InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mysophobia ❯ A New School and A New Target ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I dont own Inuyasha

Chapter 1: A new school and a new target

Inuyasha Takahashi walked onto the Shikon High school grounds in his usual arrogant stride. He was what you would call a bad ass, having come from downtown Tokyo and having once been part of a gang, he wore the typical goth attire along with a tongue barbell ring and his hanyou claws colored black. Basically he wasn’t used to the suburban scene. The clinging of the chains on his black cargos attracted attention from many of the average looking students. He would ignore the murmurs among those watching him and continued to look straight head with a bored look on his handsome face.

Inuyasha stomped into the principal’s office waiting room and loudly propped his feet up on the coffee table, once he sat on the couch, earning a glare from the secretary. “You must be the new student she grumbled.” Inuyasha didn’t reply and merely took out his CD player and put on the specially made headphones for his dog ears.

Inuyasha was beginning to get irritated with the wait when a girl burst into the waiting room, and what a strange site she was. She wore all black but didn’t have any other indications of her being a goth which might have made her a drama nerd had she not been wearing a strange surgical mask and latex gloves. She was sweating like crazy and brushing at what appeared to be mud on her face. Her long black hair was also covered in mud and the girl looked to be close to hysterics.

Inuyasha turned down the volume of his music and an ear twitched when the strange girl spoke. “Ms. Kaede! I need a bathroom!” the girl gasped her voice unusually desperate. Inuyasha was about to deduct that she was nothing but a shallow prep who couldn’t handle a little mud, that is until she threw up suddenly and passed out. Ms. Kaede called 911 and Inuyasha jumped to his feet and ran to the girl. She looked terrible, almost sickly. He looked up at Ms. Kaede who shook her head sadly.

“This is the second time this month…” she sighed. Inuyasha frowned up at her.

“What the hell does that mean ya old hag!” Inuyasha demanded.

Ms. Kaede glared at him and a male teacher came in hearing the sirens and took the girl out of Inuyasha’s arms. Inuyasha watched Kaede proceed to ignore him and go on with business. The girl was taken to the hospital and after the principal was done talking to the authorities he came back in and was ready to talk with Inuyasha.

“You’ll get used to the ruckus when that kind of stuff happens, young man. Don’t let what happened today give our school a bad rep in your mind.” The principal said good naturedly. Inuyasha was still very confused and jabbed a thumb over his shoulder.

“What the hell was THAT all about anyway?”

“Ah…well just bullying, don’t worry about it. Now here’s your schedule and locker number and combination. Here is the school handbook, please read the rules and it is about lunch time now so you can head down to the cafeteria which is in the 400’s hallway. We hope your high school years will be enjoyable here at Shikon High.” Inuyasha was suddenly pushed out of the office before he knew what was going on. Inuyasha looked at the handbook and chucked it into the nearest trashcan and then proceeded to the cafeteria eyeing a couple girls here and there who stared at him. Thinking back when he held that strange girl her found her body to be quite impressive he might have to claim to her that he called the ambulance and see how she would repay him. Then again she was a little TOO weird for him…

The next day during the first break Inuyasha met up with his new friend another goth in the school named Miroku Kazaana, though he wasn’t AS gothic as the hanyou was. Miroku and Inuyasha sat out under a tree in the outside commons area and were talking bout their favorite music when something caught Inuyasha’s eye. Over by the picnic tables was the girl from yesterday, again in all black and a face mask and gloves. She was scrubbing at the table with a rag in a neurotic way and Inuyasha couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged at his lips at her strange behavior now.

“Hey Miro, who is that?” asked Inuyasha pointing to the girl. Miroku followed his hanyou friend’s finger to the girl and a soft smile played on his face.

“Oh, that’s my little cousin Kagome Higurashi; she’s best friends to the most beautiful girl in the school, my fair maiden Sango Taijiyi!” Miroku sighed dreamily and Inuyasha snorted.

“Doubt she’s hotter than your cousin.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. Miroku immediately glared at Inuyasha.

“Don’t even think about it, my friend. She isn’t going to become one of those girlfriends you dumped in a week’s time back at your old school, besides she wouldn’t go out with you anyway.” Miroku said and immediately regretted saying it when he saw the sudden determination on the hanyou’s face.

“Oh? And why wouldn’t she wanna go out with me?” demanded Inuyasha never taking his eyes off the young girl scrubbing at the table.

“It isn’t that she thinks she’s too good for you. She has issues that require her to not be around many people.” Said Miroku vaguely.

“Elaborate Miroku.” Inuyasha growled suspiciously finally tearing his eyes from Kagome.

Miroku looked around nervously and sighed. “…she’s…Mysophobic.” Miroku said seriously. When all he got was a blank expression from Inuyasha he explained. “She has an irrational fear of germs and of being contaminated. She cant touch anybody with out freaking out, she disinfects EVERYTHING, she is ultra careful about what she eats and has a years supply of latex gloves and surgical masks at home. She has problems and you hitting on her wont help things.” Said Miroku. “And…she’s been diagnosed with other mental disorders too…”

Inuyasha stared at Kagome in wonder and then his face contorted into a scowl as he thought this over. He had been to an asylum at one point when he was a cutter and they almost completely cured him….suddenly Inuyasha had decided. ‘Im gonna cure her…it would be a shame for such a pretty girl to have such a phobia, how am I gonna nail her if she’s scared of being touched?’ Inuyasha smirked evilly and Miroku stared at him and shook his head slowly.

‘What have I done…?’ Miroku thought with a sigh. Out at the picnic table Kagome finished scrubbing the table and just as she was about to sit down and work on her homework the end of the break bell rang and she heaved a tired sigh and began to trudge towards the school, making huge detours around the large crowds of students.

A/N: Tell me whatcha think people!