InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Unsuspected Lover ❯ The Fight ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authoress: Krissy-chan, a.k.a. sessysbeyoch666l

Coupling: Kagura & Sesshomaru

Rating: R.....for lemon in later chapters.

Summary: Sesshomaru is mortally wounded from a battle, Rin; Jaken; & An-Uh are nowhere to be found. Expecting his own death, what happens when Kagura finds him...

Feedback: Duh....^.^

A/n-This is my first fanfiction! I kinda expect flames *prepares fire extinguisher*, but hopefully I'll get some compliments! ^.^ *hint**hint* And I know that I will probably get a billion of things wrong. Like, what the characters' would say; do; or react. I know it's kind of sad, but in all, I've only seen 10 episodes altogether. I think, lol. I have two dvds' & I've seen a few episodes on t.v. at my babci's house. {I don't have cable, I only have 4 channels. :( } So, I'll try my best, & if anybody finds something wrong, please tell me! ^.^

Plus, I would like to know if I should continue this story or not. ^.^

Key: `thoughts'




~later on~

Chapter 1: Lost and Found

`Shit this hurts,' thought Sesshomaru. `I, Sesshomaru, should not be lowered to fight with such immature yorkai.'

{Wolf yorkai were attacking from all sides. He was fighting them off easily, until one struck him from behind. He took one more swing of his Toukijin to make the other five wolf yorkai back off & kneeled, overcame from the pain. "Looks like you picked the wrong day to fight, Sesshomaru," Came a voice from behind him. Sesshomaru mentally winced. "Especially when you were already half dead." It was true. He had just came out of a battle with Inu Yasha, which resulted for him to come out badly wounded. His right leg had multiple deep scars, his right shoulder *here, he has both arms* had a piece of flesh missing. Usually this would not have affected him as it did now, but he was intensely depressed before it all even happened. And now he had a deep gash in his back.

Sesshomaru turned around just in time to see a blur of brown fur take a powerful blow to his head as he fell out of consciousness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He awoke trying to figure out what happened. He also awoke with a burst of pain emitting from his back & head.}

He remembered that it was that annoying little wolf prince that was talking to him before he had blacked out. "How weak of me, passing out, just as any weak; lowly; common yorkai would.

Then it hit him. `Where am I?' He slowly opened his eyes to reveal that he was no longer in the forest, but in a small hut.

(Kagura's POV)

{`That bastard! How dare he! Use me again, like that!' Kagura was flying over the Western Lands after Naraku again manipulated her, only to threaten her with the loss of her own life. She sighed & laid down face down on her feather. Hanging her head a little bit over the edge in order to see the passing land under her.

`I know I can't kill Naraku by myself.' She mentally cringed at even the thought of his name.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

So what do you think. Please leave a review! The future of this fanfiction depends on you! ^.^ Lolz.