InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery Inuyasha Fanfic 3000 ❯ 'Birthday Pays' By Kagome100 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mystery Inuyasha Fanfic 3000

Disclaimer: I don't own the Inu-tachi. I do not own any of the stories I'm MST3King. If the authors want me to take this down, I will.

In the way, way far distant past,

Not far from a magic well,

Was a guy by the name of Fluffy,

He was evil, you could tell.

He nabbed his brother, a half-youkai,

An average hero he didn't like.

His experiment needed a good test case,

So he bonked him on the noggin and he locked him away.

Sesshomaru: I'll send him awful fanfic

The worst that I can find.

He'll have to sit and watch them all,

I'll monitor his mind.

Now keep in mind Yash can't control when the fanfic begins or ends.

He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his crazy friends.

Inu-tachi roll call!

Miroku: I'm a monk, not a pervert!

Sango: Liar.

Kagome: SIT, BOY!

Shippo: (Nelson from the Simpsons) Ha, ha!

If you're wondering how they eat and breathe and other science facts,

Tell yourself it's just a fic, I really should relax,

For Mystery Inuyasha Fanfic 3000!

(Inuyasha awakens in a huge cave complex with a splitting headache.)

Inuyasha: I had the strangest dream…I dreamed that my asshole brother somehow captured us and threw us in a huge cave complex, threatening the worst torture known to man or demon…

Kagome: Open your eyes, Inuyasha.

(Inuyasha opens his eyes and looks around. The rest of the Inu-tachi is standing in front of him.)

Inuyasha: Oh, fudgebunnies.


Miroku: Fudgebunnies?

Inuyasha: Don't ask me, ask the author.

(Glass shatters off screen. A large TV camera lowers from the ceiling. Fluffy's face is on it.)

Sesshomaru: If you persist in breaking the fourth wall, dear brother, I'll have to start billing you for the repairs. And I'll thank you not to call me Fluffy.

(Glass shatters again.)

Sesshomaru: Fudgebunnies.

Miroku: Fudge-

(Sango whacks him over the head with her boomerang.)

Sango: Don't make it worse than it is.

Miroku: Ow.

Sesshomaru: I'm sure you're all wondering why I've kidnapped you today.

Kagome: Let me guess: You want Tetsusaiga. You want to insult Inuyasha for being a half-breed, and the rest of us for being `mere mortals.' You want to kill us.

Sesshomaru: Actually, no.

Kagome: Really?

Sesshomaru: Well, I still want those things, but they can wait. At least Tetsusaiga and killing. I have a much more sinister fate in store for you. I have recently taken an interest in two things: science and a human device called `fanfic.' I have decided to combine these two interests thusly: I am going to conduct an experiment wherein I force test subjects-namely, you-to read the worst fanfic I can find until you go insane. The data I gather on your unique minds will allow me to…um…er…Note to self: Come up with diabolical reason for Operation Fanfic. Anyway, in the interest of performing as many experiments as possible, I'll start you out on the mild stuff-mild in the sense that it only causes temporary side effects in certain lab animals.

Inuyasha: You're sick, you know that, right?

Sesshomaru: Thank you. Your first fanfic will be `Birthday Pays' by `Kagome100.' It's an Inugome fic, so I expect you'll recover relatively quickly.

(An alarm blares.)

Sesshomaru: Hear that? Every time that alarm goes off, Inuyasha has to say `We have fanfic sign.'

Inuyasha: Why?

Sesshomaru: It's in the rules.

(He holds up a book called MST3K for Dummies, By TV's Frank and Dr. Forrester.)

Inuyasha: And if I don't?

Sesshomaru: I do this: I hate you, you hate me, we're a dysfunctional family…

Inuyasha: No! Please! Stop! I'll say it! We have fanfic sign!

Sesshomaru: Right. The theater's in there. Go watch.

(The Inu-tachi shuffle into the theater and take their seats. A movie screen lowers and the fic begins.)

This story is rated R for words and lemon. It's about Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo. I put this story together from my mind and hope you like it. It's not from a book or some where else it's from me. ~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~

Sango: Look out, it's an army of Squigzillas!

Inuyasha: Gee, are people actually stupid enough to think he got this from the anime or manga?

Kagome: It could happen.

Miroku: Is that summary implying that Shippo gets some action?

Sango: Pervert!

(She hits him with her boomerang.)

Shippo: Kagome, what's Miroku talking about?

