InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My World, Is something different. ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

***Thank you for giving your time and reading this fanfic I am entering for the contest.

I would like to start this fic introducing myself;

I have always loved, and I am very happy, and honored, that I can, and am finally entering a fic for the contest. has always been my favorite site, and it is the one that has inspired me to write, and I thank you for it.

Writing has become my life now, and I would never have discovered it without you guys, thank you.

This fic may not be worthy of winning this contest, but I am giving it my all.

The poems that are going to be used here are made by me, so please do not steal them, or use them to your advantage.

I feel Drama would be my best category since my life is basically drama...

Thank you for your time and enjoy my fic


Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha and co. They belong to the wonderful and very talented Rumiko Takahashi.

Summery- Kagome is a depressed teenager with an abusive father who plans to rape her, a mother who hated her, but is now dead, a brother who was killed before her eyes, a best friend who is the light of her world, and a job that pays shit. But today, she meets someone who will change her world forever....


Well, let's get this puppy on a roll!


Poetic love, and an angel's suicide.

Kagome trailed her beat up sneakers up to her ratty old room.

It had been a hard, long day at work....First her boss told her to clean up all the grease the guys had made fixing the new Ferrari, then he told her to do it over since she missed spots, later the guys tried to have some `fun' with her, and finally, her boss told her she would have to work part-time instead of full time.

`Great, my life is going down to if it isn't already there' She sighed and turned the knob for her room...which couldn't really be called a room since it was the bathroom.

"But hell, that's what I get when my father is too drunk all the goddamn time to get a decent job and afford a house that's better than this piece of fuck," Kagome opened the door forcefully, her leather and spike bracelet sliding down her wrist a bit from the force.

Walking inside the five meter length, two meter wide bathroom, Kagome threw her backpack by the sink and closed her door, then locking her door, first by the door knob, then by the chain, and all the other various ones.

Finally done with locking her door, she turned on the light and looked at her `bedroom'.

It had a white tile floor, dark brown cabinets, a mirror that partially took the entire right side of the bathroom, a sink with silver handles, a white toilet with a black covering, a shower right besides her `bed' which consisted of random blankets and a few pillows.

She had a bean bag that she paid with her own money for when the floor got to be too much of a pain on her back, another chair by the sink so she could use the sink as a desk to do her work, or write.

She had posters of some of her favorite bands, some that had random shit, like `Pain is just something we have to deal with' and `Depression is just anger without enthusiasm', her poem notebooks scattered around the right side of the sink, some of them containing her drawings, the left side of the sink containing some pictures of her and her friends, and her accessories.

The cabinets contained her clothes and some pads, tampons, a few rolls of toilet paper, and two towels. And some condoms and birth control...of course.

"I guess I should change before he-" before she could continue she heard a muffled shout from downstairs.

"Kagome?! Ya bitch! Get your ass down here!" She heard her father's yell reach her pierced ears.

Wincing for she knew what was to come; she unlocked her door again, and took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.

Taking the railing in her right hand while walking downstairs, she saw her father waiting for her at the end of them, a cocky but silly smirk on his face.

`I guess he's drunk again...'

She reached the bottom wearily, not trusting this man for what he was about to do, and in a steady voice she asked, "What is it?"

The man smirked, revealing yellow ugly teeth, and a breath that smelled so strong of alcohol, it was sickening.

"Kagome, you late again' girly!" He laughed a crewel laugh and slammed his hand down her shoulder.

She winced at the impact, her previous wound not yet healed, thus making if more painful.

"Sorry. Seihe wanted me to stay late, I forgot to call," She responded, looking him straight in the eye.

He laughed bitterly again and leaned in close to her face, his black eyes looking at her beautiful brown ones.

"You forgot to call?" His eyes flashed suddenly as he grabbed her roughly by the shoulders, "YOU FORGOT TO CALL?!"

Kagome winced yet again at the volume of his voice, "Ye-yes. I'm sorry..."

He pushed her down and slapped her face, "You're sorry?! Is that what you have to say?! You had me worried!"

He lifted her up by the neck and threw her on the table, the glass that was in the middle breaking and biting in the sensitive skin of Kagome's back.

Kagome resisted the urge to scream her pain, instead she moaned slightly from it.

