InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naraku's Prisoner ❯ A Week of Wondering ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not now or ever own Inu-Yasha or Inu-Yasha related shows/products/characters/movies/etc. I do own everything that goes on in my mind.
Naraku's Prisoner
Chapter 5: A Week of Wondering
By Ethril Dragon
`6 days,' Kagome thought as she watched Shippo and Kohaku race across the field that was just beyond Naraku's palace. Kagome looked around from where she was sitting and sighed as she spotted several of Naraku's demon guards watching them. No matter where they went, a few of Naraku's guards were sure to follow. Well, either the guards or Kanna and Kagura. `It's been 6 days since Shippo and I were brought here, and yet nothing bad has happened,' she thought as Shippo's happy shouts reached her ears. She smiled and brought her knees up under her chin as she smiled contently. Nothing had happened, Naraku hadn't done anything to her since that first day, she and Shippo only ever saw Naraku during meals, and Kagura had shown them around the majority of the palace. Kagome still got lost most of the time, but at least she knew how to ask for help.
She sighed softly as Shippo turned into his balloon form with a light popping sound. She heard Kohaku laugh and she looked at him closely. Ever since she had first physically seen Kohaku, Kagome had felt as if there had been something off about him. She frowned as she concentrated on him. It was…strange, but she couldn't put her finger on what was so strange. He was a smiling child playing with another child in a field just outside Naraku's palace. Her frown deepened as she thought harder. What was so different about him? Last time she had seen him he had seemed void of emotions and he couldn't remember Sango. Now, he was smiling and happy…but there had to be more to it. Just as she was about to figure it out a hand descended onto her shoulder.
“Lovely day isn't it?” Naraku said lightly as he put gentle pressure onto Kagome's shoulder to keep her from jumping and alerting her son. He had been watching her for the last few minutes, in fact he had been watching her the entire time she had been in his palace. Even when he was busy with visiting demons or taking care of his human holdings he was watching her. She was an enigma to him. The Miko hadn't tried to escape once, she had seemed friendly towards Kagura and Kanna, even to his demon guards, and she had tried to talk to him during the meals. She truly was strange, she acted like they weren't mortal enemies, like he hadn't tried to kill them multiple times. `Like I hadn't raped her.'
Kagome jumped slightly as the voice accompanied the hand on her shoulder. “Naraku you scared me!” she exclaimed as she took a deep breath to stop her pounding heart. She blinked at looked at him closely. He didn't have any of the jewel shards with him. She gasped as she realized what was so different about Kohaku, he didn't have a jewel shard.
Naraku looked at the Miko as realization dawned on her face. “Follow me,” He said as he turned to head back to the palace.
Kagome hesitated and looked back at Shippo. “Your son will be fine, he is with Kohaku and my guards will not leave them,” she heard Naraku say as she carefully stood up. She smoothed down the light pink kimono she was wearing and followed Naraku with only a single look back at her son. She followed silently, her hands clasped in front of her and her gaze on the ground as they walked. Naraku was a couple feet ahead of her and she was careful about keeping that distance. He was clever, and Kagome was still nervous around him. `Why shouldn't I be nervous? Hadn't he tried to kill me many times, not to mention he tried to kill my friends,' part of her mind whispered. `But other then the first day, he has been nothing but a gentleman towards you and Shippo. That should mean something,' another part of her mind whispered. Kagome didn't know which side of her mind to listen to, both had valid points. So intent was she on her inner monologue that she failed to notice where Naraku had lead her.
Naraku glanced back at the Miko as he lead her into one of his favorite gardens. He smiled slightly as he noted the contemplative expression. He sighed mentally and continued to lead the way into his garden. This garden had been the first one he had made when he had built his palace. He had been very meticulous about what kind of plants were placed into the garden and what kind of architecture was built into it as well. He had gone to great lengths to go to of all over Japan to get the best gardeners and builders to help with the garden, and the result was a place where he could relax and meditate without interruption. He was proud of his garden, and he refused to let anyone else take care of it. At the very center of his garden was a miniature lake with a crystal clear water fall. Inside the lake were demon koi that were there to protect a secret treasure of his.
“What is on your mind Miko?” Naraku asked as he paused by one of his Japanese maple trees. It had been so small when he had first planted it, now it towered over him.
Kagome looked at Naraku in surprise as he actually asked her what she was thinking about. She fidgeted for a moment. “Kohaku doesn't have a jewel shard…” she finally said after a moments thought. She hadn't been sure at first, but now she was positive.
