InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MY WISH ❯ My Wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Wish
By Kagome Reborn
Disclaimer: I still don't own the characters only the storyline in which this fanfiction takes place.
Inuyasha & co. belongs to the infamous Rumiko Takahashi
Warnings: Death, Non cannon flic… Child rape mentioned but not detailed.
This is my wish.
This is the wish for me alone. I will not share it. I will not bind this wish to another and share in the reward. This is my wish.
I use to wish for others. For friends, for strangers, for love ones and for enemies. This time I will wish for me. I want to keep this wish for myself. For the first time in a long time I want to be selfish.
It is a strange time to come to this conclusion however I'm not ashamed, how could I be? They want to know my wish but they won't like the answer. They won't understand why. Why I need this and why this would complete me.
But they don't have to understand. I wanted them to know once. I wanted their understanding… I don't now.
The sky is a strange color. Blood red swirls twisting through an orange and yellow taffy sky.
The ground is wet and dying. I can feel the earth expiring around me. They didn't explain this to me. They did not tell me what my power would do.
They didn't explain what they would make me do.
But they can't stop this. This is my wish, my wish alone.
They should have kept their word. They should have set me free. They should have known what I would do. They will learn. This is my wish.
My eyes glaze upon the lifeless bodies of the Slayer, the Monk …Inu-yasha. I killed them all... their blood coats the ground as I step over their bodies examining my handiwork. Each one died at my own hand. I watched their eyes dim to the eternal darkness of death.
Death did not claim them, I did. My hair, my skin is bathed in the scent of their deaths.
I carry them with me.
This is my wish…My wish alone.
Raising my eyes to the darkening sky I watch as he descends to the ground. Those eyes for the first time hold life.
I watch him step over the limp form of the wind witch, her black heart clutched eternally in her grasp. I understood the feeling of being incomplete that she felt.
But now I will be whole and I will have my wish.
They promised when the jewel was completely purified the balance would be corrected. They swore that my suffering would not be in vain. They promised to release their hold.
Inuyasha is dead but still there was more. They would not answer my call so now I will knock on their door.
The Gods grant a special few with the true holy powers needed to keep the earthly plain in balance. These souls are reincarnated each time stronger to be able to bear more of the suffering, the loss... The pain of the weighty responsibility placed upon them but not for eternity. Souls that have served their time of service are supposed to be released of their duties as caretaker and become facilitators. There to instruct the next wave of earth's sentinels. I was supposed to have my peace.
Hell has an end, purgatory does not. The gods had created me and yet they do not understand what they have set into motion…yet.
This is my wish. It has been three years since the great battle. I lost and forsook everything and everyone I once wanted to complete my task.
The pool of blood stains his beautiful clothing and I almost want to weep in regret at thinking of any of this stunning creature tainted because of me.
I completed the jewel… I returned the balance; reinstated the order. I took back my soul. And now I will break the chains that bind it.
They left me with this half-life. They made me murder her. My reincarnation …When it was really I that died a bit more inside. I watched her die pleading for the life of the kitzune but I could not spare him. I could spare none of them. This was not their fight and I needed my power back. She was me formed from the gods to pave the way while my conscience slumbered; visions of pinning the first man I tried to love in four life spans to a tree and his eyes close in hatred of me.
He arms encircle my form and I felt my breath catch as his lips crash on mine. This is my wish.
It hurts at first. Holding back my healing powers is harder but his kisses are distracting. The metallic taste of blood soon fills my mouth and his. My arms tighten around him. His poisons do act fast. I almost didn't feel his hand pierce my chest.
His eyes soften as the deed is now done.
This is my wish. This is my wish alone.
I feel my start to pull back and I cling harder to him.
My words echo low as if coming from another place.
`Pull it out' I order firmly and repeatedly until he finally concedes and pulls the shining pink orb from my form.
No one understood why it drew so many to it. Why it caused obsession.
Ambrosia, the fruit of the Gods
Highly sought after for its power. And yet unlike that forbidden fruit this emblem was not safely hidden away. Instead it was fused to the soul of one young girl that was foolish enough to fall in love with a demi God. As her punishment for seducing an immortal when it was her duty to stay devout to their temple the young girl's soul was warped and spilt to become a vassal of holy power to protect mankind from themselves. This was how I was `granted' my gifted position as one of earth's sentinels. Sadistically my foe became the possessed form of the Demi-God I had given my heart to. Destined never to be together for our trespass.
