InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My True self ❯ Chapter 15

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
With the evil gone the people came out of hiding, overall most were older women and children and a few pregnant women, few men. Her earlier estimate had been wrong there were nearly fifty villagers some hurt some sick. She told Sango to get the general.

Konye: Ok General I really need your help. I need you to take the children and men back to the castle on foot, while I take the pregnant ones and sick at one time ok.
Gen Kekoa: Ok I will see to it that they get to the castle safely.
Konye: Ok Sango I need you to help the mothers to be in a circle with the sick ones in the middle. Tell me when you are ready.
Sango: ok ladies I need you go gather in a circle join hands and what ever you do do not let go.
“Konye, we are ready here”
Konye: Ok * She used the power of the warrior to shimmer them back to the courtyard where the infirmary was. Good thing Sess took the kids out into the forest surrounding the castle near the hospital.* Ok ladies is every one ok. Yes then follow me to the hospital, “hey Monk are you here”
Ari: No, he is not at the moment that pervert is out cold on my cot.
Konye: Ok and why is he out cold when you should not even be up and moving about. Where is he, and can you help me with these ladies.
Ari: he is on my cot and I will if I did not get nauseous when I move, I barely got over here when sess came in and helped me dress his wounds and back over here, before I passed out a few minutes ago.
Konye: ok I will come to you and remove the healing so you can move about to help me with the pregnant women and we will see where we are in five minutes.
Ari: Why do I have to help you, mean I heard there were some kids here and I am better qualified to look after them than pregnant women.
Konye: Sesshoumaru has them under control right now. Right now, I need your help to get these women to cots and make sure they are comfortable for now. Besides, you just got through your first battle and you are nauseous from moving. Therefore, if you will let me do this then we, as in you and me can plan and help build the refugee camp that needs to be built with modern things. That only we can get. Are you ok with that?
Ari: how can I argue when you put it so beautifully, and for the record, I was kidding with you I would help you with your patients I am not cold hearted, as people seem to believe?
When they got the women comfortable and checked them over, she estimated two of the women were about ready to pop and the others were not that far along but had them stay over night just to be sure. I had time before to expand the place so it now held about 25 beds and had a small hearth for cooking and mixing potions, rough built cabinets, stools.
Furniture that will hold up against almost anything. As I checked the two women over that were due at any time, I had Kaede set two pots of water to heat as well as a teakettle, for some willow bark tea.
Konye: Ok Kaede I am going to go outside and find Sesshoumaru and the pups I left him with, as well as the new comers from the latest town, to check them over and catalog them.
Kaede: Ok I will watch them
As she made her way to the northwest gate to find the pups and their guardian, on the way she bumped in to Kazuko, knocking him and myself, down.
Kazuko: oof! Hey, watch it you going to kill someone that way!
Konye: Sorry Kazu was not watching where I was going.
Kazu: That is ok, where were you going in such a hurry.
Konye: I have to find sess before sundown and get every one cataloged, before the next attack Hey can you do me a favor. Can you round up the newcomers and the kids that are not out with sess, and meet me at the flagpole.
Kazu: Sure
Konye: thank you
That conversation wound to an end. She began her hunt again, and tracked sess to the northern wood, so she jogged to get them and herd the kids in to supper. She came upon the group where sess was giving a lesson in tracking, so as to be undiscovered she used her magic to conceal her sound and sent, and gave herself the power of flight, by doing that her hair changed color from is normal chocolate brown to the purple odangos with pink tips signaling the use of air. While using the power she snuck up behind sess who was watching little Laura track a squirrel, the others where being silent as they could be, it did not last for long, before sess turned around and yanked on air, effectively knocking her down out of the air with a hand the size of a small ham around her throat.
Sess: Do not ever sneak up behind me again Konye. I could have killed you. I do not want to kill you K just never sneak up on me again. It is just... do not do it again are we clear Lady Konye.
Konye: Yeah Crystal clear. Ok every one time to head back.
Kids: Aww miss K, Lord Sesshoumaru was giving us lessons.
Konye: I know that kids but it is almost dinnertime and you do not want to miss that now would you, if you stay out here all the others will gobble every thing up.
She and Sess hung back to talk so as not to have prying ears.
Sess: I do not know how you concealed your youkai; no, you do not have to explain how you did that.
Konye: Ok fine with me. “Sorry Ari wants to talk to me”
Ari: hey K, Kagome is starting to come to I think you should get here before she wakes up
Konye: Yeah be right there.
Konye: Sess I am sorry I would walk back with you but I have a possible crisis on my hands, I need to shimmer to get back to Kagome as fast as I can.
Sess: can you take more than your self by way of shimmering? Because I might need to head off her mate as long as I can to let you work.
Konye: Hey, you know that is an amazing idea I might need the help thank you.
Konye reached out and grabbed the lord by the hand. To anybody that might have been watching, like a certain gold eyed Inu it seemed to get the wrong idea. That when she grabbed his hand and pulled him close one could assume the worst but in reality, they needed to be that close in order to get both of them safely to the destination. Greatly to the misunderstanding of Kazuko who was taking a walk to find a place to draw
~Kazuko’s inner thoughts~
Konye how could you do this to me
I loved you then I find you in the forest with Him, I thought you had feelings for me.
So began Kazuko’s inner turmoil,
~Normal pov~

