InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My weakness, my strength ❯ Respite ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



What happens when the well closes, leaving Kagome with a dark-haired boy instead of a white-haired hanyou? Read and review please. I/K, M/S.

Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Inu Yasha.

Author's Note: Sorry for the late update. It's just that I've been really busy and I've kind of gotten distracted thinking on other story lines instead of this one that I've already started. I'm thankful that you guys liked the third chapter and I've incorporated some of your helpful comments and corrections into this one. By the way, in terms of the time element for this fic, I didn't really see any indication in the anime that the people of Sengoku Jidai really follow the days of the week. It seems that it's mostly Kagome who does this, especially when it comes to her tests. In any case, I didn't keep tabs on the days of the week for the part of the story set in Sengoku Jidai. Just keep in mind for future reference that both times are no longer in sync so Monday isn't really Monday there.

Okay that might have been confusing but I just wanted to clarify that. Anyway, thanks once again and as usual, I hope you guys review.

Chapter 4: Respite

The Present

Around 2:30 pm, third day after the new moon (Monday)

There were definite advantages to being human. For one thing, Inu Yasha didn't have to hide his fangs, hair or ears. It was easier to blend in and no one would have the excuse to judge him for being a half breed. Also, he didn't have to deal with his acute senses going overdrive with every little thing that was introduced to him in this more advanced time period.

Yes, there were a lot of perks to this current form. But then Inu Yasha wouldn't be Inu Yasha if he was content to let sleeping dogs lie.

He had lost his strength, his speed and his invincibility. Why, it had taken a lot of effort for him to get to his current position on the Goshinboku tree. He could no longer simply jump and settle himself on one of the branches. He had to either climb the tree without claws for support, or more embarrassingly enough, he would have to fetch a ladder-something he, of course, would never do.

Inu Yasha was also more easily tired out by the end of the day. It didn't help that he hadn't been getting that much rest lately. He had been trying hopelessly to investigate the problem of the well. And for the first two days, he had completely searched its surroundings for any clue as to why it had sealed itself up. But after finding nothing, he had given up on the endeavor. He wasn't in his hanyou form but regardless of that fact, he was now sure of one thing-the well was closed off from the other side.

Even without his keen senses, he could tell that the well was untouched from Kagome's time. He also realized that the problem had nothing to do with the shikon no tama. He remembered from the time when he prevented Kagome to return to the Sengoku Jidai that he had taken the shikon shards to seal her out. Now, Kagome still possessed some of those shards here in the present but still the well wouldn't open up. Those shards were somehow a link to the past and served as the key to unlocking the gateway to both time periods.

Laying his head on the trunk of the tree, Inu Yasha once again contemplated on how he and Kagome could open up the well from this side. They would have to rely on a spell or incantation that would break the barrier but it would take a lot of inquiries to those who knew about that kind of thing from Kagome's time. And ultimately, if Kagome were to be the one to unseal the well, it would also take a lot of practice and concentration on her part. Her powers hadn't yet awakened and she was never trained as a miko so she wouldn't know how to go about using them in the first place.

"Inu no ni-chan!!!??

Hearing Souta's voice calling him made Inu Yasha groan. He sank further into the branches and leaves of the tree to hide himself. So much for peace and quiet. He had gotten no rest for the past three days, first of all because those two women he now lived with had taken it upon themselves to drag him from shop to shop to choose clothes that would fit him. They had even bought shoes, he thought with a frown.

He had paraded himself in and out of dressing rooms much to the delighted squeals of Kagome and her mother, not to mention some girls he had seen entering the shop after them. It had seemed strange that he had also seen those same girls in the other shops that they entered. He had felt paranoid and self-conscious, wondering if they were following him because they were suspicious of his human guise and detected the dormant demon powers underneath. But he had then reassured himself that people who could sense such things were extremely rare in Kagome's time.

Nonetheless, he had asked Kagome if that could be the case. She had reacted strangely-at first looking like she couldn't believe he had asked her that. Then, she had burst into gales of laughter that had confounded him but at the same time had reassured him that everything was normal.

