InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ari:*Yawn, prowls about getting clothes out and in to the bathroom for a quick shower*
~hmm I wonder if K made it home after all I stood her up in favor of that blind date~

Ari comes out of her room bright eyed and bushy tailed, then she notices Konye on the couch looking totally different from when they had met the previous day now she was looking at a golden haired girl with the symbol of Pluto on her head.

*thinking those were not there yesterday*
~moan, grunt Konye opened her eyes to see a startled Ari standing over her then let out a blood curdling scream and trust me it was bad so bad that the neighbors came running and pounding on the door~

Konye: Hey Hikari it’s me K your best friend.

she looked down and sure enough the crests on her hands and her chest were there clear of crystal in all their teal glory. Oops I guess I did not switch my anchor last night. Ari fainted and I went to answer the door with my spell in place.
Konye: sorry about the wake up call it is just that my roomies is deathly afraid of spiders and she woke up to one sitting on the kitchen table, I’m so very sorry I have to go get that spider so she don’t faint again.
She closed the door and let out a huge sigh I guess I have to tell her about the past and all that well got to wake her up. She went to the kitchen and got a glass of water and a glass of milk and a wet cloth, and set about waking her friend.
Konye: hey friend wake up, wake up girl she took the cloth and soaked it in the water and rung it out over her face. *she was coming too and was about to scream again, puts hand over her mouth* Ari it is me Konye your best friend I’m going to take my hand away and explain things to you but you must not scream again ok.
Ari: *shakes head to say yes* so you are K my friend who was on the couch this morning?
Konye: that would be me in my real state, Ari you are a practical girl so I trust you but you must trust me in this I will not hurt you or our friends that means Kas and that dude last night ok.
First there are other things out there aside from humans, demons do exist ok all of them behave like humans though some don’t but that is expected. I’m a good demon I am Konye Kishana Higurashi I will not harm you I am a dog demon I’m going to show you my real self clearly. Are you ok with this?
Ari: oh I’m fine just a little crazed that I have been living with a demon for 3 years and not know it are you the only one I know are there others that you hang out with can I meet them?
K: Ari slow down you know that professor you set me up with last night he is a demon too. So you already know him and well I have no other demon friends in this time.
Ari: what do you mean this time?
K: Remember that legend that we learned about in high school about that hanyou pinned to a tree and a miko saved him and they journeyed all over Japan to find the shards of the shikon jewel and defeat the evil bastard that wanted to control the world?
Ari: Yeah what of it the miko could traverse time and go back and forth and then the well she used to travel sealed it self with her on the other side so she was never able to come back.
K: that is partly true you know my last name right? Well that miko is my sister and I just brought her back yesterday so the story is true. Now I have a question for you, you can stay here and think about what I have told you or you could come with me to my house and meet Kagome and try to come with me to the past and train with the elemental power you already have you can call Kas and tell him about me but I would rather be here for that, but I have to go home and talk to my family and drop the menus I have chosen at the restaurant. All in all it is up to you to choose I won’t make a fuss and we will still be friends for ever.
Ari: I will come with you; we will talk to Katsu later. I will drive and you will ride your bike it will give me some more time to think. Ok
Konye: ok Friends?
Ari: Best Friends. .^_^.

Konye: Ok how about I get up and fix breakfast and then we will go.

Two hours later the friends separated to go to there different vehicles Ari followed me to the restaurant and then to the shrine. When they got there they saw a flash of red jump up to a window.

~Oh Great now i have to explain about Hanyous~
I went up to the door and used my key to get in Ari followed me inside, there sitting on the couch holding a crying Kagome on the couch was the hanyou of legend Inuyasha
Konye: hey Inu where is mom?
Inu: in the kitchen Konye, how you doing?
Konye: I’m fine and this is my friend Hikari, don’t scare her she just found out there are other things other than humans out in the world. ~*~
Ari: I am not afraid of a silly hanyou who’s so love struck he wont hurt a fly and being a human that loves any thing weird so be it.
Inu: you have got some spunk kid too bad I’m taken and you are too it smells like?
You have the touch of a male on you so strongly that it has to be your boyfriend.
K: I will tell you more about that later let’s go find mom.

