InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nigousan ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own no one on the Inuyasha cast or crew. Those rights and responsibilities go to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ media. But I will take a certain puppy eared hanyou off her hands if he gets too rambunctious.
Kagome sat up straighter. Something about Kikyou made her want to stand taller, speak clearer, do something better. And right now she was reduced to a stuttering mess.
“Aunt Kikyou, I wasn't - that is, I didn't mean - what I was trying to explain was - ”
Inuyasha cut off Kagome's rambles with a hand on her shoulder. He was growing agitated by his wife's continuing disregard for the girl's obvious discomfort. Kikyou knew as well as he did there was a back up nigousan out there waiting to be called on should the need arise.
“Kikyou, I was explaining to Kagome about the substitute that Sesshomaru has waiting in the wings in case she feels she can't do this. But time is running out. The full moon is at the end of this week. If she needs to back out, it needs to be now.”
He watched his wife watch the girl. Some of the emotions flashing in her whiskey colored eyes he didn't quite understand the need for, like anger and frustration, but the others, jealousy and fear, were easy to catch. From both sides.
He sighed.
“Kikyou, honey, it's only fair that I give Kagome the same choice I gave you. When we started dating, hell, we only saw each other once a month for the first year. Most of our relationship was established over the phone or online. As soon I wanted to get more serious with you, I told you what I was.”
Kikyou gave a half smile. “I didn't believe you.”
“No, you didn't. You had all these set ideas about how hanyous should act, even when they were in their human form. When I showed you what I looked like, what I was, I gave you choice; take me as I was or leave me. And I gave you the time and space to decide. I sent you literature on hanyou and demon culture, including the tradition of taking a nigousan.” He ran a clawed hand through his already spiky silver bangs.
“Do you want your own niece to have no choice? To do this because she feels it's a family obligation? You know how I feel about people taking pity on me, Kikyou.”
Some of the anger that Kikyou felt was righteous drained. It was hard to argue when she was forced to look at things from Kagome's point of view. And her husband made sense, too. It was just the closer this whole demonic ritual came, the more on edge she became.
“Kagome, I'm sorry. I'm just…frustrated, I guess, is the best word. Finding out your husband is keeping a mistress on the side is one thing, but having that woman live in your house is something entirely different.”
“And you think all this is easy for me? I'm the one who's sleeping with another woman's husband. Just last month I finished my first year of college, my first time away from home, and now I'm someone's mistress. You had a year to deal with all this and I had a lousy month.”
Kagome hopped off the massive bed and stood before the woman she so resembled. The woman whose husband she'd be bedding in five days.
“Please, don't be angry with me, Aunt Kikyou. I'm not backing out. I'm not going back on my promise, but this isn't easy for any of us. Please.”
In a rare show of affection for the girl, Kikyou reached out and clasped her hand. “I'm not angry with you, I'm angry with the situation. But you're right, both of you. I've had time to deal with this and it's a choice I made, too. I selected you as my husband's nigousan for a reason, Kagome. Because I know you. I trust you. We'll take things one step at a time.”
Surprisingly, dinner passed easily between the three, at least with Inuyasha directing the conversation between Kikyou and Kagome. Never had he met two more different people. Even he and Sesshomaru had more in common than aunt and niece appeared to. His wife was very much into keeping up appearances and establishing and maintaining good impressions with everyone. Kagome, it seemed, sized everyone up instantly and based her reactions on the person's impact and importance in her life. She was never rude, but she didn't let social status rule her life or her friendships. Inuyasha couldn't help but wonder if her outlook was because she was still young, or if it was a trait she'd retain throughout their relationship. Dinner parties would certainly be more interesting from then on. And he'd take any opportunity to watch Sesshomaru squirm.
