InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Bittersweet ( Chapter 15 )
Okay on with the show!
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, I just say that to make all the girls jealous!
It took Naraku no time at all to find them, and it was a sight, here they were all sound asleep he could easily kill them but he knew the moment he stepped into the rang of the hanyou's senses he would wake them all. So he decided to forward approach would be the best one right now.
"Inuyasha, wake up silly half-breed."
Inuyasha's eyes snapped open and he sat straight waking Shippou in the process. He knew who it was the second his nose caught the foul scent that was Naraku. Shippou didn't react as calmly.
He latched onto Inuyasha's shoulder and began to shake. His cry had awoken everyone in the camp and for a moment Sango and Miroku only looked around groggily until their eyes saw what all the fuss was about. Sango immediately grabbed her boomerang and took her fighting stance next to an already transformed Kirara, Miroku jammed his staff into the ground and seize hold of the prayer beads around his wind tunnel.
"I did not come here to fight, I simply came to ask why you are approaching my castle?"
"As if you didn't know the answer to that already you son-of-a-bitch, where is Kagome!?" Inuyasha jumped down from the tree and unsheathed Tetsusiaga and it blazed to life.
"You mean my Kagome?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean!? She was never yours!"
"She is mine now. That is what happens when you mate a female Inuyasha, but I don't expect you to know anything about that sense every women you come in contact with seems to die."
"Liar! You haven't mated with her, her scent isn't even on you!"
"I've been masking it from you, but if you want the proof…" He let the sentence drag out and used a spell to enhance the small amount of Kagome's scent he had gotten on himself from brushing her hair, after he was sure it was strong enough he unmasked his scent to let the hanyou get a good whiff.
Inuyasha's eyes got big and he started to shake, all the color drained from his face and he began to back away. Shippou still clinging to his shoulder could smell it too and began to cry, he jumped off Inuyasha's shoulder and threw himself into Sango's arms. She rocked a little trying to calm him down.
"Shippou what does he smell like?"
"H-h-he smells l-like Kagome, h-h-her scent is a-all over h-him!"
Sango's eyes started to tear and she gritted her teeth and turned to him.
"You monster! I'll kill you for this!" She sat Shippou and started to throw her boomerang but Inuyasha beat her to the punch. He was already slashing at Naraku with his sword, unfortunately in his blind rage the blows were easily dodged.
"How can you be mad, she came to me willingly after all?" That comment only earned him another slash.
"She did right after I told her you were traveling with your precious Kikyou, she was very upset and I was only trying to comfort her."
Said miko was watching all this happen from a safe distance devising a plan if her own, smirk on her face the whole time.
"I'll tell my mate you said hello."
Inuyasha was let lose one of the biggest Wind Scar attacks they'd ever seen him use, but Naraku disappeared in a swirling cloud of miasma before it could hit him, the attack disintegrated hundreds of trees and left groove marks so deep in the earth they could have been mistaken for small river beds.
Miroku took a hesitant step forward. "Inuyasha?"
"I'll kill him, I'll kill him for touching her, I'll kill him for taking her away from me. Now leave me alone."
He jumped back into his tree and closed his eyes, but before anyone could take one step he called out into the darkness.
She stepped out of the thickets she was watching from.
"Yes Inuyasha?"
"We need to move faster, so we will wake up early and I expect you to get us there as quick as you can."
"Yes." She turned and left, and he never opened his eyes once. Nobody said anything after that.
Naraku made his way back to his castle a little happier than usual, but then he was always happy when he could cause Inuyasha pain. He would move his castle now and take Kagome with him, and she would be his forever.
He saw his home come into view and thought of the sleeping beauty he had there. Yes Naraku made his way to his castle completely unaware that Kagome was not there anymore.
OOOOOHHHHH his ganna be maaaddd.