InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nariko's Oneshots ❯ Because the Gods are laughing at me ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Because the Gods are laughing at me.
I wake to the sound of rain. Yes, Rain, that oh so familiar sound. You know, sometimes I think the God's are laughing at me, they laugh so hard they begin to cry, sometimes I think, that's why it rains. Well science says different, I stand by my beliefs. But, now, I'm just rambling. I try to go back to sleep but a scent I do not recognize enters my nose. There is someone nearby. Hai, they are close to my tree. What do they want I wonder. They have probably come to mock me. Just like everyone else, they have come to mock me. Come to mock, and ridicule me, because the God's are laughing at me. That's why bad things happen to me, that's why it rains, that's why I am mocked at ridiculed, because the God's are laughing at me. That's why my family is dead, and the living hate me. Because the God's are laughing at me. The God's are the cause of misery in my life. It's because they taunt me, and laugh at me, that I am miserable. And it's because the God's are laughing at me that when I die, the god of death will eat my heart and damn me to hell. What's this? I was so caught up in my thoughts I did not notice that the unknown someone from before had gotten closer. Yes, closer. I still do not know why they are here, this is my territory, I do not understand why they would come. Oh well, they pose no threat. Or do they? Maybe, the God's have taken a human form to mock me further. That must be it. The God's have come to laugh in my face. But what's this, this unknown person bears a message for me.
“Speak” I tell them. They seem startled and hesitant but they answer none the less.
“The last of your family, they were killed today” with that said, they leave.
I jump from my tree, and immediately I am soaked by the rain. The God's are truly laughing at me; they find it amusing that I suffer. I stare up at the sky and yell
“If you hate me so much, why not kill me now? Kami strike me down where I stand! Ra curse me to and eternity in the deepest circle of hell”
Lighting strikes the ground near me, thunder rumbles in the sky. I finally realize, they wont kill me now, oh no, that would be giving me what i want. They will not end my forsaken life. They enjoy my pain to much. So, I will not perish, because the God's are laughing at me.