Kagome: Oh, dear…

*Birthday pays*

It was Kagome's birthday and she needed to pick up some things form the store before she went back to the well. She wanted to stay here with her mom but new that Inuyasha would come for her soon. She new Inuyasha and the others new her birthday and might have something for her. Kagome did not care to much on what they gave her but she wanted something from Inuyasha that only he could give her.

Miroku: `New' her birthday? You mean she's never had one before?

Kagome: Something only he…Oh, shit! They've made me into Miroku!

She let her mind think while she was walking back to the house. When she got there Inuyasha was there all ready and was mad that she took her time to walk home. "Bitch, what took you so long we need to get back now." He said. Kagome than thought to her self 'he can't never give me what I wanted he does not even care for me.' "Ok Inuyasha let me go say bye to my mom first before I leave ok." She said with a sad look.

Kagome: This guy needs to take elementary grammar; he's got his periods all mixed up, at least two run-on sentences…

Sango: (Kagome's mind) I can think!

Kagome: Yeah, that too. `She let her mind wander' would be preferential. Even

`She thought' would be better.

'What's on her mind, I mean she has a sad look and she did not yell at me.' Inuyasha thought to him self. Kagome went in the house and was about to say bye to her mom when she came out of the other room and said "Kagome before you leave get the present off the table. It's in the brown bag." Her mom said. "But mom there are 2 brown bags." "It's the well one of them." And with that Kagome walked over to the table and picked up one of the brown bags and opened it. "AHHHHH, MOMMA what are you trying to give me?" she yelled as she looked into the bag.

Miroku: I've never heard of a bag that had the characteristics of a well.

Shippo: Kagome, why is your mom giving you something bad?

Kagome: Um, maybe you shouldn't be watching this Shippo…

Inuyasha: Something tells me the asshole wouldn't stand for that. Besides, if they're all gonna be like this, the runt should get used to it now.

Kagome had a bright red face. The bag was full of condoms. "Oh Kagome not that bag the other one that one is for a young man I met at the mall the other day." Her mom said. "MOMMA I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT OH MY YOU STILL DO THAT!" Kagome yelled. Her mom just had a red face and took the bag and gave her the other one. Kagome looked at her mom that slowly opened this bag. It was a nice light blue Kimono with little flowers on it. " Oh momma it's so beautiful I love it." She said. Inuyasha watched form the window and saw the whole thing.

Kagome: Where the hell are the commas?

Miroku: Does your mother regularly engage in sexual activities with strangers? I must look into this if I ever escape this cave complex.

Kagome: Sango, could I borrow your boomerang?

Miroku: Shutting up.

Kagome: As it should be.

Now Inuyasha wanted to know what condoms were and he would love to see Kagome in that slim kimono. Kagome walked out the door and saw Inuyasha and told him she was ready. Inuyasha said ok and went over to her. After they were back in the other side of the well Inuyasha had some things on his mind he need to ask Kagome. "Kagome what were those things your mom had in the brown bag you know the condoms I think that is what you called them?" said Inuyasha. Kagome face turned red. "There just something guys use that's all." Said Kagome. "But what do they use them for?" Inu asked. Kagome new she could not lie to him so she tried her best to tell him what they use them for.

Kagome: Oh. My. God.

Miroku: When was the word `condom' ever mentioned in Kagome's conversation with her mother? All Inuyasha could have known was that there was something gross, bad, or scary in the bag.

Inuyasha: What do they mean I'd like to see Kagome in a slim kimono?

Sango: You wouldn't?

Inuyasha: I would, actually. But I'd much rather see her out of it.

Miroku: I'm afraid, my dear hanyou, that if this fic continues on its current path, we will all be treated to such a sight.

Shippo: Huh?

Kagome: You'll understand when you're older.

"Well Inuyasha men use them for well it's like they put them on something on them so that when they ummm do something to a girl the girl will not have a baby." Kagome said and her face turned even more red. Inuyasha was shocked he even asked and he could not believe she would tell him that. Kagome looked at Inuyasha and saw his face a little red and smiled.

Miroku: Ah, Kagome explains it all. Quite succinctly.

Kagome: Shut up you. You try telling someone about condoms without blushing.

Miroku: Okay.

(He turns to Shippo and opens his mouth to explain, but suddenly finds Sango's hand clamped around his jaw.)

Sango: She didn't mean that.

They made it to the hut where Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were at. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAGOME-SAMA" every one yelled as Kagome went into the hut. Kagome's eyes opened wide as she saw every one yell and look happy to see her. "Thanks so much I did not know you would go this far just for my birthday." She said with a very happy face. "Kagome we all think you're a grate friend and we had to do something for you." Said Sango. "Ya Kagome it's your birthday." Said Shippo. Inuyasha just looked form the corner of his eye and sat down by the wall.

