InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My windy witch ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My dear friend Zelix has wished for a Inuyasha/Kagura-story....

And here it is.... Hope you like it Zelix, and I hope that the rest of you like it as well...

My little windy witch

I don't know when I began to look at Kagura as a potential mate. Perhaps it was from the first moment I fought against her, perhaps it evolved over time. How ever it began, I know that I now see her as my future mate. Our fights are never close to death, I fight her alright, but I never put any strength behind my attacks. And I wondered what she thought of, because I could not feel any hostility in her attacks either. Now we stood face to face, glaring at each other. Her dark red eyes made my blood boil with lust and desire - all I wanted was to lay her down and make love all night long. Kagome made a snorting sound and my erotic daydreaming came to an end. Gods, that little ninny is going to be the death of me I am sure of it. As soon as I go my own way she sits me so hard I can hardly walk for a day. She must know by now that I don't have that special kind of feeling for her, I like her - as a friend and nothing else. My little lovely wind witch raised her fan and made a swoop with it, wind blades cut through the air, blades that I easily dodged as I rushed forward. Since she had no power behind the attacks I could disarm her without getting seriously hurt. I heard a small gasp escaping her lips as I grabbed her wrists and made her loose her grip around the fan.

It was somewhere around there I lost my mind, I must have because I never thought of the consequences of my actions. I pulled her close and I kissed her, man did I kiss that witch. My lips closed around hers, my tongue darted out to make her open up for me so I could taste her. I heard a small sound and I opened my eyes only to drown in those ruby pools of hers. She was surprised, hell even I was surprised, but I don't think I could have stopped even if I wanted to. She tasted like a thunder storm, fresh and fierce. Her body melted against mine and that made me loose my head again. And then the moment was lost.


Kagome's voice rang through the air and I felt the familiar tug at my neck. But what my dear friend had not expected was that I pulled Kagura down with me, instead of crashing my face to the ground, Kagome had made sure that my face were stuffed between the wind witch's soft mounds. If I landed like this every time I got sat, hell, Kagome could say osuwari until she had no voice left. I breathed in Kagura's scent, I loved her breezy scent. Something I mumbled into her chest.

- Shit Kagura, you smell good…

- W-what??

- You smell good, I repeated.

But I could feel her distress and as soon as the sit spell wore off I got up on my feet again. I looked at Kagura and saw her blushing face. She refused to look at me as she got up and took a few steps back to be safe. I licked my lips when my eyes fell upon hers, they were a bit swollen after my kiss and I wanted to taste her again.

- And I will, count on it my little windy witch, I whispered so only she could hear.

A loud gulp came from Kagura and then she was gone, I looked up and saw her disappear over the treetops on her magical feather. "Yeah, count on it Kagura-chan." I thought with a smug smile on my lips.

Kagome came up to me, her dark brown eyes flashed with anger and hurt. Shit, this was not going to end well. Damn this hanyou body and its lust driven hormones.

- What was that Inuyasha? she asked accusingly.

- What was what Kagome? I said with a snort, knowing perfectly well what she was talking about, but I had no intention on going into it, not with her.

- Y-you kissed her…!

- Yeah so what?

- B-but that was Kagura..

- Yeah I know.

I hid a smile; Kagome's flushed face held me back. I am sure Shippou and Kirara had an idea of what I had in mind when I kissed Kagura, but the little annoying fox was still a bit too young to understand completely and Kirara, well, she could not say anything but a mewl.

- Have you lost your mind Inuyasha? asked Kagome with a scowl on her face.

- No, I just felt like kissing her, that's all.

- Just felt like it??!!!

- Yeah, something wrong with kissing a beautiful female.

Hmm, I might have formed a death sentence over my head. Sango came to my rescue and took Kagome by her arm and led her away from me. But I could see the hurt inside the taijya's eyes. Perhaps I had went too far this time? Next thing I knew was a friendly pat on my back. I turned and saw the perverted monk smile at me.

- Tell me Inuyasha, is that the way to go around when you want a girl? asked Miroku.

- I don't know, why - do you want to try it on Sango? I snickered a bit.

- I was just talking in general, mumbled the monk and sported to red roses on his cheeks.

I snorted again and began walking away, away from where the little incident had happen. I bit my inner cheek. What the fuck had been going on here? Why did I react so strongly, sure I was impulsive and arrogant, but I had never given in to softer feelings, not like this anyway. I heard Kagome's voice in the distant but I shut my ears up, I did not want to hear her accusing voice. I needed to think. I began running, running away from everything.

I found a place near a great mountain and I landed gracefully on a rocky notch. It was perfect. I sniffed the air and was glad to find out that it held no demon scent at all. I needed to think about things.

