InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No more lil school girl ❯ Lies and more lies ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


WOOT REVIEWS!! *happier then ever* lol, I especially enjoyed the one review I received from chibi-kerochan, girl, you are soo funny. You always seem to be in suspense!! *hugs* lol you have given me many ideas, and even though I am still thinking about what is going to happen this chappy, I will keep your thoughts in mind!! Well anyways, on with the story…


Talking- " "

Thinking- ' '

Actions -(rarely I do this) * *


Title: No more lil school girl

Chapter 12: Lies and more lies

The next day, Kagome fell asleep with Inuyasha. The entire class had gone to the camp site down the road and started putting their tents up. The groups were all given 2 tents. One for the girls and one for the guys. But Inuyasha had insisted that Kagome sleep with him. He had said that they always slept together, and Kagome followed. Sango and Miroku shared the last tent, but Sango made him sleep on the other side of the tent, and if he even came close to crossing the line that was drawn down the middle- he was good as dead.

Kagome snuggled against Inuyasha's warm body. "Thank you so much for helping me to remember my past" Kagome said closing her eyes, and yawning. "Can you tell me how we met?"

All of the color seemed to drain from his face. "Umm, well you see… we met a long time ago at a … Starbucks coffee house. Yes, you love Starbucks, especially mocha coconut frappucinos" Inuyasha answered. "The whole place was packed and the tales were filled with people. I spotted you and Sango drinking your favorite Starbucks drink and Miroku and I decided to share a booth with you."

Kagome smiled. 'He may be good at lying, but at least some of that was true… I guess he doesn't want to tell me that we met by him knocking me out' She laughed.

"What's so funny? I don't get it" Inuyasha said looking at Kagome confused.

"Nothing, I just find it funny that guys would actually do that just to get a girl"

"Well you see, I wasn't looking for a girl, I was looking for a beauty" Inuyasha said turning on his charm; even though his story was as fake as fools' gold.

Kagome hugged him tighter. "You are so sweet. It is no wonder why I fell in love with you."

Inuyasha could feel the guilt of lying to her take over. "Uhh, yeah… no wonder"


The next day

"Alright students, we will be going back to the University. For those who drove themselves, you may leave whenever you like today. But you must leave TODAY, not tomorrow, not next week. TODAY" He looked sternly at Inuyasha and put emphasis on 'today'.

"Whatever you say teach" Inuyasha grumbled.

Kagome finished putting the tent in the back of the car, and saw the teacher leave to board the bus. "By Mr. Shiminawa!!" She called waving to him and the other students. Inuyasha whipped his head around to face Kagome wave and call out to Mr. Shiminawa.

'How does she know what his name is? I don't remember telling her and she hasn't been with anyone else this morning…' Inuyasha thought. He was very suspicious of Kagome. Was she starting to remember things, or was she faking it? He knew something was up, he just couldn't put him finger on it.

Sango strolled over to the car and finished packing the bags and shoved them in. "Okay everyone! We're ready to go!! I hear there is a Starbucks on the way!" Sango called. She couldn't be happier that she was going to get her prized mocha coconut frappucino.

Miroku groaned. "Again? You just had one like 2 days ago" he reminded her.

"So what? Who said I couldn't have another one?!" Sango yelled. "I WANT ANOTHER" she demanded hitting the trunk of the car with her fist. Everyone gave in and piled into the car. Kagome stepped into the driver's seat before Inuyasha had a chance to even think about it. Kagome turned on the ignition and waved for Inuyasha to get it. Inuyasha hesitated and finally got in.

'How does she know how to drive this car…?' Inuyasha thought. Miroku pulled him out of his mind by being slapped so hard he hit the back of the seat Inuyasha was sitting in, and threw Inuyasha forward into the dashboard.

"Hey watch what the hell you guys are doing!" Inuyasha screamed at the 2. "Keep it up Sango, and you're getting no Starbucks" Inuyasha warned her. Sango shut up immediately and didn't say a thing for the rest of the drive. Miroku took advantage of the moment and put his hands to work. But unfortunately for Sango, she couldn't do anything about it.