Sango: I think she's a grate friend? Does she think I'm a manhole cover?

Kagome: Still no commas! I can feel my eyes starting to burn!

(Shippo conjures some water which sprays into Kagome's eyes.)

Kagome: Not what I meant.

"Kagome we made you a cake and we all have something to give you." Said Miroku. Sango got out the cake they made and sung happy birthday to Kagome. They all sat down to eat cake and even Inuyasha ate some. Just as long as it was Kagome that gave him the cake slice. "Kagome it's time for your presents." Said Miroku. Kagome did not know what Miroku would give her. Well Kagome just waited for them to get ready to give her, her presents. Inuyasha new he wanted to give her something but did not know what she would really want from him.

Sango: I swear Miroku, if you try and do anything…

Miroku: That's not me! That is my awful fan fiction duplicate!

Kagome: Mistakes in capitalization, superfluous comma, and still no commas where they're needed…

He looked over at Kagome and sniffed the air because sense they got back Kagome had a little different smell to her. 'Could it be? No it can't be. Oh no it is. She is in heat. Man not now why now. Damn' Inuyasha thought to him self. He thought that the best thing to give her was what ever she wanted so he just would wait till later to give it to her. He would just ask and fine out. So he walked over to Kagome and said in her ear "Kagome I will give your to you latter tonight ok." She nodded her head and he sat back down.

Inuyasha: Help! I'm trapped in Kagome's ear!

Miroku: …aaaannd Kagome is in heat. Again. The most common and contrived plot device in Inugome fics.

Sango: You've read this stuff before?

Miroku: Yup. Common plot devices include Kagome going into heat, Kagome becoming a hanyou, or someone-usually Sesshomaru, Kouga, or this Hojo person trying to rape or marry her.

Kagome: Does this guy have something against commas?

Inuyasha: Yes. And something against using the correct word: He put `fine' instead of `find,' and `latter' in place of `later.'

Miroku and Sango came back in the hut and they had there things with them. Shippo came in a little latter with his. They first started with Sango. "Here Kagome I hope you like it I made it my self." She said. It was a home made arrow with 2 pink feathers on the end. "OH Sango I love it it's just what I needed." Kagome told her. Miroku went next and Kagome looked at him with a face of what the hell will he give me. Well he gave her a cloth he said he made him self but who knows if he did. "Thanks Miroku I love it." She told him. She took it and put it by the arrow. Shippo was next and he was happy to give Kagome a present. "Here Kagome It's just for you I did it my self." He said. It was a pic of Kagome and on her shoulder there was Shippo. "Thanks Shippo I will take it home and put it up in my room.

Miroku: A cloth? A cloth? What in Seven Hells do any of us need with a cloth?

Inuyasha: To clean up after Shippo?

Shippo: (Indignantly.) I'm fully housebroken, thank you very much.

Kagome: Still no commas, run-on sentences, misplaced periods, missing quotation mark, strange capitalization…

After all that was over they all talked about what they all did when Kagome was gone and like all times Inuyasha sat in the corner watching them. "Kagome you smell good today why do you smell so good?" Shippo asked. Kagome just looked at him and said "I don't know Shippo may be your smelling something else out side." She said back. Inuyasha herd that and well he new why she smelt so good. It was getting late and Kagome looked over at the wall that Inuyasha was bye and he was gone. 'I gess he went to take a bath. I wish he would take one with me someday.' She thought.

Inuyasha: You've had plenty of chances to invite me in with you.

Kagome: Sango, the boomerang.

Inuyasha: Shutting up.

Miroku: `Like all times?' What?

Sango: It means we're disco-dancing and fighting Klingons at the same time.

Kagome: `[He] was bye and he was gone?' That made no sense at all.

Inuyasha was not really out taking a bath but he was cleaning his hands and him self off to make sure he was clean. He did not know what Kagome would want and if she wanted what he wanted he would be ready for her. He got up and went beck to the hut. It was like 11:00 all ready. He saw every one sleeping but saw Kagome up. Kagome was looking at Inuyasha. "Inuyasha I stayed up to wait for you." She said with a low voice to not wake up any one. "Kagome come with me it's time for me to give you your present." Said Inuyasha.

Inuyasha: Here comes the lemony goodness. Now would be a good time for all children under age 18 to leave the theater.

Shippo: No!

