InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not My Fairy Tale ❯ Rainbows ( Chapter 11 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Part Eleven
Kagome sighed heavily as she watched the steady rain fall all around. The world seemed to fade to gray, the thick drops mingled and mixed, creating a wall of wet mist enclosing the small hut she and others hid within. The ground was little more than a wash of mud and wide puddles, the river across from them rose higher and higher, licking the top edges of the bridge pilings. The grass drowned in it all, looking like flooded rice fields rather than meadows.
The fresh scent of sweet, clean rain, blending with the salty aroma of dry wheat fields and the rich dusty earth had long since faded, like the memory of warm sunlight on her skin. There was nothing out there now. Just water; in the air, in the sky, on the ground . . . just constant, never-ending, torrents rain. Even the playful lightning and growling thunder had at some time passed, disappearing into the distance. Just the pitter-pattering thud on the wooden roof above them and the splish of drops plunging into the lakes forming around them was left to be heard.
It was the middle of the day. It was neither dark with evening nor the heavy clouds, but it certainly wasn't bright with the afternoon sunshine. It was just there, a wan, omni-directional light, settling between the earth and sky like a translucent fog.
A sullen fire burned low and sulkily in the fire pit in the center of the hut's single room behind her. There wasn't much wood indoors and no one was particularly inclined to run out to the wood shed for more so the flames continued to burn slowly and dejectedly. Sango napped with Kirara tucked into her chest on her futon near the fire. Miroku alternated between writing new ofuda and dazedly staring out the small window. The more Kagome checked on him, the more often he seemed to be daydreaming.
Her gaze drifted once more. InuYasha was tucked into a corner to her left. He, too, seemed to be dozing, his sword lay in his lap, his ears lazily flicked, catching the odd sound that stood out against the rain's white noise. His warm amber eyes were closed, his silver mane cloaked his form, hiding his profile from view, slipping over his shoulder and pooling behind him. He didn't look very comfortable- rather stiff, actually, but he must be exhausted and achy- she supposed he couldn't help it.
Shippo lay in Kagome's lap, draped across one leg on his stomach, arms and legs hanging to either side, head resting on her knee. He too just stared at the unchanging world, delicately sniffing the perfume of rain and wet earth and drenched wood. Kagome could only imagine what he could smell.
“Where are the rainbows, Kagome?” The kitsune asked quietly. He didn't move, didn't look up. “Will it stop soon?”
Kagome remained where she was, leaning up against the doorframe, too relaxed to want to move. She couldn't even remember how to move. It was almost like she could also just fall asleep where she sat.
She caught one of InuYasha's ears turning in their direction before dismissing them and catching another sound to focus on. “I don't know when it'll stop, Shippo-chan . . .”
“But the sun came out a while ago, I saw the rainbow then. It shoulda stopped then.” Kagome nodded but he couldn't see the movement. It had looked like the clouds were breaking apart and the sun had made a momentary appearance before the thunderstorm flooded the heavens once more. She should have known better than to hope when the rain hadn't let up even with the sun shining through it.
“Did you know, Shippo-chan, in a land very far away, across the ocean, there was once a princess that was so beautiful that rainbows would always follow her wherever she went?” Shippo had cocked his head to look back at her, as if to see if she was just mentioning this fact or if there was a story involved. Kagome softly smiled down at the cub as she began her fairytale. “The princess lived on an island that had tall mountains that fell dramatically into the ocean with deep valleys and small, white beaches and covered in lush green forests.” As she described the setting, the child rolled off her knee and into the lap, lying slightly on his side so he could look up and watch her.
“She was promised to marry a prince who was very jealous and very proud to have such a beautiful princess to be his wife. The princess lived with her mother and father deep in a valley and the elders of the kingdom had placed a taboo on her so that no one could look upon her beauty except for her family and her servants.”
“What's a-“ Shippo caught himself in a yawn, “A taboo?”