Kuso! What was wrong with her sometimes? He occasionally felt that she was making fun of him because he was so out of place. It hurt a little, especially when she would avoid explaining what was wrong. But then again he would remember those many times that he did the same. Maybe she was justified but it still made him feel stupid. He didn't understand enough about her time to know how to handle himself or protect her if need be.

Feeling a presence down below, Inu Yasha surrendered himself to the inevitable and revealed himself to Souta.

"Inu no ni-chan! I've been looking everywhere for you. Mom was wondering if you could go with Ne-chan to the grocery store after her class ends… Hey, how high up are you?… Can you show me how you climbed up next time?… By the way, there's this new PS2 game that I borrowed… Maybe you'd like to try it with me once you and Ne-chan get back."

The silence ticked on as the older boy looked at the hopeful and slightly out-of-breath expression on the younger one's face. Kagome's brother tended to really ramble on sometimes. It kind of reminded him of how Shippou would get when he became really curious about something. Inu Yasha suddenly began thinking about the young kitsune. He hoped that Miroku was doing a good job of looking after him.

Inu Yasha made a move to start climbing down the tree. It was often that he found himself doing chores for Higurashi-san, like lifting heavy things to and fro, or she would ask him to run errands. He was doing it so often that he didn't even question some of the very simple things she would have him do, which perhaps he should have. He felt that maybe, in her own way, Higurashi-san was trying to find him a place in her household. This made him both gratified and puzzled by that realization. She was truly gracious, and he could see where Kagome inherited her compassion for others, but he felt awkward about her thoughtfulness. In his experience, one just didn't welcome a hanyou into one's home.

"Oi, Souta! Where is this "grocery" and how do I get to Kagome's school to fetch her?" InuYasha resigned himself to doing another chore. At least it's better than staring into space all day.

"A grocery is where we buy food, like ramen and potato chips." Inu Yasha perked up after hearing those words, finding more interest in this grocery thing. "Mom also said to give you this. It has all the directions and stuff." Souta handed him a piece of paper with a map to both Kagome's school and the grocery. Higurashi-san always thought of everything. Maps were fast taking the place of his nose, especially where Kagome's current location was concerned.

"Ano…Souta, is what I'm wearing now alright for going to this grocery thing?" His shopping spree with Kagome and Higurashi-san had made him aware of the words "proper attire."

"Hai. Umm, Inu no ni-chan? Is it okay if we play with my new game later?"

"Keh! Sure, whatever." With that, Inu Yasha set off before Souta could pester him some more.


"Kagome-chan, I'm so happy you're feeling much better." Both Eri and Ayumi nodded at this statement from Yuka. The three friends were by their lockers, getting ready to walk home from school.

"Yeah, it seems that you're health has been improving. I heard that you even went out with Hojo-kun this Saturday… Kagome-chan, when were you planning on telling us?" Eri looked quite offended.

Kagome ignored her friend's last comment. "How did you know about that? I mean, I'm sure that Hojo-kun wouldn't …"

"Saki told us after she had heard it from Maya who in turn found out about it from her boyfriend who saw you guys at the play. He's that college guy who works with our drama club every other Saturday."

Kagome simply stared at Ayumi after she had said all this. She never knew that her relationship with Hojo-kun was that big an issue. She was continuing on that train of thought as the four of them started to walk along the corridors to exit from the building.

"So anyways, Kagome-chan, how was your date?" Trust Yuka to always bring back the topic to what she thought of as the juicy part.

"Well, it was fun. Hojo-kun really overdid it, I think. It would probably have been better if it was just the normal fast-food dinner and movie."

"Really, Kagome-chan! You should be happy that he's proven himself to be more than mildly interested." This, from an irate Eri.

"Actually, that's one of the things we talked about. I told him that I wouldn't go out with him anymore."

"NANI?" All three of her friends had stopped short, causing some of the other students to mumble about the traffic they caused.

Kagome ushered her friends outside to the school grounds. "Look, you guys, I just don't see him that way. And I'd really appreciate it if you stopped pushing him into my face."