Sango: Shippo, I've got a treat for you.

Shippo: Really?

Sango: Here.

(She touches a nerve on his neck and he falls unconscious.)

Kagome: It was like 11:00? Was it 11:00 or wasn't it?

Miroku: Yes, and Inuyasha cleaned himself to make sure he was clean. There's a redundancy if I ever saw one.

Kagome went out the hut and went after Inuyasha. She saw he was slowly panting some and he would not let her come up to him. Inuyasha led her away from the hut. When he stopped at a tree and looked at Kagome her face for no reason went down Inuyasha's body. Kagome saw his pants it was not tied good and there was something bulging in them. "Inu yasha, your pants." She said and looked up to his face. Inuyasha was looking at the ground and did not say a word or move.

Kagome: I look at his pants for no apparent reason, and I'm concerned he's sick when I see an erection?

Miroku: I guess Kagome100 sees you as very, very virgin.

His ears were down and Kagome just watched. Finally he said something "It's because of you Kagome." Kagome was puzzled by that and was about to ask what that meant but before she said a word Inu said " It's because your in heat Kagome, I want to give you a grate gift but only if you want it. I don't want to push you Kagome if you don't want it I want give it to you." He said. "Kagome I want to make you mine and I want to be your first." Than his head came up to her eyes as he said that.

Inuyasha: I don't want to push her, but I want to `give it' to her if she doesn't want it? I think I just contradicted myself.

Sango: Once again, grate for great.

Kagome looked at Inuyasha and said "Inuyasha I would of never thought you would want that." Inuyasha went over to Kagome and said "Kagome can I be yours and only." Kagome nodded her head and with that Inuyasha put on a smile. He was happy that she wanted it and she now knew he loved her. She could not take it he was just standing there looking at her face she wanted it now not latter but now. She took her hand and Inuyasha did not know or see it coming but she took it and grabbed his shaft in her hand. "Kagome I don't want to do that in my pants wait." He said with a look of want in his eyes. "Well Inuyasha why don't you take your pants off than.

Inuyasha: Good question

Kagome: Do I have to mention how much he's butchering the English language?

Inuyasha smiled at her and well he would of did it but wanted her top off first. "Kagome lets do it one bye one and than you can do what you want." He said. They began to kiss and he put his tongue on her lips and she opens her mouth to his tongue. He puts It into her mouth and licks her tongue. He can here her moan some as he does that. He begs her to lie down and she does and Inuyasha begs to take her shirt off and she lifts her aims up and he takes it off. She was not wearing a bra because it was night time and she was in her night cloths. He licks her neck and behind her left ear.

Inuyasha: Should I really have to beg? Why don't I just push her down and start taking the shirt off.

Kagome: The author thinks you're polite.


Miroku: (J. Jonah Jameson/Kagome100) I resent that. When its written down, it's called libel.

She starts wanting his Kimono off so she tries to take the top part off of him. He lets her do it. He now has no top on and she looks at him and rubs her hands up his chest making him moan some. He bends back down and licks her neck some more before going lower. She lets out a loud moan as his tongue licks over her right breast. He starts to suckle her right breast like a pup. She puts her hands in his hair and lets him do as he wants. He than does the same thing to the other breast.

Miroku: Why don't the both of you take off all the clothes and have done with it?

He wanted to go lower but her night pants were still on so he asked if he could take them off of her. She nods her head and he starts to take them off. They come off of her with her undees and looks at her. He goes down with his mouth and licks her belly and with a slow movement he goes even lower than her belly button. "Inu Yasha" Kagome said out loud as he went way past her belly button. She gasped when she felt his mouth just a inch away from her opening. He took in her sent her sent was making his manhood hurt more than it was before.

Kagome: Repetition, lack of commas, lack of exclamation point when needed, gross misspellings…

Inuyasha: Stop it, Kagome. You're just making it worse on yourself.

He than herd Kagome begging for him so he put his tongue into her. He herd a very loud moan form her and new it was loud enough to wake up the others. He hoped they would not wake up. He licked her insides and after a few min of that she felt him take his fingers and put them into her. She felt a warm filling in her lower stomach and it was calling for Inuyasha. Inuyasha could sense that filling in Kagome and his manhood than started to throb a lot. He would not let it come not now he wanted to wait till she could take it.

Sango: He `herd' Kagome?

Miroku: Yes, he's having an orgy with a hundred Kagome clones.

(Inuyasha slaps him.)