Kagome pulled up in front of the Starbucks and got out to stretch. "What a nice day it is outside" she yawned. "It could be one of the best"

'How would she know that… she can only remember what happened after she woke up…' Inuyasha again thought. Kagome's actions were getting to him; he could see that there was something up. Kagome had to be faking it.

Sango sprinted out of her seat rubbing her butt. "This is the worst day of my life" she said. "I have never felt so violated"

Miroku got out of the car on his side and looked like he couldn't be happier. "I agree Kagome, this must be one of the best days of my life" Sango threw him a slap but he moved out of the way- and she missed.

Sango grumbled a few curses and walked inside the Starbucks. "Damn perverted lecher… can't keep his fucking hands to himself…"

The rest of them followed her inside and found a booth in a secluded part of the restaurant. Inuyasha sat next to Kagome, and Miroku and Sango sat on the other side.

"Sango" Kagome called. "Can you order me a mocha coconut frappucino while you're up there?" Kagome asked giving her a 'pretty please with a cherry on top' smile.

Sango caved in. "Oh, alright. I will be right back. Do you guys want anything too?" she questioned. The 2 guys shook their heads no and Sango left to get her and Kagome's order.

Kagome laid her head on Inuyasha's shoulder and Miroku started playing around with the centerpiece on the table that consisted of: Jasmine and Lavender flowers. He was trying to make a wreath out of them, probably for Sango.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome started. "Do you and I always sleep in each other's dorms? I mean since you said that we always sleep together, and our dorms are right next to each other" Kagome said playing with a piece of her hair.

'How could she know that our dorms were right next to each other? I never told her that. Something is not right, she has to be faking it' Inuyasha coughed. "Kagome, I know that this is all an act, you can give it up now" Inuyasha said forcefully. "I hate being toyed with you know" He cursed in his head for not seeing this earlier. 'It was too late, I had tried to make her go out with me, and now she probably doesn't trust me.'

Kagome looked at Miroku who was still creating a flower wreath, and then changed her gaze to Inuyasha. "I am surprised; I didn't think that you would figure it out so soon. I bet you think I am a huge bitch" Kagome said. She looked down sadly. "Look, I am sorry, but I had to do it"

Inuyasha lifted her chin up with his hand and looked her in the eyes. Miroku was still in his own little world and was making himself a matching wreath. "Kagome, I am not mad at you. And no, I do not think that you are a huge bitch. I don't care that you tricked me, alls I care about is that you are safe and that you don't have amnesia. I don't like the new Kagome, I like the old one" Inuyasha slowly pulled his face closer to hers and…

"Oi Kagome, here is your mocha coconut frappucino!!" Sango said plopping down in the booth with her hand outstretched- holding her drink. Sango noticed how close they were and they were both blushing. "Oh, did I umm, did I interrupt something?" she asked.

Kagome got serious and cleared her throat. "Us? Erm, uhh no" she lied. "Oh, and Inuyasha knows"

"Knows what?" Miroku and Sango asked in unison.

"That I was just faking amnesia" Kagome answered truthfully.

"Oh, so are you two are okay then I presume?" Sango asked. She was almost half done with her drink.

"Yeah, pretty much" Inuyasha replied, putting an arm around Kagome's shoulders. Miroku thought that he too should try his luck and put his arm around Sango, but not her shoulders. After Sango was done kicking Miroku's ass for the 2nd time that day, they left and crowded into the car once again.

An hour later they were back at the University of Tokyo- home. All 4 trudged up the 5 flights of stairs since there was no elevator and just collapsed onto their beds, exhausted.

"Hey Kagome" Sango said. "I was wondering… The Shikon no Tama- it's your necklace?"

"Yeah" Kagome sighed. "My great grandmother gave it to me on my 5th birthday when I was still training with my grandfather. She died a little later, and that was what I used to remember her by. But it was stolen a long time ago by… " Kagome hesitated at the last word.