"It's that other guy, isn't it." Eri assumed.

Getting fed up with them, Kagome tried to calm herself down. "Alright, I'm not really interested in him, okay? I thought I could be but it just won't work. The other guy has got nothing to do with it. It's more a lack of interest."

"But he's really nice, Kagome-chan. He's always concerned about you and always willing to help out even in your schoolwork."

"If you like him so much, Yuka-chan, why don't you go out with him?" Kagome sighed. "Okay, I'm sorry I snapped at you. But you guys should just quit it, alright? How would you feel if I kept pushing you to a guy you aren't really interested in."

The other three fell silent. Kagome felt guilty for getting mad at them. They really wanted her to be happy, and she could see that. But Hojo just wasn't the right guy. Maybe Eri was right and it was really all just because of the "other" guy. But then again, how could it not be. She already loved someone else.

Just then, that particular "someone else" decided to show up. What is he doing here?

Inu Yasha saw her from the gate and was walking over. Kagome wanted the earth to open up and swallow her. She wanted her friends to meet Inu Yasha but only after she had explained more about him to her friends. At this rate, they would probably find Hojo to be the better of the two, especially if Inu Yasha became annoyed with the soon-to-come questions.

"Oi, Kagome! We gotta go to the grocery. Higurashi-san gave me a list of things she needs."

Her three friends stared at Inu Yasha in shock. Kagome turned to them and from the looks on their faces, she knew what they saw even if she herself wasn't fully accustomed to it yet.

Inu Yasha was wearing a pair of dark jeans and sneakers, the former hugging his lower body in a way that his fire rat clothes would never do. He wore a loose black shirt that somehow didn't hide his muscles at all but showed them off instead. His long black hair was tied in a low ponytail and no longer obscured his eyes, making those violet depths seem more compelling and seductive. His eyes are black, I know they are… Kagome would die rather than admit to the hanyou that to her, his human eyes were a different shade than what most people would probably see.

All in all, Inu Yasha could have passed for a really sexy "bad guy." He was sensual with every confident stride and he looked dark and dangerous enough to make a woman forget what she was supposed to do and just stare.

Kagome seemed to realize that she and her friends were simply standing there, doing just that. Inu Yasha was handing her a piece of paper and she took it without looking at the contents. By the time that Kagome got around to introducing him to her friends, she was blushing.

"Anyway, Kagome, we gotta go. I promised Souta I'd play with him or whatever."

"Inu Yasha, right?" Ayumi waited until he nodded to her in acknowledgement. "Can we borrow Kagome for a sec?"

Kagome felt her three friends tug at her towards the sidelines of the school. "Kagome-chan, is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah the two-timing jerk?"

"Why didn't you tell us he's that gorgeous?" Yuka nodded in assent to what Ayumi just said.

"If you had, we would understand why you're so attracted to him."

"There's something about his eyes."

"And the way he dresses."

"Hojo-kun wouldn't stand a chance in the looks department."

"I know. Did you see how strong he looked?"

"Yeah, I bet he's the type of guy who can…"

"CHOTTO MATTE!" Kagome didn't mean to raise her voice and she hoped to the gods that no one heard her, well, except maybe Inu Yasha, whose inquiring look was making her turn even redder.

"Sorry, but didn't you want to talk to me?"

"Gomen, Kagome-chan. We didn't mean to ignore you like that." Eri looked quite contrite.

"Hai. But I will say that he's definitely a hot guy for you, Kagome."

"Yeah, just as long as we see him treating you properly, we don't have any complaints." The three girls gave this affirmative decision and also shared their take on what Kagome could do to stop his two-timing. By the time that they finally waved goodbye, almost fifteen minutes had already passed. Inu Yasha was no longer standing and looking at them. He now occupied a seat by the benches, calmly watching people walked by. Every now and then, a girl or two would glance at him in passing.