He than took his pants off and stood up so they would fall to the ground. Kagome looked at him and thought how but it was. "Kagome do you like it or not." He asked. "I love it now show me what it can do. Pleas now Inuyasha I want it now." He got back on top of her and started kissing her. Her sent was killing him and he started crying like a puppy. His manhood was hurting him. But he needed to ask before he did. "Kagome This is half your birthday present but the other half is I want to give you a pup. Will you let me?" he asked. She said yes. He put his manhood at the opening of her and looked at her.

Kagome: How but it was? What's that mean?

Miroku: Let's just say that size matters.

(Inuyasha punches him.)

He let the tip get wet before he pushed in. He pushed in hard and fast so that it would not hurt as much. She let out a loud cry like moan and started to cry a little. Inuyasha kissed her and licked her tears away. Soon after the pain was leaving and Inuyasha started to move in and out. He felt it soon he would do it. He new Kagome was soon to and would not cum till she did. He asked her to do it the doggy way. She said ok. She got on her knees and hands and he got on her back. He pushed in from behind and humped her. She started to move with him and moan more. She than let out a loud moan as she came.

Miroku: Another common factor in Inugome lemons: 2/3 of the time, they'll do it doggy style at least once. Personally, I prefer a standard missionary position…

"INUYASHA" she yelled and he let him self go as well. He push in her far as he could go and stayed there about 2 mins. Than he pulled out and let her lay down. "Inuyasha that felt so good." She said. "I know and now you will have my pup in a few months. You will not half to wait till 9 months." He said. "What why not 9?" "Because I'm a dog hanyou and dogs don't wait 9 months but humans do. So it cuts it like a few months short." He told her. "OH ok I see now." She said. They got up and got ready to go back to the hut.

Miroku: Gee, Kagome, your pretty thick, aren't you?

Kagome: It's not me!

Sango: And the war on the English language continues

When they got back to the hut it was like 5:00 am. "Wow Inuyasha were at it for a good while." She said. Inuyasha smiled and sat down and was very happy he did what he did. In the morning when every one woke up Kagome was still a little sleepy and Shippo jumped up to Kagome. "Kagome why do you smell like Inuyasha? You smell like you have all over you." Shippo said as he sniffed her. "Shippo it's nothing your to young." She told him. Miroku looked over at Kagome and was thinking if they did what he thinks they did last night. He knew they left and herd loud moans out from the hut. Well even if they did he could not do any thing about it and put it aside. Sango did now they did something last night because she new what the moans were and she even went to look to make sure every thing was ok and she saw them. Well but she did not want to say any thing so she just kept it to her self. Kagome new she needed to tell every one what she did because they would fine out when every thing when she has the pup or pups so she went over to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha should we tell them?" she asked. "Ya way not." He said. "Ok every one Kagome and I last night had some fun and she will have some new pups in a few months so now you all know." He said and Kagome had a red face. Every one looked and blushed. "We will love to see the new ones Kagome when they come." Said Sango. "I wish they were mine." Said Miroku. "Kagome what fun? Why did you not let me play with you and Inuyasha last night?" asked Shippo. "Shippo your to young you damn baby." Said Inuyasha.

Miroku: Sango! You call me a pervert, and then go peep in on Inuyasha and Kagome?

Sango: Not me! My fanfic duplicate!

Inuyasha: That was strange…

Inuyasha got back up when every one was ready to head off and he came up behind Kagome. "Kagome I had the best time ever last night and hope you did to." He said before he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Sango: Well she did yell your name and agree to it in the first place…


~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~

Ok well I only made one CH of it and it's just one whole story. Hope you liked it and well I typed this in just 3 hours. I reminded me of a birthday party I went to. Well tell me what you thought.

Inuyasha: We hated it.

Kagome: If this is based on an actual party, the author needs to get some new friends.

Shippo: Hey! I'm awake! What did I miss?

Sango: Nothing.

Shippo: Liar! Why'd you knock me unconscious?

Kagome: Actually, you were so bored, you fell asleep. You must have dreamed the part about Sango knocking you out.

Shippo: Oh. That's okay then.

(They file out of the theater. Sesshomaru's screen lowers.)

Sesshomaru: How'd you like your first taste of fan fiction?

Inuyasha: I stand by what I said before: You're sick.

Sesshomaru: Thanks. You'll be getting more tomorrow, so sleep well.

Inuyasha: Fudgebunnies.

Miroku: Fudgebunnies?

Inuyasha: Ask the author, not me.

(Glass shatters.)

Sesshomaru: I hope you can pay for that.

Inuyasha: Double fudgebunnies.