InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not Alone ❯ Story of the dead ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


The whistling wind is all I hear when I close my eyes.
The Woman’s voice call out to me, but I just listen to the wind.
Who are you Woman, why do you need me?
Your brown eyes cry, your salty waterfall effects my heart.
What do I need to remember?

I Remember her warm skin touching my cold clay body.
This girl that saved my life.
She is real, made of flesh while I cannot live without dirt.
Is that why he loves her?
The pure soul I once called my own.

Why does this spider monster torment me.
He gave me another memory. I remember her. Sango.
No don’t take her away again. My Family.
Who is this Woman, why is she crying for me, don’t cry for a stranger.

I am alone now, just as in life.
Something is different though. He will not come. Inuyasha
We were deceived, you and I were alike.
You love my soul, who I once was. I am different now.
Don’t love me.

The dreams come more frequent now.
Am I truly alone? Can someone share my hurt and hold me till I sleep?
Red and White priestess why do you fight?
Does a stranger love you?

You are not the same.
She has softened your hard expression.
You are a stranger.
Little child, your hands are stained with blood that is not your own.
How can I free you?

Will you hold me through the night.
I don’t want to be alone?

Will you see me as human.
I don’t want to be alone.



We will walk hand in hand.
To the other world we escaped.
We will not be alone.

I was just like a lot of people out there. Forgetting the little people of Rumiko Takahashi’s beautiful story. I also was a die hard Kikyou hater. But recently I finally watched the last special I needed to see, to finally be able to say that I have seen every Inuyasha episode made. I have yet to read all the books. The special I saw was all about Kikyou and Inuyasha and it’s not that I want Kikyou and Inuyasha together (that pup is Kagome’s) but my opinion of her drastically changed. So before you knock Kikyou watch episodes 147-148 if you still hate Kikyou, you are kind of heartless. I’m no Kikyou lover because she allowed her heart to be filled with such hate, but I want the world to know I AM A REFORMED KIKYOU HATER!!!