InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My week with the Inuyasha Crew ❯ Meeting... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own Inuyasha Rumiko Takahashi does…she is soooooooooo lucky I wish I was her.
~~~Beginning the Story~~~
One day, there was a girl with dark brown hair, soft creamy skin, red lips and the most beautiful brown sparkling eyes anyone can imagine lying down on the ground. Her figure was incredible she had curves in all the right places. Everyone thought that she was the most beautiful girl to roam the Earth!
The name of the young girl was Jenna Kasumi she was only sixteen years old and everyone envy her.
Jenna was in her back yard lying on the ground and looking at the stars.
“I wish something exciting happened to me…” said Jenna while sighting.
Just then a shooting star swooped across the midnight sky. Jenna saw and made a wish.
“I wish…I wish… I know! I wish I was in the Inuyasha world and got to stay there for a week!” just then Jenna started to laugh and said “That will never happen, I should of wish for something else, oh well I already wished for it and there is nothing I can do”
Then Jenna fell asleep and the last thing she saw was the city lights and the passing cars before she went to the dream land…
Chapter 1: The wish comes true…
“Hmmm….., man, stupid sun…why can't you turn off, huh?” Jenna started to open her eyes and realized something was wrong.
“Okay why is there a whole bunch of tress? And why am I next to a well? and-huh?”
Just then a demon jumped down and started to growl at her.
“Ahhhhhh!!!!, someone help!!!!!!!Anybody help me please, ahhhhhhhh!!!!!”
All of a sudden a red blur swooped down and cut the demon in half, but since the demon was in front of Jenna all its blood spilled on her.
“AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, THAT IS SO GROOOOOSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jenna got up and started running around trying to get the blood off.
“Huh?....oops, hehe…sorry I guess I really don't know my own strength yet, hehe…” The mysterious guy said it and started to stare at her running around.
“Well next time, be a little more careful….” She said without looking at his face.
She then turned around and looked at his face she got one look and fainted.
“Huh? Hey! Are you okay….hello” the guy picked her up and took her to a village.
After a while of walking he finally got there and went to the healer of the village.
“Hey Kaede can you help this girl she fainted….” He put her on the floor and sat down next to her.
“Inuyasha what did you do to her?” Kaede said giving Inuyasha a curious look.
“I didn't do anything so don't blame me she just fainted….huh?”
Just then Jenna's body started to glow, it was her spiritual power, and she had an amazing aura. Then the light dimmed and something started to form on her forehead, the shape turned out to be a heart.
She started to squirm, “Hmm, hmmm… my head hurts, I feel like I've been ran over by a truck….huh?”
“How are ye feeling child?” Kaede said with a warm smile.
“Oh man...hehe…I really must of hit my head really hard I can't' believe I'm actually in a hut with Kaede tending my wounds and Inuyasha is by my side staring at me non stop……” she then started to laugh and got up.
“What are ye talking about child this is no dream….” Kaede said.
“Oh yeah whatever you say “Kaede” hehehe…..okay time to wake up from this dream….” She then pinched her self.
“Ow! What the, why didn't I wake up….”
“Because this isn't a dream stupid…..” said Inuyasha with an obvious look on his face.
“Yeah right if this wasn't a dream would I be able to do this…..” she walks over to Inuyasha and kisses him on the lips and parts away.
Jenna started to blush, “Oh man I really felt that, you mean to tell me that this really isn't a dream and that I really just kissed him?”
Inuyasha started to blush really hard, “I just told you that you idiot…..”
“Oh my God!” then she fainted again.
“Okay that was umm…..e….well that was really weird….are ye okay Inuyasha your face is red….”
“Feh….y-yeah I'm okay…..” said Inuyasha with a deep red blush.
In Inuyasha's thought, “Oh my god she actually kissed me! okay come on keep it together don't let Kaede see your face...” then he turned around and went out side.
As soon he was out side he started thinking about that soft kiss Jenna planted on him and he blushed more.
Oh god what just happened, I know I should be mad `cause she made me look like a fool but….that was the most amazing thing that ever happened, even more amazing from when Kagome kissed me……I am so confused……”