InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Never Meant It ❯ And Some Boring Things Happen ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Never Meant It
A/N:HAHAHA, man am I late on updating. :sweatdrop: So much for the updating on June 12 thingy, huh? Sorry.
BTW, I'm currently listening to FMA music, so if I'm a little off on the Inuyasha characters, I'M NOT TO BLAME!! Blame my brain…it's on a FMA rampage…
Nothing much to say. I'm needing some ideas cuz mine are kinda running low and dry…not good.
Whatever. By my calculations, this story should be finished in…….around three chapters? Maybe more, not really sure (I didn't really calculate anything…).
Chapter 9: And Some More Boring Things Happen
“…I'd like you all to read pages 224-300…”
Impatiently waiting for the bell, Inuyasha tapped his fingers on his desk, annoyed with the speed (or lack thereof) of the minute hand of the school clock.
`Come on…….come on….!!'
“…And, of course, have a nice weekend. I'll see you all Monday morning.”
With the final thought of `man her timing is precise', the said hanyou bolted from his seat, causing the chair to fall on the floor. He never noticed, however, the cause being he was already halfway to Sango's and Kagome's classroom. Impatient, he fidgeted, waiting for the other kids to rush past the doorframe before heading inside.
“Hey Sango, let's go.”
“COME ON!!” Not able to wait any longer, Inuyasha grabbed the girl and threw her on his shoulder to carry out of the classroom.
“You took too long. Hi Kagome, we'll be leaving now.”
And with that, the boy carried the girl to his house for some extreme making out.
“Is it just me, or is Sango not telling me something? Cuz it seems to me that they're really close as of two days ago.”
“Hm…no, I saw it too. But it's disturbing.”
“I know!” Kagome's face brightened when hearing that her boyfriend had agreed. “Seriously, who would've thought that Inuyasha would be capable of loving someone?”
“Uh…actually, I was talking about the fact that it's disturbing how here we are alone in your room together on your bed, and all you can think about is Inuyasha and my sister. HOW DO YOU ESCAPE MY CHARMS?!” Miroku pseudo-huffed, burying his face into Kagome's pillow, discretely taking in her scent.
“…Wha…” Kagome, lost, blinked at Miroku before giggling. “Roku, you're so silly. I don't escape your charms. In case you've forgotten, I am your girlfriend?”
Lifting his head off her extremely nice smelling pillow, he grinned. “Ah, yes. No worries, I most certainly have not forgotten such a fact. How could I? But if you need assurance…” He drifted off, eyebrows wiggling.
Kagome giggled. “No, it's quite alright.”
Miroku pouted.
“Come on, let's go downstairs. I'm hungry.”
Miroku just followed, watching her ass (not in a pervy manner, mind you. He was just making sure that it didn't get in any danger. REALLY. Falling down the stairs can hurt…).
Over at the Tajiya Residency, two people could be seen with their faces seemingly stuck together. By glue, perhaps?
…No…never mind, tis not the work of glue but of a stronger force: hormones.
“We've got ham, bread, butter, apples, coke, uh…some weird looking thing that we probably don't want to eat, cheesecake…wadya want?” Kagome took her head out of her refrigerator and turned to look at Miroku, who had been relishing in the view of her behind.
“Uh…how about…a ham sandwich for the main course, and a huge piece of Kagome for desert?” He suggested, grinning widely.
Kagome blushed, but nonetheless prepared two ham sandwiches.
So…what do you think is going on with Inuyasha and Sango? She won't tell me…” Kagome asked, tired of the silence that had fell while she made the sandwiches. “Maybe you can ask her when you go home tonight!!”
“Uh…I doubt my sister's gunna tell me that, Kags.” He raised an eyebrow.
:sigh: “You're right. Maybe I'll just force it out of her tomorrow at the mall.”
He nodded, bored with the subject already. “You do that. Now…” Grabbing his sandwich and desert, he plopped down on the couch, hungry and ready to devour both courses.
“Mm?” He `asked', busy kissing his partner everywhere but the mouth so that she could talk.
“Don't you think we should take things slower…” Sango asked responsibly, totally destroying it with a moan in response to his kiss.
“…Sure, whatever.” Kiss, smooch, lick.
“…I mean, we just `got together'…”
“I totally agree.” Kiss, smooch, lick.
“…And maybe you could give me all your money…”
“…Okay…” Kiss, smooch, lick.
“…And perhaps I should go elope to Morocco with you brother…”
“…of course…wait, WHAT?!” Inuyasha lifted his head up from its position on her neck. “You're going to WHAT?!
Sango laughed. “I'm joking. Really Inuyasha, I was saying stupid things like that for two minutes. You weren't listening to me.”
“…Oh.” Shrugging, his attention went back to ravishing her body. “As long as you didn't mean it.”
“I'd never do that. What is he? Ten years older than me?”
“More like four, but whatever.”
A/N: That's three pages (not including the a/n here), so I'm gunna stop.
If you didn't catch on to what's going on between Inu and Sango, then too bad for you. It's gunna be out right said in the next chapter anyways, so it's okay. No biggy.
Wow, short A/N right here. :whistles: