InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Beginnings ❯ A Talk ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: See First Chapter
Warnings: Sesshomaru OOC (don’t worry, won’t be too much of this going on. LOL)
‘.....’ Thoughts
“.....” Speaking
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Chapter 3: A Talk
The night had passed uneventful for Sesshomaru after the sound beating from his father. After the last crack of the elder Inu Youkai’s whip, he had been locked in his room to think about all the trouble he had caused. Trouble? What trouble? All the young Prince had done was defend his mother’s honor. If Lady Michiru had not opened her mouth, none of this would have happened. It wasn’t fair. And what of said Lady of the Eastern Lands? What would be her punishment? Most likely nothing, especially since she and her daughter were guests in these lands. But then again, his father may have been insulted by the crude remarks made upon his own son concerning his deceased mate that Michiru could be all but dead now.
Sesshomaru smirked as he thought of the Eastern Lands Lady without a head or possibly without a tongue to keep her degrading remarks to herself. That small insignificant smirk that was still plastered to his young handsome face, soon though bloomed into a full blown smile. Then as quick as that, he began to laugh. If his father was truly upset with Lady Michiru then perhaps he wouldn’t have to marry Shikaru. But then again. The laughter receded and the usual scowl quickly replaced the look of mirth upon his face. It wasn’t because of having second thoughts on his hopefully-soon-to-be-no-wedding cheeriness. Nor was it for the possible cruel and unusual punishments developed in his mind for Lady Michiru.
No it was something different. Sesshomaru looked around, his eyes darting here and there, as if half expecting someone to be standing in the shadows. Sensing no one, the young Dog Prince sighed. And why did he sigh you ask? The simple reason would be to say that he was just bored. But even with Sesshomaru, looks could be deceiving. No. The Demon Prince was not bored. Or nervous. His sigh had meant only one thing. If he got Lady Michiru and Shikaru kicked out so early, he would never get to see what was under that veil the Eastern Princess wore. Granted he acted as though he could care less in front of the elders, but he was Sesshomaru damn it.
Even he was entitled to a little curiousness once in a while. He was after all, still a pup in some sense. Not as young as Inuyasha, but still young enough to be considered one. Still thinking of the Princess, Sesshomaru finally laid down on his bed, and as he looked up at the ceiling, fell into a restless sleep.
Morning dawned bright the very next morning. Already everyone was up and ready to start another day. All except Sesshomaru. Like usual, he had woken but decided to stay in the comfort of his bedding and covers, silently waiting for Jaken to come “wake” him. Getting comfortable, Sesshomaru waited for the tell tale signs of little feet scampering into his room. He made no sound, and did not move an inch. Three minutes passed. Jaken would be on his way now. Five minutes. Sesshomaru almost let out a slight childish giggle, but quickly regained himself.
Yes, he was a pup. But he had to be sure not to let anything childish slip in fear of his father finding out and stripping him of his future title in fear of having a son “Who was not grown enough to know what he was doing. Let alone rule a kingdom.” Sesshomaru clamped his lips together in fear of his father actually standing outside his door, the elder Inu Youkai’s hearing catching everything. Ten minutes passed. Jaken was late. Twenty minutes...a half hour. Now Sesshomaru was getting annoyed. Jaken should have been here by now. What was taking the old toad so long?
Still laying in bed, Sesshomaru growled. Jaken would die. If he was not here in the next 3 minutes, the Dog Prince would rip the toads appendages from his body, starting with the shortest. 2 minutes...still growling. 1 minute...growl getting louder. No Jaken! That was the last straw. Growling so loud now, and possibly shaking the whole castle, Sesshomaru prepared to get out of bed when he heard the doors of his chamber open. Thinking it to be Jaken, he quickly stopped his angry growls and laid back down.
“Get up now you lazy boy!!”
That didn’t sound like Jaken.
Sesshomaru slowly turned around, half expecting to see Jaken jumping up and down, and was greeted by the very angry, and very close face of...his father. Oh man...
“What are you doing in here?” Toga began. “We’ve all been waiting on you for past two hours!”
“Father, I can explain.” Sesshomaru said as he sat up. This didn’t look good.
“Explain what? The fact that you’ve kept your father and his guests waiting?” Toga growled. Nope, not good at all.
“I over slept?” Sesshomaru answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Well get up! And get dressed in your finest robes. I want no son of mine wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday.” Toga said as headed towards the chamber doors. “Oh and Sesshomaru?”
“Yes father?”
“There had better not be anymore arguments with Lady Michiru this time around.” Toga said as he looked once more at his son before exiting.
