InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Thoughts of Inuyasha ( Chapter 14 )
My computer is acting up maybe I need a new one (yeah like I have the money)
Anyway next chapter!
A/N: I love the reviews from you guys every ones so nice, and about those spelling mistakes maybe the spell check on this thing is missing some stuff, but it doesn't seem like it because as soon as I spell something wrong this annoying red line appears under it sometimes it even goes so far as to correct the word itself! I think it's alive! But I'll be more careful.
A/N: Love him, yes. Own him, no. But I do own Roshi!
Kikyou was in a rage, but from her face you could never tell, she just sat in her tree surrounded by her soul stealers looking at the night sky.
`I'm more powerful, I'm more beautiful, and I had Inuyasha first. All she is I am that and more, but she still manage to steal Inuyasha's heart from me and even Naraku's attention! I knew she was a whore the moment I saw her, just by the way she dresses you can tell! The little seductress is having them fight over her and if Naraku beds her first Inuyasha will stay with her still!'
Kikyou knew that none of what she was thinking was true, she was just angry. The one she loved had rejected her.
`She did what I could not. She healed Inuyasha's heart and doesn't even think the wicked thoughts that I do, that I did even before I died. I remember, I remember her trying to help me all those times. I thought she was crazy, if I had been in her place I would have let me die. But she is more pure than me, maybe that is want everyone sees in her. But not for long, she will not be better than me either. I will get rid of her and that exterminator, not to mention the little fox that loves her so much. Then Inuyasha will have no one to turn to but me.'
After she had poured all her emotions on Kagura, Kagome was told to stay awake to night and wait for Roshi to come and plan the escape. She was happy that Naraku was leaving tomorrow, but hoped he didn't try his tricks on Inuyasha again. He could tell him lies about her, even though she knew Inuyasha wouldn't believe him, he could still create doubt.
Sat up when she felt a strange aura drift into her room, but relaxed when she saw the slithering black pool of shadow come to her bedside. It was only Roshi, she watched as he took shape and sat down on her bed. Even if he wasn't as handsome as Inuyasha, he was still pleasing to the eye.
"Do you always scare so easily?" He smirked when she jerked out of her daze.
"No, I'm just not use to you yet."
"Fine, but always stare at men like that?"
Kagome blushed at this; she couldn't believe she had been so obvious. And his smirking so sexily like that wasn't helping to make her red face fade.
"I'm sorry, you're just nice to look at."
"Oh I don't mind, but your hanyou might be mad."
"Yes, he hates it when I even talk about other males, but he doesn't know that I could never look at them the way I do him."
Roshi laid back on her bed with his hands underneath his head.
"So tell me what he looks like. You say he's better looking than me and I have to hear what he has and I don't."
"Well, he has these amazing amber eyes that blaze and they look like they could pierce your soul, And his hair, its so beautiful, long right down to his hip and its this shining silver-white, sometimes I just want to touch it and see how soft it is. But the best thing has to be his ears! They are so cute and soft!"
"Is it my imagination but doesn't everyone have ears?"
"Not like his, their two cute doggy ears on the top of his head, I've only ever touched them once but he doesn't like it when people touch his ears so I've never been able to do it again."
"So how did you meet the first time?"
"He was asleep pined to a tree with a sacred arrow."
"Oh yeah I've heard that story, about him and the undead miko?"
"Yeah that's the one."
"So I guess he's got me beat, I don't even want to hear you go into details about his body."
The blush Kagome had from talking about Inuyaha came back at full force and her eyes even widened a little.
"Alright lets get to work on getting you out of here."
Naraku was looking in Kanna's mirror at Inuyasha and his friends all-asleep, they would be getting a rude awakening in a few minutes when he arrived. Simply looking at the dog made him mad, he couldn't wait until he paid them his little visit.
`I will not give her back to you.'
That was his finial thought before he got up to leave the castle.
Okay I can't keep going with this until later when I've thought out what exactly is going to happen. I know what I want them to say to one another but I'm not sure if I want them to fight yet so I need to brainstorm.
I like working with Roshi he's a fun character, maybe I'll make him a hentai like Miroku…No way! Miroku is enough perv for the whole story!