InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Will ❯ chapter six:bets are stupid ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It's me again!miley!This chapter was written in one day(in my notebook, typing it up is a different story 0.o.).Thank you for all the reviews.I know to most people it deosn't seem like much, but to me every review counts.Why do you think I respond to them?I have more than 900 views.Not to far from 1000 now.Nowadays I don't have much to say, so here it is.
DriftingRaven - Hi DriftingRaven!Thanx for complimenting my fic.I like your story too.Of course, I can't tell you what will happen.srry.Love ya!
sufferingkagome - Thanx.enjoy!
Koolkat191 - Hey Koolkat191!You welcome!I really like your story.It's so cute.You LOVE my story?Thank you!n I'll mention your story at the end of this chapter,K?I can hardly wait for the next chapter of your fic, `Kids Will Be Kids'.Until then, enjoy this chapter!
Phoebe - I appreciate you saying(well writting) that you love my story.n that my work is wonderfull.n that I'm terrific.Thanks for your concern.your sweet.well, I won't keep you waiting any longer, here's the chapter.
Disclaimer:You already know ,I don't own InuYasha and characters.Rumiko Takahashi does.not me.not me!
Chapter six:bets are stupid
Inuyasha was sitting in the branch of a tree next to the well.He made sure to pick one of the higher branches of the tree.Just in case the others came near the well.This way, Inuyasha thought he can stare at the well and think without having them spy on him.Of course, Oblivious to Inuyasha, Shipou,Sango and Miroku were watching from below.
`What is Kagome doing right now.'Inuyasha sighed.`Dammit!I shouldn't be thinking about Kagome!I practically yelled at her to go.Just because of a sit.Now I'm regretting it.I shouldn't go and get her now.I'm going to wait.'Inuyasha kehed.`Yeah.That's what I'm going to do.'Inuyasha moved to the right of the tree branch.`Easier said than done.No matter what I'm not going to get Kagome soon.Anyway, she has that school stuff to do.'The soft wind blew at Inuyasha's hair while his solemn gaze focused on the well.Inuyasha returned to staring absent mindedly at the well.
Move over, Miroku.Sango whispered.As they were crouching behind a bush.I don't have room to move over.Miroku said.You're using that as an excuse!Sango whispered a little loudly.Um, I think you guys should be quite before Inuyasha hears us.Shippou said quietly.Shippou has a point.Miroku stated.Fine.Sango reluctantly agreed.Glad you understand.Miroku flashed an innocent smile.His hand inched towards Sango's bottom.Miroku!Sango shouted.Sango slapped Miroku, leaving a red hand print on his face.
Inuyasha snapped out of his daze at the sound of a slap from below.He also heard a mention of a certain monk's name.`I can't even think to myself anymore.'Inuyasha thought.I know your there.Inuyasha said loudly.Great.You guys blew it.Shippou sarcastically said.Sango,Miroku and Shippou stood up and stepped out from behind the bush.Inuyasha, just go get Kagome.Miroku bluntly suggested(more like commanded).Staring at the well and sighing won't get you anywhere.Sango pointed out.
Inuyasha jumped down from the tree.He landed in front of them.And what makes you think I'm going to get Kagome?””You always do.Sango answered.I bet you will get Kagome within the next five or six days.Shippou challenged.
Inuyasha crossed his arms.You want me to make a bet with you?Inuyasha asked, not believing what the little kitsune was saying.Yeah.Shippou said, confidence evident in his tone.You're on!Inuyasha accepted the challenge.`It was what I was planning on doing.'
This is not a good idea.Miroku whispered to Sango.What did you say?Inuyasha turned to Miroku and asked.Nothing.Nothing.Miroku quickly said.Sango, do you want to go back to the village?””Sure.The duo turned around and started walking towards the village.
After a short, silent pause Shippou ran after Sango and Miroku's retreating backs.Inuyasha stared at them leaving until they were out of sight.
What am I doing?Inuyasha asked no one in particular.Inuyasha started running into the forest, in the opposite direction of the well.Inuyasha sped through the trees and shrubs with such speed that all he saw was a blur of green and brown as he ran.He reached his favorite tree.Inuyasha jumped onto one of the branches.The tree branch and the tree as well overlooked the village and a body of water.It was divided into squares by thin stripes of land.It was almost sunset.The sun's rays were reflecting in the water.
`Is Kagome thinking about me?'Inuyasha thought as he enjoyed the mix of red,yellow,orange and pink of the sunset, complimented by the view from the tree.
Shippou, what were you thinking when you offered that bet to Inuyasha?Miroku asked Shippou.You know, that affects Kagome as well.Sango pointed out.
When they left the well, Miroku,Sango and Shippou went to Kaede's hut.They decided to stay for the night.Keade left the hut for a few minutes.
Shippou thought for a moment.I wanted to see if he could do it.I know he'll cave.Besides, Kagome wants to focuse on her studies and Inuyasha is always distracting her.Kagome will come back when she's done with that.Shippou said.I don't know.As I said before, this isn't a good idea.””I don't like it either but, let's just see what happens.Shippou can't take back what he said.What's done is done.Sango discussed.Kagome only waits for Inuyasha to get her if they had a fight.What happened was not a fight.There were no sits.Kagome will come back on her own.Shippou explained.
Kaede entered the hut through the threshold.Fine, Shippou.Although, it is not a wise idea.Miroku whispered to Shippou.Miroku's right.Bets are stupid.Sango said quietly.
I'm sorry for the lateness again.I was also planning some of the later chapters.I knew where to go but, I didn't know how to get there.But, that's taken care of.I haven't drawn a picture in a week.Awell, I'm about to.oh yeah, n check out Koolkat191's fic `Kids Will Be Kids'.It's a cute story.n review if ya like.Szevasztok!