I let him go then. Looking down I stare at the thing that has bound me from love and peace for so long.
“Use it… Save yourself.” Looking back at him I realized that never again in my life will I see love pure like this directed at me again.
To have found it so late, so very late only to have to let it go tore me deeper than his claws had.
“Naraku… I am …” And then I smiled… Smiled that smile he use to love when he would come upon my in the middle of the night and bring me to him and allow me to feel his heartbeat just for me.
I had healed him and cured him of the demons that had tormented him. The same way I kept him bound and scarred in the cave as Onigumo, knowing one day the youkai would come for him. Taint him. But never did I think he would love me. Want me more than the power I held. Never did I dream that the power of his desire for me would outweigh his desire for the jewel. In all my other lives he had not remembered me. Sought me but it seemed just was my full memory of what had transpired, so was his.
The Jewel of Four Souls; though really it should be called the Jewel of Four Lifetimes.
I have had my life ended four times by hands of a man.
As Mitzumi, the orphaned, forbidden child that fell into the hands of the Sadistic demon lord Katsumi that happened to like his whores young. He had abused me mercilessly until one day at the age of fourteen when he had begun to rape me, my powers surface briefly throwing him off me. He then used me to destroy those that opposed him as his assassin whore. Until the day the fates unleashed my power to destroy him as he killed me, digging his fist into my stomach because I refused to bed a female Demon one time.
Midoriko; that life without love and battled fearlessly against the youkai sent to destroy me and absorb my power.
Kikyou; who lived with the weight of all the past deaths upon me. Whose conscience awoke to show all of the suffering that I had faced at the twisted hands of Fate. But as I slumbered they promised me this would be the last. Now that my spiritual mind was complete and my full awareness had been roused they would give me peace.
Kagome was my hope. In a new world and a new time where the threat of the old ways were things of the past I flourished and my soul began to heal.
But they lied and sent me back. Back into the world where they had not been forgotten.
I felt myself slump against him and then I felt my legs go weak and I crumbled to the ground.
“Why must you do this? Is there no other way?” My Dark One; My beloved. Always so rational, always finding the solution that pleased him best. I will miss him while I'm gone.
“I must force their hand. This time I will not wait for them to come. I will fight for what is mine … for what they promised 500 years ago as my body was burned over the tears of my little sister... When I die this time my soul will finally merge with my missing halves sealed in the jewel right way. The Shikon will come back to me for it is me. All this time lying within me dormant... Tainted … unable to flow with rest of my ki.
I will free my soul, destroy the thread of fate that binds me to my torment and then I return to you.”
My words were broken down into gasps as I felt my soul start to call to the part of my soul within the shikon.
“But first I must go to Hell” A whisper of a smile ghosted my lips as I remembered the times I said those words with anger. “Why can't I go with you?” He asked unable to let me touch the ground though we both could see the reaper of death coming swiftly.
Inuyasha would not help me. He could not understand why I needed him to follow the same way Naraku does not understand why he must stay.
And with my conscience in a body of clay and my heart in flesh and blood how could I explain to myself what they could not begin to comprehend.
“Because When I bring them back” I replied motioning with my eyes to my fallen comrades though they did not know I was at the time. I could not leave them here were I could not protect them when the Gods sought to blackmail me. If I had stopped the healing process of Onigumo my precious Keade would have killed instead of growing old as she has and finding peace without me.
`' You will bring me back.”
It was time. I let the last of my powers free, calling to my soul to break the binding spell and to force him away.
I felt my last breath fall away as I choked in my own blood. I felt my heart stop as the gates to hell opened for the reapers. And I felt the surge course through me as the missing part of my soul returned to me right before I received Death's touch.
My eyes faded out it the scene of Naraku clutching the soiled fabric of my clothes, barely resisting the urge to try and heal or join me.
This is my wish. This is my wish and my wish alone. I will keep this one. This one is for me. I will have my wish.
I will have my peace…my freedom…I will have him.
I will finally be one with him and feel him fill my body as we become one.
But first I'm going to hell. I will complete the task set out from the beginning. No longer shall I wait for Naraku to be reincarnated again, only to fight him again. I will complete this cycle as the Gods swore they would.
And my friends will help me. That is once they understand why I have done what I have done.
This is my wish. This is my wish alone. This wish I will keep just for me.
This time I will be selfish. Can you blame me?
Yes, maybe you can but this is my wish and it will be granted.