InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 34 ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Year: 1536
Month: March
As morning dawned, Kagome gazed around her in shock. In this form, travel was so much better. Of course, she had had a few villages run screaming when she passed by but that was to be expected. She was a giant dog. She was late. Of that she was certain. By at least a month as well. Slowing down, she finally came to rest before Bokuseno. A couple of the trees fell but she now knew they would simply grow again once she left. If need be, she would shake some of that poison she had been emitting. Her gaze remained focused on the ancient tree before her, waiting.
She felt the sun rise into the air and continue its way across the sky until it sank below. She remained laying there, waiting as four more times the sun came up and went down. Her coat began to show the strain of not eating. Unlike most youkai, she still needed to eat at least once a day to survive. During the day of the fifth sun, a scent attracted her attention. It was a boar. The smell caused her stomach to rumble and within Chi was straining to go kill it. Glancing back at Bokuseno, she hesitated. She'd have to make it quick. It would be easy enough to hunt it, kill it and then be back here in minutes. Deciding so, she rose quietly.
“Ah, child where is you going?” Kagome's head swung swiftly toward Bokuseno, taking out a tree on the way. Her ears tucked back against her head in apology. She watched the tree chuckle softly. “All is well Child. Now, I know you are late to our yearly meeting and now that you are here, you are unable to enter within my bark.” Kagome whined. She didn't know how to become smaller. After a few moments of silence, he spoke. “Go and eat your fill. When you return, I will inform you how to once again gain your human form.” Kagome's ears instantly perked up. She gave a soft woof before turning and heading towards the scent of the boar.
Kagome could feel the rise of the primitive beast and yet it wasn't like it was a separate entity. It was more like instincts. She crouched in the cover of the trees, waiting. Somehow, she had managed to slip through the trees without causing too much destruction. Now she sat eyeing the boar before her hungrily. Her eyes were completely and utterly focused. She waited silently as the boar finally made its way into her vision. Almost as an afterthought, Kagome covered her scent and aura completely. It was still virtually the same, just she had to hide more.
Kagome's muscles were screaming but she refused to move. Even Chi was waiting patiently inside her own mind. The two of them were entwined almost completely. All that was left was to retrieve her very soul and they would be complete. Both watched the boar, the thought of its blood sliding down their throat oh so delicious. The sound of bones crunching almost made them twitch in excitement. Just the thought of hearing it scream as it died sent their blood flowing in excitement. Still they waited.
As the boar came close enough, Kagome tensed. They were ready. She was ready. She waited only seconds before shooting forward and clamping down on the boar with her jaws tightly. Instantly, the boar let out an agonizing squeal of pain that lasted only seconds before it fell silent, dead. Kagome laid the boar on the ground and began to eat in small bites. The taste of the fresh kill energized her far more than she thought could be possible. She almost moaned at the way the blood slid down her throat. In an instant, she felt almost intoxicated by the blood.
Finishing her meal, she blinked around her in dazed confusion. She could feel the pulse of Bokuseno. In the far distance, across the ocean towards the east, she could feel aura that sought her. It was like the ocean tide, it pulled and pushed. Shaking her head, she turned to head back to Bokuseno. She needed to train and learn how to change back.
Stumbling into the clearing, she stared at Bokuseno waiting. Almost immediately, he opened his eyes. “Ah child, you have returned. Focus within to find what you used to be. Draw that forth into your mind and focus on it.” Kagome almost giggled. Find the human inside her? She could hear Chi's laughter. Deciding to humor the tree, she began to focus inward. Chi became alert as well. Both set off in different directions, searching. Surprisingly it was Chi that found the odd light.
Going to Chi, both studied the strange pulsing light. It was icy blue and flickered like a flame. So, was this it? Chi gave a shrug. Both reached out and pulled on the light. Instantly, it wrapped around the two of them. It didn't burn per say, but there was some discomfort. When they opened their eyes, they looked down at their body and gave a startled yelp. They were different now!