“It's like a rule, it means it was forbidden for her to see anyone outside her family. No one could see her until her wedding day. Now it happened that there were two wicked brothers that wanted to tease the prince so they went to a dinner party being held for him. The brothers arrived with tokens they had made and told the prince they had seen the heavenly princess and how she had spoken with them and given them the fake gifts. The prince grew terribly angry with the princess because he thought she'd betrayed him and broken the taboo that the elders had placed on her.” She took a deep breath, her voice heavy and almost monotonous, as dull as the rain humming around them.
“The prince went into the valley and followed the rainbows in the sky until found the princess picking wildflowers. He was surprised at first by how pretty she was- it was the first time he'd ever seen her- but it made him very sad and very angry that he could no longer marry her because of her betrayal. But the princess didn't know what she had done to make him so upset and tried to calm him down but he was rude and refused her, making her cry. He told her to follow him into the mountains where he killed her.” At this, Shippo's mouth dropped open, his drowsy jade eyes popping open with surprise.
“But there was a god on the mountain who knew the princess had not betrayed the prince and he swooped down and brought the princess back to life. The princess was sad and wanted forgiveness from her betrothed prince and began to sing to him.” Kagome's lilting voice softened as she whispered the tune. “My dear prince, come to me, I love you so very much, Do not hurt me, Do not hurt me, I have done nothing wrong . . .” The pup in her lap frowned, biting his lip in uncertainty as his adopted mother tonelessly repeated the song.
“The prince was surprised but still angry and he killed the princess once more. The god could not return the girl to life but instead turned her into the rainbows that had always followed her everywhere she went. Her parents were very sad and so the god turned her father into the howling wind and her mother into a dark cloud and her tears fell down as rain. The princess was happy that she could be the rainbows that followed the storms for she could see everything and bring happiness to everyone. She still goes to her mother the rain every day to sing to her. Mother, dear Mother, Do not cry any more. Mother, dear Mother, I am happy, I am happy, For I live with the gods, In the sky.”
“That wasn't very happy, Kagome . . .” Shippo murmured.
Kagome shook off her rain-induced melancholy long enough to realize the fox cub was kind of right. “Well, it was sad that the princess had to die but she was happy where she ended up.” She reminded him but she knew he wouldn't buy that. So she smiled, more genuinely than she had before and tapped the kitsune's little nose, bringing her face right down over his and whispered conspiratorially. “What the story doesn't tell you, is that the god who had brought the princess back to life was very much in love with her and when she became the spirit of the rainbows, she went to live with him and they married and lived happily every after up in the heavens. But she still sends the rainbows down to earth every time it rains.”
“Oh, well I guess that's okay.” Shippo conceded, smiling up at the girl. He yawned once more and she had to shake off the urge to echo it.
“Are you tired, Shippo-chan?”
“Nu-uh . . .” The child murmured, burying himself deeper into the warmth of her lap, his fluffy head pressing into her soft stomach, his tail wrapped like a bushy scarf around him.
“Oi, brat! Go to bed if Kagome tells you to.” The cub's eyes flew open and the miko never had a chance to stop him before he bounded off her leg, onto her shoulder, and stood there tensely gripping locks of her hair in one hand and shaking a fist in the inuhanyou's direction. All semblance of weariness in the boy had vanished. `Man, he can move fast!' She thought as she blinked in surprise.
“You can't tell me what to do- and DON'T call me a brat, baka!” Kagome could feel Shippo trembling and she tried to snatch him down from her shoulder before he got everyone riled up- and NO ONE wanted to be riled up on a heavy, drowsy day like today.
InuYasha's eyes snapped open and narrowed a searing glare at the poor kit. The little boy's trembling doubled. “I can tell you what to do, pup.” InuYasha asserted firmly. Kagome could feel, more than hear, the low growl that suddenly had her little fox child ducking under her hair. But the boy was determined to test his luck with the older hanyou. Apparently recovering his bravado, Shippo stuck his tongue out at InuYasha and chucked a few acorns at his silver head.
A triangular white ear flicked out of the way of one but another hit him dead center of his head, between the ears. The young man's silent snarl melted and before Kagome could even register the movement, he was on his feet and chasing the kitsune. Shippo squeaked and leapt off her head, accidentally snagging threads of her ebony hair in his tiny claws, causing him to lose his balance and making her wince, and InuYasha nearly caught him right there at Kagome's feet. But the kid was quick and thankfully small; he darted out of the half-demon's hands and between his legs.
