InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My weakness, my strength ❯ All in a New moon's Work ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



What happens when the well closes, leaving Kagome with a dark haired boy instead of a white-haired hanyou? Read and review, please. I/K, M/S.


I don't own Inu Yasha, sad to say.

Author's Note:

This is dedicated to all Inu Yasha fans. I'm not sure if anyone has done this plot since I haven't encountered a similar story yet. It's the first fic I've written that I have truly committed myself to finishing and it is also the first one I plan to post on the net. In this story, I'm assuming that the time of day in Sengoku Jidai is congruent to Kagome's present day Japan. I need all the help I can get to make this fic a really good one so any comments, whether they be good or bad, are welcome. This story takes place at about a year and a half after Inu Yasha and Kagome's first meeting.

Chapter 1: All in a New Moon's Work

New Moon (around 5:00 am if one was keeping time)

Inu Yasha was hiding behind the bushes that led to the well. He had been there since about 3 am hoping to catch Kagome before she made the jump to her own world. He couldn't relax. He didn't have his natural predatory instincts so he couldn't sniff out Kagome as he would normally do, picking up that intoxicating mixture of femininity. Of all the times for her to return to her world, it would have to be the time when he was completely helpless to stop her. Once again, he cursed his weakness. Why did he still have to become human on the new moon? His violet eyes were flashing with fire. Feh! It just wasn't enough that he was a half breed, he had to be human, too.

Sounds came from behind. Well, at least some of his senses were working. He could hear Miroku, Shippou and Sango move through the bushes and so he knew that they were once again hoping to catch a glimpse of him and Kagome hash things out. He sighed. There just wasn't any privacy around here. Inu Yasha glanced at the well and started getting worked up again. Why did she have to insist on going back home? Surely the search for the Shikon shards was worth more than taking stupid tests and getting stupid supplies that she could learn to live without. Sure there were some good stuff she brought back with her, like medicine and ramen, he supposed. But then those tests were really pointless in his opinion. And what if with her constant use of the well, someone might discover its link and use it against them, in the same way Yura used it to deliver her hair and attack them in the other side? Of course that was the only reason he stayed close to the well. He was just making sure she didn't use it, or if by chance she got around him by "sitting" him, he could check to see it was safe.

No, it didn't matter that she was leaving him. And no, it didn't matter that Hojo was on the other side just waiting for opportunity to strike. Inu Yasha fixed his face mutinously and refused to think of what all this implied. Although he refused to admit it to himself, the real reason Inu Yasha wanted her to stay put this time was the mention of that boy Hojo. He accidentally heard Kagome and Sango use his name and the word "date" in the same sentence last night in their bath together. Inu Yasha blushed at the thought but reminded himself that he was only watching out for her unlike the sukebe who went to peep and got caught with Hiraikotsu bashed into his thick skull. The tingling in his flesh and the heating of his blood had no relation whatsoever to seeing her beautiful body in all its naked glory.

But still, Kagome was his to protect and no one was taking her away from him. Now that he knew what dating was, there was no way in hell he was allowing her to go home now when she had another reason altogether. He often wondered what would happen if he took Kagome as his mate. It would lessen all the inconveniences that came along with protecting her. He'd get rid of all the males chasing her for one thing, especially that asshole Kouga. He would be able to keep her here in feudal Japan and of course, he could satisfy the constant ache in his loins whenever he looked at her for longer than a minute. He was just about to dwell on that possibility when a movement from the other side of the clearing caught his eye. Sure enough, it was her, the same girl plaguing his mind.

Kagome seemed to be checking out if it was safe to go. Inu Yasha smiled devilishly. His plan was to grab her at the last minute from behind so that she wouldn't be conscious of him being there and it would give him enough time to cover her mouth before she "sat" him until the end of time. Miroku once wondered aloud why he didn't just nab Kagome before she made the attempt in the first place and release her when her so-called tests were over. Admittedly, it did occur to him several times to just take her and then release her after. But then he always gave in when she started in on the crying thing and he was afraid that would be what she would do until the tests were over. At least in this way, Kagome would think that she had to leave with just a few more hours to the test and he wouldn't have to hold her prisoner for long.

The well was equal ground to the both of them. Kagome would always expect him by the well when it was time for her to go home and so she wouldn't think anything of it if she failed to get across because he stopped her. Sure, she would be pissed at him. But better that than her stupid crying. He didn't mind the soon-to-come "sits" after this fiasco as long as they kept her eyes dry. He just couldn't stand her tears. They made him want to do anything and everything to please her and he hated that feeling even more.


