InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Objection Tango ❯ Agent, K, S and R ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Agent K, S And R

A young female walks into a big building wearing a tight navy blue dress suit. She picks her briefcase up and walks into her section. She sits in her seat by the computer, she turns the computer on looking around. She sees a young man standing by her smiling.

"Hey Kagome. You're looking good today." He smiles. Kagome gives a sincere smile.

"Thank you Kouga." She smiles widely as she flips her black middle back length hair over her shoulders.

"So what's on today's agenda?" He smirks at her lecherously. Kagome stands up fixing her folders.

"For me it's hard work. For you who knows." She shrugs as she walks away. She waits till Kouga leaves before going back to her seat. She goes in her pocketbook pulling out a compact mirror and red lipstick. She brings the lipstick close to her lips as if she was going to put it on. She presses a button on it. "This is Agent K do you read me Agent S." She says into the lipstick.

Sango pushes her earpiece a little further in her ear and looks around to see if anyone is near. The close was clear.

"Yeah I read you Agent K. Did you find anything?"

"No, not yet. But things are going smoothly. I'm close on Naraku's tail and I'm a regular around here I fit in perfectly. I'm still not sure if he's in this building though. What about you?"

"I'm having the same luck here. But these two guys I work for there's something about them that I have to watch on."


Sango looks around then she prints up some papers. She walks into her office locking the door. She holds up some papers of Inuyasha and Miroku. The pictures and information are transferred to Kagome's device in her briefcase.

"Ok Sango, I'll check them out later for my lunch break. Until then keep me posted if you find anything."

"Ok. You want me to contact Agent R?"

"Yes. Give her the information you have given me and if she has anything tell me as well."

"I'm on it."

"Ok." Kagome puts her lipstick back in her bag and looks at her lips through her compact mirror. "Red and luscious like always."

Sango goes into her bag and pulls out red lipstick. She presses the second button on the lipstick.

"Agent R this is Agent S. Do you read?"

Rin pushes her earpiece further into her ear. She looks around to make sure the close is clear.

"I hear you."

"Did you find anything?"

"My boss. He seems suspicious." Rin tells her as she walks into the bathroom with her briefcase locking the door.

"What about him?"

"I have found some information." Rin smiles as she places her briefcase on the bathroom counter opening it to reveal a pop up computer. She begins typing some things sending the file over to Sango's briefcase.

"Ok and I have some information for you as well." Sango transferred Inuyasha and Miroku's flies to Rin.

"Perfect. What about Kagome how is she doing?"

"She hasn't found anything as of yet but she's working hard."

"Great. Don't forget to tell Kagome that we have a meeting tonight with Mr. Yamazaki and Mr. Sugashita at 10."

"Alright I'll be sure to tell her. Roger out."

"Ok." Rin nods. Sango puts her lipstick back into her bag.

"We got this."

Kagome parks her car in the parking lot of the big building. She sees Sango and Rin's cars there already. She slowly walks into the meeting room to see Mr. Yamazaki, Mr. Sugashita, Sango and Rin all sitting down. They look at her. Mr. Yamazaki smiles.

"Ah nice of you to show up Kagome. I thought we were gonna have to send Sango and Rin to find you." He laughs. Kagome laughs as she gives him a quick hug along with Mr. Sugashita.

"It's not that. This guy at my job is obsessed with me he wouldn't stop talking to me." Kagome rolls her eyes as she takes a seat next to Sango.

"That creep." Mr. Yamazaki chuckles. He sits down in his chair and clears his throat. "Ok now down to business. Any sign of Naraku?" He looks between all three of them. They all shake their heads no.

"Ok don't fret. You girls been working at this for nine months and I'm sure you're closer then you were nine months ago." Mr. Sugashita smiles.

"That's for sure. I couldn't be happier." Sango crosses her arms. Rin nods her head as she puts a piece of her black hair behind her ear.

"Ok did you three find anything at all?"

"Well Senichi, Inuyoukai I have something." Rin smiles standing up. "I believe my boss is very suspicious to me." Rin opens her briefcase and attaches her computer to the big flat screen projector. A picture of a very cold distant Sesshoumaru comes with information. "Appears here he was a college graduate with his master's degree. Age 23 very smart always on the honor roll, his birthday August 2nd and-" Rin then tilts her head to the side looking from the picture to Inuyoukai. "And he looks just you Inuyoukai with the last same name." Rin raises her eyebrow. Inuyoukai gets ready to answer but then Sango stands up looking in shock.

"Wait a minute Rin go to my file that I sent you really quick." Rin closes her file and clicks on Sango's as a picture of Inuyasha and Miroku appear. Kagome crosses her arms sitting back and lifts her eyebrow.

"Interesting." She says to herself.

"Now I find it a coincidence that both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru look like you with the same last name. And look at that Miroku always looks like you Senichi." Sango says places her hands on her hips looking at the older men. Inuyoukai begins chuckling and nods his head as he stands up.

"Ok ladies calm down. This is no coincidence. Senichi and I set it up like that. Yes Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha are my sons and Miroku is Senichi's son as well. Now the thing is Inuyasha will be working in the same office as you Kagome and I want you to keep your eye on him. Make sure he's doing everything he's suppose to. I will give you the list shortly of his mission. But you are to never tell him that you work for me. Also Sango you are assigned to watch Miroku closely as you Rin are to watch Sesshoumaru." Inuyoukai explains. Rin raises her eyebrow.

"So we go from secret agents to men babysitters?" Rin smirks. They all start laughing. Inuyoukai shakes his head.

"No. They may find some things you were over looking so if you're watching them closely you'll also have that piece of information to tie with yours. Get it?" He smiles.

"Ok that's so clever." Sango smiles. Kagome shrugs and chuckles.

"I'm all for it."

"Alright. Meeting dismissed." Senichi tells them. They gather their things and leaves. Inuyoukai looks at his partner.

"Do you think this is a good idea?"

"Yeah this will work." Senichi shrugs. "Besides those girls are so irresistible both of your sons will start thinking with their heads." Senichi smiles widely wiggling his eyebrows. Inuyoukai sighs deeply.

"You're a pervert." Inuyoukai shakes his head then starts laughing with his friend.