InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No more lil school girl ❯ University of Tokyo ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary-Kagomes in College with her room mate Sango, with who she has wild times with. Before she left for college her long time boyfriend-Hojo- breaks up with her for his old high school sweet hearted tramp named Kikyo. Kagome has some dark secrets that she has been keeping for a long time and 1 nice looking guy is all head over heels for her. Inuyasha knows there is something wrong and wants to find why such a beauty doesn't want a boyfriend and what she's been keeping from him. Sango and Kagome are always having wild times but what happens when Inuyasha and Miroku-Inuyasha best friend-decide to join in on the fun? PLEASE READ! OOC story!

Hey everyone it's your Authoress here! I am starting this story out of the kindness of my heart because my "Road trip for Love" story is on hold for a long time. I hope this story is alright and that I DONT get flames...I must warn you before you start reading that I do not tolerate people who flames others because the story isn't going the way THEY want it to...well too bad, I will just over-look your review. If the same people keep coming back and doing it over and over I will just end the story right there no matter HOW MANY reviews I have or how many people are madly in love with it. I will tell them who is responsible and let them do whatever they want. It's not my business...

Well anyways the whole summary is above ...sorry I couldn't fit the whole thing in the front linky thing know how things are!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEASE read my story and tell me how the first chapter is. I must add though, this is a FIRST CHAPTER so I am sorry if there are a lot of plot holes and shit like that I have to piece it together in the beginning so forgive me, will get WAY BETTER!

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________

Talking- " "

Thinking- ' '

Actions (very rare I do this) * *

______________________________________________________________________ ________________________ no ownie you no sueie

Title: No more lil school girl

Chapter 1: University of Tokyo

"Do you think I should bring this?" Sango asked holding up a pair of see through underwear. Kagome just coughed and shrugged at the question.

"…Don't you think it's a little…showy?" Kagome said a little unsure of her.

"Well not really. But you know how college is…you never know WHO you're going to meet there!

Kagome couldn't believe that she was actually going to college, and with her best friend in the world at that. They were both accepted to the University of Tokyo and they were busily packing their bags. The acceptance letters had been sent late and they were given such short notice to get their things ready, for they were leaving that night.

"So…Kagome? How are you and Hojo doing?" Sango asked trying to get a little conversation going. Sango almost burst out laughing when she said the name "Hojo". It was weird how the most popular girl in school was going out with the biggest loser to ever live. She always thought Hojo was gay anyway.

Kagome stiffened at his name and replied. "We broke up last night. He dumped me for his old high school sweetheart, Kikyo"

"What a trade" Sango said sarcastically. "The most popular girl for one of the other biggest losers in the school."

"Yea I know. But whatever, I am finally free and that's all that matters. Besides...he broke my heart last night and that was the last straw. I am never going to fall in love again. I hate being so vulnerable. I mean it's not his fault that he doesn't know what happened to me a long time ago, but he just dumped me there… just like 'he' did." Kagome grew strangely quiet and Sango took the hint to get off the subject ASAP.

They both packed the rest of their bags in silence. After everything was secured into their over-packed suitcases they walked downstairs for something to eat for dinner. Kagome reached into a high up cabinet and pulled out 2 boxes of Ramen noodles and set them aside while she searched around for a pot to cook them in. Sango's eyes lit up at the sight of Ramen.

"Wow Kagome, you've read my mind! I haven't had Ramen in years!" Sango said placing 2 bowls on the black and white marble counter. "Maybe we should bring some with us to college in case we are too lazy to actually go out and buy food ourselves. Which for some reason happens a lot..." she added.

Kagome stopped looking for the pot and reached up into the same cabinet she had found the Ramen in before. She groped around for something and suddenly whipped out 1 box full of Ramen noodles. "Yea, good idea. It's a good thing that my mom buys these things at the wholesale clubs, we always seem to have tons of them!" she said lowering the box onto the marble counter.

Kagome cooked the noodles and they sat down and ate quietly, occasionally talking about what college was going to be like and what their plans would be. After they finished eating, they cleaned up and headed back upstairs for their bags to load into Kagomes brand new car she received for her 18th birthday. Sango stacked the large bags on top of one another and slammed the trunk shut making sure it was closed completely, unlike the last time she did it when she helped Kagome go grocery shopping…

"You all ready to go?" Kagome called from the front door. "I am going to search around my room real quickly to make sure I didn't leave anything behind that I might need. It's a pain to drive back and forth 4 hours!"

"Yea, I am fine. Hurry up we are running out of time, we need to be at the university by 8:00 to unpack and have everything ready for the next morning!" Sango responded sliding into the passenger seat of the car.

