InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No more lil school girl ❯ Who said girls cant be dangerous? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: I tried bribing Rumiko Takahasi, must use that did…so yeah, he's not mine; I only wish he were. If you sue me you won't get much anyways….probably the 46 cents I have in my pocket, but I need that…

Hey everyone, I am sooo happy so many people reviewed on my first 2 chapters! AT first I thought this story wouldn't work out too well with the public but I guess I was wrong. This is my 2nd story written ever and I think it is doing pretty good! You guys are the best! *gives cookie to all reviewers* and also, I didn't get any flames which is a major plus! *excited* I am so happy that everyone reviewed, I decided to post this chapter as soon as I am done writing it! Yay! I don't think I will be doing that too often though because of school, soccer, and other commitments such as my boyfriend! …I don't even think he knows that I write these things…oh well! Keep up all the reviewing and comments and ill be happy enough to post much more than usual!!!...that is if I get the time to even write! *gives out extra cookies* Enjoy!! ^^

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Talking- " "

Thinking- ' '

Actions (very rare I do this) * *

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Title: No more lil school girl

Chapter 3: Who said girls can't be dangerous?

"How do you know how to do this stuff?" Sango asked Kagome who at the time was busily setting up a very complicated and well thought out trap. Kagome finished pouring honey into a bucket and turned toward Sango.

"I have a little brother, don't I?" she responded placing the bucket on top of the door and attaching a string to it that led to the next trap.

"Oh, wow you need to teach me how to do these things! Believe me, with MY little brother they will come handy all the time." Sango said exiting the room as Kagome followed behind her shutting the door inch by inch, being careful not to set off the first trap.

Kagome and Sango skipped back to their room and fell onto the couch in laughter. "This is going to be great!" Sango yelled nearly losing her balance and falling off of the couch.

"Yea, definitely. It's a good thing I brought my camera to preserve these beautiful once in a lifetime moments!" Kagome said really excited now that they were getting the guys back for the beetle incident. It had taken exterminators almost 5 hours to get them all out of the room, which now still smelled like the poison used to kill them.

"You've said it!" Sango said whipping out her own camera. "Mines digital so I can download them and put them everywhere on campus. They are going to be soo mad!"

"Oh that reminds me, since our rooms are right next to each other; a few hours after the exterminator left, I drilled a small hole on the other end of the room. Sounds drastic I know, but its so we can catch everything as it unfolds. I don't want to miss a second!" Kagome cried in excitement. "So when are they going to be back?"

"Hmm… I heard Miroku say that they were going to some kind of club and will be back by 9:00 tonight. I have classes tomorrow so as soon as this is done I'm hitting the sack." Sango said stretching her arms above her head. "Now that I think about it, I just might take a nap right now, I'm beat."

Sango walked into the next room and sprawled herself all over the bed. Minutes later she was breathing evenly telling Kagome that she was sound asleep.

'Who said you can't play pranks on your own room mate?' Kagome thought, a smile curving on her lips instantly.

Kagome walked over to Sangos bed and reached over her for her alarm clock. She changed the time so it said 8:00 a.m. and set it right next to her head. She set the alarm for 8:30 a.m. and slipped a piece of paper under the clock. Kagome slipped back into the guy's room and stole one of Miroku's prayer beads from the wall and slipped back out without disturbing anything. She crept back and placed the prayer beads right on top of the clock and unbuttoned Sangos shirt a little bit.


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30 minutes later the clock rang loudly into Sangos delicate ears startling her to high heaven. She covered her ears noticed that her clothes were half off her body. 'What happened?' She picked up the alarm clock and placed it back onto the dresser, before first taking the prayer beads off of it. 'What are these?' she said mentally stroking the necklace softly. 'No…they can't be.' She said to herself finally realizing who they belonged to. 'I saw them hanging on his wall…so they have to be his.' Sango noticed a little piece of paper sticking out from under her alarm clock and pulled it out from under it. She opened it slowly hoping it wasn't what she thought it was.

My Dear Sango,

I would like to thank you for the most terrific night of my life, you are an absolute animal.

For giving me more pleasure than I have ever endured in my entire life, I would like for you

tokeep one of my prized prayer beads to remember me by when you fall asleep every night.

Love, Miroku

Sango shot through the bedroom door and almost ran Kagome over in the process.

"HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN SLEEPING?!" she screamed absolutely terrified of what 'might' have happened to her.

"About 2 days. You've had a major hangover for some time. Miroku brought you back here when I was sleeping and told me not to read the note. What was it all about anyways?" Kagome asked smiling; trying her best not to give away the fact that is was her all along.

"No...No, this can't be happening….NO!" Sango was now on her knees about to burst out crying. "WHY ME?! WHY?!" she chanted over and over again.

Kagome decided that she had had enough. "Sango, calm down! It was me, I'm sorry!" Kagome pleaded tears falling from her face, so ashamed of what she had done to her best friend. "I didn't mean for it to be like this, I swear!" she assured her.