Sesshomaru stood and watched the retreating back of his father, a frown now permanently etched on his face. Knowing that his father was still upset about yesterday and tired of waiting, he dressed in a simple white and navy blue haori and hakama set and made his way out of his chambers. Upon passing Jaken, Sesshomaru growled and brought a hand up to his neck and made a cutting motion across it. Jaken, having got the message ran as fast as he could, not wanting to stick around and be beheaded by the irritated Dog Prince.
In the throne room, Toga, his guests, Izayoi and Inuyasha all waited for Sesshomaru to show up so the second part of the meeting could get underway. Shikaru and Izayoi sat together and chatted up a storm about anything their minds came up with. Inuyasha sat in the Eastern Princesses lap, happily playing with the gold arm band the girl had given to him as a small token of friendship. Lady Michiru and Lord Toga sat quietly every once in a while striking up short conversations about nothing in particular.
“My Lord, why do you insist on letting young Sesshomaru have his way?” Michiru asked as she took two tea cups being served from a small demon servant, handing one to the Lord of castle.
“What do you mean have his way? Michiru, if you hadn’t noticed, Sesshomaru was punished last night because of foul behavior and blatant disregard for his elders.” Toga said as he took the offered tea. “Thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine my Lord. What do you mean, punished? Was the young Prince disciplined in some way?”
“I gave him a sound beating for his actions. But you Michiru, were harassing him. Next time, keep all your comments to yourself. Especially when they involve my family. If you fail to do so then I will have no choice in calling off the engagement.”
“But if you call off the engagement then you yourself will be breaking a tradition as old as time my Lord. And I promise to keep all comments to myself, no matter how true they are.” Michiru replied with a small nod. “Besides, it is destiny that our children should be together. The old hag made it clear with her prophecy.”
“The hag has been dead for many years Michiru. It will be my decision alone if I wish to call off the engagement.” Toga replied in a nonchalant way as he sipped his tea. “Besides, do we even know if the Prophecy would still hold true since she died many years ago? It could be invalid after her passing.”
“I’m not sure my Lord but I for one am not thinking of those possibilities. I just want my daughter well cared for. I am like any other mother. I am only looking out for my child’s welfare.” Michiru replied as she shook her head slightly.
“Yes. It seems that every mother has that motive. No matter how small it seems.” Toga said quietly. Glancing over at his wife who now held a sleeping Inuyasha, he added “Or how great.”
Sesshomaru straightened himself out as he prepared to enter the throne room and face not only his father, step mother, and little brother, but also the face of Shikaru and her bitch of a mother. Having stood there for the past ten minutes he had heard everything his father and the conniving wench had said. Welfare of her daughter? What a joke. More like Take over these lands and force him and his family out. Growling softly, he slowly pushed the doors to chamber open. Walking steadily, the young Demon Prince made his way to the lower seat beside his father, only to discover that Michiru was sitting in it.
“Father?” he inquired as he stood there, staring at the wench who dared to defile his place with her body.
“Ahh Sesshomaru. Glad you could finally join us. Have a seat.” Toga looked up.
“Yes father. Where?”
Toga looked at his eldest son and then back at Michiru for it seemed as though this was where his son’s eyes were focused. All at once, he stood and motion for the Lady of the East to move. She did so, silently bowing as she made yourself comfortable on the other side of the Lord and his son.
“Since you are here Sesshomaru, we can begin again where we left off last night.” Toga said to his son.
And so they began again where they had stopped the night before because of Sesshomaru’s supposed lack of respects for his elders and Michiru’s mouth. They talked about why it was important for Shikaru to wed the Prince and what it would mean to their lands. Sesshomaru stated his disapproval at every chance he got. This of course, irritated his father who advised him to stay quiet for the rest of the time. Sulking, the young Prince did just that. Every once in a while he sneered at Michiru, who only smiled at him.
‘Annoying bitch.’ he thought. ‘When this meeting is over I’m kicking that wench out myself. Whether my father likes it or not.’
“Would you like something to drink my Lord?”
Sesshomaru raised his head slightly to see who had asked him such an absurd question and found himself looking at the bright golden eyes of the Princess Shikaru. Shaking his head, he returned his attention once more to that of his father and the bitch.
“Are you sure? I can get you some tea.” Shikaru asked again.
“I’m fine.” Sesshomaru said as he again looked her way. “Why are you not speaking with my step mother?”
“She had to take Inuyasha to lay him down for his nap.” Shikaru replied as she sat opposite of Sesshomaru. “Do you mind if we talked? We could get to know each other a bit better I guess. Considering what our parents are putting us through.” she smiled.
