InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Food for Thought ( Chapter 9 )
A/N: Because I just had the worse Friday of my life you guys are in luck. I will be spending all my time writing and updating because I sprained my left ankle and bruised my right foot, so because I can hardly walk to the bathroom I'm not going anywhere for a while. And it really sucks too because I was going to go to movie fest today!!!!!!
Oh well no use crying over spilt milk, besides I did enough of that in doctor's office.
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha but I wish he were here to carry me around on his back!
Kagome decided that the best cause of action would be to pretend she was asleep, it was the best thing she could come up with at the time and she was willing to try anything. She lay back down and pulled the covers up above her head, she slowly took deep breaths to calm herself and even out her breathing.
Not long after she closed her eyes did she hear the door slowly slide open and soft footsteps make their way into her room. She tried to think about stuff that always made her feel good because her heart was starting to speed up again.
`Think, think, think, When my Mom gives me hugs, drinking hot chocolate in winter, reading my favorite romance novel, Shippou snuggling against me in my sleeping bag, riding on Inuyasha back feeling the wind whip his beautiful hair into my face and burying my face into his neck and smelling his scent.'
It must have been working because she soon completely relaxed and was on the verge of actually falling asleep. The person in the room only rubbed the back of their hand across her cheek then turned and left. To say Kagome was relieved would have to be an understatement. She blew out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and soon drifted to sleep with thoughts of a certain silver haired hanyou in her head.
The gang was heading through a small village and they decided to stop and restock on some supplies sense the ramen had run out. They split up to get the job done faster, much to Sango's dislike because she didn't want to leave Inuyasha and Kikyou alone. The miko had made some sorry excuse like having to find more of the herbs she had run out of and she needed someone to help her, well what was the use in asking if she was just going to volunteer Inuyasha anyway?
"Miroku can we get moving already, we've bought enough food."
"What's wrong Sango? I know you want to find Kagome we all do but you've been acting odd lately."
"It's not only Kagome I'm worried about."
"Why do I get the feeling you're talking about Inuyasha?"
Sango groaned, she hated the way he was always able to read her so well, was she being the obvious?
"I don't trust him alone with Kikyou, that is usually when all the bad things happen."
"You are being to on edge with her Sango, Inuyasha can take care of himself."
"You can't tell me that you really trust her Miroku!"
"No, I don't fully trust her but she is leading use to Naraku to save Kagome, that has to diminish your hate for her a little?"
"We don't know where she is leading us. She could be trying to get us farther away from Naraku in hopes that, that would give him time to do something terrible to Kagome, it wouldn't be the first time she's helped him!"
"I see your point, but for now all can do is trust that she is leading us in the right direction, she hasn't done anything to rouse my suspicions yet."
"How can she with you and Inuyasha hanging on her every word all the time?"
"Sango are you jealous?"
It that moment the lecherous smile that Miroku is famous for made its way onto his face as he prepared to make his signature move, his hand went right to Sango's bottom to give it a little rub.
"Don't falter yourself!"
She stomped away leaving Miroku to nurse the red handprint in his face.
"Inuyasha can you hold this for me?"
"Sure Kikyou."
Inuyasha had his arms full of herbs stacked so tall he had to left his chin to see where he was going.
"Inuyasha I've been thinking about Naraku, what do you suppose he wants with `Kagome'?
"I don't know and don't care but he's not keeping her, the sooner we find his castle the sooner I can kill him and get her back."
"What if he plans to use her powers against us?"
"Kagome's powers don't work like that and besides she would never help him."
"Well he could be controlling her, or fed her some lie about you to make her hate you."
"Kagome wouldn't believe him, she trusts me, she said so many times herself."
"It would not be too hard for Naraku to break her spirit and make her lose hope."
"And how would he do that?"
"The easiest way to break a females spirit is to take her most treasured gift."
"You mean her heart?"
"That, but something else, her virginity."
"No!! Don't talk like that to me, he better not ever do anything like that to her!"
The hanyou's outburst was drawing attention from the people near by and the anger he was showing over the girl did not go unnoticed by the undead miko.
"I'm sorry to have upset you Inuyasha, but you have to face it. What is Naraku does violate her? She would be ruined and no one would be able to pick up the pieces. Not only that but no man would want her after that, who would she turn to?"
"I would, Kagome will always have me."
"Really Inuyasha be realistic, you know you can't stay with her you two don't belong together, and are you really telling me you want her after he has touched her? And to always know that you were not the first man?"
Inuyasha fell silent after that and his face had the look of serious thought on it. Kikyou knew her plan was working, making him doubt the future with that girl was a sure sign that he would come back to her.
The next day Kagome told Kagura everything that had happened in her room last night.
"So do you think he knew I wasn't asleep?"
"It is most likely, but I have something to tell you, Inuyasha and your friends are traveling with the undead miko."
"You mean Kikyou!?"
"Yes, it seems that she is leading them here."
"But why would she help save me?"
"I do not know, but I will find a way to get you out of here and go meet them, you don't deserve to suffer the same fate as me and my sister."
"Thank you Kagura, you're a really good friend."
Before Kagura knew it she was wrapped in another of Kagome's hugs only this time she actually hugged back.
After their visit in the village the group decided not to waste anymore time and get right back on the road. It was nighttime now and everyone was about to sleep when Inuyasha called out.
"Miroku I need to talk to you…in privet."
They got up and walked off into the forest before Inuyasha stopped and turned to Miroku with a very serious look on his face.
"Inuyasha what did you want to talk about? What's wrong?"
"It was something Kikyou said."
Okay end of this one, I need to go and eat now and rest my feet, but I'll be back.
I actually might start another fic, I've had this idea for one for some time, I'll keep you guys posted on my progress with it.