InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Goal is Payback ❯ Trajedy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A.N.: Another Inuyasha Fanfic…BOY, there are a lot of those. Hopefully this time I've gotten another original idea. Basically this idea sprouted out my wondering about a story, and what character's points of views are rarely used. I came up with none other than that little girl that always follows Sesshomaru around: Rin. Rin, by herself, isn't an entirely interesting character. But after a few years following Sesshomaru around, the girl has got to have some interesting quirks.

I took the liberty of writing this as though a few years had passed, meaning Kagome's about 18 and Rin about 12, k??

Disclaimer: I don't own or claim to own anything related to Inuyasha. I'm too tired to think up anything clever right now….


Why did he do this?? WHY did he always have to do this??? Every single friggin time he tried, he was almost always wounded, and always, always defeated.

It was almost enough to make one stop trying.

But knowing his own personality, Sesshomaru knew that he could be a teeny-bit arrogant, pushy, and perhaps even egotistical. So he knew that he would find some way to take the Tetsusaiga. Or at least make it unusable for his younger, hanyou brother.

Being a hanyou automatically made Inuyasha inferior to Sesshomaru's dog youkai strength. But…right now he was doing a very poor job at seeming inferior.

"Kaze no Kizo!!!!" Inuyasha swung his giant lug of a sword sideways, releasing one of his favorite attacks, the Kaze no Kizo, (Wind Scar).

Sesshomaru ducked, and the blade of energy flew harmlessly over his head. However, this battle had been going on for almost a half hour now. It wasn't that he was tired, just, rather irritated. And the more irritated Sesshomaru became, the more careless he became. It was one of those annoying little quirks.

Using his one good hand, Sesshomaru created an energy whip, and flung it at Inuyasha. The first one bounced harmlessly off the Tetsusaiga, but the next managed to strike a hard blow on Inuyasha's left shoulder.

"Ack!" Inuyasha yelped, flying backwards through the air. "Kuso!" He bounced off his upper back, felt a twitch of pain and skid to a halt a few meters away.

"Hai, hai, hai! You take `im, Sesshomaru-sama! Beat that filthy hanyou to a pulp!" Jaken danced around in a little circle, waving his staff around like an idiot. Ah Un took a couple of second away from chewing on a tuft of grass to stare at him sideways.

Rin sat beside him, attempting to withhold an urge to smack Jaken. "Yeah, Sesshomaru-sama, get `im!"

Sesshomaru sighed, taking his direct attention off of Inuyasha for only a moment. Rin had gotten older quickly. She was still a silly girl, but no longer the squeaky immature child he had first met over three years ago.

"Take a step back Rin," Sesshomaru ordered. He didn't want one of Inuyasha's crazy, unskilled attacks to go flinging off toward her. Thinking for a moment he added jokingly, "Actually, Jaken, take a step forward."

"Hai, milord!" Jaken squeaked, not catching the drift.

"Yo, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha yelled, "Your fighting me remember? Pay attention to me!" Inuyasha had picked himself off of the ground, whipped the small spray of blood off his shoulder, and charged at Sesshomaru, hefting the Tetsusaiga over his shoulder.

Sesshomaru stepped back, and the sword crashed into the ground with great force. Bits and clods of dirt flew up into the air, as Inuyasha prepped for another attacked.

Hastily, Sesshomaru sprayed Inuyasha with some of the green poison that shot out of his claws.

"Keh! You think that actually hurts! Did you forget that I wear the haori of the Fire Rat? That so-called poison of yours can't pierce through it."

Sesshomaru smirked, wishing that the stuff had gotten into the hanyou's eyes, but knowing that it had done its job. The small tear in the haori exposed the fresh wound on Inuyasha's shoulder. The poison found its target, and seeped into the torn flesh.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Inuyasha notice it too. With the hand that wasn't holding the Tetsusaiga, he patted and clawed at the wound, which was now burning with pain.

Sesshomaru was starting to take a step forward, but suddenly Inuyasha regained enough composure to hurl the Tetsusaiga point-first at him. Sesshomaru dodged, but not quiet far enough. With a great shock, Sesshomaru felt a great impact on his left leg.