They were outside and racing after each other through the pounding rain and lakes of mud puddles before Kagome could even find her voice to scold them both. Sango blinked awake with a vaguely amused look, but Kirara hissed softly before rolling over and snuggling closer to her mistress. Miroku just continued to stare absentmindedly at Sango.
Kagome gave an apologetic smile to her remaining companions and dragged her attention back to the boys. She heard Shippo shriek when InuYasha caught him by the tail, which earned the hanyou a bite between his clawed thumb and forefinger. The boy managed to escape, scrambling up InuYasha's drenched haori sleeve and on top of his head, gnawing on her poor Inu-chan's sensitive ear.
“Damn you, RUNT!” InuYasha shouted, again gripping the tiny kitsune none too delicately and rapping him on the head. Kagome stood just in time to witness the probably deserved punishment and the little one's tears.
“InuYasha! Stop it, he's had enough!” She pursed her lips when InuYasha just grinned evilly at his struggling captive. Shippo was busy chewing on InuYasha's hand again, using his pawed feet to scratch the offending arm. It seemed both boys had too much energy to release. She saw InuYasha's hand rise as he got ready to hurl the kitsune away and lost her patience.
“Shippo, stop. InuYasha, osuwari.” Both guys dropped like an anchor. Kagome winced. The splash they made nearly reached the steps of the hut. It was a hushed moment as the hanyou pushed himself up, subtly eyeing where Shippo had landed after he tossed him out of the away. He had saved the child from being smashed underneath the older boy. InuYasha's front was nothing but a dripping mass of gritty black mud. He looked like he'd just come out last in a chocolate mousse pie-throwing contest. His glorious white mane was thick with dark muck. Kagome was horribly mortified by what she had done. And poor Shippo, he had less mud on him but he was thoroughly soaked from head to tail, front to back.
Kagome gasped, slipping on her shoes and not bothering to grab her umbrella before she ducked outside. “Ohh . . . Shippo-chan! InuYasha, I'm so sorry!” She cringed on the stair, a little intimidated by the buckets of water pouring down inches from her face but she made herself lightly step out from the hut's shelter. The rain was harder than it looked, thudding and stinging like tiny bullets, the splatter reflecting from the ground soaked her legs halfway up her calf- how could she douse InuYasha and Shippo in this cold, cold wetness?!
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry . . .” She cooed as she rescued a shivering Shippo from the pond he was sitting in, tiny arms wrapped around himself. She clutched him close to her chest, trying to warm his freezing body. His poor little tail was limp and dripping, his pony-tailed hair scraggly and plastered to his neck and forehead; he looked absolutely miserable, like a pitiful picture of Buyo after a bath.
InuYasha was no better, but he was already standing up, refusing to meet Kagome's very apologetic eyes. He just glared at the rain in general- and then at the muffled snickering from inside the hut. “InuYasha! I'm sorry!” She blurted, unable to do anything more to prove her words.
“Keh.” He scoffed and took off for the relative shelter of the trees nearby. Kagome's head fell. She'd have to go after him later, he'd catch his death if he didn't come in and dry off- And she really didn't mean to do that, she didn't know WHAT she was thinking! He wouldn't even look at her . . .
As it was, she had to take care of Shippo first. InuYasha would survive a few minutes more without her but Shippo needed to get dry and warm and clean now. And so did she.
The brunette carried her shivering furry little bundle inside and stripped him of most of his clothes, quickly drying him off with a small towel from her backpack and wrapping him like a mummy in her downy sleeping bag. She only took a moment to swap her dirty school shirt for her pj top. She held the cub close, adding the warmth of her arms to the soft protection of her sleeping bag.
“I'm sorry, Shippo, I didn't mean to get you soaked- I didn't mean for either of you to suddenly go swimming.” The little kitsune tried to smile through his chattering teeth but it was so pathetic Kagome's heart dropped.
“It-t-t-t's okay. It was . . . w-worth it t-t-t-to sssssee InuYasha get sssslammed!” The boy laughed, his poor lips quivering too much to form words properly. Kagome's admonishing glare quieted him until he sneezed.