That night, as Kikyou readied for bed and tried not to think too hard about the fact that her husband was upstairs tucking Kagome in, she decided she'd come right out and voice the issues she had with their current arrangement. The problems weren't unreasonable considering she was conceding to a mistress living under her roof. Initially, she'd suggested building a guesthouse on the property and the girl living there, but Inuyasha would have none of it. He didn't want his only time spent with Kagome to be when he wanted sex. No `booty calls' were his exact words. Kikyou didn't see why not. Wasn't that the reason men kept mistresses in the first place? Sex?
Bronzed arms wrapped around her waist, the wide hands tucked into careful fists, hiding his thumbs and any hint of the clipped but still dangerous claws. A gentle kiss brushed behind her ear.
“You know, I still can't figure out why you need all that junk. You look fantastic. Young enough to be Ka - young enough to be a college student. Wanna be my naughty undergraduate assistant?”
Kikyou gave a small laugh and turned, slapping at her husband's bare chest.
“You may thing you were being slick, but I know what you're thinking. That I look young enough to be Kagome's sister. I've been hearing that in one form or another ever since that girl grew up. And this “junk” as you call it, is the reason for it.” Kikyou frowned at the hanyou wearing only blue cotton pajama bottoms.
“You went upstairs like that?”
“Yeah, why? It's what I wear to bed.”
“I don't know if I like the idea of you being up in her room in only pajama pants. It doesn't feel appropriate. What would people think?”
Inuyasha followed his wife into their bedroom. He'd originally designed it to be a grand guestroom, the one you'd invite your parents or in-laws to stay in, but Kikyou didn't like the master suite, it got both the eastern and western light, had too many windows and felt too open, not to mention she wasn't a fan of the dark woods he'd chosen for the pieces. This room had been redesigned, expanded, and was now ultramodern with pale, soft woods and white accents. And mirrors. Lots of mirrors, decorating the walls, the dresser tops and drawer fronts. Actually, Inuyasha wouldn't mind the mirrors so much if he only got to make love to his wife more than once a month.
He flopped onto the white on white duvet.
“Honey, I have no idea how much experience the girl has with men. I'm not about to show up naked and mostly feral and scare the shit outta her. She has to get used to me and that includes me touching her. You do know that, right? I'll be touching her other than when I'm in bed with her.”
“I highly doubt the girl is completely ignorant of the opposite sex, Inuyasha. Heaven only knows what she's done at college. She was lounging around in a white tee shirt with no bra on for God's sake and she wasn't even apologetic about it!”
“Yeah and when I called her on it, she practically called me a pervert for looking!”
Brown eyes narrowed to slits. “And why were you looking?”
“Jesus. Kikyou, they were right there. Kinda hard to miss. And it wasn't like I was staring at them - her. Her clothes don't even take up a third of the drawer space up there and what she has is about ready to be tossed. I'm planning on taking her shopping Monday after we go to the clinic.”
Kikyou pulled back the covers and slid against the crisp Egyptian cotton sheets. “Monday? This coming Monday? Why didn't you let me know sooner? Can she reschedule? I have clients coming in and I can't miss those meetings.”
“You don't need to. This is her last one. Just test results and the final physical. I need to be there but you don't.”
“Shouldn't that be the sort of thing your wife goes to?”
“No,” Inuyasha replied, pulling his hair into a tail. “It's supposed to contain the first part of the Ritual of the Flesh. I'm already worried that the closer we get to the full moon, the more I'm going to see Kagome as a threat to you.”
He muffled a sigh when Kikyou rolled, presenting her back to him. It was fine for them to cuddle, so long as it was back-to-back. Still, he relished the intimate contact.
Monday dawned to fit the hanyou's mood, wet and chilly. Sunday had been non-stop running, from Sesshomaru's mansion to dinner at the Higurashi shrine. And Kagome was hardly speaking two words to him. She'd found out that the actual binding ceremony was just that, a ceremony, and was to be witnessed by the highest members of the Consulate. So, while it would take place at home, there would be strangers watching every move. Inuyasha'd known about it, but he figured if he told her sooner, it was more time to worry. And it didn't help that Kikyou didn't seem to feel any sympathy towards Kagome's situation.