Kagome started walking slowly to the well, not knowing that with every step, the hanyou followed, still remaining in the shadows but ready to pounce when time presented itself. Over the past few times she had to go back home, he didn't mind as much, not when she told him how important it was and she did the crying bit. But then again, no amount of crying on her part last night would have made him yield, considering Hojo's involvement in this desire to go home. Not knowing this, she became confused since she had developed that affectation for the specific purpose of making Inu Yasha do whatever she wanted. It was quite evil of her, and quite silly, too. But a girl had to look out for herself, especially where a certain hanyou was concerned. Aside from her power to "sit" Inu Yasha, her tears where her other trump card. But now that they didn't seem to work, she would just have to be more cunning than that baka.

Kagome walked slowly but nervously to the well. She stopped when she was just a step away. "Inu Yasha? Are you there?" No answer. Well, she didn't expect one. Damn him! Things were going along great and she thought that he was actually starting to get sensitive to her feelings. Then he throws a tantrum loud enough to haul the whole gang to their side. She explained everything to him about two days ago, and he consented. She didn't understand his irrational behavior now. What was wrong with him? It was like he didn't trust her to come back. Though why that would suddenly occur to him was beyond her. Or maybe Inu Yasha was getting insecure. Right! That was it. Inu Yasha could be getting attached to her and she was such an idiot to only have realized it. But then again he could be worried that he would lose his tama detector if she wouldn't be coming back. That baka! I'll show him! Let's just see what happens if I don't come back for two whole weeks. Let him find those stupid shards himself. For all Kagome's thoughts, she didn't realize that she had already stopped in front of the well. She was gripping her hand so hard that it was turning white from all the effort.

"What's she doing?" whispered Shippou from behind the closest bush to the well.

"I think she's trying to decide whether to go or not. I'm guessing that she'll probably try to punish Inu Yasha by coming back later than usual." This came from the wayward priest, trying to get closer and push the poor kitsune down at the same time. From behind them came a yawn. "I still don't see why you two had to drag me here too. We all know what's going to happen in this little drama of theirs so why bother coming here?"

"You just don't want to admit it, Sango, but you're just as curious as the rest of us. Too curious in fact, that you brought Kagome directly under the tree Inu Yasha was sitting on last night and changed the topic of whatever it was you were talking about to someone named Hojo. I'm hurt, Sango. You were aware the whole time that Inu Yasha was there when you and Kagome bathed but not once did you attack him. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were out for only my head."

With these words, Sango blushed a dark shade of red, feeling foolish at having been caught up in her own denial. But then she quickly recovered. "That's because I know it was only Kagome he was watching and I want him to admit to his feelings…wait a minute…how did you know about what I did unless you came back to watch us putting our clothes back on?!!" Miroku paled at her sudden deduction.

Sango's voice had started rising at the end of that sentence and it took Shippou's grip on her hand to remind her why they were there. But she just couldn't let it go. Instead, she gritted her teeth to keep from screeching and said, "Houshi-sama, I'll let it go for now. But be sure that when the next time comes, I'm going to hit you so hard you won't have the strength to go back or let alone think of doing so.

Miroku sighed. Gone was his strategy of having Sango catch him at the early stages of her bath and coming back when she no longer suspected anything. Well, there was time enough to think up a new plan later. With that, he focused his attention once again to the little scene about to unfold before their eyes. Sango shifted uncomfortably, although this time not from the embarrassment of being caught unawares. It was true that she promised herself not to interfere, but if she let things follow their natural course, Kagome would have probably been hurt again. Sango loved Kagome as the sister she never had. She wanted the young miko to be happy. And if it was Inu Yasha who could make that happen, then Sango would make sure that he did. Even if it meant interfering. Crouching low, Sango hid close to Miroku and Shippou. Close enough, in fact, that she was about to whack the monk's head for fondling her bottom for the nth time when they all suddenly heard something close to the well. It was Inu Yasha's chuckle.


"Come out, Inu Yasha. I know you're there." This from an apprehensive Kagome.

Footsteps sounded and suddenly a very handsome face set off by ink black hair and velvety purple eyes came out from the shadows. His eyes were sparkling mischievously and he was looking at her through his lashes while a half smile played around his mouth. Looking like that, Inu Yasha absolutely exuded sensuality. If Kagome wasn't holding on to the mouth of the well, her knees would have given out, and not only because of the tension in the air.