She was still roughly the same height, but she had gained a few inches. Her claws had extended out to a fine tip at least two inches long. She inspected them and found them to be nearly unbreakable. They glimmered with what appeared to be dragon scales. Peeking inside her kimono, she realized her eyesight was perfect. It was like she could see everything. She felt her ears twitch on the side of her head and reached up to find them pointed. Focusing back on her body, the markings had grown. They were also darker. They were now the same fiery blue as the flame they had found. There were some places though that looked empty. She had no doubt that they would fill in once she retrieved her soul. She could also see a light covering of fur that shifted along her skin. It was almost as if it was a protective layer. Looking up, she caught sight of some of her hair and gave a small yelp. Pulling it forward, she studied it. It was still black thank goodness but now there were different streaks going through it. There was silver, blue and red from what she could see. Reaching up, she felt her fangs and pulled away abruptly when she felt it prick her finger. They were sharp. Before she went to focus on Bokuseno, she saw one last thing that made her pretty much speechless. She had wings! They weren't just any wings either. The wings themselves were made from pure dragon scales so no damage could be done to them. On top of that though, they had fire on them like a phoenix.
“I see you are starting to come into your own then child.”
Whirling to stare at Bokuseno, Kagome tilted her head. “You knew about this?”
Bokuseno huffed. “I am a tree child. I receive word from the earth and the other elements.”
Kagome looked down, feeling ashamed for some reason. “Sorry Bokuseno-Sama.”
The ancient tree let out a soft chuckle. “Calm yourself. Come and enter within child. I will keep you here for a week this time. There is much to be done and you will be unable to return in the next year.” Nodding, Kagome entered, feeling the warmth of the tree's aura wrap around her.
Inuyasha gave a small frown. It was unbelievable. He hadn't really had much to think on his dad in his growing years, so the idea of an inheritance was shocking to him. Apparently, his father had left the southern half of the western lands to him. It also housed the place his mother had lived. It was only a small section but then he also had claim to the central lands as well. Hiroki and Sesshomaru had both spoken to him of his duties as a Lord and had accepted him. It was a strange feeling. Of course, he felt accepted with his group but that was just with his friends.
“Inuyasha.” Looking up at Hiroki, he brought his attention to the conversation at hand. The question was would he take up his inheritance? Dropping his head, he shoved his arms into his sleeves. Could he become a lord? His mind flickered to Kikyo and Kagome. What would the two of them say? They were after all the two that meant the most to him. Finally lifting his head, he gave an abrupt nod to an unsaid statement.
“I'll do it. I'll do it my own way though.” Inuyasha studied Hiroki and Sesshomaru. For a moment, he thought he saw pride flash in his brother's eyes before they were blank. Hiroki had a grin on his face.
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Hiroki nodded. “That is good Inuyasha. Consider us allies from now on.”
“Hn.” Sesshomaru's agreement to the statement caused Inuyasha's ears to perk forward in surprise. Perhaps one day he would be able to call Sesshomaru brother. The feeling brought bittersweet hope through him.
Sango and Kikyo had arrived back at camp to find Shippo and Rin sitting side by side and playing with some rocks. Settling, the two leaned against each other. It was then that Sango noticed Kagome was missing as well as Arie. “Where's Kagome?”
Kikyo spoke up, gently holding Sango's hand. “She said she needed some time away. Apparently, she woke up while we were bathing.”
Zia suddenly appeared out of the trees and nodded her affirmation. “She will return.”
Moving to sit by Sango, Zia took her other free hand. “She will return.” After a few moments, Arie appeared, tired and worn out. Moving to the girls, she curled up by their feet. In moments she was asleep.
Shippo and Rin continued playing their game, but their attention was focused on the females. Both were worried about Kagome, but they knew that everything was okay if she had contacted Kikyo. Rin shifted silently. “Brother, will you tell me about youkai customs?”
Shippo glanced at her in surprise before smiling happily. “Certainly Sister.” It felt good having a family with a sibling. Even if Rin was human, it didn't really matter.