Naraku nodded at her comment. “He no longer is in need of it,” Naraku said as he glanced at the girl. Her kimono was exquisite. It was a deep shade of pink at the end and it faded into white around the waist. The sleeves also started at a dark pink at the ends and faded into a white as it ended at her shoulders.
Kagome's eyes widened. “What do you mean he doesn't need it? Doesn't he need it to stay alive?” She grabbed Naraku's sleeve without thinking.
Naraku eyed her hand for a moment before looking into her eyes. “At first yes, but after the shard helped heal his initial wounds and then brought back his soul, he did not need it,” he said as he felt her release his sleeve. Pity really, that had been the first time since he had brought her here that they had been physically touching.
Kagome's mouth formed an “o” as she took the information in and then nodded. “I guess that makes sense,” she said as she held her chin with one hand and her elbow with the other. She blinked as she finally noticed where she was. She looked around carefully at the quiet and calm beauty around her. “This place…” she murmured softly.
“It is of my own making. I had the best gardeners come to help sculpt it,” Naraku said as he turned and continued on into the center of the garden. The path, which they were taking, twisted into a subtle spiral and at some points broke off into secluded resting places.
Kagome looked around her in awe as she spotted beautiful flowers and plants, benches and sculptures, arches with benches or shrines beneath them. `Naraku made this?' she wondered to herself as she spotted one of the break offs from the path. She tried to look into it as they passed, but could only see more plants and a smaller path. Part of her couldn't fathom how an evil man could create such a beautiful place. The innocence and calmness of the place didn't seem to fit the image of Naraku she had come to know the past years.
Naraku looked at Kagome in amusement as she looked around in awe, her mouth slightly open. “It took many years to complete, but the final product was worth waiting for,” Naraku said as he cupped his hands behind his back. `Many things are worth waiting for,' he thought as he eyed Kagome once more. She truly was beautiful in the afternoon light.
They walked at a slow pace for about 20 minutes before Kagome gasped in wonderment. Before her was one of the most beautiful and magnificent miniature waterfalls and lakes she had ever seen. The entire lake took up about half of the clearing, the other half was made up of a small beach and a comfortable looking bench beneath tall and proud trees. Naraku stood to the side as Kagome stepped forward, turning in her spot to get a better look at the center of the garden. She had never seen anything like this! The sun shown right above them, but the heat of the day didn't seem to reach her. She smiled and turned her attention on the miniature lake. She knelt down on the sand to take a better look at the koi. The fish were pretty much swimming in slow, leisurely circles. Kagome reached down to touch the water.
“I wouldn't do that. The koi would bite,” Naraku said with a hint of sadistic humor.
Kagome pulled back her hand slowly. She had noticed how the fish had started swimming faster the closer her hand had gotten to the water. She stood carefully, brushing her kimono off as she did so.
“Why…” she asked softly, her eyes still on the koi swimming in slow circles.
“Why what Miko?” Naraku asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Why are you doing this Naraku? Giving toys to Shippo, being kind to me? What is it you want?” She asked, her temper rising to the surface. She felt as if he was keeping a secret from her, as if he was playing with her. “You have my pieces of the Shikon Jewel. What more can you take?” In her mind she also added the fact that he had taken her virginity from her.
Naraku looked at her contemplatively. He couldn't tell her the truth, not until he knew she would believe him and he knew she could trust him. “There is more to me then meets the eye Kagome,” he said as he turned away to look at the splashing waterfall they had stopped at. Large koi fish swam in circles as he watched. He concentrated on keeping his face emotionless.
Kagome felt her temper reach it's peak and she had to force herself from exploding. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I've already guessed that Naraku. This garden and how you treat your servants were hints,” she said as she looked directly at him. Now she knew he wasn't telling her something. What was he planning? To have her make his wish on the jewel when it was complete? `No…he could easily make the wish since he is still part human, why entrust it to me?' she concluded, ending that theory.
Naraku had to physically stop himself from sighing. He knew it, he just knew Kagome wasn't ready to hear the truth. “Come Miko, it is time for our afternoon meal,” he said as he turned back towards the path that would lead them out of the garden.
Kagome bit her tongue to keep herself from asking questions or from saying something she would later regret.