He hurled her up again, and slammed her against the wall, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back to face him.

"Will you call from now on if you're going to be late, Kagome?" He whispered hoarsely.

"I will...." She closed her eyes.

"Answer me!"

"I will!" She forced out louder.

"Good girl Kagome...Just follow daddy's rules and you'll be ok, ya hear?" He leaned to her neck and licked her pulse, as his hand slid up her thigh and rubbed dangerously close to her private bundle of nerves.

Kagome yelped and pulled away, "I-I'm going to my room now, good night!"

Running up the stairs, she rubbed her neck, just were he had previously licked.

Reaching her door, she opened it quickly and slammed it shut, locking it quickly.

Leaning heavily against it, she sighed shakily and ran a hand through her midnight black hair with maroon highlights.

"How could he have done that? That bastard...I know he wants me, but I never thought he'd try it."

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and flopped down on her bean bag, taking a note book with a rose on the front that had blood drops falling off its petals.

Now Kagome wasn't exactly an innocent girl, she'd been with men before...

"But I never thought my father would lust after me..." She muttered, taking a mechanical pencil and opening her notebook to a blank page.

An Angel's Suicide-

Watch as she walks

Down a riverside

Isn't she beautiful?

Look closely

Do you see her pain?

Do you?

Do you see the cuts?

Do you?

Do you see the fake smile?

Watch as she runs a knife down her slender white wrists

The crimson blood running sweetly down the riverside

Her light brown eyes

Dim of their fake light

As she falls down

Dying with a bittersweet smile

An Angel's Suicide.

Finishing the last words of her poem, she took a black remote with white buttons, and turned on a small TV, not so bit, yet not to small, that was, yet again, paid with her money.

"Heh, I guess Spike is good, MXC is on anyways," She put her notebook on her lap and got comfortable on the bean bag.

After watching a little of the marathon of `MXC' she programmed her TV for 20 more minutes, and fell asleep.

-Next Day-

Kagome woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside her small bathroom window, looking at her clock, reading 5:13 AM, and got up, looking at herself in the mirror.

"I forgot to wrap that wound on my back...." She sighed before taking off her black baggy wife beater, and reaching for some alcohol and bandages.

Getting some toilet paper, she poured alcohol on it and rubbed it on her back with difficulty, and when satisfied that it was cleaned, she took a bit bandage and stuck it on her wound.

"I guess having a bathroom as a room isn't so bad." Kagome cocked her head to the side before she crouched down and looked inside her clothes cabinet.

Choosing on some Tripp pants that had sippers on the thighs and calf's, tight black tank that read `Hell's Angel....Cries Crimson Tears', and black and red sneakers.

Pulling her hair up in a high pony tail, she took her black chocker with red dragons on it and put it on, next she put sex bracelets on her arms, and put skull and black rose rings, when she was done with that, she put her hands on the sink and leaned in close to the mirror, her black nail polish shining from the light.

"Sango is going to wonder what happened...." She touched the slightly purple wound on her cheek.

She smiled at the thought of her best friend, she was the light of her world, the only reason she was alive, besides her other friends, of course.

Sighing, she grabbed her backpack, before turning back around and brushing her teeth.

"Ok, now I'm ready!" Kagome laughed quietly before opening her door, and walking down the stairs.

Seeing her father knocked out on the couch, she kicked it and yelled, "Wake up ya asshole!"

He just grunted and scratched his stomach before turning over.

"C'mon! Wake up! Ya need to go get some girl to fuck ya, remember?" Kagome kicked the couch yet, and seeing him stir, she walked to the door.

"Bye ya dick! I'm going to school!" She yelled before slamming the door close.

Taking a deep breath of Californian air, she walked down the porch and towards the hell hole they called school.


Once she reached the gates to her school, she walked inside, instantly catching every guy's eyes, and every girl's glare.

"Watcha lookin' at?!" Kagome glared at the girl's, seeing them turn away in fear, and continued to walk to her group of friends.

Seeing only Sango leaning against the brick wall smoking a cigarette, she walked over there and inquired, "Where the hell is everyone?"

Sango smirked and threw her cigarette on the ground, stepping on it with the heel of her dark green sandals.

"They are all in prison for the day, they went over to Riley's and set the place on fire," Sango explained.