Kagome quickly ran around the house turning off lights and grabbed her forgotten toothbrush. She jotted a note of goodbye to her mom that was currently in Hiroshima at the time and shut the front door locking it. She climbed into the car with Sango and sped down the road for the University of Tokyo.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________

"Whoa…" Sango said aloud to herself at the sight of the campus. It was covered in flowers and beautiful Sakura trees that had just bloomed and were slowly letting their petals fall, covering the grass in a pink and white blanket.

Kagome pulled up into a parking space in front on the dorm building that was flourished too with flowers and Sakura trees everywhere. They walked up to the front desk and asked the lady for their room keys. The lady handed Kagome 2 keys that said "The Gardens".

'Must be the name of this dorm building.' Kagome thought to herself exiting the building and walking back to the car. She motioned Sango out so they could start taking their bags up to their room which was on the 5th floor.

'There better be an elevator, because I sure as hell am not walking 5 flights of stairs…' she thought dragging one of Sango's huge bags through the door. She quickly looked around for an elevator or a sign that would direct her to one. After a while she gave up and groaned mentally for packing so many bags. She started toward the stairs when she accidentally bumped into someone who at the time was running down the stairs and didn't see where he was going. Kagome got hit in the stomach and the wind was knocked out of her, and the bag flew out of her hand hitting the stranger in the head. Alls she heard was "Oh My god…what have I done?!" before she blacked out entirely.

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________

"Kagome…Kagome, wake up, Kagome" her best friend screamed into Kagomes ear startling her. Kagome sat up in her bed instantly and was absolutely clueless where she was. She was lying on a bed with red sheets, white blankets and red pillows. One side of the room was covered in posters of hot super models wearing bathing suits and a large collection of prayer beads hung on the wall. The side of the room she was on had nothing on the walls, and was strangely decorated with dog sculptures.

"Where am I? What am I doing here?" Kagome asked her best friend who was sitting on a chair right next to the bed.

"You got knocked out by a guy named Inuyasha. I found him standing over you in a state of panic and I ran to your side. He said that he accidentally hit you when he was coming down the stairs, and explained that he was late for something. He quickly picked you up and brought you to him room 5 flights up and put you on his bed. He told me to stay with you until he got back." Sango explained a little unsure if that was the truth.

Kagome then remembered what happened and stood up. "I don't care, that jerk has some nerve to knock me out and then leave me here on his bed like this. I am leaving, not come on lets go." Kagome said grabbing Sango's hand and pulling her toward the door. All of a sudden the door swung open and in stepped a black haired guy. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and he was wearing purple and black robes.

"Well well well…what do we have here? Let me guess, you're here because Inuyasha did you and then left without paying?" The monk said with a wide grin on his face.

"WE ARE NOT PROSTITUES" Sango screamed at the man at full force. Her face turned bright red and she looked like she would explode.

"What a beautiful face you have when you're angry." He said tracing her jaw line with his finger, which only upset Sango more.

Finally someone burst through the door and broke the fight up. "Miroku, they're here for a real reason not one of your little fantasies." The silver haired hunk said. Kagome eyes turned big and sparkly when she saw him. He was gorgeous. The man had long flowing silver hair and was wearing a red shirt with blue jeans.

"Uhh…may I ask who you are?" Kagome stuttered nervously.

The man turned to her. And a wave of guilt spread over his face immediately. "Oh its you, you're the bitch I hit." He sneered.

Kagome's face went from happy to angry in a split second and was about to pounce on him. "Then I guess you're the jerk, Inuyasha!" Kagome stated ((A/N-…oh look stating the obvious…my fav!))

'Shes really beautiful.' Inuyasha thought to himself before Miroku distracted him from his thoughts.

"Now Inuyasha, lets not be rude to these lovely young ladies." He said grinning at Sango in a perverted way, almost as though he were picturing her naked.

"He beat you to it." Sango shot at him almost at a yell. "Kagome let's go, I don't want to be here any longer." She said doing just what Kagome had done to her previously and dragged her out the room door. Sango walked about 2 feet and let go of her hand.

"Umm, Sango? Where are we?" Kagome asked curiously. "We've only walked like 2 feet." She stated.

"I know it's awful isn't it. We live right next door to them" she replied unenthusiastically.

Kagome almost shot through the roof of the building at the news. "We have to be neighbors to THEM?!" she cried. "They're so rude!"

"Don't forget perverted" added Sango.

"Yea, exactly. Is there anything we can do?" she asked getting a little frustrated.

"No. It's final. There is nothing we can do." Sango said sitting down onto a bed. She sighed heavily.

"Just great."