InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Naresome no Netsuai ❯ A shock to all Others ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I'm not even going to bother cause' you should already know this.
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My stupid computer's internet connection is down, so I don't know when this can be posted. I hope that it'll be soon. *mutters* stupid DSL hook up….
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Chapter 12: A shock to all others
InuYasha sighed as his mate dragged him around the Mall, going into practically every store in the building. They only stopped when Kagome started whining that she was hungry.
InuYasha let out a sigh of relief as he set down the many bags that he was carrying. He turned to his mate, and asked her what she would like. Kagome turned to him, a loving smile spread across her face.
“Well, let's try something different. Hmm…” she paused as she browsed the fast food booths. Her eyes landed on a new booth that looked like it had just opened up. The sign on the front said “A&W Family Restaurant” with a `family' of what looked like a grandfather, a teenager, a mother, a father and a little kid waking at the passer bys. ::They aren't actually waving; they're just statues on a classic A&W fast food place. I know Ode to Originality… NOT! Let's just pretend Tokyo doesn't have A&W until now::
Kagome tapped InuYasha's arm and pointed. He turned to look at the weird place, his eyes adjusting to the new bright orange paint.
“InuYasha, I remember eating there one time when I went to America! The food is so good! Come on, you gotta try it!”
“Where's America?”
“Tell you later, c'mon!”
“Tell you later, c'mon!”
With that, Kagome pulled her mate towards the bright stand at what seemed like a sprint. When they arrived, Kagome and InuYasha looked up at the menu, and InuYasha cocked his head.
“Why do they have hamburgers named after family members?”
“Why do they have hamburgers named after family members?”
“Uhh….it sells?”
“Well I don't know!” Kagome huffed. “So what are you going to get?”
“None of these look like they could fill me. You know how big an eater I am koi.”
“Hai, that's true.. However, I think there's one more that they don't usually post on the menus..”
“Can I help the next person please?” a Cashier asked. Kagome and InuYasha moved towards her. Kagome ordered.
“Hello, yes, may have a Teen Burger Combo and Great Grandpa Teen Combo for him please?” The cashier's expression turned to that of confusion.
“A Great Grandpa… what?”
“Excuse me Miss, did you just ask for a Great Grandpa Teen?” Someone asked. Kagome turned to the Manager and nodded.
“Hai, my husband doesn't think he'd be satisfied by anything else on your menu.”
“Hai, my husband doesn't think he'd be satisfied by anything else on your menu.”
“So your order is a Teen Combo and a Great Grandpa Teen Combo?” Kagome nodded “That'll be $21.50..” Kagome handed him the money. “Thank You, your order will here shortly.”
::After they eat::
“Kagome, what was that place called again?”
“A&W, it's an American Burger Joint.”
“KAGOME!? IS THAT YOU!?” The shrill voices of Eri, Yuka and Ayume rang across the cafeteria. Kagome cringed. Why wouldn't these girls leave her alone? Eri, Yuka and Ayume all ran over, each carrying about 12 bags of various articles of clothing from various stores.
“Oh my God Kagome! What did you do to yourself! You have to tell us where you got your make over! It's beautiful! We-what are those? and why does your husband have them too?” Yuka asked, pointing to Kagome's doggy ears. Kagome shrugged ::This is a bit OOC, more like something I would do, but Kagome doesn't give a shit anymore. If need be, she would live in the Feudal Era.::
“Oh my God Kagome! What did you do to yourself! You have to tell us where you got your make over! It's beautiful! We-what are those? and why does your husband have them too?” Yuka asked, pointing to Kagome's doggy ears. Kagome shrugged ::This is a bit OOC, more like something I would do, but Kagome doesn't give a shit anymore. If need be, she would live in the Feudal Era.::
“My ears.”
“You mean your fake ears?”
“No, my real ears.”
“Those can't be real.”
“Well they are.”
“Well they are.”
“WAI! Can we touch them?”
“Aw, Kagome…”
“Aw, Kagome…”
“C'mon Kagome, just…”
“Listen here you three. If my Mate says she doesn't want you touching her ears, then she doesn't want you touching her ears! End of Discussion.” The three girls turned to InuYasha.
“Listen here you three. If my Mate says she doesn't want you touching her ears, then she doesn't want you touching her ears! End of Discussion.” The three girls turned to InuYasha.
“Then can we touch yours?”
“HIGURASHI!” Came a femininely male voice.
“Oh Dear God, when will this end-CAN MY HUSBAND AND I NOT EAT OUR FRENCH FRIES IN PEACE!?” Kagome growled in irritation.
“Oh Dear God, when will this end-CAN MY HUSBAND AND I NOT EAT OUR FRENCH FRIES IN PEACE!?” Kagome growled in irritation.
“I second that, and what's with that Hobo guy anyway, why does he keep going after you, even though he knows you're married and have a pup?”
“I think the poor bastard has nothing better to do than stalk me.”
“Higurashi, I- Oh, hello InuYasha.” Houjo finally got to them and was currently quite surprised that Kagome was still with InuYasha. ::personally, I don't think he can understand the concept of marriage very well::
“Houjo, I have one question for you, before you start rambling on about how I should divorce InuYasha and go with you, because he isn't good enough for me (as though you are) yadda, yadda, yadda….Can you not pronounce my first name? It's Ka-Go-Me. Say it with me: Ka-Go-Me. Kagome. Get it?”
