InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Watching, Waiting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: This is my first fic, and it too is in need of a lot of editing.
Naraku sat in his dark, dank castle filled with miasma diluted air. It had become a past time of his to look into Kanna's mirror and spy on that pathetic half-breed Inuyasha and his little group of friends, especially his little miko, Kikyou's reincarnation.
He was fascinated with her, she seemed to be even more powerful than Kikyou herself, although untrained. If one compared the two, one could see that she was far more pure than her late incarnation. But, it was the relationship between the two that he hated the most.
He, Naraku had gone to great lengths to separate Inuyasha and Kikyou with betrayal only to have her soul to find its way back to him even more powerful than before.
The thief Onigumo had an infatuation with the miko Kikyou. He desired her for her purity not only for the jewel. So he gave up his soul to the demons to form a new being, Naraku himself. He had shape-shifted into Inuyasha's form and injured Kikyou, at first his plan went well she used her miko arrows to seal him to a tree for all eternity, but something happened then that he did not intend. Kikyou chose to die and have the jewel burned with her body. He had planed for her to be selfish and use the jewel's power to live and spare her life, so he could take her. But she chose to follow Inuyasha to the underworld, to die with him. Naraku hated her for not choosing him over that weak dog-demon, he hated her for taking the jewel with her. But now that she has been brought back with a body of clay and bones full of hatred like Onigumo had longed to taint her with, he hated her because with Onigumo's heart still in his body he realized that he still wanted her.
But now she was not pure like the way she was, she was almost as vial as he. But that girl with Inuyasha was the most pure spirit he himself had ever seen. The things he could do to her, how he could change her, like he would have done Kikyou. Only this time it would be better, he could satisfy Onogimo's yearning and have her power at his control and with her comes the jewel.
Yes, she was stronger and seem to have more trust and faith in the hanyou than Kikyou had, but it did not matter this only meant he would have to be more convincing then last time. This delighted him, he could bring Inuyasha pain that only he had a mind to stand by taking away the only person to ever trust him and the dark thoughts and fantasies that played out in his head for the girl brought a smile to his lips.
They had been walking forever it seemed like, and Kagome's feet couldn't take it much more. They had left Keada's village after hearing a rumor of a demon thought to have shards of the sacred jewel and as normal Inuyasha had insisted that they leave right away and keep moving.
During the day they had asked for rest stops only to hear him curse under his breath about `weak humans' but he did give them time to rest, the only problem was that it was very little time, never more than five minutes.
The more she thought about the more angry she got and just looking at from the corner of her eye, with that smug look on his face made her eyebrow twitch.
"That's it I can't take it anymore!!" She stomped her foot and the attention of the group snapped to her. She was beginning to turn red with angry and her eyebrow twitched more rapidly as she glared at the dumbstruck Inuyasha next to her.
"We've been walking all day and those rest stops of yours barely give use time to breath!!"
"What are you talking about you stupid wench, your just too weak thats all!" he crossed his arms into his sleeves and turned his nose up into the air.
"Feh, I don't hear anybody else complaining but you!"
"Actually, I myself eel as of I'm going to drop from muscle over-exertion" Miroku was now leaning on his staff for support, he had even lost the strength to grope Sango who was draped on the back of a near faint looking Kirara with Shippou on top of it all like a lifeless cherry on a sundae.
"And it is getting dark soon, so we should make camp" And that had to be Miroku's last breath as he plopped onto the ground.
"See you're going to kill us!!" Kagome was seeing red
"Fine!! we'll make camp here!!" Inuyasha could see that now if he wanted to get them anymore without he would be carrying them so he gave in.
"This feels sooooo good" Kagome slide into the hot spring that she and Sango found earlier.
"I feel like my whole body is made out of mental" Sango was standing in the water about to sit when a familiar voice spoke up.
"But from here it looks like its made of silk"
"MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!" Both of the girls screamed at the same time, they grabbed towels to cover themselves and started to chase the pervert, Sango grabbing her boomerang
Back at the camp Inuyasha heard the noise and looked all around, yep, he was gone. He leaned back on the tree branch shaking his head, he couldn't believe the low level of control that guy had. He did better than that around Kagome when she was in heat and he had demon instincts to fight off. Even though he wouldn't mind giving into those instincts maybe he just wasn't sure that she had those types of feelings for him, after all he was just some disgusting half-breed. But she is his best friend and the only person to ever really and truly trust him, she didn't treat him like everybody else had, like something to be scrapped off the bottom of a shoe but like real person, that made him feel good inside. Not even Kikyou had had made him feel like he was really excepted, she would only be with him if he had turned human. Kagome was one of a kind alright.
