InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ mysterious encounters ❯ Rude awakening ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or the characters they rightfully belong to Rumiko Takahashi. However I do own
Ryoku so you can't sue me for that. HA!!
A/N: okay, people this is my first fanfic EVER and I'm very excited ^^ it's not very good now but it will get better I promise ^^ anyway, that's enough blabbering from me, enjoy ^^
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“Kagome, watch out!!!!!!!!!!”
Noooooooooooooo Inuyashaaaaaa!!!!!!!” Kagome watched as her best friend got killed trying to save her. His face was battered beyond recognition and his chest had a huge hole through it. His body was surrounded by blood and pieces of organs were everywhere. But it didn't stop there. The killer obviously wanted every piece of him to be disconnected from the rest of the body. Kagome couldn't take it anymore, “STOP IT!! HE'S DEAD ALREADY!!!!!” she yelled. Her face was wet from tears and she watched as the killer stopped and turned to her for a second.
“You're right. Oh well I guess every good thing must come to an end”. He chuckled evilly. “Besides……it's your turn anyway”.
“Noooooooo!” She began screaming and forced her legs to run as fast as they could carry her.
“Come back here KAGOME!!” She could hear him call her name. Her legs were getting tired.
“KAGOME!!” His voice was more firm now. She ran faster.
“KAGOME!!” She could hardly breathe. There was a cliff ahead. She reached the edge and looked back. As he was coming closer to her the ground gave in under her, and she began falling. Her voice was gone—she couldn't scream.
“Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!” her head shot up, face covered with sweat and she was panting heavily.
“It was just a dream…..”
“KA-GO-ME!!! Do you have any idea how many times I called you?! Come on, mom's waiting downstairs with breakfast. You're starting your new school today so hurry up.”
“I'll be down as soon as I get ready Souta.” She walked up to her bathroom mirror and took a good look at herself. `I never knew I could sweat that much…..' “I need a shower”. She grabbed her bath supplies, stripped down, and entered the tub. `Man, that was some freaky dream…..I couldn't stand it if Inuyasha died……WHAT AM I SAYING?! way Inuyasha would leave me. It was probably just a one time thing. Nothing to worry about….”
She quickly finished her shower, wrapped a towel around herself and entered her room. “Mom, where's my new school uniform?!” she yelled. A faint voice from downstairs yelled back, “in your second drawer!” Kagome opened the drawer and took out her new uniform they had bought two weeks earlier. They had a choice of pants or skirt. Kagome chose skirt because the weather was hot at this time of year. She quickly slipped it on and looked at herself in the full length mirror. The skirt was mid thigh and blue with a whit flower at the side. The blouse was like her old uniform except the green was now white and the white was now blue. “Not so bad,” she said to herself. All that was left was to brush her hair. She took the comb that was lying on her desk and quickly brushed her hair, grabbed her backpack and headed downstairs.
“Morning mom”
“Good morning Kagome, you hungry?”
“Not really, I think I'll just eat a piece of toast on my way to school. I'm late as it is.”
“ Okay, suit yourself but—“she couldn't finish her sentence because Kagome had already left. She chuckled, and shook her head softly “that girl….”
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A/N: Well, that's enough for now. I assure you, the chapters will get longer and I know this chapter was a bit boring but that's because it's only the beginning. And just for a note….the rating may go up I didn't think the beginning was that much of angst but if people get offended then I will change the rating. The next chapter will be up as soon as possible but only if you readers want me to continue. If not, then I will delete the story. I accept flames and constructive criticism so feel free ^^. Oh and by the way, to save time I will only answer reviews with questions so that it takes up less time but I will still take time to thank you all for reviewing ^^ That's it for now please don't forget to review, bye for now ^^