“Yes, now, Higurashi, come with me and leave this jerk. Can he even provide for you and your child?”
“Yes, he can, and has been doing so for over three years now.” ::sorry, can't remember what time I started this fic, so correct me if I'm wrong::
“Can he protect you?”
“Better than you can.”
“Love you?”
“Love you?”
“Already does, and has proven it on many occasions.”
“Uh…” Houjo was at a complete loss as to what to say next. So, he followed his instinct, which was to act like a 5 year old girl. ::Oh brother:: “Well, at least I don't look like a girl!” Everyone fell. as soon as they got back onto their chairs, they started laughing.
“Uh…” Houjo was at a complete loss as to what to say next. So, he followed his instinct, which was to act like a 5 year old girl. ::Oh brother:: “Well, at least I don't look like a girl!” Everyone fell. as soon as they got back onto their chairs, they started laughing.
“InuYasha is more masculine than you are Houjo, and besides, at lease he doesn't act like a girl. In fact, he's male almost to a cocky extent.” Kagome managed to get out between howls of laughter, which oddly sounded animalistic. InuYasha grinned.
“Kagome, don't take it too far. We should be going soon anyway.” He growled playfully in Inu-Youkai language. Kagome smiled.
“Ok, but how are we going to get rid of these idiots?”
“Leave it to me.” The other four people just looked at them confusedly.
“Um, Kagome, were you and InuYasha just growling?”
“And barking?”
“And yipping?”
“And yipping?”
“Like a dog?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Are you alright? Cause that's not normal…”
“Who says I'm normal? You wanna know what?” ::OOC. again, something I would do:: “I'm probably the farthest thing from normal there is, save InuYasha and my pup, of course.”
“Uhh, and why is that exactly?”
“Because InuYasha, Shippou and I are from a completely different era.”
“Can I tell them?” Kagome yipped. InuYasha nodded.
“Can I tell them?” Kagome yipped. InuYasha nodded.
“InuYasha and I are Inu Hanyous, and my pup, Shippou, is a Kitsune Youkai. I am InuYasha's mate by demon rights, and Shippou is my adoptive son by demon rights. Also, I am a Miko, holder of the sacred Shikon no Tama.” Kagome stated; a mild expression of superiority on her face. InuYasha growled low, warning her not to give any more away. Houjo backed up against the next table. He looked utterly horrified.
“You, you freak!” He screamed shrilly, pointing a dainty finger at InuYasha. “You made Kagome, you turned Kagome, into a half breed!? H-” However, Houjo could not finish his sentence, because of a rather large Root Beer mug contacting with his face. Everyone turned to Kagome, who was still holding the mug. She was seething.
“How fucking dare you insult my Mate. If you blame him, then you blame me as well. I didn't mate him against my will; in fact, I rather enjoyed it. Now, you three.” She commanded, turning to her middle school friends. “Get this sorry excuse for a male the fucking hell outta here, before I officially strip him of the only evidence he has of actually being a miniscule portion of the male species. NOW.” Kagome snarled as she flexed her claws and bared her teeth, her eyes flashing red. Eri, Yuka and Ayume gulped, picked up the quivering Houjo, and scampered off, Ayume coming back for their bags. She stopped though, and turned around.
“Good job Kagome. You really put them in their place. I'm too meek; otherwise, I would have a long time ago. Please don't blame me for what those two did, I'm as different from them as a spot and a stripe. Can we still be friends? I think it's really cool that you two are Hanyous and that you adopted a Youkai kit. In fact, I'm happy for you!” Ayume said, a smile of congratulations on her face. Kagome smiled too.
“Good job Kagome. You really put them in their place. I'm too meek; otherwise, I would have a long time ago. Please don't blame me for what those two did, I'm as different from them as a spot and a stripe. Can we still be friends? I think it's really cool that you two are Hanyous and that you adopted a Youkai kit. In fact, I'm happy for you!” Ayume said, a smile of congratulations on her face. Kagome smiled too.
“You were the only one who didn't try to set me up with Houjo. I respect that. Thank you, and yes, we can still be friends.” Kagome hugged the girl, who returned the hug, and then went over to InuYasha, her hand outstretched. InuYasha shook it firmly, before letting go, and wrapping his arm around his Mates shoulders. Ayume smiled again.
“You have to let me come over and see Shippou-kun sometime. He was that little kid with the tail and red hair, right?”
“You have to let me come over and see Shippou-kun sometime. He was that little kid with the tail and red hair, right?”
“Hai, and I will, I promise.”
“Thanks Kagome-chan. See'ya later!” Ayume waved as she picked up her bags and walked away, leaving Eri and Yuka's behind.
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Wow, that took awhile. Ok, I hope you liked it. I'm not sure what chapter I want to finish this at, but I'm thinking maybe chapter 20 - 25 heck, maybe even 30 if I get enough reviews. This took 5 pages on Microsoft Word, so I hope that satisfies all the reviewers who asked for a long chapter.
Sincerely Yours,