"Well, Kagome, we're back once again to this usual dance of ours. Why do you hesitate? I thought by this time, you would have "sat" me already." Inu Yasha stepped closer, feeling quite confident upon seeing her hesitation earlier as she gripped the mouth of the well. If she was getting indecisive about it, may be he didn't have to force her to stay.

Kagome opened her mouth to utter the forbidden word but then she looked up into his face and found herself drowning in his eyes. True, he had the same effect on her whatever his form, but this time it was different. This time it felt like there was more to his wanting her to stay than the shikon. It was like she could almost feel his sadness and frustration at seeing her leave. "Inuyasha, please don't make me sit you. I really have to go."

It was dark so she didn't notice his every movement. Her gaze was directed on his face, not realizing that he was moving closer and closer. Inu Yasha himself was getting distracted. He wanted to comfort that woebegone expression from her face. "Kagome . . . stay?" For once it was a question, not a command. And said in that way was almost enough to make her change her mind.

"Inu Yasha, I can't. I have responsibilities and I miss my family. You understand, don't you?

"I know, but I just don't see why I can't come with you like the other times."

Kagome started to feel guilty. Not telling him about the other reason for this visit was eating her up inside. But she had to. For her last two visits, her friends had elicited her consent on two more dates with Hojo-kun that she regretfully couldn't attend because of problems here in this time. She didn't really want to go out with the boy but knowing how this would be the only way for her to ever say thank you for the countless times he helped her with school and with her "illnesses," she thought it would be adequate compensation. She had no desire to lead him around and when they finally went out and it didn't work out like she knew it wouldn't, then she would then have cause to tell him that no, she wasn't interested.

"There's another reason, isn't there, Kagome? Does it have something to do with that boy, Hojo?" Kagome was shocked at his intuitiveness. And she blushed guiltily. That was enough for Inu Yasha's temper to start in again. Now is the time. Kagome, I'm sorry but you're not going anywhere. With that thought, Inu Yasha moved closer and pulled Kagome to him effectively covering her mouth to silence her. It was so sudden that Kagome misplaced her footing and started to trip backwards, grabbing Inu Yasha in the process. Not letting go, and not having a firm grip on her either, Inu Yasha tripped along with her. Securing Kagome in his arms and making sure it was him that landed first, Inu Yasha closed his eyes to the feel of her in his arms and awaited the fall.


"Kagome, are you all right?"

Inu Yasha picked himself up and lifted the subdued girl to her feet. He checked her gently for signs of injury. Having spotted none, Inu Yasha was relieved and casually rested his hands on her arms. Without his youkai powers, he felt unable to protect Kagome. Even in that meager fall he felt betrayed by his blood, the blood he cursed for being weak and for lacking the full potential of all youkai.

Looking around, Inu Yasha noticed the subtle differences that made him sure that this was no longer the same well they fell into but an older one instead. They were now in Kagome's time. Well, no matter how much she protested, he wasn't going anywhere. He could stay in the house and eat ramen all day. At least that's what he planned to tell her. In truth, he'd be doing something more strenuous than lying about and eating. He planned to follow Kagome around and make sure she didn't take up with that Hojo. If that boy even so much as touched the hem of Kagome's skirt, he would feel his wrath. Just thinking about the legs under that skirt was enough to start Inu Yasha up again. Why couldn't Kagome just wear normal long skirts? But then if she did, he himself would be deprived of the sweet pleasure of looking. Did I just think that? With his own mind contradicting itself, Inu Yasha stayed rooted to one spot inside the well, not noticing the death grip he had on Kagome's arms.

"Inu Yasha, i…itai."

Hearing Kagome's soft voice whisper her distress, Inu Yasha immediately let go. Not wanting to linger in there with her at such close proximity, Inu Yasha suddenly started climbing the ladder Kagome had placed there before. After helping her up, he lifted her bag, opened the doors and started to walk outside. Inu Yasha suddenly noticed two things. One, it was already midday and two, he was still human. How in hell was that possible. He turned to Kagome and from her look, Inu Yasha ascertained that she also didn't know. As the sun's rays enveloped them in its warmth, Inu Yasha started to panic. Something was definitely wrong.

Rushing back into the well house, Inu Yasha jumped back into his time.

Kagome stared after him then walked slowly to the God tree. She sat on the seats underneath it and tried to calm down her racing heart. What exactly did it mean? Why was Inu Yasha still human and why did the time of both their worlds suddenly go out of sync? Feeling Inu Yasha's presence, Kagome lifted her eyes to his face.

"Kagome, I don't know why but the well has been sealed. We're both stuck here for good."