“Whatever.” Sesshomaru answered as he looked away.
“Hmm. Well umm, I guess I should start with my name right?” Shikaru blushed slightly.
“I already know your name.”
“Yes well, I could tell you my age I guess.”
“Your age is no concern of mine.” Sesshomaru said with air of dullness. “You are three years younger than this Sesshomaru.”
“Yes I forgot. My mother has already mentioned this fact to me.” Shikaru looked away. Sighing, she looked at her mother and frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” the princess replied. “Well, it is something. I wish my mother wasn’t so adamant about my being married. I know nothing of this prophecy they speak of and she thinks it’s for my well being if she marries me off to a complete stranger. Not that you are a stranger your grace...but I would have liked to gotten to know you better instead of being forced into something I’m not ready for.”
Sesshomaru sat quietly, listening to the young demoness beside express herself to him. Although it appeared that he did not care one bit at what she said, he was in fact listening to her.
“If given the choice, would you run?” he asked.
“No. I would stay and go through this. It is the wish of my mother to see me wed and cared for.”
“And yet you yourself do not want this?”
“I only want to make my mother happy. And if my being married to you makes her so, I am willing to do it for her sake.”
Sesshomaru nodded to let Shikaru know he was listening but did not reply.
“Are you...happy” Shikaru asked.
“My happiness means nothing to me or anyone for that matter.” Sesshomaru said.
“I’m sure it means something to your family. Your mother and.” Shikaru began.
“Step mother.”
“Step mother and your half brother seem to be happy.” Shikaru quickly corrected herself.
“They are always happy. But not for this.”
Not knowing what else to say, Shikaru stayed quiet as she looked around. Was it just her imagination or did Sesshomaru seem to hate her? Not knowing what to do, she would look over at the nostalgic Prince. If he noticed her looking at him, she would quickly glance away.
After a few minutes Sesshomaru stood and stretched slightly. Bowing to his father and Michiru, he began to walk toward the chamber doors. Stopping, he glanced over his shoulder at Shikaru. Although he did not speak his posture spoke volumes, almost as if saying ’Are you coming or not?’ At the Princesses look, he simply motioned with his hand to follow.
Shikaru nodded quickly and stood. Turning to her mother Toga, she bowed low and proceeded to follow the Demon Prince. After catching up, she took her place behind him and followed the irate dog demon.
Warnings: Sesshomaru OOC (don’t worry, won’t be too much of this going on. LOL)
‘.....’ Thoughts
“.....” Speaking
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Chapter 3: A Talk
The night had passed uneventful for Sesshomaru after the sound beating from his father. After the last crack of the elder Inu Youkai’s whip, he had been locked in his room to think about all the trouble he had caused. Trouble? What trouble? All the young Prince had done was defend his mother’s honor. If Lady Michiru had not opened her mouth, none of this would have happened. It wasn’t fair. And what of said Lady of the Eastern Lands? What would be her punishment? Most likely nothing, especially since she and her daughter were guests in these lands. But then again, his father may have been insulted by the crude remarks made upon his own son concerning his deceased mate that Michiru could be all but dead now.
Sesshomaru smirked as he thought of the Eastern Lands Lady without a head or possibly without a tongue to keep her degrading remarks to herself. That small insignificant smirk that was still plastered to his young handsome face, soon though bloomed into a full blown smile. Then as quick as that, he began to laugh. If his father was truly upset with Lady Michiru then perhaps he wouldn’t have to marry Shikaru. But then again. The laughter receded and the usual scowl quickly replaced the look of mirth upon his face. It wasn’t because of having second thoughts on his hopefully-soon-to-be-no-wedding cheeriness. Nor was it for the possible cruel and unusual punishments developed in his mind for Lady Michiru.
No it was something different. Sesshomaru looked around, his eyes darting here and there, as if half expecting someone to be standing in the shadows. Sensing no one, the young Dog Prince sighed. And why did he sigh you ask? The simple reason would be to say that he was just bored. But even with Sesshomaru, looks could be deceiving. No. The Demon Prince was not bored. Or nervous. His sigh had meant only one thing. If he got Lady Michiru and Shikaru kicked out so early, he would never get to see what was under that veil the Eastern Princess wore. Granted he acted as though he could care less in front of the elders, but he was Sesshomaru damn it.
Even he was entitled to a little curiousness once in a while. He was after all, still a pup in some sense. Not as young as Inuyasha, but still young enough to be considered one. Still thinking of the Princess, Sesshomaru finally laid down on his bed, and as he looked up at the ceiling, fell into a restless sleep.