"Let me guess, Naraku?" Sango said, finishing her sentence for her. Kagome nodded in response.

"Yeah, but I could never figure out why he wanted it, why it was so important to him. When we were going out he always liked it when I wore that necklace around him. But when he cornered me in my home, and threatened me, he took it. He said something about Kikyo and left" Kagome explained. She had her legs up against her chest and she was shivering. "When did it get so cold in here anyways…?"

"Why didn't you mention that part to me?" Sango demanded.

"Well I didn't think that it was impertinent to you, I'm sorry" she answered apologetically.

Sango too started shivering. "It's alright, now let's not get all wound up about it… DAMN WHY IS IT SO COLD?!" she screamed running into the lounging room and dragging in an extra blanket.

Kagome shrugged. "I don't know, maybe the heater is broken" she said. She stood up and approached the heater on the other side of the room. She surveyed over its old gray dusty frame. It was silent and there wasn't any heat emerging from it. "It's broken all right" Kagome assured Sango. "There is no way we can sleep in here tonight. We will freeze our asses off!"

Sango was putting on another sweater. "Well, we could always bunk with the guys just for tonight until we can get someone to come fix it" She suggested. Kagome shivered again and jumped back under the covers. That was enough of an answer for Sango. They exited their dorm and knocked on the guy's door. Miroku answered.

"I just knew you would come crawling back, my lovely Sango" Miroku said. He growled and winked at her devilishly.

"Don't get your hopes up" Sango snapped. "Our heater is broken and we can't stay in our dorm room. So we were wondering…"

"That you could stay with us?" Inuyasha interrupted, appearing in the doorway alongside of Miroku.

"Well yeah" Kagome finished. "Please?"

Inuyasha chuckled and too winked at Kagome, just as Miroku had done to Sango. "Come right in, ladies" Inuyasha said showing them in.

"Will do" Kagome and Sango said in unison. When everyone was settled inside, Kagome sat down on Inuyasha's bed. She looked around the room and noticed that it wasn't decorated at all. She also remembered that her own dorm wasn't decorated either. It was only 3 days until Christmas and no one had any Christmas decorations up. Nonetheless, bought any presents.

"Hey, who wants to go Christmas shopping?"


Hey, like I said, I am making some of the chapters shorter because I want to get them posted faster so you can all be happy. If I keep writing chapters that are as long as the first few chapters, then you wouldn't be seeing any updates for quite a while, and I don't think that any of you would like that!! ^^ so anyways, I hope you liked it, and if you have any ideas, just let me know!! Hey and don't forget that you can email me too!! *hugs reviewers*

Chapter 13: Christmas Shopping

Inuyasha approached the jewelery store, and walked inside. He looked around a little bit, but looked lost and confused. He wasn't sure what exactly he wanted. A sales person spotted him and asked if he needed any help.

"Yes, I am looking for a diamond necklace for someone" Inuyasha said, describing what he wanted it to look like. The sales person led him to a glass case filled with beautiful diamond necklaces. Inuyasha scanned them all and pointed to one that had a platinum chain, and 3 beautiful diamonds hanging from it in a row.

"I would like that one, but I was wondering if you could add something to it for me?" he said.

The sales person shook her head. "We can install anything, what would you like"

"I would like the middle diamond to be replaced with a pink gemstone"

*bawls uncontrollably and bangs head on wall* I have gotten my first flame… oh why oh why. I specifically say: no matter how bad it gets, NO FLAMES! I don't want them, and here I am getting one from some jackass who wants the story to go HIS way… well guess what?! IT'S NOT UR STORY GET OVER IT

*heavy breathing* its ok im fine.. *gasps for air*… really, im fine.. *cough cough choke* …*faints*

Click the purple button

It'll make me happy

Then you'll be happy

Because I will be happy to update

So you can be happy that I was happy

When I'm not happy…

Then you're not happy

Want to be happy?

Then make me happy