“Oh no! I hope you don't catch a cold, Shippo-chan!” She murmured, her face a mask of frowning worry. The girl glanced up at her fellow companions who were watching them both with open concern. “Sango? Is there anything to make a soup or something warm to eat for Shippo and InuYasha?” The taijiya nodded, rolling to her feet to find what might be left of their rations to make something suitable to fight off the damp chill and the illnesses born from it.
Kagome gave her friend a grateful smile and turned her attention back to the sniffling child in her lap. “You really shouldn't tease InuYasha, Shippo-chan.”
“He sssstarted it.” He muttered in his defense but he didn't meet Kagome's eyes. He knew he was just as guilty and he knew that she knew that he knew it. He was brought up better than that, despite being inherently sly and tricky. He was a good boy.
“He just wanted you to calm down and behave. He didn't want you to irritate any one who might be trying to rest- namely, him.” Kagome conceded. “You know he fought very hard in that last battle and he needs any sleep he can catch.” She reminded the boy. A finger tapped the side of her chin thoughtfully. “Although, you were doing fine until he said something, but I think he just wanted to make sure you were listening.”
“Of course I'd listen to you. I don't have to listen to him- he's a jerk and he makes you cry an' he hits me and, an' he's mean an' I hate him!” The cub gasped before slamming his mouth shut, his flushed face and wide green eyes turned away.
“Shippo!” Her admonishing cry caught her by surprise, she was so shocked she didn't even think to lower her voice. She glanced over at Sango and Miroku but both were very busy ignoring them. “Shippo-chan-“ Her voice was low this time, but she tried to turn her head away so the fox pup wouldn't see how much he hurt her. She felt a knife of ice stab her heart and prayed in the back of her mind that InuYasha wasn't close enough to hear the child's brash words- if they wounded her they'd surely bruise even the tough InuYasha too. Her lovable kitsune never hated anyone, so how could he say such a thing?
“Gomen, Kagome.” He interrupted before she could reprimand him further. The devastated look on her face made his stomach twist, she didn't need to say anything at all. He tried not to look at her disappointment but he couldn't stop- he didn't want her to cry, he didn't want her to stop loving him- he didn't really mean it! He was desperate to make her happy again but at the same time, he couldn't admit he was wrong about InuYasha without lying either. “Gomen ne, Kagome, gomen-”
“Shippo-chan . . .” Kagome held her arms out to her teary-eyed fox pup, knowing exactly how he felt and not wanting him to suffer or be afraid. How was it ever possible to scold a child and not make them feel bad? The boy crawled into her lap and held her tight around her middle. She gave him a quick, squeezing hug then pulled back to see his face. It was buried in her stomach. “You shouldn't say those things.”
“I know. I'm sorry.” His words were muffled through her shirt. She knew he meant it, he was as honest as any child with their emotions. They were too big to easily hide. But he wasn't normally a very emotional kid, he had a very mature and philosophical view of the world- he was the literally the oldest child she knew. She shook her head and smiled down at him.
“I want you to apologize when InuYasha gets back, you have to be the mature demon here- Gods know he won't be.”
Shippo snuggled deeper into her shirt, shaking his head and trying to hide a giggle. He'd do anything to make her happy again- it wouldn't be the first time he'd lowered himself to InuYasha's level in her name- Shippo clamped his mouth shut, hoping Kagome couldn't hear his thoughts: she wouldn't be too happy with him. “Okay, Kagome.” She patted his head, smiling softly.
She and Shippo generally had such a great relationship- it was a little embarrassing but she really loved the way he treated her like a parent. It was the highest compliment she'd ever received and the most terrifying thing that had ever happened to her.
It was one thing to baby-sit cute kids and play with them but she always gave them back to their parents- gratefully when they were annoying or uncontrollable. Even as sweet as Souta could be he had their mom to depend on, so it wasn't the same thing. She never had anyone who really needed her, who relied on her for everything; protection, shelter, food, love- It was wonderful and overwhelming and frightening but she'd gladly give anything for the little boy. How could she do anything else?
