InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nice Guy ❯ One Month ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nice Guy
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and I don't own Houjo. If I did, I'd have a hell of a lot more cash.
AN: I am so sorry! I haven't updated in so long because I've been moving and my computer has been out of commission for that reason. But now I'm now living in a house! Woohoo! No more trailer so I'm pretty psyched. Anyways here's the next chappie.
~*~One Month~*~
Inuyasha was angry. Angry and aggravated. He couldn't believe he actually let her go. And for a whole month, no less! Not that he let her go willingly. No, she damn near broke his back with sits before he finally caved in.
At least that meant no more sits… One whole month free of that damn word. That damn degrading word. Honestly, it would've been better if she didn't choose a word that humans command their dogs. It wouldn't have been a whole lot better but, still, a little better. He felt like a god forsaken pet!
Yep, a whole month without worrying about looking like a complete fool. Maybe he'll find Kouga and pick a fight. He smiled at the thought. It'd be perfect to finally pound that wolf without having to worry about getting sat into oblivion by Kagome. Kagome…
His smile dropped instantly. No matter what the plus sides were… They couldn't compare to that one huge negative. An entire month without Kagome…
He was so much easier to anger without her around… Even if he did always fight with her. Damn, he loved to fight with her. The way her face would get all rosy, the way her lips would curl back and bare her teeth. She looked almost as menacing as a demon when she was mad and just as scary. She didn't know she did that but he did. And he loved it. Sometimes he'd pick a fight with her over little things just to see her get all uppity. Too bad that he sometimes tended to take it over the line.
But a lot of the time his fights were real… Like when she's standing up and protecting Kouga from him. And when she leaves him for her home in the future.
God, he missed her. He wanted to know what she was doing… He got this horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why did she want to leave him for so long so badly? Did she have a man at home? Was she out with him? He felt his claws pierce into his palms as his fists clenched.
He decided not to think about it. To ignore it… This was proving to be too damn hard to do. He couldn't stand it! He had half a mind to just jump down that well and drag her little ass back, despite the consequences.
Too bad the other half overruled. Kagome would get seriously pissed off if he did that. Not pissed like the way he liked her pissed but the type of pissed she'd get after he'd taken a fight too far.
No, it was best to leave her be… But it was so fucking hard! Every time she left him he'd have to worry about whether or not she'd actually come back or not.
She always did but that wasn't the point.
He shook his head, she'd come back… She always did so why would she stop now? Besides she promised to stay by his side. She basically asked if she could. Even when he pushed her away she would still come back to him.
Besides, she loved Shippo too much to leave for good. And Sango and she were pretty much best friends… She even had some sort of weird friendship going on with the monk. He still couldn't figure that one out. Sure, he was friends with Miroku but how a woman could be a friend to that lech was beyond him. He didn't think Sango was friends with him… Not with the way she always beat up on him, not that he didn't deserve it every time.
Kagome was just strange like that. She'd befriend the most messed up people and that included himself. That woman would probably even forgive and befriend Naraku if he said sorry. She was too damn forgiving and trusting.
That fact made him worry about her. What type of trouble was she going to get herself into while she was home?! How could he save her if he wasn't with her?!
Damn it! She was only gone for a few days and he was already about to tear out his own hair. How was he ever going to make it through this month?!
~*~There we go! Inu is in the picture. Sorry it's so short but I have a time limit at the moment since my brother wants online and I wanted to get this up tonight. Hope you like, please review!~*~