Horrified, he glanced down, swearing that if Inuyasha had now cut off his leg, there would be hell to pay. To his great relief his Tetseiga had stopped the Tetsusaiga's assault. His own sword had started glowing a bright blue, producing a protective shield.

"Heh?" Inuyasha stuttered, as the Tetsusaiga bounced off the shield and came flying back at him. It landed with a `chunk!' into the dirt less than two inches away from his foot.

"Be careful, Inuyasha!" Kagome called from the sidelines. Sango and Miroku stood a short distance behind her, both ready to take over if Inuyasha started loosing horrible or going youkai or something. Shippo stood, clinging to Sango head as if for dear life.

"Pick up the sword!" Miroku called helpfully.

With a snort, Inuyasha grabbed the handle of the Tetsusaiga. "You don't think I know that, you dumbass?? I'll take care of him, just you wait."

"Like hell you will!" Jaken squawked from the other side of the battle.

Sesshomaru inhaled sharply, then exhaled slowly, as the Tetseiga slopped glowing and returned to normal. He closed his eyes, searching mentally for what Inuyasha was going to try next. Quickly he opened his eyes. Of course.

"Kaze no Kizo!!" Inuyasha swung the sword sharply in a forward arc, sending three blades of deadly energy hurtling strait at Sesshomaru.

The youkai smirked. It seemed Inuyasha's aim had improved. Ever so little. He jumped strait up as the blades passed harmlessly underneath.

But Inuyasha had a counterattack stuffed into his overlarge sleeves. "Kaze no Kizo!" He let the wind scar fly two more times, one on either side of Sesshomaru. For only a split second, Sesshomaru was sure that all he had to do to avoid them was to stay still. Sadly, that wasn't the case. The blade on his left was a little out of place, just a couple inches closer than he had counted on. And now that he realized it, it was too late.

As I said, the more irritated, the more careless.

One of the blades grazed against Sesshomaru. It tore off part of his pant leg and the entire sleeve that housed no arm. The yellow and blue tie that had been around Sesshomaru's waist was torn in two, fluttering away in the wind.

Inwardly, Sesshomaru sighed in relief. The Wind Scar hadn't even grazed his skin. The remainder of the two attacks flew harmlessly by.

"I was beginning to think that you're aim had improved your aim by now," Sesshomaru teased. "I was wrong."

Inuyasha cocked his head to the side. "Keh!"

Sesshomaru heard a dull thud as something landed behind him. Jaken began screaming, "Milord! Milord! Milord, look!"

Startled, Sesshomaru turned swiftly to quiet the imp, causing his hair to fluff out in a circle. The fierce expression morphed into dull amusement to absolute `oh, shit!' in a matter of nanoseconds.

The dull `thud' that he had heard was that of the Tetseiga, which had fallen off in the Kaze no Kizo and flown a good hundred feet away.

"Milord, the Tetseiga!" Jaken called, as if Sesshomaru hadn't known that.

Inuyasha keh'd again. "You thought that attack was meant to hit you?? Keh! I just wanted to disarm you from the last thing that would keep you alive!!" He raised the Tetsusaiga over his shoulder again, and charged.

Not feeling real cause for concern, Sesshomaru jumped into the air, allowing Inuyasha to shoot past underneath. He found it hard not to laugh when the baka hanyou tripped over a groove cut by his own Wind Scar and fell flat on his face.

"Baka hanyou…" Sesshomaru muttered.

Inuyasha was immediately back on his feet. "I'll show you hanyou! After I kick you're fucking ass!!" He was very sensitive about being called a half-breed, even though that's what it was, because it was just an excuse for the bastards of the world to think they needed to take advantage of him.

Inuyasha was attacking with greater rage now. "Kaze no Kizo! Kaze no Kizo! Kaze no Kizo! Kaze no Kizo! Kaze no Kizo! Kaze no Kizo!"

Even Sesshomaru was having difficulty dodging all of the attacks. He was continuously flipping around, attempting to keep his robe securely around him after the tie had been cut off.

Suddenly a high shriek reached Sesshomaru's pointed elf ears. Rin. In the midst of dodging another poorly aimed attack, the youkai looked over to where the young girl had been.

Two huge scars had been cut into the earth. Jaken had been blown away by a couple dozen feet. Ah Un was standing, growling about the deep cut along the dragon's right flank. But where was Rin.