“Kagome! Let's go! I don't want to get stuck behind some piss ants that don't know how to drive in the rain,” he called up the steps.
“Inuyasha, you have plenty of time. Don't drive like a maniac.” Kikyou leaned up and brushed her lips against his. “Kagome. Now would be nice.”
A thump, followed by a muffled curse, announced Kagome's arrival. One side of her hair was pulled up, a barrette was clenched between her teeth and she was hopping down the steps with only one beat up Doc Martin on her foot.
“Sorry. I set the damn alarm for seven pm instead of seven am and I overslept. I'm not a morning person,” she huffed out while bending over to tug on the other boot.
Inuyasha chuckled, brushing her unruly hair out of her face before gently cupping her cheeks. His wife stood on his right, pristine in a calf length beige trench, her long hair slicked back in a neat coil against the humidity, makeup perfectly and subtly applied. Kagome was in front of him, the hair that wasn't secured, flying in all directions, dressed in oversized dark cords and a green rain slicker. Her face was rosy and free of make up. He could say something about having the best of both worlds if all this worked out.
He kissed the teen's cheek. “Good morning to you, too. Kikyou,” he kissed his wife, “Call me when you know about dinner.”
She nodded and led the way out. Kagome always envied her aunt's Lexus, but she gasped when she saw Inuyasha's fire engine red Jeep Commander. She waited until they'd started into traffic to pounce.
“Am I gonna get to drive this?”
The hanyou flicked a glance in her direction while cursing out the car in front of him. “Oh, now you talk to me? Do you even drive? Your brother drove the truck here with your stuff.”
She pouted. “That's because I lost a stupid bet with the rodent. I can drive and I drive very well. I did driver's training twice. Once out by the shrine and once at the college, closer to the city.”
“We'll see.”
“I hate that answer. People use it when they think the other person isn't mature enough to handle a straight yes or no.”
“Okay. No. This is my car.”
“Fair enough. Are you going to be my chauffer when I need to go somewhere?”
“We'll see.”
“Damn it.”
The specialty clinic was a squat white building with tinted windows. The bottom floor was dedicated to obstetrics, the waiting area bright and cheerful, while the second floor was strictly gynecology. The only human patients the staff saw were nigousans or wives of demons and hanyous.
After a distracted wave from the mouse demon in reception, Kagome and Inuyasha were lead to an exam room and told a nurse would be with them shortly. Kagome was to strip and don the thin paper gown, opening in the front, please. She was about to ask Inuyasha to turn around, when there was a knock and a familiar face popped in.
“Hello Kagome. So, this is your last scheduled appointment with us,” Nurse Shiori Batta said with a smile. She was a tall, thin, bat hanyou with rich lavender skin and white hair.
“And Inuyasha Inoue. It's been quite a while.” Shiori smiled and offered her hand, but instead found herself swept up in a bear hug. Inuyasha released her when Kagome cleared her throat and the girl was surprised to see a faint blush staining both their cheeks.
“I knew Shiori when we were kids. Back then she was such a little thing, always getting into one scrape or another,” he explained. “She certainly grew up well.”
The nurse nodded. “I was eight and had the biggest crush on him. He was my hero. I'm pretty sure it was the ears that did me in, especially since all the other neighborhood girls tried to get his brother to notice them.
“Anyway, you need to get out of your street clothes so we can get started. I'll go over your lab results as soon as you're changed.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. “Ummm.”
“Oh honey, he's going to be doing a lot more than see you naked soon enough,” Shiori said with her back to the room.
Cursing the whole experience, Kagome shed her rain slicker, shirt, and bra only to discover the gown was folded innocently on the guest chair. Noticing her stare, Inuyasha grabbed the gown, shook it out, and held it so Kagome could slide her arms in.
“Not much coverage is there?” he asked.