Sango slowly lifted her eyed to meet Kagome's, they were red and puffy just as hers were. "Why would you do this to me?" she asked, obviously disappointed with her best friend.

"I just wanted to play a practical joke; I don't think I can handle you looking like this. If I had known, I wouldn't have done it; you must believe me, Sango." She said hugging her tightly.

Sango hugged her back and wiped her eyes on her shirt. "It's okay Kagome, I understand. But what if this happens to the guys? What will we do? If you can't stand to see me like this, then I don't want to see what you will be like if something much worse happens to them!" she said remembering just how bad the trap actually was.

"Sango, don't worry about them. They're guys and you're my best friend. Do you actually think I would feel guilty about getting them back as bad as they got us? You're my best friend, I should have known not to do that to you, it was mean and uncalled for. But the guys- they deserve it." She explained giving another hug.

Kagome got up and went to the bedroom to see what the actual time was, not that she had messed Sango's clock up. She picked up her watch that she had taken off and placed on the counter earlier. It read '8:58'. Kagome's eyes went huge and she ran out of the room and called for Sango to grab her camera.

"What? What's wrong Kagome?" Sango asked nervously, hoping they hadn't missed anything.

"They will be here any minute, I believe." Kagome said sticking her head out the door a little to see if anyone was approaching. She stuck her head around the frame of the door, and there they were. Miroku and Inuyasha were standing outside of their room door just about to enter. Their arms were full of bags, supposedly grocery bags. Kagome sprinted over the small hole in the wall and got her camera ready.

Seconds later there was a large "THUD" as the bucket of honey slipped off the top of the door and landed on top of Miroku's head. The string caused a chain reaction of water balloons to catapult across the room at Inuyasha who used the grocery bags to his advantage and blocked as many as he could, but still ended up soaking wet. He looked around the room and the whole thing was tee-peed with toilet paper and silly string. Seconds later a think cloud of feathers fell from above. They were released through a net that Kagome had previously placed. Inuyasha and Miroku were consumed in feathers head to toe. Both of their faces were bright red and about to explode in anger. Inuyasha took one step and slipped on oil and landed in a mound of shaving cream. Miroku stepped around him and dropped the grocery bags on the bed; picking up at the same time a piece of paper that had both his and Inuyasha's names written on it.

Much Love, Kagome and Sango

Meanwhile Kagome and Sango were clicking their camera speedily and snickering out loud. Kagome got tired of the hole and ran outside of the room to try and get a better picture of their faces.

"Kagome, where are you going?!" Sango yelled after her, receiving no response as she disappeared out into the hall.

Kagome stopped in front of the room and used her foot to kick it open. Inuyasha and Miroku spun around in shock as Kagome yelled "Cheese!" and snapped the picture of them. They fell backwards from the bright flash that came from the camera and scrambled to get back up. Kagome was already long gone and locking her dorm room out of sheer panic.

Sango rushed to her side as Kagome slide down the door breathless.

"Did you get it?" Sango asked jumping up and down.

Kagome looked up, held out the camera and said "You better believe it" then she passed out.

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"What just happened?" Miroku asked Inuyasha completely clueless of the events that had just unraveled before them.

Inuyasha just shrugged and sat down on the bed. "You're asking me? I'm just as confused as you are!" he said falling backwards onto a pillow. Inuyasha could feel his hair getting thick and heavy so he reached back and touched his sticky white hair. There was toothpaste smeared all over the pillows; and now in Inuyasha's hair.

"DAMNIT!" he bellowed. Sango could have almost sworn she heard someone yell. "This is where I draw the line! They're going down!"

Miroku walked over to Inuyasha and sat down next to him. "Are you crazy? Those girls are dangerous!"

"Yea, but I have a plan that will get them back 2 times worse." He said standing up and pulling his video camera out of a table drawer. "How about a documentary on 2 of our most favorite girls in the world?"

"They'll never want to do it"

"Who said we were going to ask?"

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Wee!!! Another chapter done!!! *so proud of self* I am sorry this one seemed a little out of control, but I am trying my hardest to get past this terrible writers block that I seem to have developed over the last few days. I am surprised I got anything down! Okay well anyways, I have updated *3* chapters in the last *2* days; I am not going to be updating until sadly Friday because this is MORE then enough to make you happy or SHOULD make you happy. Believe me its not walk in the park to write for me, I always have things going on while I'm trying to write this. For example I was like 5 min into writing this and I had to leave immediately to go get my moms car washed, and then half way through this I had to go clothing shopping (damn door busters specials, cant resist them) and then toward the end my mom killed my train of thought by making me clean my room. As you can see I am always distracted and it is hard to keep a good thing going so yea don't be too harsh on me, I'm trying my hardest!!! *

Click the purple button down there…you know you wanna!!