She had thought it impossible for girls from her time to find anything "adorable" about him without his ears and other hanyou features but it seemed that his human looks were more to their taste of what was "sexy." But what was quite astonishing was his obliviousness to the effect he had on the fairer sex. It must come from being shunned ever so often as a hanyou that he can't distinguish between admiration and disgust. Then again if women continue to stare at him with their eyes glazing over, it really wouldn't make that much difference to him. Shaking her head at his ignorance, Kagome went to fetch her Inu Yasha on the bench.


Sengoku Jidai

Morning, third day after the new moon


Sango leapt into the air moments after releasing her weapon. Unsheathing her blade from its scabbard, she made a clean cut across the dead tree's branch, landing safely on the ground and catching her boomerang after it ultimately cut the tree in half.

Sounds of the tree crashing into the forest floor reverberated through the dense woods, causing birds and other animals to take off from the sudden break in silence. Sango wiped her brow and sat under the shade. Kirara, in her smaller form, moved closer and rested her head on the taijya's outstretched leg. She had left the young kitsune sleeping on Kaede-sama's floor and had decided to go to her mistress if ever Sango had needed her in her training.

Sango opened the cap of one of Kagome's see-through water jars and took a much-needed drink. It was just the middle of morning but already she was feeling tired. She was losing her interest in using her skills on dead trees. Perhaps it was the boredom of not having anything to do but tend to the needs of the sick villagers Kaede-sama needed help with or maybe it was simply because she missed using her skills in battle, but Sango was beginning to feel the strain. It had been almost three days since the other two had jumped and disappeared in the well and the wait was getting on her nerves. Sango considered herself a patient woman. She was always content to pace herself along with the group and never made any demands of them, unless of course, it involved Kohaku.

But nevertheless, she was feeling the weight of not only her own ennui but also that of her guilty conscience. She had involved herself in her friend's affairs and any problems she and Inu Yasha might now be having were a direct result of her meddling. Sango was getting worried, she was finding it difficult to concentrate for long on anything for thinking of what was happening on the other side of the well. She had expected Inu Yasha to be back ages ago but now it was already three days and he still wasn't here. She had come to expect certain things from the bickering pair and Kagome's "osuwaris" and Inu Yasha's sulking were only a few among them.

Closing her eyes, Sango went over her conversation with the young miko again the night of the new moon, as they bathed in the lake near the village. But instead of her thoughts going over their discussion on Kagome's "date," it turned instead to the part regarding her and Houshi-sama.

"Kagome-chan, may I ask for some of that bubbly stuff you use on your hair. It really works wonders. What's it called again?"

"Shampoo. Here, I've brought some conditioner, too. After you've rinsed the shampoo off, use it on your hair."

The young miko had sunk further into the hot spring, her head barely surfacing. "Eto … Sango-chan, can I ask you something?"


She was waiting for her friend's question until she heard it. The sound she had been waiting for all night. It was soft, and almost indistinct but it was definitely there - the rustling of leaves on a nearby bush.


After catching the boomerang in mid-air, Sango sank to the water and swam closer to inspect the bush. Sure enough, Houshi-sama was lying unconscious on the damp ground.

"Houshi-sama, sukebe!" This got Miroku's attention and rising quickly, he fled the scene before he caught another blow.

Thinking back on that incident three nights ago, Sango realized that Miroku's antics were getting quite habitual. It was good that she discovered his tactic of coming back to peep when she and Kagome-chan no longer suspected anything. But how far along their conversation was it when he came back? She knew that it was when she and Kagome were putting on their clothes that Inu Yasha came but what about that bouzo? I…Iie! Could he have heard what I said? Blushing at that thought, Sango's feelings of guilt shifted to those of embarrassment and dread. Grimacing, Sango tried to recall what else happened that night.

"Kagome-chan! Are you alright? That sukebe just doesn't know when to quit."

"Iie, daijoubu. Um, Sango-chan, about my question…" Kagome looked a little wary, as if wondering if there were any more voyeurs hidden in the bushes.


"Well, speaking of your favorite pervert, have you ever told him that you love him?"

This caught her attention. She looked directly at Kagome.