“No. And I hate how cold they keep doctor's offices. They're all the same.”
When she turned, she noticed amber eyes sliding downward. Before she could call him on it, his brow furrowed.
“What are these from?” he asked, delicately tracing a finger over the tops of her breasts. Dotting all along the pale mounds were raised pink and white circular scars. Small, but noticeable. Inuyasha immediately caught the scent of embarrassment.
“Ch-chicken pox scars,” Kagome whispered. “I had them really bad when I was 15 and I scarred in a couple of random places. There's some on my face and on the back of my neck, too, but my hair covers them.”
“Kagome, I'm not disgusted by them, I'm just not used to seeing scars. Your aunt has very few and she's always putting something on them to fade them. Demons and hanyous heal cleanly.”
She nodded and finished stripping before hopping up onto the cold table.
Shiori strapped on the cuff of the sphygmomanometer and frowned at the final reading. “Your blood pressure's high. That's not normally the case with you, dear.”
“Yeah, well, I don't normally have my aunt's husband sitting in the room with me while I'm naked.”
The bat hanyou sighed. “We'll check it again in a few minutes.” She turned to pick up the thick manila chart on the table. “Now, all your tests indicate you are a perfectly healthy young woman. However, there are a few areas that concern me.”
“Concern you? What's wrong with her?” Inuyasha asked, rising to his feet.
“Calm down, it's nothing life threatening, but it may cause her to feel very lethargic, dizzy, even slightly confused after the final Ritual Rutting and Binding take place. Kagome you appear to be mildly anemic and slightly iron deficient. Are you a vegetarian?”
The girl shook her head, negatively.
“How about eating habits? Do you eat regularly? Fruits, veggies, protein?”
“Yeah, lately. I mean, I didn't have breakfast or anything today, just in case, but I eat pretty well.”
Shiori looked to Inuyasha for confirmation.
“She does. But she's been with Kikyou and I for the past couple days. Kagome always ordered and ate normally when we met at the college.”
“That's right. Kagome, you just finished your first year of college. How did that go? Stressful? Did you skip meals?”
Kagome let out a laugh and indicated her curves. “I don't think skipping meals happened much. I was stressed, but I had finals and figuring out this whole nigousan thing all at once. I usually grabbed pizza or instant ramen.”
“And that's healthy. Well, that might just be it then. I do want you to come in for blood work one month from now. I want to see how you fair from the Ritual. Now, I have some questions for Inuyasha before the doctor comes in. Feel free to jump in if you want.”
Sitting on the wheeled stool, Shiori placed herself between the hanyou and his soon-to-be mistress. They lacked a good deal of the intimacy and basic lust that most couples showed when in the same room together and she was worried.
“I want you to make some comparisons, Inuyasha. Focus on your senses. Now, what does Kikyou smell like?”
His eyes closed, those long lashes brushing his cheeks, Inuyasha looked almost entranced.
“Heady. Floral, like roses and spice. Underneath…warm, encouraging.”
“Good. And Kagome?”
“Fresh, gentle, calming. Bright.”
“Good. Taste?”
He pouted, an expression that made him look like cranky toddler.
“I know how Kikyou tastes, but I've never tasted Kagome.”
“Inuyasha, I don't have to remind you that the full moon is in less than five days. Why not?”
“I promised my wife I wouldn't touch Kagome unless there was no choice, when my instincts were too hard to control without it.”
Shiori let out a growl of frustration. This wasn't unusual, this insecurity between wives and nigousans, but it could prove deadly. And Kikyou Yamada was a woman who knew what she wanted and didn't like substitutions. But the contact between Kagome and Inuyasha was going to have to become more intimate and it was going to have to take place quickly.
“Alright then, as best you can, tell me the differences.”
His brow wrinkled. “Kikyou tastes of cinnamon, spicy. Kagome - Kagome. The scent that lingers around her is vanilla and mint.”
The girl gave a small giggle. “It's my toothpaste and rinse. I couldn't give up the flavor, so I switched to a really light one.”
