[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: KoolNeko Disclaimer I dont Own Inuyasha or any of the characters
~“Kouga! How could you?!”
Kagome ran out of the house into the cold rainy summer night the thought of his name made her want to find comfort in anyone. Anyone but him how could the man she thought she loved do that to her how could he. The scene played over and over in her mind she was never able to escape it no matter how hard she tried it would always be a part of her and pain her. She didn’t know what to do but she knew never to get close to another guy again no matter what. As the summer rain dripped onto the ground around her so did her tears of lost and love.
“How could he. How could he be with her? How could he!” Kagome wept into the unforgiving night.
“Ayame!” Kagome cried.
“What happened I thought you were with Kouga?” Ayame said out the window of her car.
“H….he was with another girl!”
“Come on get in lets forget about Kouga.”
Kagome and Ayame drove off.
“were are we going?”
“To a club this band is there that playing that is suppose to be really good.”
After driving for awhile they reached the club.
Kagome and Ayame got out of the car and went into the club.
“are you sure bout this?”
“Yeah come on Kagome you might get a new boyfriend.”
“I came to have fun not to get a boyfriend it was a bad idea to come here.”
Kagome don’t leave look the band is on.
“Hey people out there are you ready to rock!” the bass player yelled. The crowd cheered.
“Hey Kagome look at the guitarist he’s hot!”
“Kagome we came to have fun stop thinking about that bastard wait I know what to do.”
“What?” asked Kagome looking at her friend.
“Hehehehee you’ll see.”
Ayame went crowd surfing leaving her friend alone.
“Hey… you know who look like…you look like a bird…hehheee…I’m drunk.” Said a drunk guy to Kagome right before passing out.
“Ahh! Ayame!”
“Hold on Kagome I’m coming.” Ayame said still Crowd surfing.
Ayame got down and went to her friend.
When the band went on break Ayame grabbed Kagome hand and dragged her to behind the stage.
“Ayame let me go!”
“K.” Ayame said letting go of Kagome hand making Kagome fall.
A body guard stepped in front of them.
“Hello ladies can I help you?”
“Yeah we have passes for backstage.”
“Oh go right ahead then.” The body guard said stepping aside so they could go through.
“Ayame what did you do?”
“You said the guitarist was hot so I got passes.”
“You said he was Ayame!”
“You agreed”
‘Urgh! Ayame I’m gonna kill you! Kagome thought to herself.
The girls went into the bands dressing room.
“So they are the lucky people who get to hang out with us. Damn I was hoping for a prettier girl.” the guitarist said.
“Inuyasha don’t be rude to our guests they are very pretty.” Said the drummer.
“Feh I don’t need a lecture Miroku.”
“Inuyasha that’s not polite to our guests.”
“Your right Shippo. Ok to introduce ourselves I’m Sango I play bass, the asshole over there with the beer in his hand is Inuyasha who is the guitarist. The little kid is Shippo who plays the keyboard, and ….. Slap.. and the pervert who squeezed my ass is Miroku drums.
“Hi I’m Ayame and this is my friend Kagome.”
“Its nice to meet you would one of bare me a child?” said Miroku.
“Eh! What did he just say Kagome?” asked Ayame blushing.
“Eh.” The girls stood there distant of Miroku.
“Don’t listen to Miroku he’s sick in the head.” Said Sango.
“It was just an offer.” Miroku said disappointed.
“K.” the girls said not knowing what else to say.
“Well would you like anything to drink?”
“Sure I’ll have a coke ...um…um…what’s your name again?” asked Kagome.
“I’m Shippo.” Shippo said handing her a coke.
They talked for awhile before going back to finish the set.
“Wow for a jackass Inuyasha is a really good musician and singer.” Kagome said.
“Aaawwww! How cute Kagome has a crush I knew you would!"
“I do not Ayame!”
“Well Sango and I were talking and she invited us to go to this party on Saturday.”
“Ayame I’m not interested in finding a boyfriend!”
“Fine, but your going aren’t you I don’t want to be all alone I mean I wont know hardly anyone there.” Ayame said in a whiny voice.
As Kagome was listening to the music Ayame was getting something to drink and someone was pushing through the crowd and ran right in to Kagome.
“Excuse me have you seen my girlfriend?” he asked while Kagome was facing the other way.
“That’s right you’re coming with me!”
