InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmare ❯ Nightmare4. I have solved your problem ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer Rumiko Takahashi still owns the Inuyasha cast and me only my gashapon.
Wow 300 visits I am happy, well this one is short, thanks to Sinashi for his support and reviews.

Sesshomaru is the cool headed ice prince that makes most Inuyashas adventures followers dream, even though he despises human so what can possibly terrify the ice prince.

Seshomaru awoke feeling a bit lighter than usual, he rarely slept but the evening had seem so peaceful and there was no enemy on kilometers and he had not slept in weeks so now near a stream he had fallen asleep while contemplating the sunrise. The day before as they arrived his hair had entangle in a tree and caught several twigs and branches he had spent some very long hours combing it, but then it was his pride.

Something seemed awfully wrong tough he could no place exactly what.
He looked at the terrified Jaken who had his eyes very wide and had dropped the tray he was carrying and was for once speechless.
Jaken only got to the floor and started pleading for mercy, "please, please forgive this worthless Jaken, my Lord?"
A very smiling Rin came running with some flowers, "Rin has solved Sesshomarusama's problem" she said
"this Sesshomaru has no problems Rin?" he said uninterested
And then he realized he was walking on what it seemed a silver carpet.
"Sesshomarusama's hair will not bother him anymore" she said very sure.

Imagine the tune from the shower in psycho

On a closer look he saw the carpet was maid from hairs and then he approached the near stream and saw in horror he was now almost bald.

For once he lost his composure and screamed "Noooo!!"

He awoke, feeling cold shivers and immediately raised his hand to his head to touch his hair to verify it was still there.

He found that Rin was picking flowers fortunately out of reach and then He hit Jaken on the head as he approached and said very seriously "From now own I make you personally responsible for my hairs integrity"

Notes. OK this one is short, I kind of imagined proud Sesshomaru a bit like a peacock so imagining him losing his long hair.