Morning dawned bright the very next morning. Already everyone was up and ready to start another day. All except Sesshomaru. Like usual, he had woken but decided to stay in the comfort of his bedding and covers, silently waiting for Jaken to come “wake” him. Getting comfortable, Sesshomaru waited for the tell tale signs of little feet scampering into his room. He made no sound, and did not move an inch. Three minutes passed. Jaken would be on his way now. Five minutes. Sesshomaru almost let out a slight childish giggle, but quickly regained himself.
Yes, he was a pup. But he had to be sure not to let anything childish slip in fear of his father finding out and stripping him of his future title in fear of having a son “Who was not grown enough to know what he was doing. Let alone rule a kingdom.” Sesshomaru clamped his lips together in fear of his father actually standing outside his door, the elder Inu Youkai’s hearing catching everything. Ten minutes passed. Jaken was late. Twenty minutes...a half hour. Now Sesshomaru was getting annoyed. Jaken should have been here by now. What was taking the old toad so long?
Still laying in bed, Sesshomaru growled. Jaken would die. If he was not here in the next 3 minutes, the Dog Prince would rip the toads appendages from his body, starting with the shortest. 2 minutes...still growling. 1 minute...growl getting louder. No Jaken! That was the last straw. Growling so loud now, and possibly shaking the whole castle, Sesshomaru prepared to get out of bed when he heard the doors of his chamber open. Thinking it to be Jaken, he quickly stopped his angry growls and laid back down.
“Get up now you lazy boy!!”
That didn’t sound like Jaken.
Sesshomaru slowly turned around, half expecting to see Jaken jumping up and down, and was greeted by the very angry, and very close face of...his father. Oh man...
“What are you doing in here?” Toga began. “We’ve all been waiting on you for past two hours!”
“Father, I can explain.” Sesshomaru said as he sat up. This didn’t look good.
“Explain what? The fact that you’ve kept your father and his guests waiting?” Toga growled. Nope, not good at all.
“I over slept?” Sesshomaru answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Well get up! And get dressed in your finest robes. I want no son of mine wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday.” Toga said as headed towards the chamber doors. “Oh and Sesshomaru?”
“Yes father?”
“There had better not be anymore arguments with Lady Michiru this time around.” Toga said as he looked once more at his son before exiting.
Sesshomaru stood and watched the retreating back of his father, a frown now permanently etched on his face. Knowing that his father was still upset about yesterday and tired of waiting, he dressed in a simple white and navy blue haori and hakama set and made his way out of his chambers. Upon passing Jaken, Sesshomaru growled and brought a hand up to his neck and made a cutting motion across it. Jaken, having got the message ran as fast as he could, not wanting to stick around and be beheaded by the irritated Dog Prince.
In the throne room, Toga, his guests, Izayoi and Inuyasha all waited for Sesshomaru to show up so the second part of the meeting could get underway. Shikaru and Izayoi sat together and chatted up a storm about anything their minds came up with. Inuyasha sat in the Eastern Princesses lap, happily playing with the gold arm band the girl had given to him as a small token of friendship. Lady Michiru and Lord Toga sat quietly every once in a while striking up short conversations about nothing in particular.
“My Lord, why do you insist on letting young Sesshomaru have his way?” Michiru asked as she took two tea cups being served from a small demon servant, handing one to the Lord of castle.
“What do you mean have his way? Michiru, if you hadn’t noticed, Sesshomaru was punished last night because of foul behavior and blatant disregard for his elders.” Toga said as he took the offered tea. “Thank you.”
“The pleasure is all mine my Lord. What do you mean, punished? Was the young Prince disciplined in some way?”
“I gave him a sound beating for his actions. But you Michiru, were harassing him. Next time, keep all your comments to yourself. Especially when they involve my family. If you fail to do so then I will have no choice in calling off the engagement.”
“But if you call off the engagement then you yourself will be breaking a tradition as old as time my Lord. And I promise to keep all comments to myself, no matter how true they are.” Michiru replied with a small nod. “Besides, it is destiny that our children should be together. The old hag made it clear with her prophecy.”
“The hag has been dead for many years Michiru. It will be my decision alone if I wish to call off the engagement.” Toga replied in a nonchalant way as he sipped his tea. “Besides, do we even know if the Prophecy would still hold true since she died many years ago? It could be invalid after her passing.”
“I’m not sure my Lord but I for one am not thinking of those possibilities. I just want my daughter well cared for. I am like any other mother. I am only looking out for my child’s welfare.” Michiru replied as she shook her head slightly.
“Yes. It seems that every mother has that motive. No matter how small it seems.” Toga said quietly. Glancing over at his wife who now held a sleeping Inuyasha, he added “Or how great.”