Naraku noted Kagome's silence and winced slightly. He wanted to tell her the truth, but the truth would either make her distrust him or confuse her to the point of pushing her away from him. No, he would just have to wait as long as it took to get her to trust him. He sighed softly as he lead the way out of the garden. He looked back at her and watched as her kimono slipped a little off of her shoulder. Instantly his blood began to boil as he imagined what it would feel like to bite her there, to bring her pleasure instead of pain. Her hand reached up to tug the kimono back over her slender shoulder and he looked ahead of them again.
It wasn't long until they were out of the garden and heading towards the palace. “Momma!” Shippo cried out happily as he spotted his mother walking silently behind Naraku. He jumped into her open arms and sniffed her covertly to make sure she was ok. All he could really tell was that she smelled confused and slightly angry. What had Naraku done to make her confused and angry?
“Did you have fun Shippo?” Kagome asked as she watched Kohaku walking silently into another part of the palace. She smiled down at her son in her arms as she continued to follow Naraku.
“Lots of fun! Kohaku showed me a punch technique and I showed him how to hide without youki!” Shippo said with a big grin. Sometimes, a person had to learn to hide without the use of youki, especially if the enemy could sense youki.
“That's nice Shippo,” Kagome said biting her lip, she really didn't want Shippo to learn how to fight, but in this time she knew he had to learn.
Naraku looked back and noticed the slightly strained look on the Miko's face. “Perhaps it would be best if I had a fighting master teach you how to fight?” Naraku said carefully. “It would be safer then two children, though one is trained, trying to teach each other.”
Kagome looked up in surprise, her eyes meeting Naraku's. Was he offering to have someone train Shippo?
“Really? Momma say it will be alright!” Shippo pleaded as he tugged gently on his mother's kimono.
“I can easily acquire a Kitsune warrior to train him,” Naraku said offhandedly. He knew several silver Kitsune that lived in the area that would teach the kit for a fair price.
“I guess I don't really have a choice,” She said with a light grin. She felt…content suddenly. And that feeling surprised and worried her.
“Yay!” Shippo squealed as they entered the dinning hall. Again only three places were set. He jumped from his mother's arms and raced to his seat, climbing up happily as he did so. If a Kitsune were to train him, then he could become strong enough to protect his mother.
Kagome sat back contently as she finished the last of her meal. Again, the three of them had had a comfortable time talking about little things that had happened since breakfast. Shippo had over dramatized his game of hide and seek with Kohaku. Kagome didn't really have much to say, although she did make comments about how happy she was that Shippo had made a friend in Kohaku, and Naraku had said he would make sure Kohaku was free whenever Shippo wanted to play. At the end of the meal Naraku stood carefully.
“Tonight I am afraid I will not be able to join you for dinner. I have guests coming and for your safety I think it is best we eat separately,” Naraku said to Shippo's disappointment. He had already won over the Kit, now he had to win over the kit's mother. He looked at Kagome and was surprised to see a little bit of her own disappointment. Was she actually upset that he would not be eating with them. Or maybe she had been hoping the arriving guests might try to rescue her. “I'm sure Kagura and Kohaku would be happy to take my place,” Naraku said with a careful eye on the Miko. Her slight disappointment didn't go away, but she did smile.
“That would be nice, thank you,” Kagome said as she too stood. “Shippo. We better head to our room, it's time for your writing lesson,” Kagome said with a sweet smile. Shippo looked at her warily but nodded. He preferred to draw, but he wanted to make his mother smile.
Naraku looked at Kagome for a moment. He knew she was teaching her son how to write, when he had first watched her teach her son he had been surprised that she even knew how to read and write. `But then again, why should I have been surprised. She is an extraordinary woman,” Naraku thought as he nodded. “Kohaku will guide you to your room,” Naraku said as he bowed and walked towards a door at the opposite end of the dining hall.
Kagome reached to pick up Shippo and he happily jumped up onto her shoulder. “Are you ready Miko Kagome, Shippo?” Kohaku said from behind them, making Kagome jump slightly in surprise.
“Yeah, we're ready,” Shippo said as he leapt from his mother to the floor so he could walk next to Kohaku. Kagome nodded as Kohaku looked to her for conformation.
Kohaku smiled and lead the way through the dining room doors towards Kagome and Shippo's room. Kagome was silent most of the way, listening and Shippo told Kohaku what Naraku was planning for him.
