InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ninja Warrior ❯ Ninja Warrior ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This idea came to me while watching the show ‘Ninja Warrior’. If you haven’t seen the show, it is very interesting. They put the contestants through the wringer. They have had 20 or so of these contests with 100 contestants each time and only 2 people have ever completed the entire obstacle course. Generally, less than 20 make it through the first stage! They have had Olympic athletes compete in this thing and not make it past the second stage. And the prize is 2 million yen for anyone who reaches the goal in the final stage. And there came the idea for this story. I don’t own Inuyasha or the contest ‘Sasuke’ (also known as ‘Ninja Warrior’).

It had all started with Souta deciding that he needed some extra money. He was a huge fan of ‘Sasuke’ and knew that Inuyasha could win it, hands down. The problem was convincing Inuyasha to go along with it. He had managed to get Inuyasha to watch it with him once and explained the rules to him as the show progressed. Inuyasha just snorted while he watched, commenting on the weird training that those puny humans put themselves through.

Then Souta had placed the bait in front of Inuyasha by saying that he could sure use the prize money that came from completing the obstacle course. He wriggled the bait by saying that it would really help out his mom since they depended on the shrines income, and that was pretty limited. He then wiggled the bait a little more by saying that Kagome could get some of the pretty things that she had been doing without. Inuyasha was biting but he hadn’t really taken the bait, yet. Souta set the hook by saying, “Can you imagine how much ramen that would buy?” After that, Souta just reeled him in, hook, line, and sinker. Everything went well, until……

Souta was admiring his new Playstation 3 and the games that he had gotten for it. He didn’t hear his mother walk in.

“Souta, do you know anything about this envelope of money addressed to me,” she began to ask before she stopped speaking. “Where did that come from?” she asked, indicating the new game system.

“Mom, I can explain.” That was as far as he got before Kagome’s voice came up from the kitchen.

“Mom!” Kagome yelled. “There are about 500 cases of instant ramen in the well house! I can’t even get to the well!”

Before Kagome’s mother could answer, a loud shriek could be heard coming from the living room. “Aaiiee! What’s HE doing on television?!” It was Ji-chan, and he was very upset.

Souta, Kagome, and their mother all ran into the living room to see the old priest pointing at the television screen. On it was a very familiar figure in red with a bandana on climbing a rope and hitting a buzzer. The announcer was going wild. “And this, our first time competitor, has become our newest Champion! Inuyasha, truly a demon with the ease that he completed this course, has, in his first appearance, won this round of Sasuke!” Ji-chan’s jaw dropped. Kagome’s jaw dropped. Mrs. Higurashi’s jaw dropped. As one, they turned and looked at Souta.

“What?” he asked defiantly. “I knew he could win.” He had just enough warning by the twitch in his sister’s eyelid that if he wanted to see his next birthday, he had better start running. “SOUTA!” he heard her scream as he took to his heels. He wondered briefly if the envelope of money that Inuyasha had left on her bed would be enough to calm her down. Her inarticulate bellow of rage as she chased after him led him to the decision that he wasn’t going to stop and find out.

A/N: Just a little something that has been plaguing me for a while. I hope you liked it. I had thought about including some of the regular competitors but decided that it wouldn’t be a good idea. Using real people in a story can get you in trouble.