InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Objection Tango ❯ Juuroumaru and Kageroumaru's Last Stance ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha looked at Kikyo and growled.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" He yelled. Kikyo shrugged.

"Nothing. She looks like the regular Kagome right?" She asked him. "Her power just improved. Hey sis put your power to the test kill Inuyasha." Kikyo ordered Kagome as she gave Kagome a bow and a couple of arrows. Kagome pulled the arrow back aiming at Inuyasha. He moved to the left a little Kagome moved in the same direction. He then moved to the right a little she followed.

"Kagome stop! Please." He pleaded.

"Die." She whispered and shot the arrow it hit him in the middle of the chest he fell to the ground and shouted in pain as the arrow pierced him the arrow then disappeared. Inuyasha groaned out in pain he looked up at Kagome she didn't look like the regular Kagome he knew. Her eyes were distant and her facial expression shared the look of Kikyo's. It pained his heart to see this he grew to love her and now she was being used as a weapon to kill him. Kagome drew another arrow and shot at him he tried to move but his body was weaken from the first arrow she shot. The arrow hit his chest again burning his chest badly then it disappeared. He yelled out and slowly sat up holding his wounded chest. Kikyo smiled looking at Kagome.

"Finish him off." Kikyo crossed her arms. Inuyasha covered his eyes knowing he couldn't fight her he mind as well die. Just then he heard a someone else yell out in pain. He opened his eyes and saw Bankotsu on the ground as the arrow suck the evil straight him. Inuyasha blinked.

'That's right the arrows didn't kill me since I'm pure evil.' He thought to himself as Bankotsu's body laid motionless. He then looked back at Kagome and Kikyo.

"Kagome's arrows won't kill you since you're not pure evil." Kikyo said. "Come Kagome." Kikyo and Kagome walked out the hospital. Inuyasha leaned on his sword to stand.

"K-K-Kagome!!!" He yelled she turned to look at him but didn't stop walking.

Just then the others arrived.

"Inuyasha are you ok?" Miroku asked him.

"No, Kikyo put Kagome under some kind of spell." Inuyasha moaned then fell to the ground panting hard holding his wounded chest. Sango kneeled down to examine Inuyasha's wound.

"He has a serious wound in his chest. This could be a 3rd degree burn." Sango informed the others.

"Let's get him outta here just in case someone attacks us again." Sesshoumaru told them as he and Miroku lifted Inuyasha up.


"How is it she killed Bankotsu and not Inuyasha?" Naraku asked Kikyo in a frustrated tone. Kikyo sighed.

"She kills pure evil beings Bankotsu was pure evil but Inuyasha received a lot of damage."

"Alright. Kageroumaru, Juuroumaru go after them." He told the two brothers. They stood up and walked out the room.

"Kikyo you and the girl watch them and make sure they don't kill Kageroumaru and Juuroumaru." He told her. Kikyo nodded as she and Kagome walked out the room. Kikyo closed the door looking at her sister.

"Look I need you for just a little more I need you to help me kill Naraku. I know you'll be more useful as long as you're under my control." Kikyo as she began walking Kagome followed with emotions in her face at all.

Naraku sat back in his seat and looked at Kagura.

"Follow Kikyo she can't be thoroughly trusted."

"Yes Master." Kagura bowed.


At Myouga's Inn Sango patched up Inuyasha's wound. Sango then looked up at everyone else.

"When she woke up she didn't act like herself." Sango said out loud. Inuyasha sat up quickly then moaned holding his chest. "Inuyasha be careful." Sango told him. He panted holding his chest he then moaned looking at her.

"W-W-What do you mean she didn't act like herself?" He asked her.

"You know when she saw Rin and I she asked who were we. At the time we were surrounded by demons she ran away from us." Sango explained. Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha and Myouga looked at her shock. Rin nodded her head agreeing.

"And the strange thing was the demons didn't attack her they let her pass by them. They then went to attack us." Rin sighed looking out the window.

"Damn this is going to be harder now. With Kagome on Naraku's side who knows how he might use her." Miroku sighed deeply.

"But she's not under Naraku's spell. Kikyo is controlling her." Inuyasha said looking down.

"Does Kikyo work for Naraku?" Rin asked Inuyasha. Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and laid back down on the futon.

"It's hard to say because she had Kagome kill Bankotsu and he's on Naraku's side." Inuyasha moaned as his wound started to cause him pain.

"Inuyasha rest and we'll think of something." Miroku said as he stood up along with the others. Inuyasha turned in his side facing the wall. They all walked out his room closing the door behind them. Inuyasha growled to himself.

'What the hell is going on? Kikyo why are you doing this to Kagome she is your sister isn't she? And what are you planning on doing? And who side are you on ours or Naraku's? And are you planning on killing Kagome?' He sighed and closed his eyes.


Miroku, Sesshoumaru, Myouga Rin and Sango all sat at the kitchen table trying to think of something. Miroku sipped on some tea looking out the window.

"What do you think Kikyo is going to do with Kagome? Use her against us or use her against Naraku?" Miroku asked suddenly breaking the silence.

"It's hard to say. But Kagome tried to give us warning about Kikyo though. When we tried to plan what to do about Naraku Kagome stopped the conversation." Sango replied.

"Now our battle is harder. We have to find a way to get Kagome back because as long as Kikyo has her under her spell who knows what she might plan to do." Sesshoumaru said then sipped his tea. Rin slammed her fist down on the table getting everyone's attention.