“Ahhh Ayame help!” Kagome
Hey hoped u liked my story sry I didnt make it a little longer but the second chapter should be better if u want urself added to a chapter u can put that into ur review I take criticism and comments so R&R (^_^)
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai / Romance / Drama | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.30.2005 | Updated On: 07.20.2005 | Pages: 4 | Words: 2.3K | Visits: 525 | Status: Completed
~“Kouga! How could you?!”
Kagome ran out of the house into the cold rainy summer night the thought of his name made her want to find comfort in anyone. Anyone but him how could the man she thought she loved do that to her how could he. The scene played over and over in her mind she was never able to escape it no matter how hard she tried it would always be a part of her and pain her. She didn't know what to do but she knew never to get close to another guy again no matter what. As the summer rain dripped onto the ground around her so did her tears of lost and love.
“How could he. How could he be with her? How could he!” Kagome wept into the unforgiving night.
“Ayame!” Kagome cried.
“What happened I thought you were with Kouga?” Ayame said out the window of her car.
“H….he was with another girl!”
“Come on get in lets forget about Kouga.”
Kagome and Ayame drove off.
“were are we going?”
“To a club this band is there that playing that is suppose to be really good.”
After driving for awhile they reached the club.
Kagome and Ayame got out of the car and went into the club.
“are you sure bout this?”
“Yeah come on Kagome you might get a new boyfriend.”
“I came to have fun not to get a boyfriend it was a bad idea to come here.”
Kagome don't leave look the band is on.
“Hey people out there are you ready to rock!” the bass player yelled. The crowd cheered.
“Hey Kagome look at the guitarist he's hot!”
“Kagome we came to have fun stop thinking about that bastard wait I know what to do.”
“What?” asked Kagome looking at her friend.
“Hehehehee you'll see.”
Ayame went crowd surfing leaving her friend alone.
“Hey… you know who look like…you look like a bird…hehheee…I'm drunk.” Said a drunk guy to Kagome right before passing out.
“Ahh! Ayame!”
“Hold on Kagome I'm coming.” Ayame said still Crowd surfing.
Ayame got down and went to her friend.
When the band went on break Ayame grabbed Kagome hand and dragged her to behind the stage.
“Ayame let me go!”
“K.” Ayame said letting go of Kagome hand making Kagome fall.
A body guard stepped in front of them.
“Hello ladies can I help you?”
“Yeah we have passes for backstage.”
“Oh go right ahead then.” The body guard said stepping aside so they could go through.
“Ayame what did you do?”
“You said the guitarist was hot so I got passes.”
“You said he was Ayame!”
“You agreed”
`Urgh! Ayame I'm gonna kill you! Kagome thought to herself.
The girls went into the bands dressing room.
“So they are the lucky people who get to hang out with us. Damn I was hoping for a prettier girl.” the guitarist said.
“Inuyasha don't be rude to our guests they are very pretty.” Said the drummer.
“Feh I don't need a lecture Miroku.”
“Inuyasha that's not polite to our guests.”
“Your right Shippo. Ok to introduce ourselves I'm Sango I play bass, the asshole over there with the beer in his hand is Inuyasha who is the guitarist. The little kid is Shippo who plays the keyboard, and ….. Slap.. and the pervert who squeezed my ass is Miroku drums.
“Hi I'm Ayame and this is my friend Kagome.”
“Its nice to meet you would one of bare me a child?” said Miroku.
“Eh! What did he just say Kagome?” asked Ayame blushing.
“Eh.” The girls stood there distant of Miroku.
“Don't listen to Miroku he's sick in the head.” Said Sango.
“It was just an offer.” Miroku said disappointed.
“K.” the girls said not knowing what else to say.
“Well would you like anything to drink?”
“Sure I'll have a coke ...um…um…what's your name again?” asked Kagome.
“I'm Shippo.” Shippo said handing her a coke.
They talked for awhile before going back to finish the set.
“Wow for a jackass Inuyasha is a really good musician and singer.” Kagome said.
“Aaawwww! How cute Kagome has a crush I knew you would!"
“I do not Ayame!”
“Well Sango and I were talking and she invited us to go to this party on Saturday.”
“Ayame I'm not interested in finding a boyfriend!”
“Fine, but your going aren't you I don't want to be all alone I mean I wont know hardly anyone there.” Ayame said in a whiny voice.
As Kagome was listening to the music Ayame was getting something to drink and someone was pushing through the crowd and ran right in to Kagome.
“Excuse me have you seen my girlfriend?” he asked while Kagome was facing the other way.