Shiori rose and headed for the blood pressure equipment again. “That should be all, for the moment. You two are going to have to get a lot closer in the next few days, Inuyasha. I mean it.”
The inu hanyou opened his eyes and nodded. “We're going shopping after this. Spending the day together.”
The nurse made an affirmative sound at the reading she got, and then smiled at Inuyasha. “That's good. That's a good start. The doctor will be in in just a minute. You're his first appointment today.”
Kagome muttered something that sounded to Inuyasha like `Just as soon as he hops out of his pond.' but he shook it off as Shiori left.
“Do you know anyone that this whole nigousan thing worked for? Where everyone was happy and not all weird around each other?”
Sighing, he got up and crossed over to where she was huddled on the plastic topped exam table. He ran his claws through the back of her hair, where it was clipped back, and found he liked being able to do it, to touch her without smelling that subtle hint of fear he got from his wife.
“I do. I know quite a few. Shiori is married, but to another hanyou, so she didn't have to go through what you and I are. To some, it's like living with two different people. To others…I guess there is more communication between all three. It takes time and work, like any other relationship.”
Before he could say anything else, the door flew open and a short, green imp scurried in without looking at anyone. Shiori followed a second behind him.
Inuyasha blinked those sun bright eyes and started to laugh, a true, from the belly sound.
“Damn it, I thought I heard her say something about a pond, but I never expected you, Jaken. Is this where Sesshomaru stuck you to keep you out of his fur?”
The toad demon somehow managed to pull back his beak-like mouth in a sneer. “Lord Sesshomaru placed me in this position so that I may keep intimate tract of the mates and mistresses of both demons and hanyous. I am able to witness first hand the pregnancies and births and provide him with - ”
“Okay, okay,” Inuyasha held up his hand. “I get it. And you were given Kagome. Let's get this over with then. Somehow, I don't think you have a warm and cuddly bedside manner.”
Jaken squawked but went about his business with his usual detachment. Inuyasha was right; she didn't like him. He only spoke when necessary and his hands were always cold and clammy. The breast exam went quickly, then her legs were in the stirrups and an uncomfortably large speculum was being opened inside her. She scrunched her eyes closed and blew out a sharp breath.
“Damn it, toad, you're hurting her. Can't you be gentle?”
Jaken snorted. “Is your nose really so weak? I'm not causing your second human pain. She's merely uncomfortable. Leave it to you to get an untried human as your nigousan.”
Inuyasha reached out and offered Kagome his hand and she latched on, gripping with surprising strength. He was surprised to see tears in her eyes.
“I guess I shoulda had sex back when I had the chance. Then this might not be so bad.”
“Inu-youkai and inu-hanyou are much better endowed than human males. You would be stretched regardless,” Jaken answered, finally removing the instrument of torture. “Now, Inuyasha, I need to gage your reaction to her arousal scent.”
“I need to gage your - ”
Inuyasha shook his head, but still hadn't released Kagome's hand. “I got that, toad. Why?”
“You really are just a whelp. I need to see how your inner demon reacts to the scent of arousal from a female that is in close contact with both you and your wife. If you react aggressively, then there are precautions that are going to have to be implemented during the Binding of the Flesh in order to keep both of you safe.”
Inuyasha looked down at Kagome, who was still flat out on the table, and nodded. He saw apprehension rather than fear in her blue eyes and he knew she didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize his marriage either.
“Fine, but I do this my way.”
Shiori stepped forward and pulled something out of the pocket of her lab coat. It looked like a wide toy gun.
“What's that for?” Kagome asked.
“It's a Tazer. If Inuyasha gets out of control, it will become necessary to subdue him. It won't hurt him, just give him a jolt.”
Kagome struggled to sit up. “How do you know it won't hurt him? Have you tried it out on yourself?”
