InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nagataka ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter 1
10 years later...
"Inu Yasha Akemi report to the principal's office immediately!" Mr. Isaac yelled at his student. The 16 year old rose from his seat and left the room, knowing everyone was watching him. They always were.
"Inu Yasha, you're here again?" The secretary, Osen Gabriel, sighed. "You know where to go," she said to him, going back to her paperwork. The teen did know where to go and walked into the principal's office with a smirk on his face.
"Hello Inu Yasha," Mr. Samaru said dully.
"Nice to see you, too, John," Inu Yasha smirked as he sat down and put his feet up on the principal's desk.
"What did you do this time?" Asked the principal, not even noticing Inu Yasha's disrespectful behavior.
"Just forget my homework at home," Inu Yasha replied.
"That all?" Asked Mr. Samaru.
"Then return to class," Mr. Samaru told the student. He got up and left, going to fifth period because the bell for fourth period release had just rang. Going towards the class, he passed her and her baka friends. Kagome Hiragashi, beautiful, popular, all A's honor roll student, student body president, etc.. She was everything he wasn't, and for that he resented her.
"Hey, you guys, look it's the dog," One of her friends snickered. He glared at her, no one else, and they both knew why he hated her with all his guts. She looked down, wouldn't meet his glare. He trudged on to fifth hour, ignoring the whispers. After the school day was over, Inu Yasha headed over to the lake, sitting in his spot, on top of the rock.
"Mom, why'd you have to die? Everything's been a mess these last four years. Why did she leave me. Did she forget that promise we made when we were kids? Why didn't we stay friends? Why did she have to go and become their friend? Why did she forget about me? Why? Mom, if only you were here, maybe you could knock some sense into Ka, and make everything all right. When you died, dad starting drinking and I'm afraid to go home, and Sesshoumaru's away at college, lucky sonuva bitch. I wish I could escape from this life."
Unbeknownst to Inu Yasha, he'd said it all aloud, and tears trickled down his face as he remembered his beloved mother. Finally, after two hours, the teen reluctantly got off his rock and headed to a place that was only in name a home. He skirted downstairs to his basement room and quietly did his homework the rest of the evening. It wasn't that he was a bad student and that he never did his homework. He did his homework, but often left it at home and none of the teachers would let him turn the work in a day or two late.
He sighed when he finished and quietly went upstairs. His father was still on the couch, asleep. He left the house, grabbing the car keys that his brother had given him. 'Thanks bro,' he thought silently. Sneaking out of the house, Inu Yasha drove into town, having no idea what to do. He heard his stomach growl and headed over to Tony's.
"Not working tonight?" Kaemon, a fellow worker at Tony's asked when seeing the teen.
"Yeah, I've got the night off and thought I'd pay you guys a visit," Inu Yasha smirked.
"Whatever," the older teen told him.
"Hey, can I get two slices of pizza?" Asked Inu Yasha.
"Sure, and free if you give me your extra shift tomorrow night," Kaemon bartered with the teen.
"Yeah, right, I'd rather pay for the pizza," Inu Yasha answered. Getting his pizza slices, he sat down in a booth in the corner, all alone. He sat down and noticed that they were coming his way.
"Kagome, were do you want to sit?" Hojo Hiromasa, her boyfriend asked.
"I don't care," she told Hojo.
"How about there?" He asked, pointing to Inu Yasha's booth.
"Sure," Kagome replied. They got to his booth and only then did they discover someone was in it.
"Later Kaemon," Inu Yasha called out, leaving. "Here's your booth," he sneered at the couple. He got into his car and drove around for a while, bored. Finally, he ended up at the lake.
A/N: Hey, Anyone hate this story so far? Or do you hate it. Don't worry, the reason why Ka and Inu (I just love those nicknames for them!) hate each other. And you'll find out how his mother died. Plus, Kikyo and the other Inu Yasha characters come in the next chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha the anime, I'm just using it's characters names in my own original story, thus making my story an AU.