She hoped InuYasha had gotten used all this by now. Even if he wasn't sure where he fit in this strange collection of friends, this family. He couldn't say he wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of all this anymore, it was too late to fake it. He took them all for granted, that they would always be there, by his side. This was the pack he created, Team InuYasha that he led from one side of Japan to the other in search of their most hated enemy. He wouldn't let any of them leave, or face any danger alone, they were too valuable, too dear to him-
But it was one thing to be best friends, comrades in arms, and feel responsible for the safety of people weaker than he was. What she wanted was a little bit more. A mutually exclusive monogamous relationship was such a far stretch, right?
So, even if he didn't want her like she wanted him and he really couldn't commit to being exclusive- not yet anyway, not with all his . . . unfinished business. But he had said he would always be by her side. He kept his promises. That was good enough. She loved him and she hoped he knew it, whether or not he could return the feeling, he was kind enough to let her love him and keep her safe, making her feel like she was the most important thing in the whole world to him . . . He cared for his friends, he was passionately loyal to the four of them but it was the threats to her that really got him riled up so maybe he held her a little higher than `just friends.' Or was it simply the promise he'd made to protect her that kept him so close to her every second of every day?
Thank god for his hasty promises . . .
But his comment that set Shippo off still begged her attention. He usually didn't bother reprimanding the fox cub unless he was bothering him or getting himself in trouble. Kagome thought it sounded like he was exercising his authority, testing his influence over the child Kagome had taken under her wing. He had actually scolded the kit for not heeding his foster mother, for lying about not being tired when he was literally falling asleep where he sat. It was such a `dad' thing to say. “Listen to your mother.” He'd said it so casually, like no one notice. Well, maybe she- and the touchy kitsune- were the only ones who did. Then again, maybe she was reading too deep into this and all he wanted was to provoke Shippo cause he was bored or quiet him so he could sleep. But either way, it backfired and they both got hurt.
Cool tears welled shallowly in her chocolate eyes. He had tried and Shippo wouldn't allow him to play his part. Did her kitsune pup even realize what was happening? That InuYasha had only wanted to try-
And Shippo had shot him down.
She wanted to cry. Poor InuYasha must be hurt, and Shippo too. He was ready to replace his mother but he wouldn't allow the hanyou the same opportunity . . ?
“Y'know, Shippo-chan . . .” She subtly wiped her eyes and sniffed delicately. She lowered her voice to a whisper so Miroku and Sango wouldn't overhear their private conversation. She paused, wondering how she could word her thoughts so the child would understand. “InuYasha and I are kind of a set . . . you can't really have one without the other. If you want me to take care of you, to be- like your . . . okaa-chan, then InuYasha's going to be around a lot. When things get dangerous, he always protects you and me. I trust him to take care of you. But, I think you hurt his feelings earlier. He doesn't treat you like family very often, he was probably scared you wouldn't want him . . . a hanyou-” Kagome's voice faltered. She couldn't continue, the ache in her heart for InuYasha's constant self-conscious fear left her chest quaking and her throat tight.
“B- But, you're a human and I wanted you . . . Why . . . why wouldn't I want him-” Shippo's look of indignant anger slowly changed to one of horror and sorrow. The poor cub didn't even realize InuYasha was interested in the position before he too quickly knocked him out of the running. But Shippo did know how much she loved InuYasha, so he had to know that he couldn't avoid the half-demon or expect him to not be considered family if anything- Kami help her- did happen between them.
“He doesn't have to be your father, Shippo-chan. He's just looking out for you, just like Sango or Miroku or me. He also lost his family, just like you did, and he wants a new one too.”
The disbelief was thick in the young kit's faltering voice. “He . . . He wants to be my . . .” Shippo's bottom lip trembled as he pouted, trying not to notice when he started softly whimpering, tears tracing down his pale chubby cheeks. But Kagome couldn't stand by and do nothing. She hugged him close and let him cry into her chest, her hand gently running over his back, fingers smoothing his drying auburn hair.
“Shhh . . . Shippo-chan, it'll be okay. You'll have your happily ever after, I promise . . .”