InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Sad To See You Go ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Ya know what? I love you guys you're the best reviewers ever. Sniff

A/N: Ya know like when you buy things or like make'em up you like own em? Well I didn't buy or make up Inuyasha, so I guess I don't own'em.


Kagome and Roshi were trying to find her friends, they decided to travel at night and sleep by day, when Kagome asked why Roshi told her that he was faster at night and that he wasn't much of a day person. They would travel on the back of his demon horse that looked like Roshi, the same silver glinting eyes and it was jet black.

Now they were just trotting along to see if Kagome could sense the jewel shards that she had left with her friends and that, hopefully would lead them right there. So far they were having no luck.

"Well didn't Kagura say what direction they were coming from?"

"Um see I kinda forgot to ask her that."


"Don't worry we'll see her tonight anyway."

"How do you know that?"

"Naraku is going to be mad that she let you get away, so he will probably make her search for you and that means leaving the castle a lot."

"So instead of finding me for him she will actually helping me find Inuyasha?"

"That's right, now do you feel better?"

"A little I'm still worried about everybody, I've got a bad feeling."

"The only thing that could be wrong is if your hanyou went nuts and killed everybody after what Naraku did the other night."

"What! What did he say to him!?"

"You know when he was trying to seduce you that time? Well he used a spell that enhanced your scent on him, and he made it very strong and told all your friends that you were his mate now and scent only helped confirm it."

"Oh no! But that doesn't make sense wouldn't he need to get my scent on him first?"

"He did when he was brushing your hair."


"Yeah I heard he went insane, destroyed half the entire forest with that sword of his." Roshi went on completely obvious to fact that Kagome was near tears. But he knew when he smelled the salty odor that she was crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Inuyasha hates me I know it, He'll never want me after what Naraku did."

"That can't be true because your friends started moving even faster after that, Naraku was going to move the castle today until you went missing."

"That doesn't change anything."

"If he thinks you betrayed him I'll be there to set him straight and he can't smell Naraku on you the way you would have to smell to be a mate.You do have a small amount of his scent on you from being in his castle but nothing that strong."

"You're a really good friend Roshi."

" No problem I love helping beautiful women." And he started going on and on about how women are such a weakness for him and the only thing that was going through Kagome's mind was. `Please don't let him be a hentai like Miroku.'


"Don't struggle Inuyasha it will not help you."

Back at the campsite all hell was breaking lose, literally. Kikyou's soul stealers were crushing Sango so hard she had passed out no longer able to scream, while Miroku was still chanting his counter-curses. The ground under Iunyasha and Kikyou was breaking up and they were starting to sink deeper.

"We will be together forever, Inuyasha." She started to rub his cheek in what could be called affection but this was Kikyou."


Roshi and Kagome had decided to stop and wait for Kagura. Kagome was busy starting a fire while he hunted, it would be easy for him sense he could change into his shadow form and sneak up on things in the dark.

`But his still not a better hunter than Inuyasha.'

That thought brought a smile to her face and that's exactly how Kagura found her, grinning like an idiot.

"What are you thinking about Kagome?"

"AAAA…Kagura? Don't scare me like that it's not funny!" She threw a twig at Kagura who was laughing a trying to hide it behind her fan.

"What's with all the noise, you two just scared away my rabbit!"

"Sorry Roshi, but now is not the time for food or laughing." Kagura's face suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong Kagura?"

"It's Inuyasha and your friends, they will all die tonight."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Kikyou turned on them, I watched and saw that she has Sango and Miroku bound to trees and are crushing them with her soul stealers."

"W-what about I-Inuyasha?"

"She hit him with a stunning beam it seems like and he lays helpless while being sucked into hell."

"We've to stop her, please!"

"The miko has put up a very strong barrier, neither Roshi or I can break it, I'm sorry there's nothing we can do."

Kagome launched herself into full hysterics, screaming and crying her eyes out until she finally fainted.


"Just a few more moments, Inuyasha."

"Not today Kikyou!"

Miroku had finally broken free of the soul stealers and quickly used his ofuda charms to help take out the ones holding Kirara, Shippou and Sango. Kirara transformed and charged the miko. Kikyou had to close the gate and step away from Inuyasha, Miroku laid Sango down to regain her strength and stepped next Inuyasha who was trying to pull himself up now that the spell had worn off.

"Leave Kikyou, never come near me again or I might have to hurt you." Even if he was panting, Inuyasha was never too tired to threaten someone.

"You couldn't hurt someone you love hanyou, and I will be back." Her soul stealers wrapped themselves around her and carried her off, the barrier around the campsite fell but for the night Miroku put up his own just to be safe.


When Kagome woke Kagura had already gone to check in with Naraku hoping the news about Inuyasha and Kikyou would distract him from Kagome. Roshi was at her side like a true friend, one of the only two she had left.

"Well where do you want to go now?" His voice was full of concern that she was grateful for.

"Please, can you take me to the well? I want to go home and never come back here again."

"Okay" Roshi was sad to see her go but she was in pain and needed her family to help her, and that was the only place she had left. So they started off to the well, Kagome had her mind made up that she would honor Inuyasha somehow, maybe she could put some kind of marker of something in front of the God Tree when she got home.

`I loved him so much.'

She started to cry silently, Roshi knew but didn't say anything.


What? Kagome thinks everyone is dead and is going home!!??? I'm sooooo evil!

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