InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nothing's Like Before ❯ Something's Never Change ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Shippo sat sunning himself on a rock. It was a hot summer day, and the lulling of the birds and bee's made the Fox Youkai sleepy. Sighing he rolled over, exposing his face to the bright sun. He wondered what Inu-Yasha and the other's were doing. "Who could do anything on a hot day like this?" He muttered, opening one eye to look at the cloudless blue sky.

He was 10 years of age. It had been 5 years since the Shikon no Tama had been restored, and he had grown. He remembered when they had finally completed the Shikon no Tama, after Inu-Yasha, Miroku, and Sango had teamed up to defeat Naraku. Shippo had been surprised, when Kagome gave Inu-Yasha the jewel. Everybody knew that Inu-Yasha's greatest dream was to become a youkai, but for some reason Inu-Yasha had then wished to stay a hanyou.

"I'll never get Inu-Yasha." Shippo muttered, yawning. He all of a sudden felt something plop on his stomach, and he looked. "Oh. Hello, Kirara." He said to the Demon Pet. Kirara blinked her large eyes, than curled into a ball on top of Shippo.

"Kirara. Shippo isn't a pillow!" Said a melodic voice. Shippo looked up once more, to see Sango coming towards them, carrying a basket of wild flowers. Sango sat the basket down gently beside Shippo. "Shippo, I thought you were helping Inu-Yasha and Miroku fix the well today?" Shippo leapt up at Sango's words, throwing Kirara off of him.

"Oh! I forgot!" The Bone-Eater's Well was finally being repaired. After much abuse, it had finally start to cave in. Inu-Yasha had ordered for it to be repaired, for if it did cave in, how would Kagome go back to her time.? Or come back to the Feudal era? But Kagome was currently in her own time now, visiting with family and friends.

Kagome seemed to almost never go back to her true time now. All she wanted to do was stay here with Inu-Yasha. But Kagome had reluctantly went this time, after the pleadings of Sango. Sango had said that Kagome should spend time with her family. Kagome not wanting to argue or upset Sango had said she would be gone for a week.

Running quickly through the tall grass, Shippo called back to Sango. "I better hurry. Thanks for reminding me!" Watching Shippo sprint toward the well, Sango replaced herself in Shippo's spot. Shaking her head she smiled and muttered. "Shippo has changed in looks, but not in personality. The way I like it."


"Inu-Yasha you better hold that beam steady or its going to fall!" Miroku called sharply, as one of the wooden beam's began to fall down the well, dragging dirt and grass along with it.

"Hey! I'm trying! I don't see you doing nothing except standing there, ordering me around!" Inu-Yasha said moodily, as he stood straddle-legged, trying to support the beam.

"Can you two do anything right?" Shippo said, running into the area and knocking into Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha slipped and fell into the well, dragging the beam with him.

"Well, Shippo. This is a nice time to arrive." Miroku said, watching as Inu-Yasha climbed out of the well, his white hair now full of dirt.

"You helped a lot!" Inu-Yasha growled, picking a beetle off his ear. Looking down into the well he sighed. "The beam got jammed, so you didn't totally mess up." He mumbled, bending down and picking up the beam and placing it on the ground.

"I was day-dreaming, and I hadn't noticed it was past noon." Shippo said yawning, and examining what Inu-Yasha and Miroku had done so far. Much of nothing really.

"Well we're stopping for today. It seems that Inu-Yasha doesn't know the difference between pull and push!" Miroku said, looking angrily to the hanyou.

"Well Sorry! But you change your mind so suddenly, nobody would know the difference between pull and push after you finished with them!" Inu-Yasha snapped back.

Shaking his head Shippo began to walk back to the village, leaving the arguing Inu-Yasha and Miroku behind. "Those two…They never change."