InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My twisted life with a perverted monk ❯ Chapter 7

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Are you sure about this?"he asked me still not letting go of my hand
"Listen i dont only want to do this for you but my mom wants it as much as you do"i told
"She does?"he asked confused
"My mother has a desease called HIV that she got from her boyfriend after she had me.That
man was not my dad because my father died before i was born.That desease kills people and
there is no cure for it and before my mother dies she told me she wants at least one grandchild.
So you see if i do it,both of you will be happy"I told him
"So your mother is going to die.I'm really sorry"he told me sadly
I leaned and kissed him lightly on the lips.
"Its ok"i told him
"So when and where?"i asked him
He stayed thinking for a moment.How about tonight and i think i know the perfect place"
"If its a place were you have taken sango then im not going"i told
"No,no i have never taken anyone there.Is a real private place and i know you will love it."
Sango walked in.She looked at me and gave me a death glare.~If she keeps doing that im going
to rip those precious eyes out~i thought bitterly.
I smiled innoncently knowing that it would get on her nerve and it did.She never liked my smile even
if no one could resist it.I heard her saying it to Kagome once.When she bugged me smiled soo much
i thought my cheeks would never stop hurting.But it was all worth it in the end.
She sat next to Miroku and gave a fake smile.
"So Shina why are you really here?"she asked pretending to care.
~like you care.Plus i dont think you really want to know~i thought with a smirk
"I am here to do as destiny says"i told her
She grabbed on to MIrokus arm and and rested her head on his shoulder.I didnt do anything about it for the simple reason
hes mine and she cant have him.
"What does destiny say"she asked
"You dont want to know"i told her
"Why wouldnt i"she asked raising her head
"You ask too many question"i told her
"whatever"she said lowering her head
I waited patiently untill she reluctantly fell asleep.
~Finally~i thought
Miroku placed her inside one of the beds carefully.
"Come on lets go"i whispered to him
"Your in a hurry"he said sarcastically
"Where are you going?" asked Kagome walking in the hut.
"To make some babys"i whispered happily
"Finally.What took you guys soo long?"she joked
We smiled at her
"Well we have to go make those cuties quickly"i told her passing her as she stepped aside.
"We will be back in the morning or in the afternoon"Miroku told her.
I blushed remembering something.I am a virgin it was my first time with a man that alredy had expirience.
~I hope hes gentle~I thought following him
We got to a beautiful river side.The tall rocks that sorround it made it more private,and the plants and flowers made it a better sight to see.The star could
be shown clearly in the night sky and they reflected on the clear water below her.I bent down and placed a hand in the water,it felt perfect,not cold nor hot
but just the right temperature.I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"I hope you like it"whispered in my ear."now lets do what we came to do"
He started kissing the back of my neck and i tensed up.I felt way nervous.He suddenly stopped.
"relax"he whispered in my ear"im not going to hurt you"
I felt my body relax again as he continue telling me conforting words.

"Where are they?"asked Inuyasha stepping in the hut
"They went to make some babys"Kagome whispered to him so she wouldnt wake up Sango
"So Miroku is sleeping with Shina?"he asked lowly
"Yes"Kagome said happily "Can you belive he actually is getting a child"
"What about Sango?"he asked now interested in the topic
"I dont know.I guess hes going to leave her"she said resting her head on his lap.Normally they wouldnt be doing this but no one was looking and thats how
Inuaysha liked it.He stroked her hair softly while he talked to her.It felt good.Kagome felt asleep in his lap and he felt joined her in the land of dreams soon after.
Inuyasha as usual woke up first than anyone evem though he had fallen asleep late.He looked around the room but no Shina or Miroku.
~They must have been real busy to not have shown up yet~he thought as he chuckled quietly to himself.He was in a good mood today so he decided to let the rest of them
sleep untill Miroku and Shina came back.

The bright rays of the sun and the sounds of the birds woke me up.I couldnt belive i was here,on the grass nude and under a blanket with a man.My man.Last night was
great!He was so gentle with me and so caring.I was impressed but im not going to tell any detais for the simple fact that i dont like talking about these kinds of things.I'll leave it to you imagination.
I snuggled up to him.Miroku was so warm and cunfy.I was going back to sleep but Miroku didnt let me.
"I know you would like to stay all day resting your head on my chest but we have to leave"he told me smiling down at me
"Oh come on im still sleepi"i protested
"Trust me i want to stay like this all day long but Inuyasha and the other are waiting for us to leave"he said
I tried to protest again but it was too late,he was alredy getting up.I followed him.We took a quick bath and dressed.We headed to the hut him holding me the whole way.
I felt so safe so secure and so loved in his arms.The only question was.WiIl i be able to have his child before he joins my nana in the land of the dead?

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