“Kohaku…do you…” Kagome was afraid to ask him if he remembered Sango, but she had to know. If Inu-Yasha and her friends were still planning on attacking Naraku, then she wanted to know if Kohaku would fight with Naraku.
“Remember my sister Sango? Yes, I remember almost everything from my life,” Kohaku said as he rubbed his head. He looked at Kagome as they walked. “The shard helped me to remember faster, but after I regained my soul Naraku removed it,” Kohaku said with a grin. “It's nice to be able to live without it,” he said as he continued on.
“If you remember then what,” Kagome started to say.
“Will I do during the final battle? I won't fight. Naraku doesn't want me too. He told me that when the fight was over, and if Sango was still alive, I could return with her. If she didn't survive, I could continue to live here,” He paused in his walking and in his talking. “Miko Kagome, Naraku isn't that bad. He's rough around the edges, he has a temper, he has a determination made of steel, but he isn't that bad. He treats everyone under his protection the best he can whether they are human or demon. He told me he would rather not hurt my sister or the monk, but he would if they forced his hand. They are still alive after all, are they not?” Kohaku asked with a grin.
Kagome gaped at him as he turned to continue walking. If what he said about Naraku was true, then there really shouldn't be a need for a battle after all. And Kohaku was right, Sango and Miroku were still alive, even if both suffered terrible wounds. They could have both easily died, but it had always seemed that there had always been a little bit of luck on their side…was it really luck after all? Or was what Kohaku said really true?
“Besides, Naraku won't let me fight no matter what. He says it'll be too dangerous for me even though I have been trained. He told me now that I didn't need the jewel shard to keep me strong and alive I could easily get hurt while fighting. He hasn't said it, but I know he doesn't want me to get hurt,” Kohaku finished as he pushed the door open to Kagome and Shippo's room. “I must leave you know, I have chores that need to be finished. If you are in need of assistance, just call out for Kagura, Kanna, or myself and we will be here swiftly,” Kohaku said as he turned and continued down the hall.
“Thank you Kohaku,” Kagome called out to his retreating back. The boy demon slayer had given her quit a bit to think about.
“See you later Kohaku,” Shippo happily said as he walked into the room.
Kohaku turned to wave at Shippo before walking on.
Naraku frowned at the mirror in front of him as he waited for his guest from the Northern land to arrive. Would the Miko trust what Kohaku had said? He knew she was intelligent and that she had already figured out he could not control the young demon slayer without a jewel shard implanted in him. So would she trust his words? And if she did, would he be closer to admitting the truth to Kagome. It wasn't long before he was pulled from his thoughts as the Northern Demon Lord entered his palace. Naraku had to gain the acceptance of the demon lords, little by little until he was able to wish that he became a full demon without loosing his sanity. “Kanna, go welcome our guest,” Naraku said as the emotionless girl whipped the image of Kagome starting the writing lesson with Shippo away from her mirror.
`Perhaps if I can finish this meeting early, I can surprise Kagome by arriving for dinner,' Naraku thought with a small smile as he straitened his Kimono and Hakama to meet the Northern Lord, so far the only Lord that had started to accept him.
Alright, chapter 5 is DONE. Well, you guys didn't have to wait that long for this chapter now did you? Like I said before I am on winter break so I should be able to write more, although I am working a lot more hours at Burgerville now.
Anyway, I'll start on chapter 6 and I would like a couple of reviews before I ever post it.
Preview of next chapter:
A hand rested on her shoulder and Kagome felt her body shiver. The skin contact was strange since it was careful instead of demanding. She felt tears sting her eyes as she hung her head, her kimono barely falling off her shoulders. Her body was in turmoil. Part of her wanted this, the other part was unsure of what it wanted. What was going on? Naraku had raped her a month ago and now she could have sworn she wanted to feel him touch her. She grabbed her head in confusion and hunched over as she slid to her knees.
Naraku watched her sadly. He too slid to his knees, but instead of pulling off her kimono, like he had planned, he pulled her to his chest. “We don't…we don't have to do this,” he whispered into her hair. “I can wait,” Wait…that was all he was doing now. He was so close to her, but he knew if he forced her he would ruin everything he had done to win her trust. He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent as he did so. His eyes rolled in his head and he ran his claws through Kagome's long, soft hair. He clenched his fangs together as he forced himself to keep off of Kagome. He wanted her, wanted her so much.
Kagome shivered and tilted her head back slightly as she felt his claws run through the strands. What did she want? She was just so…so confused.