konye: Hey everybody I’m back for a week any trouble while I was gone? Anything blow up?
Ruben: No ma’am nothing is wrong nothing blew up, but we need you to choose new menus for the coming year so will you take a look and tell us what you think of our menu plans and design and the VIP kitchen is stocked and ready for use.
Konye: Thank you and I will look over the menus and choose the best one have bobby send up drinks, water, and tea.
Ruben: Yes ma’am I will have it sent up
Konye: Thank you.

Going up the back stairs to her Private lounge area, complete with its own kitchen and restroom, unlike the restaurant below this space was decorated by her to suit her tastes. Her personal collector’s pieces, lord of the rings, highlander collector memorabilia, and things were missing yes that is because she brought some of the pieces home and are now in a secure place in another time.

She sat at one of the tables and laid out the menus before her she hemmed and hawed over them, she was so deep in thought that she did not sense or hear someone come up the stair, from the main dining room.
Kazuko: I like the one on the left.
Konye: Ahh!!! Who are you!! And how did you get up here!!
Kazuko: hello Konye I’m Kazuko Himura I’m the friend that Ari invited.
Konye: Oh Hello I’m Konye Higurashi, the owner and manager of the Tiger Bowl.
Kazuko: Nice to meet you so you are the owner of this humble establishment I see you were in the process of choosing menus.
Konye: Yes I was would you like to help?
Kazuko: Sure...
Over the next few hours they poured over the menus eliminating this one and that one finally they narrowed it down to two, and those two are the ones I will use then.
Konye: *looks at her watch* Wow it has been 3 hours since we started this; I wonder where my friends are? Hey are you hungry I could fix us something it is fully stocked up here.
Kazuko: Sure whatever you want * Wow it must have took her a long time to open and run her restaurant* Hey Konye I have a question for you how old were you when you opened up the Tiger Bowl?
Konye: you can call me K and I was 18 when I opened the restaurant I have been away for most of the year so I left it in the capable hands of my soups chef and her staff. Hey you want to cook I need to get home and talk to my friends tomorrow and see my sister.
Kazu: Oh I’m not hungry want me to walk you out to your car it is dark out and the vandals like to hang out about here tonight.
K: Sure I enjoyed your company tonight
Kazu: As I enjoyed yours. Oh did Ari tell you that I am a professor at the community college, I teach the culinary arts classes, and I went to the CIA for 3 years before they offered me a teaching position,
K: Well I took a 2 year degree from that same college I graduated with a 3.9 with culinary arts degree and that was 2 years ago and I have three restaurants under my belt.
Kazu: Wow so you are 20 and just wow I’m 27 and a teacher. Hey do you want to do this again but with meal this time?
K: Is that an offer for a date sir? Then my answer is yes I will enjoy another evening out with you I will cook for you.
Kazu: How about we cook together and see where the day goes.

During that conversation he led her to her motorcycle and bid her good bye. Is that such a good idea K, well I did enjoy his company so did you I can tell and he is a demon too I can smell it on him but he has got a good spell on him. I think he is a golden dog youkai, I cant tell for sure but he smelt good. So K where are we gonna go you left our mom a note saying we would be back by sundown and it is kinda passed then, I know she would still be up waiting for us but it is such a long drive to the shrine so how bout we crash at our apartment and call mom now and tell her were we are. Good thinking I will call mom and tell her we are gonna crash at our apt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ she takes out her cell phone and speed dials home, just as she thought her mom was waiting by the phone. Amaya: hello Konye is that you dear? Where are you will you be home tonight or are you gonna crash at your apartment with Ari. Konye: Yeah mom it is me im at the Tiger Bowel, I wont be home tonight so im gonna crash at my place. Is that ok mom I will come home first thing in the morning and talk to you and kagome together and I met some one tonight he is a teacher at the community college and he is a chef. I will tell you more tomorrow when I get home well im gonna go, so good night and mom I love you. Amaya: I love you to sweetie, don’t to forget to switch your anchor from your glasses to your ring we don’t want Ari to know all about you. Konye. Ok mom bye. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Konye hopped on her bike and started to drive to the apartment that was a few blocks away from the restaurant. When she got there she put her motorcycle under the cover and went up to her apt, unlocked the door got in and locked it back up and went to the bathroom to wash up and then to her room to get her night clothes. She settled down on the couch to look over her menus one more time before going to bed little did she know five minutes passed and she passed out cold.

To be cont.
the end for now