Looking behind him, another Kaze no Kizo passed by overhead. Sesshomaru spotted Rin a couple meters away from Ah Un. She had fallen flat on her face, and her back was splattered with Ah Un's dark blood. She appeared unhurt; spare a couple of scrapes she had gotten when she fell down.

Sesshomaru angrily turned to face Inuyasha. "You heartless hanyou. You attack a girl who is unarmed?"

"I didn't aim to! But it's her own damn fault for following you around!" Despite his brave retorts Sesshomaru could see that in his eyes, Inuyasha did feel bad for harming the young child. And also more troubled, because the only think worst than being called a worthless hanyou, was a heartless one.

Rin was back up on her feet, sniffling to hold back a couple tears of pain. She started running again, away from everybody else.

What the hell was she doing??

Inuyasha regained his composure, adjusting the Tetsusaiga in his hands. "It seems that you can still dodge pretty well, Sesshomaru. I'd say it's time I tried something different." He raised the sword high over his head. Strange, wispy patterns began to dance up and down the blade.

Sesshomaru turned around to search for Rin again. He had a feeling that he knew what this attack was, and he was equally certain that despite its power, Inuyasha had not yet gained absolute control over it. Releasing the dangerous energy could ever prove dangerous to those outside the battle, including that wench that followed Inuyasha of any number of his friends.

Or Rin.

"Rin?!" Sesshomaru shouted. Even though he would deny it, he cared greatly for the ningen child. And not in a twisted perverse way either. She was his best friend. He loved her like a daughter. Like his true child, his heir. And he would not tolerate her being in danger.

He spotted her running back towards him. She was carrying something. The lost Tetseiga. She was saying something, waving the sword around in the air, but he couldn't make out what she was saying, because the wind suddenly was growing my fierce around them all, and the sky more dark. Rin was getting closer and closer to the danger every time she stepped.

"RIN!" Sesshomaru begged silently for her to hear him. Getting a strange twinge at the back of his neck, Sesshomaru turned and faced his brother, almost with a pleading look in his eyes.

Inuyasha smiled semi-evilly, semi-arrogantly. He swung the sword down.


Spirals and twisters of pure energy spun wildly out from the sword. The dust and wind swirled together into the cyclones as they closed in. Just as Sesshomaru had suspected, this was the bakaryuha, the backlash wave, and attack that fed off the opponent's energy and became more powerful the my power the opponent had.

Unluckily for Sesshomaru, he had a lot of energy to take.

The deranged spirals tore into the ground, eating up everything they touched. Ah Un roared, then was thrown backwards, out of sight. All of Inuyasha's friends ducked and sought cover under a shield that the monk was creating. Jaken was nowhere to be found.

And Rin….

As Sesshomaru looked for her, one of the twisters grazed his left shoulder, the one that didn't have and arm. Another tore a good three feet off of the furry tail decoration on his other shoulder. Another dug painfully into the back of his right leg, causing the white of his clothes to be spotted with blood.

He gasped. He had found Rin.

She had still been running toward him, and now was less than ten feet away. A twister struck the ground less than a foot in front of her, so she was blown backwards, the Tetseiga flying from her hands.

But worse off, Sesshomaru could see the giant twist of deadly energy that was coming strait at her. He made a quick decision.

He jumped in front of the twister, grabbed Rin and started running like hell out of there. Though his speed was great and the child weighted next to nothing to him, the many, many twisters all searching, searching for something to kill.

One blasted the ground right at his feet, causing him to almost trip, and he lost all his speed. In a moment of panic, he turned around to find the same giant twister right behind him.

"Damn, it's like it was tracking me," he noted. He wrapped his arm around Rin, using his own body to shield her. She was endlessly screaming, deathly afraid, and desperately clinging to the front of his gi.

The twister struck hard and fast, burying itself into the middle of Sesshomaru's back. After a split second, the intense pain it caused could no longer be felt…it had torn directly though his spine. The twister passed on, cutting a deep gash up his back, destroying the shoulder decoration and throwing dirt and blood into the air.

Rin was smashed underneath him as they were thrown through the air, landing hard on a couple of rocks. Rin hit her head on one of them, as Sesshomaru fell on top of her, his own head snapping back from the force.