Amaya: Konye is that you sweetie?
Konye: yeah mom it is me and I brought a friend to meet you, you remember Hikari right from the days when I was in school and then I moved out I went to live with her.
Amaya: yeah of course I remember her she has been your best friend forever. Don’t tell me she found you out? She did so you brought her home did you tell Katsu yet because if you tell him then you could bring him home too.
K: ha ha very funny mom she came totally on her own.
Ari: yeah I followed her here ma’am
Amaya: just call me mom or Aya Ari, none of that ma’am stuff
Ari: ok Aya I came here on my own.
Amaya: there that is better not so formal now how about you two go out into the living room and talk to kagome and Inuyasha I will bring drinks for ya’ll
K: ok mom, do you know why sis was crying when I came in?
Amaya: I thought you could smell it Jii-chan died in his sleep this morning.
Ok my grandfather is dead I wonder did he make it to heaven or is he stuck like he was last time, don’t worry grandfather I will take care of kags and Souta for you and the shrine I will personally close it up till I can find a new priest or priestess. I will grieve for you later grandpa right now I need to watch over Kagome and my friends.

K: so that is why inu was holding kagome when we came in.
Ari: ok who is Inu and I’m sorry that your grandpa died
K: Thank you, and Inu is short for my soon to be brother in law he is the hanyou of legend just as my sister is the miko of legend, Inuyasha. He is a half demon as in half human, half dog demon, he has a full blood brother that loves him but they fight a lot, and kagome in the past has another sister named Sango and a lecher named Miroku and a son, a fox demon kit named Shippo.
Ari: you mean that young man that used to pick you up to go to work was a demon?
K: yep just like the other ones you would meet if you were to come with us when we go back. Hey mom I will have the restaurant bring some food for the rest of the week so we can mourn grandfather, I know he will be missed at the restaurant we will set up some sort of wake for him and he asked me a while ago to close up the shrine until I either came back and tended it or found a worthy replacement as head priest or priestess. And all the proceeds taken in the next week are to be given to the shrine to keep in trust for the new person. And all my monthly checks from all my restaurants will come to you and you can deposit them in to the family account to live off of until I get back.
Amaya: thank you honored daughter I will take good care of my fathers wishes. And honored daughter Kagome I am glad you are finally home you have been missed, your grand father loved everyone very much even you Inuyasha. He left you this * hands Inu a letter and a sword*
he requested that you read that away from the house.
Inu: Thank you Mom I will honor him.
Konye: wait Inuyasha I need to ask you some things before you take off.
Inuyasha: let me guess sister it is explaining to your friend what a hanyou is?
Konye: well not exactly I was going to ask you to come over to our apartment to talk to her boyfriend, I have not exactly been very forthcoming about who I am and I might need the back up. Don’t worry I will put a spell on you to make you look normal, so you don’t have to wear that ugly cap ok I will spell one of your beads on your necklace and only you can activate it ok. It will make your ears disappear and normal ones on the side of your head don’t worry they are not real just a nifty bit of magic. So you will still have silver hair and gold eyes, still hear, see, smell, like your self the spell just hides those facts but you will have to change clothes, I have some in your size I think. *rummages around in bag* here we go black baggy pants and a loose red shirt made from fire rat fur.
Inu: Fire rat fur, I was not aware they still existed. How did you come by it?
Konye: you know I run a restaurant right well I have demon rats in habiting my basement and they happen to be fire rats so a gracious few gave their lives for you to have that shirt and pants I made them a while back in hopes of meeting you one day.
Inu: Thank you Konye I will take very good care of them, I will go change while you put that spell on that bead.
K: Ok Inu, Your welcome

while Inuyasha tried the clothes on I was busy putting that spell on that bead.