******** ~ ¤ ~ ********

My mind fogged, it blurred when I saw Naraku use his palm and smack Kagura over the face over and over again until she fell to the ground, he proceeded with kicking her in the stomach, calling her names, telling her what a useless demoness she was, that she was a slut. My inner demon went into overdrive and I knew I went into full demon mode. I unsheathed my sword and rushed forward with bloodlust raging inside my mind. Someone had hurt my mate and I was not going to take it. Just seeing my little wind witch on the ground, her spirit broken by her creator made me loose it. The tentacles that surrounded my body was cut the next second. The poisonous shouki was blown away thanks to the Tessaiga's powerful attacks.

I know I was hit several times but my wounds did not hurt as much as the sight of seeing Kagura on the ground. I needed to be with her, I needed her to live. I wanted her by my side after I beat the shit out of this asshole from hell. "Naraku, say your fucking prayers, because this is the last day you see the daylight." I thought and felt the sword pulsate in my hand.

With one swing I released the diamond spears from my blade. They pierced Naraku's body form head to toe, the finishing touch came from Kagome and Kikyo, they had over come their differences and now they worked together, releasing two powerful and purifying arrows against our enemy.

Naraku never stood a chance. Their arrows hit right where his black heart was located. A crystal sound echoed through the glade where the last battle stood and then…. silence.

I heard Kagome shout the hated word over the clearing and my face was planted into the ground with a loud sound. Although this time it made me snap out of my blood rage. I looked around and then I remembered. "KAGURA!!"

I got up on my feet as soon as the spell allowed me to and ran over to the beaten body of Kagura. She lay there with her face buried in the ground. Gently I picked her up and cradled her inside my arms. I whispered words of comfort, glad that she still was alive even though her creator had been blown to kingdom come.

- Kagura-chan, please… open your eyes for me, I whispered softly, nuzzling her neck, taking in her breezy scent.

I was a bit surprised when I noticed a slight change in her scent, earlier she had carried a small portion of Naraku, but not now. Now she only smelled like the wind during a thunderstorm in the summer. I saw her eyelids flutter and then she opened her eyes. Never had those ruby orbs been a more welcomed sight. I sobbed and kissed her heatedly.

- I-Inuyasha?? she said with a raspy voice.

- Yes love, I answered her and her eyes widened.

- What happened? she asked and locked her gaze with mine.

- You are free Kagura-chan, free like the wind.

I smiled gently when I said it. But it was the truth; we had beaten the asshole known as Naraku. I could see Miroku dance around with three girls, singing about his whole hand. His curse was gone.

- I am free? Kagura was not sure what to believe. Had her freaky creator finally met his ending?

- Yes, Naraku is gone. We killed him love.

I buried my face in her neck, lightly nipping at her skin to keep her awake and alert.

Kagura lifted her face, a bit to look at me. I saw confusion shimmer inside those red eyes of hers. She wanted to know and I needed to tell her as well.

- I know Kagura-chan, but I can not deny it any longer. I love you, I need you, I want you as my mate. I have felt like this for quite a while, even before I kissed you.

Was that really my voice? That shaky and trembling sound, was it my voice?

- I have scared the shit out of my friends with this, but I can not help it Kagura, I love you… I want you as my mate… my voice was thick of emotions.

- I-inuyasha… Why?

- I don't know, the only thing I know is that I can not live without you. When Naraku beat you up I went into full demon and I released the Tessaiga's ultimate attack, and along with Kagome and Kikyo's purifying arrows we were able to defeat him. He is dead Kagura-chan, he is no more. His scent has disappeared from you, you are free to do as you like.

- Free…?!!

A change could clearly be seen in her otherwise strict face, I was a bit taken aback when she flung her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. I could hear her repeat the word free over and over again. Her tears made my skin contract into goose bumps. Although I hated when females cried, this was an exception, these were tears of happiness, not sorrow. I loosened the bun of hair on top of her head and black silk fell down her back. I was amazed how long it really was. I had never seen a single strand of hair out of place before, but I would not tolerate that she bound it up again, not if she agreed to mate with me.

Kikyo and Kagome looked at me with dark sparkling eyes, but then they shook their heads and turned away from me and Kagura as if they did not care anymore. Not like that anyway. Miroku helped Sango with her giant youkai bone, but when he tried to place it on his back it crumbled to pieces, it had done what it was supposed to do. The taijya smiled sadly and walked over to her brother's fallen body, she removed the single shard in his back and gave it to Kagome. I saw my old love and her reincarnation put their hands together and a small purple light engulfed them both. When they let go a complete jewel lay in their hands. The quest to complete the Shikon no Tama was over. Kagome walked over to me but I stopped her with my hand, I shook my head in no. I had no need for the jewel anymore. I did not want to become a mindless freak that thirsted for blood, any creatures' blood. Kagome looked surprised but then she nodded and went back to Kikyo. Once they had brought themselves together again they walked away. I stayed behind with Kagura still cradled inside my arms. I could feel her breathe against my throat and I wanted to curse when I felt a part of me grow hard. "This is not the time…" I thought and moved to pick her up. This was not the place to mate, I wanted it to be somewhere special.

- Kagura-chan, do you want to come with me? I asked with a low voice, I could not believe how uncertain I was about this.