Sesshomaru straightened himself out as he prepared to enter the throne room and face not only his father, step mother, and little brother, but also the face of Shikaru and her bitch of a mother. Having stood there for the past ten minutes he had heard everything his father and the conniving wench had said. Welfare of her daughter? What a joke. More like Take over these lands and force him and his family out. Growling softly, he slowly pushed the doors to chamber open. Walking steadily, the young Demon Prince made his way to the lower seat beside his father, only to discover that Michiru was sitting in it.
“Father?” he inquired as he stood there, staring at the wench who dared to defile his place with her body.
“Ahh Sesshomaru. Glad you could finally join us. Have a seat.” Toga looked up.
“Yes father. Where?”
Toga looked at his eldest son and then back at Michiru for it seemed as though this was where his son’s eyes were focused. All at once, he stood and motion for the Lady of the East to move. She did so, silently bowing as she made yourself comfortable on the other side of the Lord and his son.
“Since you are here Sesshomaru, we can begin again where we left off last night.” Toga said to his son.
And so they began again where they had stopped the night before because of Sesshomaru’s supposed lack of respects for his elders and Michiru’s mouth. They talked about why it was important for Shikaru to wed the Prince and what it would mean to their lands. Sesshomaru stated his disapproval at every chance he got. This of course, irritated his father who advised him to stay quiet for the rest of the time. Sulking, the young Prince did just that. Every once in a while he sneered at Michiru, who only smiled at him.
‘Annoying bitch.’ he thought. ‘When this meeting is over I’m kicking that wench out myself. Whether my father likes it or not.’
“Would you like something to drink my Lord?”
Sesshomaru raised his head slightly to see who had asked him such an absurd question and found himself looking at the bright golden eyes of the Princess Shikaru. Shaking his head, he returned his attention once more to that of his father and the bitch.
“Are you sure? I can get you some tea.” Shikaru asked again.
“I’m fine.” Sesshomaru said as he again looked her way. “Why are you not speaking with my step mother?”
“She had to take Inuyasha to lay him down for his nap.” Shikaru replied as she sat opposite of Sesshomaru. “Do you mind if we talked? We could get to know each other a bit better I guess. Considering what our parents are putting us through.” she smiled.
“Whatever.” Sesshomaru answered as he looked away.
“Hmm. Well umm, I guess I should start with my name right?” Shikaru blushed slightly.
“I already know your name.”
“Yes well, I could tell you my age I guess.”
“Your age is no concern of mine.” Sesshomaru said with air of dullness. “You are three years younger than this Sesshomaru.”
“Yes I forgot. My mother has already mentioned this fact to me.” Shikaru looked away. Sighing, she looked at her mother and frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” the princess replied. “Well, it is something. I wish my mother wasn’t so adamant about my being married. I know nothing of this prophecy they speak of and she thinks it’s for my well being if she marries me off to a complete stranger. Not that you are a stranger your grace...but I would have liked to gotten to know you better instead of being forced into something I’m not ready for.”
Sesshomaru sat quietly, listening to the young demoness beside express herself to him. Although it appeared that he did not care one bit at what she said, he was in fact listening to her.
“If given the choice, would you run?” he asked.
“No. I would stay and go through this. It is the wish of my mother to see me wed and cared for.”
“And yet you yourself do not want this?”
“I only want to make my mother happy. And if my being married to you makes her so, I am willing to do it for her sake.”
Sesshomaru nodded to let Shikaru know he was listening but did not reply.
“Are you...happy” Shikaru asked.
“My happiness means nothing to me or anyone for that matter.” Sesshomaru said.
“I’m sure it means something to your family. Your mother and.” Shikaru began.
“Step mother.”
“Step mother and your half brother seem to be happy.” Shikaru quickly corrected herself.
“They are always happy. But not for this.”
Not knowing what else to say, Shikaru stayed quiet as she looked around. Was it just her imagination or did Sesshomaru seem to hate her? Not knowing what to do, she would look over at the nostalgic Prince. If he noticed her looking at him, she would quickly glance away.
After a few minutes Sesshomaru stood and stretched slightly. Bowing to his father and Michiru, he began to walk toward the chamber doors. Stopping, he glanced over his shoulder at Shikaru. Although he did not speak his posture spoke volumes, almost as if saying ’Are you coming or not?’ At the Princesses look, he simply motioned with his hand to follow.
Shikaru nodded quickly and stood. Turning to her mother Toga, she bowed low and proceeded to follow the Demon Prince. After catching up, she took her place behind him and followed the irate dog demon.