"Oh, well, I haven't, of course. Just what I see in that hentai priest is beyond me. But no, even him I haven't told." The two girls had made a pact earlier on in their relationship to always be truthful to each other. And when Kagome had asked Sango about her feelings for Miroku a few nights ago just after both he and Inu Yasha had left to get food, the other had confessed readily enough. Similarly, so had Kagome. About Inu Yasha, of course. However, the two had decided never to reveal the other's secret. They kept it to themselves, neither ready to risk their feelings.

"I must admit, though, that I've wanted to tell him so many times. It's just that whenever I think he's ready and mature enough to handle my confession, he does something really hentai. It grates on my nerves. How about you, have you said anything."

"Well, you know how it is between us. He's always watching out for Kikyou and I feel that if ever I do tell him and by chance he responds in kind, he'll only be giving me half of his heart. I'm selfish, Sango-chan, I want it all."

Sango knew that Inu Yasha loved her friend. No one could look at another the way he did unless he felt something similar to it. But she didn't want to encourage Kagome to think so unless she knew Inu Yasha would follow through and act on it. Of course, there was the other woman to think about. What exactly did the hanyou feel for Kikyou?

"Ano, Kagome-chan, maybe if you made Inu Yasha fight for you. I don't mean the business about Kouga, although you could use that. I mean something like making him think that there was someone else on the other side of the well…" Matte!!!

Sango's thoughts suddenly shifted back to the present. Oh no! What if Houshi-sama really heard us talking about my feelings? He did come back to watch after I had caught him by the bushes and we didn't think of watching out for what we said…

Feeling extremely bothered when this entered her mind, Sango thought hard, trying to determine whether or not Houshi-sama had shown in any of his actions the past three days that he knew about her feelings. In truth, she had been avoiding him as was her habit if Inu Yasha or Kagome weren't there. The priest had his own bad pattern of tagging along after her and it usually drove her insane. But surprisingly, he was busy himself. Always going off on long walks and looking deeply contemplative.

"Oh, Gods! What if he heard me that night and that's why he's been avoiding me?"

With this, Sango suddenly stood up, dislodging a sleeping Kirara and went in search of the priest. She suddenly wished she hadn't meddled at all, if only for her own selfish reason of wanting Kagome here so she could ask her advice. Sango wa baka… baka… baka…baka…

She recited that litany over and over again in her head until she came upon Miroku by the well.


Miroku was bent over the Bone Eater's Well, once again trying to find the source of the spiritual aura that he had sensed ever since the new moon. He remembered that when Kagome and Inu Yasha had slipped through the well, he had felt a jolt of power. He was calm about it and he didn't alert his friends, not wanting them to worry. He hadn't felt anything evil about the aura so he hadn't really minded it. In fact, he suspected that it was a miko's power and that it had perhaps come from Kagome.

Although that girl was from the future, she surprisingly had a very potent aura that sometimes flashed when she was highly emotional. Miroku knew that once that miko was awakened, she would no doubt rival the undead miko's powers. But nonetheless, ever since that night, Miroku had been constantly coming back time and again to find out just what had happened. His curiosity had paid off when he noticed something different about the well.

At first, he thought that it came from Kagome's side since the power was undoubtedly a miko's. But then yesterday, he had sensed something else, and with his search he found carvings on the side of the well.

"Let time swallow time…I wonder what that means." He said the words aloud, hoping that having spoken them might trigger something in his memory about a spell or incantation.

He had found the words etched into the side of the well, almost beside what seemed to be a stick lodged deep into the ground. He had tried to feel the power behind the words but when it had gotten dark, he had decided to go and inform Sango about what he had found instead.

He had gone close enough to the lake when suddenly he was whapped in the head by something huge-undeniably Sango's Hiraikotsu. Stupid, Miroku! He had forgotten that he wasn't supposed to go to the lake at that hour. She had been taking a bath, a fact he had known from previous encounters, and one did not disturb Sango from her bath unless one was careless enough or unless one actually desired to see her rise naked from the water in order to investigate.

"Baka. Hentai. SUKEBE!"