Konye and Sesshoumaru arrived at the infirmary just as Inuyasha rounded the corner.
Konye: Sess why do not you go head your brother off while I check on Kagome.
Sess: sure thing.
Inuyasha: GOD DAMNIT SESSHOUMARU WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU KEEPING ME FROM MY MATE! I WANT TO SEE HER; WHY I HAVE NOT BEEN ALLOWED TO SEE HER FOR TWO DAYS! * Unknowingly to Inuyasha he was transformed, all he wanted was to see his future mate and it was being not allowed to do so.*
Sesshoumaru calmly engaged his younger brother the transformed Inuyasha, both using tooth and nail to keep the other distracted while Konye checked on Kagome. Konye entered the hut to find and eerily calm Ari and Miroku waiting by her waking patient, she kneeled down and assessed Kagome’s health. She found that the wound healed and showed no means of infection outside or inside the wound. Moving back up to her head she called upon her healing power to erase the last bit of healing/sleep magic from her system. As kagome was slowly coming to, she got a mug of warm water and from her belt she pulled a vile that contained little pebbles of tea, this tea was meant to relive headaches the natural way, willow bark tea it may taste disgusting but it works.
Konye: *best bedside voice* It is ok Kagome, Your all right, you were felled in battle I repaired your knee. Hey do you think you are up for visitors I know to people who would love to see you. *smiles gently*
Kagome: Oh, how long was I out?
Konye: Oh for about three days, two in a healing sleep and one in a normal deep sleep. Now I need to go get your “future mate” out of trouble. hehe
Konye exited the building to find the brothers still going at it, I gathered my Magic over water and well “ gave them the preverbal cold shower” that got there attention and I moved to intercept Inuyasha, but not stopping it before it hurt some one, she had his claws buried in her neck. Ignoring the wounds, she began to growl and yip in the native Inu language telling him that “Mate awake, need you”. Finally looking up at his brother, something snapped in side of him he instantly became aware of himself in his transformed state. He was now aware that Konye was telling him kagome is awake that she needed him to calm down.
Transformed Inu: Konye what did I do to you, your bleeding.
Konye: It is ok Inu; I will be fine you need to see Kagome.
Normal Inu: Konye you are not ok, you are bleeding from my wound in your neck you need to be tended to, come on Konye lets go see Kagome and get you tended to.
If Konye was weak, it is because on the shear amount of blood she has lost in the span of a few minutes so she gratefully leaned on the brothers for support. They made it in to the building and set her down on a free cot one of the young women vacated upon seeing their caretaker bleeding like that Ari managed to make the poultice again to apply to her wounds in time, seeing as too much more blood loss can lead to... “Well you know”.
Ari: we need to rouse her enough to get her to apply her own healing magic to her wounds. Will someone go get Kazuko? His Aura should do the trick in rousing her.
Sess: I will
Sess exited the building to find Kazuko, Sess found him at the south end of the buildings, training yard he was busy taking all of his frustration out on the poor training dummy, leaving the dummy in shreds. Sess approached him cautiously and calmly drew the men’s attention to him instead of the dummy. Engaging the younger man in simple combat, Sesshoumaru told him of his girlfriend’s plight and how he needs to be there for her right now. Kazu asked what happened to Konye, Sess replied that my brother struck her while intervening between me and Inuyasha in his transformed state and she is not healing as she needs to she has already lost a lot of blood, she needs you there to calm her down so she can heal properly. What you mean you will not go you want her to die, ok I can tell something happened Can you tell me Kazuko, oh i see you saw her and me get close in the woods earlier, and again when you were coming to see her? Ok at least i can set you straight. There is nothing going on between Lady Konye and me. She needed me to get closer so she could take both of us to a concentrated location with out mishap. The second time she was leaning on both me and my brother for support to get her in to the building. That answer you, now if you would kindly follow me and we can get her healed.
Sess came back with Kazu in tow, he knelt by Konye and let his aura wash over her, thinking of his love for her and the protectiveness he feels for her when in this vulnerable state. Her eyes drifted open to see her love Kazu kneeling beside her and the love she felt in his aura. Gave her body and mind a reason to heal. All of a sudden, a bright light erupted from her shoulder, surrounding her and Kazu in Bright Light As the light subsided, her wounds were healed but yet they remained but they were intermingled colors of Dark Blue and Green. Somehow her claw wounds reshaped them selves in to a heart that sparkled with Blue and Green magic, just then Kazu doubled over in pain holding his shoulder you could see the bright red blood stain in the shape of a heart appear on the fabric of his shirt. He carefully peeled back his shirt to find a Blue and Green heart there. Shortly there after Konye Fell in to a healing sleep because what ever happened with the light depleted her magic stores After about three days, she came out of the healing to wake up to a craziness that was labor. One of the girls she brought in last week was in labor. So she woke up to a veritable chaos, Ari was trying to calm the girl down while Kaede was checking down below.
Kaede: Child you are awake, can ye move?
Konye: Yes, i can do you need any help?
Kaede: Not at this time child, she has barely begun to widen, but if you can give me a mixture for the pain that wont hurt the babe?
Konye: Sure.. Ari can you hand me my belt purse?
Ari: Yeah do you need any thing else?
Konye: yeah i do can you put hot water in this container and say the word protect to keep the water warm and then you can find Kazuko and tell him to come talk to me i need to explain some things to him. Oh and Thank You Ari you are so helpful
As Ari left the compound Konye sorted out what she would need to make a soothing tea for the soon-to-be mom