"I know that I'm not bound to Kikyou anymore, Keada said that when we both die and were brought back that the slate was clean and I was free to live my life any way I chose, but I still want to put her soul at rest first."
In the background he could hear shouts from the girls crying things like "YOU HENTAI!!" "DIGUSTING LEECHER!!" most of them were followed by Miroku shouting in pain, then he heard Kagome's voice say, "AND TO THINK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A MONK!!!!" with a loud `slap' in its wake.
Inuyasha couldn't help but laugh, she was a little spit fire, no he wouldn't mind taking Kagome as his mate and he had thought about it often, especially after he had accidentally seen her bathing that one time `okay maybe not just once, but I couldn't help it, she looked so beautiful and soft and I would love to feel her body...No! stop it! She doesn't even think of me like that!'
At that moment Miroku walked sluggishly back into the clearing. He was sporting three nice sized lumps on the head, his lip was split, there was a wilt in the shape of a hand print, and it looked as if he was favoring his lower back as he hissed in pain when he sat down next to a sleeping Shippou, who was curled up with Kirara.
"You just never learn, do ya?" Inuyasha knew he would have those bumps and bruises for the rest of the week, if not longer.
"Would you like to know what I've `learned' about Kagome's naked form?"
Inuyasha was taken aback, if he were in the tree he would have fallen out, how dare he even think about looking at `his' Kagome!? And that sick confident look on his face...
"Really Inuyasha she is quit breath taking, In fact..." Miroku never didn't get to finish his statement as he was knocked unconscious by a very irate hanyou that had thrown a rock witch connect with the monks head adding a fourth lump.
"sicko" Was all he could say as he settled back down, as Sango walked back into the clearing. She looked as if she was going to give the monk another beating if he was not already out. A grin came to her face at the sight. 'Its about time someone knocked him out, I'm just sorry it wasn't me.'
"Thanks" She said as she pulled out her bedding.
"No problem, it was my pleasure." Inuyasha was still mad that the monk had laid eyes on the body that only he was allowed to see, when he noticed the owner of that body missing.
"Where's Kagome!?"
"Relax, she just wanted some more time in the hot spring." Sango replied as she crawled into her bedding far away from the still unconscious Miroku.
`Well I still don't like the idea of her being out there alone, I'll give her a few more minutes, if she not back here asleep by then I'm going to get her.' He jumped up onto a comfortable branch in a tree and waited.
"Finally!, I can really relax now that Sango's back at the camp watching Miroku."
She let out a sigh as she slide a little deeper into the steaming water.
` Sango and Miroku, I know he really cares for her but for the life of me I can't figure out why he hasn't asked her yet. Maybe he doesn't know how to tell her, or he's afraid of being rejected, but I really think it has something to do with his curse. I guess I'm just going to have to talk him myself. They would be so perfect together, knida like the way I think of me and Inuyasha.'
She wiped away a tear that had rolled down her cheek and lowered her head.
`But he'll never see me that way will he? No, he only sees Kikyou that way. Even after she's caused him so much pain he still loves her, and all I want is to be with him but more than anything I want him to be happy and if going to hell with Kikyou will make him happy then I'll let him go.'
The tears were rolling freely now accompanied by silent sobs.
`No matter how much it hurts.'
He sat silently watching her, hidden in the woods he could see her perfectly. He watched he face and all the emotions that it displayed; thoughtfulness, ponderence, sadness and as she broke down into tears.
He and Kagura were ready to take action and set his plan into motion. He had done everything to insure this all happened as he wished it, even manufactured fake jewel shards that resembled the ones he knew she had in her possession.
`Yes my little miko, you will serve me greatly, my little Kagome.'
He sent Kagura a mental signal that the plan was starting and she should go take her place. In a swirl of wind she was gone, waiting until time to start the second half of his plan.
Naraku shape-shifted and foe the second time in fifty years he took the form of the hanyou Inuyasha and started to out of the woods.