The words had been like epithets and he had gotten used to them from the demon huntress. But he had really been careless. Or maybe subconsciously he had wanted to get caught. After all, almost half the fun of being a peeping tom was letting the object of your attentions know that you had caught them without their clothes on.

Oh, well. Perhaps she had calmed down enough and he could tell her about the well, it was almost noon and she was probably over it by now. Miroku turned towards the direction of the sound he had heard earlier. No doubt she was practicing with Hiraikotsu.

It was time for more serious matters - not that seeing her in her natural state wasn't serious, it was indeed, but they had to discuss the well. Of course with that thought Miroku became easily sidetracked by the image of Sango's bare body and once again engaged in his favorite past time-that of contemplating on the woman he desired.

He wondered how long he could keep up the pretense of only looking and touching her because of his 'perverted' ways. In truth, she was the only woman to ever stir more than just his body. She had a distinct air of artlessness that was as much a part of her as her demon hunter's instincts. He had truly enjoyed watching her bathe the past three nights, knowing that for some reason, she was less cautious. It seemed she was more suspicious of him when Kagome was around. Maybe she thought that he wouldn't bother peeking if it was only her in the lake. Ah, Sango! If only I had the courage to tell you that it is only your body I look at.

But of course he couldn't tell her that, not until after they defeated Naraku. He was thankful that he could still manage to hide his feelings from her. He suspected that Inu Yasha knew, in the same way that he knew of the other's feelings about Kagome. He and that hanyou had bonded more than both of them ever thought possible. He considered Inu Yasha his friend as well as a surrogate brother and knew that the other also thought the same of him. Of course who wouldn't become close after you spent nights watching out for two lovely girls or after battling huge numbers of youkai and also looking out for each other in the process? But what truly puzzled him about his friend was how he could manage to love Kagome and still hurt her with Kikyou. Or perhaps Inu Yasha didn't know yet that he loved the younger miko.

Shaking his head at himself for the apparent hopelessness of his friend, he looked up and saw that Sango was making her way towards him. That meant that she had cooled down from last night's episode. He grinned with delight at her hurried walk, giving her a once over he was sure wouldn't be noticed from that distance. Sango was really something to look at in her demon exterminator outfit.

"Houshi-sama! Ano…do you have a minute?"

"Hai, I also wanted to talk to you. Last night's encounter wasn't conducive to a serious conversation." He smiled with a definite twinkle in his eyes-so much for being sorry and contrite. But then Miroku just couldn't resist sometimes, even if he knew he'd get bonked on the head for such forwardness.

Sango, on the other hand, was restraining herself from hitting the hentai. She needed to be casual in asking him about what exactly he had heard that night of the new moon.

"Um, I just wanted to ask if …well… you were eavesdropping as well as peeping that night of the new moon in my bath with Kagome-chan." Sango mentally berated herself-so much for subtlety.

"Sometimes you worry needlessly, Sango-chan. You, of course, know that it would be extremely dishonorable for me to listen in on anyone's conversation, especially when it involves two very beautiful women."

Sango sweat-dropped. He was really galling sometimes. He would consider it dishonorable to spy on someone's private conversation but not to spy on someone taking a bath. She was left momentarily speechless. She had to put a hand to her head when it started throbbing from the effort of not slapping him. Gods, give me strength! Remembering the corrupt old monk who had raised Miroku, Sango told herself that she shouldn't have been surprised at such a backward value system.

Miroku was busy reading Sango's reactions. Now that he thought about it, he never really did listen to just what kept those two girls so long in their bath. He made a mental note to do so in the future.

"Sango-chan, it seems that this is really important to you. You aren't by any chance keeping something from me that I should know about?"

Sango blushed and tried to cover it with a quick "nan de mo nai" for lack of anything convincing to say. This only made the monk more curious. But gathering her thoughts, Sango was able to distract him from prying any further.

"Didn't you have something you wanted to tell me, Houshi-sama?"

"Aa. I want you to look closely at the well and tell me if you feel anything different about it."

Getting curious herself, Sango concentrated and tried to channel her energy around it.