"Damn, which I coulda been there, damn work," Kagome sighed and lit her own cigarette, taking a big drag out of it before looking at Sango.

"So, what's up kitty?" Kagome asked, using Sango's pet name.

"Nothing much bitchy, you?" Sango asked, also using Kagome's pet name.

"Notin'" Kagome took another drag of her cigarette, closing her eyes to enjoy it.

"What happened to your cheek then?" Sango asked testily.

"What do you think?" Kagome opened her eyes and looked at Sango pointedly.

"Damn it! Every time!" Sango slammed her fist against the brick wall.

"Take it easy chicka! It's not that bad!" Kagome took Sango's fist in her own, and put it down gently.

"Kagome! You gotta tell the police about this!" Sango pleaded with her friend.

"Look, I'm ok, alright? Besides, they'll just take me away from here, and then we will never see each other again, do ya want that? Just until I'm 18 Sango! Just five more months, ok?" Kagome looked at her friend, trying to reason with her.

"Alright, but ya know you can come over anytime, right?" Sango asked, looking at her friend worriedly.

"Sure thing" Kagome smiled.

Hearing the bell ring, both Kagome and Sango sighed in unison and looked at each other.

"Ready for hell?" Sango asked playfully.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Okie dokie then!" Sango yelled enthusiastically.

"You are so immature!" Kagome said with a fake British accent.

"So are you!" Sango stuck her tongue out.

"You're right!" Kagome pretended to sob as Sango patted her back in sympathy.

"It's ok; we'll get through this together!" Sango rubbed her back a couple of more times before she laughed and pulled at Kagome's hand.


They walked lazily to the school building, knowing that once they got to class, they would be in deep shit, but not caring a damn.


Mss. Husike glared at the two bored looking teenage girls.

"Where have you been?! You are 21 minutes late!"

Kagome smiled and asked, "Wouldn't it have been easier to say 20 minutes late, or are teachers always stupid?"

The class laughed and `ooh'ed at the two brave girls that ruled the school.

"Take your seats now! And detention after school!" She bellowed.

"I don't know why you bother, who the hell goes to school after school?" Sango inquired.

The class laughed yet again, and Sango smirked.

"Just please take your seats!" The teacher sighed wearily.

"Okie dokie hammy smoky!" Kagome turned on her heels and sat down on the back row, smiling at the teacher in a very suspicious way.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and in walked a very handsome hanyou, Kagome guessed, with beautiful silver hair, stunning amber eyes, and adorable doggy ears!

He was dressed casually, with some faded blue jeans, a white shirt that had the words `Be happy I'm not your kid' in bold black, and black Puma's.

"Oh! You must be the new student, Inuyasha was it?" the teacher smiled brightly, and Kagome thought that if she smiled anymore, her face would split in half like her skin when she cut.

"I guess I am..." `Inuyasha' retorted dryly.

Kagome smirked, this kid had attitude, maybe she would-

"Oh! Alright!" The teacher smiled idiotically, "why don't you take a seat by Kagome?"

Kagome raised her hand lazily, looked at Inuyasha, and "Hey. Name's Kagome"

The guys in the class gasped and muttered. Had the famous Kagome just given her name to a newbie? All the other guys had to kill to get her on a date!

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and resisted a gasp, `Holy damn! She's beautiful! But where did she get those bruises?'

Inuyasha stared a bit longer before walking over to her, and sitting on the empty seat on her right.

"Yo. I'm Inuyasha." Inuyasha almost winced at how lame that sounded.

Kagome laughed slightly, "Well, as ya know, name's Kagome, ya wanna do something after school?" Kagome asked sweetly, putting emphases on the word `something'.

Inuyasha's eyes widened slightly never have done that with a girl before, or anyone for that matter.

"I-I guess so...." He trailed off.

"Ok then! It's settled! After school we're going out!" Kagome grinned and propped her feet on her desk, preparing to sleep through the very boring lecture.

Inuyasha only nodded and looked back at the teacher, though his mind was on another though, or more specifically, another girl that was sitting next to him, sleeping.

Oh he didn't know what he was getting himself into!


A/N: Alright, that was not as good as I had hoped, but please bear with me! I know this is not going to be good enough to enter the contest, but I'm alright with that, so, again, thank you for your time.
