InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No Comment ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5: Friday. (OH HOLY SHIT I NAMED IT! O_O *watches the world blow up.*)
A/N: Thanks again to all my reviewers, you guys are great! I feel loved...*sniff!* I try to do weird stuff in my fics cuz cliche gives me the willehs. Lol. Oh, and there *might* be a lemon coming in chapter eight or nine, I don't know. I suck at writing those, so I might get a friend to help me...volunteers? I don't care what couple it is, either. I'm pretty much open. Leave a review or email me if you're interested in writing one for this fic.
*I'm sick of people always giving Kagome strawberry shampoo or whatever. So, dammit, she gets peach. Do they make peach scented shampoo? This I do not know. ^_^;
Kagome walked through the door of the Higurashi shrine and darted up to her room, throwing her bag on the bed. Thank god. The dismissal bell couldn't have come soon enough for her. She flopped down onto her bed as well, being careful not to wrinkle the bright floral comforter. Glancing at the clock, she sighed. Three o'clock. She had roughly two hours until Miroku would arrive. Her mother was taking Souta to a friend's birthday party, and she'd most likely be staying there for a few hours. Jii-chan was out God only knew where doing whatever it was that he did all the time.
Rising once again, she went to her closet to carefully select new clothing. A white miniskirt and pink tank top would work. Humming an oh-so-cheery tune, she grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom. She stepped into the shower and turned on the water-cold. She cursed once before adjusting the knobs. Ah, that was better. Now...the big question.
What the hell was she planning on doing to the poor boy once he got here?! Time would tell, she supposed, working her hair into a thick, peach scented lather.*
An hour and a half later, she was standing in front of the mirror, clad in a towel, brushing out her now-dry hair.
*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_
Miroku arrived at the shrine and knocked nervously on the door, looking over his shoulder every few seconds to see if anyone was watching, namely Inuyasha. God, he hoped not.
"Come in!" Kagome's sweet, cheery voice rang through the hall and down the stairs. Miroku followed her order and headed to her room.
*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
Kagome sighed, walking back into her bedroom. She heard footsteps and looked at the door, only to find...Miroku.
Her eyes widened and she blushed heavily, clutching the towel to her chest much like a drowning man would cling to...well, whatever happened to be nearby and stable. She muttered an apology and moved to close the door, but as fate would have it, she tripped over a textbook in the process and landed...
Right on top of him. Their lips touched briefly, and without thinking, Kagome slumped forward onto him. " foot..."
*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ *_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*
Inuyasha pulled up to the Higurashi shrine in his white Cavalier. Despite the urgings of his brother and father, he had bought the old and quite frankly shitty car to save money. Plus, he liked the interior. Ooh, black...and it was so soft...
Grabbing the bouquet of lilies neatly tied with a black silk bow, he walked up to the shrine. Finding the door open, he entered and began walking toward Kagome's room. An unpleasant sight met him there...
His beloved girlfriend, laying on top of and practically straddling his so-called best friend, Miroku. He angrily threw the flowers down and shoved Kagome off of him, kicking Miroku in the side as he did so.
"What the fuck is all this about? You little whore! You wouldn't sleep with me, and now I see why...I should've stayed with Kikyou! Anyone else, Kagome, anyone else. But my best fucking friend?"
Kagome's eyes seemed to glow with an eerie, pissed off light as she glared at her soon to be ex boyfriend.
"Kikyou?! Kikyou is a fucking lesbian, you ass! And I didn't cause this! I only invited Miroku over to hang was an honest mistake!"
"You lied to me!" Inuyasha took a single, menacing step toward the girl who was now backed up against her bed. "Don't lie again, bitch. I know you meant to fuck him. We're through."
Kagome flew at him, beating his shoulders and face with her tiny fists. "You can't do that! I...Inuyasha! I'm dumping you! This is over! I'm sick of your jealous rages, how you threaten to kill anyone who comes within five feet of...oh God..."
She slumped onto the floor, a sobbing, shuddering heap of girl and terrycloth. Miroku moved toward her and put an arm around her shoulders, whispering softly.
Inuyasha gave the pair one long, cold last look before storming out to his car and speeding away, leaving only the sound of squealing tires and curses in the distance.
On the floor, the bouquet of lilies slowly withered, their pure ivory turning into a sour brown.
A/N: Interesting. XD That was awful, but oh well.