- I'll go anywhere, only if it is far away from this place, said Kagura with a shy smile.

I nodded and crouched down so she could get up on my back. As soon as I got hold of her thighs and I felt her arms go around my shoulders I took off.

I found the place where I had spent three days in a row a couple of month's back, the place I used when I needed to think. I sat down on the notch and let go of her legs. She moved down from my back and I swallowed a moan when I felt her firm breasts slide down my back.

- Wow, what is this place? asked Kagura with a voice filled with awe.

- Just my private thinking place, I mumbled and turned around to look at her. I saw her smile and my heart fluttered.

- Why have you brought me here Inuyasha? she asked and took a step closer to me and I felt her hands grab mine and I forced my eyes to meet hers.

- I wanted to ask you something, and I know you already know what it is because I have told you what I wish for, but I still need to ask you… my voice shifted.

She smiled and used a hand to caress my cheek, I shuddered under her soft touch.

- My answer is yes Inuyasha. I would love to be your mate. I have thought of you from the day you kissed me, my heart and soul belongs to you my little hanyou. I want you to be my mate as well. You are strong and fierce, my inner strength knows that you are the one for me. I say Yes Inuyasha.

Gods, that answer made me hot and shivering at the same time. But I needed to be sure…

- Don't let this be some kind of cruel joke Kagura-chan… I breathed and rubbed my nose against her as I closed my eyes, holding back my emotions for a few more seconds.

- I am not the one who would lie to you my little inu friend. I don't know what kind of woman you think I am, but I am not the one who teases, if I want something, I get it…. and I want you Inuyasha. Your kiss made me feel things that I never thought was possible…

Did I need more? Nope, I did not. Soon she was crushed against my chest, my lips sought out hers and once again I tasted her windy mouth. She talked too much. Gods I was lost from the moment my lips touched hers. My fingers buried themselves in her black hair; pushing her closer to me than I thought was possible.

She opened up for me, I could feel her hands in my own hair and I growled when they encountered parts of my skin. Her claws trickled the skin on my neck and I let out a howling sound of pleasure. My howling was responded by a purring sound from her and that made me go overboard. I felt her legs give in and I followed her down so we both stood on our knees, my tongue was still buried deep inside her mouth, coaxing her tongue to play with mine.

When I felt her hands on the tie that bound my haori together I was ready to call it a day, but I did not, instead I found the sash on her kimono and when I could not get it loose I ripped the textile with my claws. I wanted to feel her against my hands, but I think I underestimated Kagura, because she was not far behind in undressing me. I felt a brush of air over my hot body and I knew she had undressed me completely. For a few seconds our kiss was broken and I looked into her blood red gaze, she licked her lips and her hands grabbed my dragon tails, pulling me closer for another kiss.

I moaned into her mouth and my hands moved around her waist to caress her lower back and in the end I ended up just like Miroku, I grabbed her behind - I mean - I really grabbed her. My hands found two luscious mounds of flesh and I lifted her up a bit, moving so I could let her rest against the mountain wall. Her strong legs were hooked behind my back, pushing me closer so I would finish our heated mating game.

My fingers moved down under to explore her silky folds, wanting to make sure that she wanted this as much as I did and my mouth twitched in victory when I felt drops of satin liquid on my fingertips. I brought my right hand to my face, I could see her look at me with both horror and anticipation - without a second thought I slid my fingers into my mouth, tasting her secret drops.

- You taste good Kagura-chan….

She moaned darkly and her sex pushed against my pelvis, wanting to feel more of my remedy. And what kind of mate would I be if I did not listen to my mate's request? I guided the tip of my shaft in between her folds and without warning I plunged deep into her wetness. She screamed out my name, not in pain but in pleasure and that made me grow even harder - just hearing her scream my name was a very potent aphrodisiac. She felt so warm, so good… this was not going to last long. I felt my fangs grow a bit longer and I licked the place on her right shoulder… the place where her shoulder met her neck. Her skin tasted a bit salty and something that was her taste uniquely. Once I felt her trip over the edge of oblivion I sunk my youkai fangs into her flesh, making sure that no other male found their way into her soul. She was mine and mine only. I would never let a male come close to her again. She was the one that would carry my puppies, not now perhaps, but sometime in the future. I lapped up the blood from the wound my fangs had created and I heard her purr in content. I held back my release, knowing I could take her when ever I wanted in the future.

- Inuyasha - fill me, I want to feel you..

I heard her whispering and pleading voice and I knew what she wanted - but was she prepared for it?

- Are you sure my love? I asked.

- Yesssss, I need something that is truly based on love… Come inside me Inuyasha, give me the power to bring forth life….

I mean - who could deny such a request? Not I that was for sure… as soon as she had spoken the words I filled her with my seed, wanting to fulfil her wish at any cost.

My little windy witch - I will forever be your slave…


Ok, it was a bit OOC, but I am in a cute moment again... Read and live with it my friends...