"Iie, I don't notice anything different. Except maybe that the air coming from the well is a little drafty. That's strange considering it's closed off."

"It's just as I thought. Only someone with priest or priestess powers would be able to trace the faint aura. It's not ominous enough to bring out the feeling of an evil presence but I definitely feel it. It started just after Kagome and Inu Yasha passed through but I ignored it for thinking it was something Kagome caused."

"Is it from her time?"

"No, it's definitely coming from ours but it's so far as to be almost indistinguishable from all the other things emanating from this well. I mean, this well might be old, but it certainly has its own power."

"Do you think that means that something bad has happened on the other side?"

"I don't know. And that's not all. Look here. There are some carvings that have appeared on the side. It seems as if it's pulsating."

Sango bent down, placing her boomerang on the grass. As she placed her hands over the words on the well she suddenly jumped back.

"Houshi-sama, I sense a strong demon's aura from these writings."

Miroku did the same and felt a similar jolt of power to the one he felt before, but this time it was laced with youkai jaki.

"I didn't feel that there yesterday."

"Could it be that the well is somehow changing?"

Miroku fell silent. He moved once again to the mouth of the well and looked into it. Something was going on here and it didn't bode well for Kagome and Inu Yasha to be on the other side. Or maybe their crossing over was what caused this to happen. Miroku tried remembering everything he knew about the well from Kaede-sama. The well had been a burial ground for the different youkai that she and the villagers had exterminated but the bones would always disappear. Could it be that the well was somehow controlled by a demon all along? But that would mean that he or she had the strength to control time since Kagome and Inu Yasha could both pass through it to two different eras. Miroku felt himself getting agitated and tried calming himself down. It would not do if he lost control of the situation.

Laying his left hand over the mouth of the well, he felt the cool air that Sango mentioned. Somehow the air had a different atmosphere to it. He needed a demon's nose. Perhaps Shippou could compensate for Inu Yasha's usual role and try sniffing out the well. Even if he wasn't a dog demon, his nose was without doubt better than a human's.

Just when he was taking his hand away from the well's mouth, he felt the cold air circle it and grip his hand, tugging at it. It grew stronger like the force of his Kazaana and it was pulling him into the darkness below.


Sango raised herself up from her position by the side of the well and saw Miroku being pulled in. She made a grab for his robes but came away with nothing but air. She leaned into the well and saw him hanging by his hand.

"Houshi-sama! Hold on!!!" Sango latched on to his arm and tried pushing away from the well with all her strength. Years of heaving the heavy Hiraikotsu were put into every muscle of her body as she tried pulling Miroku out.

"Sango, let go, or you'll be pulled in as well." His right hand was the only thing gripping the well to keep from being sucked in.

"No, give me your hand!!!" Sango bent over the well and tried to grasp his right hand. It was slowly slipping from the well's mouth.

"I can't pull you out like this, Houshi-sama! You have to hold on to me." Miroku's body fell further in. Sango was using all her strength to drag him out but his arm was slowly slipping from her grasp. Looking into his eyes, she felt fear, fear of losing someone close to her again. Fear that came with the realization that perhaps their other friends were at the bottom of wherever this well ended and lay there hurt or even dying.

Miroku looked back into her face and felt her desperation. He didn't want her pulled in as well. Slowly, he let himself go slack and tried to dislodge her grip by moving his arm to loosen her hands.

"No, Houshi-sama, don't!!"

"Let go, Sango." He smiled into her frightened eyes. "Let go or I'll think you actually like touching me back."

Her eyes were beginning to blur with her tears. Somehow she felt that if she let go, she wouldn't see him again. Inu Yasha and Kagome could be down there somewhere, dead from the fall. She wasn't going to allow the same thing to happen to Miroku, she couldn't bear it if he also didn't come back.

The darkness that should have ended at the bottom of the well seemed to go on and on. She felt her strength draining away as his words of resignation began to sink in. She closed her eyes and made one last pull until the weight of him finally became too much. When she opened them again, he was gone. And all that was left were the sealing beads of his Kazaana in her hand.