"I'm getting tired of this shit right now!" Rin shouted and stood up. "I say we hurry up and get Inuyasha healed then find Kikyo and Kagome. Kick Kikyo's ass force her to get Kagome from her spell then kick her ass some more then force her to tell us when where the hell Naraku is and then kick his ass!!!" Rin crossed her arms. Sango sighed and rolled her eyes.

"And how do you plan to do that? It was hard to beat those guys Naraku hired to kill us. Naraku doesn't come out his hiding place unless he's sure he won't be harmed. Naraku is very smart and conniving and barging in to him isn't the smartest thing to do." Sango sighed. Rin growled and sat down looking at her water.

"We don't have no other plan. So can we do?" Rin asked.

"Rin stop being a hot head and think reasonably." Sango snapped at her friend.

"Well when you can't think of a reasonable plan you need to take brute actions and charge into battle." Rin snapped back.

"And when you charge into battle do what? Die?"

"No kick ass."

"It's almost impossible to find Naraku and even if Kikyo did tell us where the hell Naraku was how do you plan on beating him?"

"Kick his ass."

"You're not making any sense Rin!!!"

"Well you're not thinking of anything Sango!!" They both growled at each other angrily. Sesshoumaru then jumped up and threw his chair smashing the window. Someone jumped out the way, Miroku stood up.

"We're surrounded."

"Huh?" Rin and Sango looked up at the two guys. Inuyasha ran into the living room and fell to the ground holding his chest. They all ran inside the living room. Sango and Miroku helped Inuyasha up. He clutched his sword panting hard.

"We're surrounded. We have to get outta here. Myouga." Inuyasha looked up and looked around. "Huh? Myouga?"

"Sorry Mr. Inuyasha but um my wife just called and she's giving birth to her grandson. Bye." He hopped out the back window.

"HEY WAIT!!!" Inuyasha shouted he then growled. "Damn coward." The front door burst open and Kageroumaru and Juuroumaru came through the door. Juuroumaru ran at Sesshoumaru attacking him. Sesshoumaru moved out the way blocking Juuroumaru's attack. Sango blocked Inuyasha and Miroku and threw her boomerang at Kageroumaru.

"Hiraikotsu!!!!" Kageroumaru jumped out the way Sango caught her boomerang but before she could stand her ground Kageroumaru swiped his claws at her knocking her against the wall. Kageroumaru went to attack Sango one last time but Miroku jumped in the way and hit Kageroumaru with his staff. Kageroumaru did a backwards flip to avoid getting hit.

Sesshoumaru took out Tokijin and swung at Juuroumaru who just jumped out the way. He became back to back with his brother they then switched sides. Juuroumaru went after Inuyasha who just in time got his sword up blocking his attack. Inuyasha got all his strength and ran out the inn. Juuroumaru followed him, Sesshoumaru ran outside as well with Kageroumaru not too far behind him. Miroku and Rin helped Sango up and they went outside. Inuyasha blocked Juuroumaru's attack and he swung at him. Juuroumaru moved out the way and punched him in the spot Kagome shot him twice. Inuyasha yelled out in pain and fell to the ground.

Kikyo and Kagome appeared watching above in a tree. Kikyo crossed her arms shaking her head. She looked at her emotionless sister who watched on.

"These guys are pathetic. I bet you're only one that Naraku is really scared of because they suck." Kikyo chuckled lowly.

"Inu-Inuyasha." Kagome whispered. Kikyo glanced at her then smirked looking back down at Inuyasha.

"Hmmm I wanna put Inuyasha's strength to the test. Let's call this a little trail and era. Go Kagome."

Juuroumaru went to attack Inuyasha again. Kagome jumped in the way Juuroumaru stopped for a quick second looking confused. Inuyasha sat up looking shock.


"Is that really Kagome?" Sango asked out loud. Kagome hugged Inuyasha.

"Oh Inuyasha I was so scared." Kagome cried. He wrapped his arms around Kagome.

"What did they do to you?" He asked her.

"I-I-I don't know." She looked at him. Juuroumaru growled and charged at them. Inuyasha pushed Kagome out the way and sliced Juuroumaru in half in one slice. They all gasped. Sesshoumaru punched Kageroumaru and sliced him down. Sesshoumaru took a breath and walked over to them.

Inuyasha leaned on his sword panting. Kagome gasped looking at Inuyasha's bruise.

"Inuyasha what happened to you?" She asked. He looked at her and smiled.

"Doesn't matter you're here now." Rin ran to Kagome and hugged her tightly.

"OH Kagome we were so worried."

"Why?" Kagome looked at Rin. Rin looked at her in confusion.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" Kagome asked. Kikyo smiled and snapped her fingers. Kagome groaned out and stood up she picked up her bow and arrow and aimed at Sesshoumaru. They all gasped.

"Kagome what are you doing?" Inuyasha asked her and grabbed her shoulder. Kagome pushed him off of her and stood up still aiming at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was getting ready to knock the weapon out of her head.

"You move I'll kill you. You're a full demon and my arrow will damage you pretty badly. So move I dare." Kagome challenged him. Sesshoumaru growled not moving. They all looked in shock and pain. Kagome smirked evilly still aiming at Sesshoumaru. Kikyo smiled to herself. Kagura hid in the bushes not too far from Kikyo.

'Hmmm. What is she up to?'