The remainders of the twisters were dispersing, with two bouncing off the monk's shield. Inuyasha himself hadn't gotten behind the shield immediately, so he had a cut down the right side of his face, and one of his pant legs was missing. Another twister shot over Sesshomaru's head, missing but throwing yet more debris up into the air. Then, with the chocking dist from that last energy twister, the attack was finished, over.

Rin stopped screaming as the deafening howls of wind died out. She squirmed painfully out from under Sesshomaru, and crawled up to his face.

"Sesshomaru-sama?" Rin gasped, tears welling up. "Sesshomaru-sama??"

The youkai opened his eyes, looking at Rin. He wanted to smile, he really did, but found he couldn't. He tried to say something, anything, but realized his strength was running out. He opened his mouth, swallowing painfully, but only let out a hoarse cough. Then, he closed his eyes.

"Sesshomaru-sama?! SESSHOMARU-SAMA!!!!" Rin howled, knowing that he had just died, died protecting her.

Another fifty feet away, Kagome struggled to her feet, allowing Miroku to help her. She caught sight of Rin and whispered, "Look!"

"Did I get him?" Inuyasha asked uneasily, putting one arm around Kagome protectively.

"It looks that way," Sango said, attempting to pry Shippo's little claws out of her head. "Demo…"

"Demo…what?" Inuyasha turned, his eyes getting all round.

Rin had struggled to her sore, aching feet and ran over to where the Tetseiga was sticking out of the ground, partially buried in the rubble from the bakaryuha. She clumsily unsheathed the blade, running clumsily over to where Sesshomaru lay sprawled.

Tears streamed down Rin's face as she thought. She had seen Sesshomaru use the Tetseiga before…it's what he had used to save her from her death from a pack of wolves. Surely, surely, the sword would let her save Sesshomaru, its own master, ne? Right?!

Not knowing exactly what to do, Rin waved the Tetseiga again and again over Sesshomaru's lifeless form. Her strokes grew more wild and frantic as she began to loose hope.

"Please, Sesshomaru-sama…please," she cried. But it was no use. She hadn't known that the Tetseiga was one of those picky swords…and one that would only respond to a youkai using it.

Rin collapsed on her knees, letting the sword drop onto the debris beside her.

Kagome pulled out of Inuyasha's embrace, and started walking toward Rin.

"Kagome, what the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha stammered, more than a little confused. Kagome didn't bother to answer. Inuyasha wouldn't understand. She wanted to see if the child was all right.

But when Rin caught sight of Kagome's approaching feet, she clutched the ground in what started out as fear…and what swiftly turned to rage.

"Damn you…," she hissed soundlessly.

Kagome stopped a foot away from the huddling child. "Hey…Rin…that was your name, wasn't it?" She tried to sound cheerful, but was slightly saddened and sickened by the sight of Sesshomaru's tattered form. He had been special to the child, hadn't he? He had been her only family, hadn't he? He had saved her before, from many dangers, and somehow loved her, hadn't he?

And now that was all gone.

"Damn you…,"Rin said again, this time so Kagome could here it.

Kagome took a step back as Rin hurled a clod of dirt at her feet, and two others that shot past her.

"Go away…" Rin said, looking up into Kagome's worried and caring gaze. She then turned her gaze towards Inuyasha, who was staring with a perplexed look on his face. She stared so hard at his so that he was sure to look at her.

"And damn you all to hell," Rin squinted, as she inwardly vowed never to rest until that bastard of a hanyou was dead…and not just dead, but torn apart by her own hands.

A.N.: There you have it. Please don't kill me because I killed Sesshomaru. And please don't flame me. I didn't want to make you cry, honest. I had to kill him to have Rin switch from her innocent small carefree child into a character that I can write about. I needed a great tragedy to do that. And I didn't think killing Jaken would work that well. Do you think it worked well, the changing beginning in Rin??

I'll try to update as soon as possible. Gomen nasi if I can't.

I will update as soon as I can. You could read one off my other stories in the meantime. Trust me, they aren't this depressing, mostly humor actually. And don't forget to check out my bio…I have online anime/manga/video game store listed, AMV download sites listed and info about the First Inuyasha movie American release.

Arigato and Sayonara!!!!

---GCN anime dragon :P