InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Turn ❯ My Turn ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey ya'll... L.A. Here. Finally, I got around to writing this:

My Turn: The long-awaited sequel to “The Deadly Game.” Sesshomaru is determined to re-claim his lovely miko mate... But not before teaching her the consequences of her actions.

Why did they become mates to begin with? The answer awaits you inside...

Instead of using the lyrics to set the mood, like I did in 'The Deadly Game' and my other precious song fics, I decided to use the lyrics as part of the actual dialog of the story. This is a totally new concept for me, and hopefully it works out. So, don't be to harsh on your criticism, okay? Lol.

Here we go!


My Turn

Chapter 1: Reunions

Disclaimer: I own NADA!


Sesshomaru watched as his prey ran toward the village, the young demon slayer nearly dragging her. He smiled ruthlessly and followed silently. He knew that most of the village would still be asleep in these early hours of the morning, and the few people that dared to venture from their homes would merely retreat at the sight of him. He easily kept up with the pair of girls, keeping his mate in his sight.

'You'll be mine again, Love... Or no one will have you.'


InuYasha growled menacingly as he once again sliced the silky material with his claws. He threw it to the ground, adding to the growing pile of ruined cloth at his feet.

“Hey, maybe we can make pillows later...” Miroku joked from across the room, where he was cutting and wrapping sheets of material with no problem. InuYasha's growl of warning silenced him, and he turned back to his tedious task. “It's the only way we'll make use of what your wasting.” He mumbled to himself, his back turned to InuYasha.

The half demon of course heard his words clearly, but before he could retaliate, a small fur ball burst into the room.

“Hey guys!” Shippo greeted, hopping onto Miroku's shoulder. “Sango said that she was almost done with the nets...” He gazed down at the pile of material at Miroku's feet, then at InuYasha. Raising an eyebrow, he glanced back at Miroku. “How are you two doing on the tents??”

“Fine.” Miroku said. “InuYasha was merely preparing 'stuffing' for some pillows...” He teased, glancing over at InuYasha once again.

The hanyou was glaring, and picked up a heavy looking pipe. Miroku's eyes widened as he realized his friend's intentions, but before either of them could react, the door to the building they were inhabiting was thrown open. All three pairs of eyes widened in shock at who they saw.


Sesshomaru watched as the girls he was pursuing went to a building at the outskirts of the village. He suddenly sensed his half brother, and smiled evilly.

'Oh, this will be delicious...'


“K-Kagome...” Shippo whimpered from his perch on Miroku's shoulder, then suddenly launched himself at his surrogate mother. Kagome caught the little fox mid flight, and hugged him to her.

“Oh, how I missed you!” She whimpered into his fur, squeezing him tightly. Shippo, whom usually would have protested against such harsh love, simply returned the embrace with all his might.

“I missed you too!” He squeaked through his tears of joy. Upon her release of him, he pulled back to look up into her eyes, which were glittering with unshed tears. “I'm so glad you're back!”

“As am I!” Miroku agreed, finally being able to re-gain his voice. He went to his friend and hugged her lovingly. “But, may I ask; why?” He questioned gently. As much as he rejoiced in seeing her again, he knew of the arrangements of her departure in the first place, and was curious as to why they had been broken.

“Yes,” InuYasha suddenly spoke, slowly coming to Miroku's side. “Why are you back?” He, too, secretly rejoiced in her return, and wanted nothing more than to hug her tightly and never let go. However, he, even more than Miroku, also knew of the details of her leave, and also knew of the consequences were those agreements to be broken.

“Oh, don't worry about that! It's over, I left him!” The young miko chirped happily, cradling the small kitsune to her breast.

“You... 'left' him?” InuYasha asked critically, unsure of how to take this news. Honor and pride were deeply embedded in the tradition of demons, and his brother was one of the higher examples of this. InuYasha knew for sure that he would not have simply allowed his mate to leave him.

“Yes! She did! She came to me at the edge of the village.” The bubbly voice of the usually calm demon slayer broke InuYasha from his thoughts, and he turned his attention to her and the miko at her side with a grim smile.

“He knows of your departure, correct?” InuYasha asked, the wisdom he kept so well hidden emerging for a moment.

“Of course!” Kagome answered. She smiled and handed the warm ball of fur she held to the flirtatious monk at her side, then went to InuYasha. “I missed you the most.” She whispered in his ear, then quickly wrapped her arms around him, hugging him to her.

InuYasha was momentarily taken back by her actions, but quickly returned to warm embrace. “I missed you too, Kagome.” He whispered back, letting himself relax just a bit, in her arms.

Suddenly, the warm embrace was rudely interrupted, as Kagome was ripped from InuYasha's grasp. Three gasps of terrified shock and Kagome's whimper of fear also brought InuYasha back to the harsh reality.

Once he turned around, however, reality became even harsher. For, there stood his brother, with Kagome nestled in his arms.

“What are you doing here, she's not yours anymore!” InuYasha spat at his brother who now held a terrified Kagome in his arms.

“On the contrary dear brother.” Sesshomaru snarled, bending Kagome's neck back to show the distinct marking of their union.

InuYasha gasped and stepped back, then glared at Kagome.

“I thought you left him!”

“I did!” The frightened girl squeaked. “I left him a note that notified him of my departure-”

“You left him a note?! That was it? THAT was how you left him?!” InuYasha stared down at the girl in his brother's arms, astounded by her stupidity. “What- what are you trying to do? Kill us all?!”

'Now that,' Thought Sesshomaru, 'Wasn't a bad idea...'


Hope ya liked it. Not too sure on how long this story will be, or how I'm gonna go about everything, but not to worry... This will answer all questions from “The Deadly Game.” Promise.

Please Review!

Til Next Time...


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