“Easy, Kagome. It's okay. It's more for your protection.” He smiled down at her. He'd do as they said, but he'd do it his way. “So how do you feel about kissing?”
“Yeah, kissing.” Inuyasha leaned closer, keeping his eyes locked on hers the entire time. When he was just a breath away from her lips, he spoke again. “Do you like kissing?”
Inuyasha didn't give her a chance to answer; instead he captured her lips with his. He kept it light, rubbing his lips over hers, occasionally sucking in and nibbling a full appendage. Finally, a sort of spicy and warm scent drifted to his nose. It was nothing like the scent he was used to and he could feel his demon stirring. When Kagome tentatively opened her lips and their tongues brushed, fire roared through Inuyasha's chest and he felt himself lose control.
Kagome felt him pull away and thought she'd gone too far. When she opened her eyes to apologize, she was shocked to find red, not gold, staring back. There were violently jagged stripes adorning his cheeks and his fangs hung over those gorgeous lips.
“Not mine,” he growled out and gripped her biceps.
He wasn't hurting her, not exactly, and he was oddly…sexy, like this. She kept her voice steady and her eyes locked to his.
“I'm only yours, Inuyasha. Your nigousan.”
His hand moved up and gripped her neck, squeezing lightly. He used the hold to tilt her head to the side and bury his nose in the crook of her neck, his breath hot and moist. Fangs tugged lightly at her jugular before he pulled back and looked at her again.
Inuyasha couldn't figure out the young girl sitting mostly naked before him. The other two in the room, he knew them, his hanyou side recognized them easily and dismissed them as non-threatening. But her, his human side, deeply buried for the time being, resented her. She wasn't his wife. His mate. But his mate wouldn't allow the hanyou to touch her. And this one would. This one showed no fear or disgust.
“Mine? Only mine?”
Kagome nodded as best she could. He looked so confused. Not that she understood what was going on, but she seemed to think reassuring him was best.
“Only yours. No one elses. I'll be with you on the full moon.”
He gave a growl and crushed his mouth to hers. This kiss was anything but gentle. His tongue forced its way into her mouth and tangled with hers, those longer fangs tore into her bottom lip. When the taste of copper invaded her mouth, he pulled back slightly, swiping his tongue over the torn flesh before suckling madly on it. When he pulled back, Kagome grabbed his hair and tugged him back, pressing a chaste kiss to swollen flesh.
Panting now, Inuyasha drew back and laid his head on Kagome's shoulder. The first test was down. He transformed and he didn't hurt her. He got rough, he drew blood, but he didn't…shit, he drew blood!
“Kagome, are you okay?” He caught her chin gently and ran his thumb over her puffy and red bottom lip.
To his surprise, she smiled.
“I'm okay, I promise. But I will ask you to explain this over lunch.”
Jaken cleared his throat and the two noticed their audience again. Shiori had exchanged the Tazer for the dreaded syringe.
“I will report favorably to Lord Sesshomaru.” With that, Jaken scuttled out, leaving Kagome to eye Shiori warily.
“Great. I know what's in that and I'm not looking forward to it.”
She smiled. “I promise the nausea will wear off in time. You haven't been on it long. Now, this is an increased dose. The plan is to give you this each week of the full moon, just as a precaution. Then you can stop at reception to schedule for one month from today. And I'll be seeing you on Friday.”
Kagome winced as the birth control injection burned into the muscle. “You'll be there, too? What is this, a party?”
“Very much like one. It's a big step and a grand ceremony for both of you. Now, take care of yourself, Kagome.”
“That's my job, now,” Inuyasha spoke up.
The nurse nodded. “Indeed it is. While you made it through this first test, I want to remind you of the importance of getting physically closer over the week. Hugging, light touching, light kissing, and I don't mean just in Kagome's area. I mean in areas of the house that smell of your wife. That will be the biggest test of your will and your demon's acceptance of her. It's one thing to be okay when you are with virtual strangers, but another to be with those you are most intimate with. Remember that.”