InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ An Honorable End: Sesshomaru vs. Sada ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 10:An Honorable End: Sesshomaru vs. Sada
Sada was the first to awaken. She was feeling a little restless, so she decided to take a walk, bringing her Jakujou of course. She looked around the familiar surrounds, the burnt village, the corpses that litter the ground, the blood-soaked ground that will forever stay stained; it all brought back good and bad memories; bad memories of her father and how he abused her and good memories of the Band of Seven.
Sada had just gotten home late because she had gotten lost in the woods. She was only five at the time and she had to out run a few wolves in the area. Thankfully they where only pups with no experience so they didn't prove much of a threat. Still, Sada had bite marks on her arms and legs and she was exhausted. She got home and her mother rand to her side, worried sick. Her father on the other hand came over with a seriously pissed expression on his face. He told Sada's mother to move. When she didn't, he slugged her away from Sada and when Sada cried out for her mother, he bashed her skull in. The beatings continued for hours on end, until she was a bloody mess, and this was only one beating.
Sada stopped at the lake on the other side of the village, one that she used to have to fish at for food because her father wouldn't let her eat. She sighed at the memory of her father. It pissed off that he could do that to her. It made her feel weak, but at the same time, she was sort of grateful. If her father hadn't treated her like that, she wouldn't be the woman she was today, and she loved what she had become.
She was about to head back when she heard something in the forest near her. She glared at whatever it was and when she saw a lock of silver hair, she sent the crescent blade from her Jakujou flying at the owner of the hair. She didn't know if it was Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, or some random demon, and she didn't care; she just wanted bloodshed. She smirked when the person pulled out a sword and blocked her attack, causing the chain to retract. The person stepped out of the trees, revealing Sesshomaru with Tokijin in his hand. Sesshomaru glared at Sada, quickly examining his opponent. “Hn, do you have a death wish?” he said coldly. Sada smirked and cracked her neck, “Yep, yours.” She then lunged at Sesshomaru, slicing his side swiftly, though it was a shallow wound due to Sesshomaru's fast reflexes.
Sesshomaru growled at this human; she had been able to wound him, even if it wasn't bad. No demon had ever hurt Sesshomaru, other than Inuyasha and he wasn't about to admit that. Sesshomaru attacked with Tokijin, but Sada countered with her Jakujou. Sesshomaru stared on in disbelief as she was able to repel the demonic power from Tokijin. “Just who is this woman,” he wondered as they locked weapons, trying to push each other back. “How can a human hold me back?!” he thought furiously. What enraged him more was the fact that she was only using one hand as well. He growled, baring his fangs unintentionally. Sada noticed the fangs and an idea came to her. She smirked as she pushed Sesshomaru back. Sesshomaru growled again and lunged at Sada. She blocked with her Jakujou and most of the demonic power was countered, but some of it managed to hit her, causing some very small and shallow cuts on her arms. Sada smirked, it had been a long time since anyone had cut her, and this just got her more psyched; bad for Sesshomaru. Sada pushed back Sesshomaru yet again, then brought up the blade on the bottom of her Jakujou and cut through Sesshomaru's armor, leaving a huge gash on his chest.
Sesshomaru glared at the female as she licked the blood of the blade. “You're stronger than most people I've slain. This is getting good,” she said and smirked. Sesshomaru glared and growled at her. “Who is this woman?” he thought as he glared at her. Just like reading his mind, Sada smacked herself in the forehead. “How stupid am I? I forgot to introduce myself. It's only fair you get to know the name of your killer. I'm Sada,” she said and lunged at Sesshomaru, cutting his stomach open. Sesshomaru placed his hand over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, which was very hard with Tokijin still in his hand. He glared at the female again and sheathed Tokijin. He lunged at Sada, using his poison claws. Sada jumped out of the way, but she still got hit in the arm. Sesshomaru smirked slightly, thinking he'd got her, but when he saw Sada smiling, that smirk quickly faded. Since both where in the air, Sada took her Jakujou and rammed it through Sesshomaru's back, causing it to come out of his chest. Sesshomaru's eyes grew wide and he coughed once, blood pouring out of his mouth nonstop. Sada stood there and watched as he died slowly. Before he died, Sada fell to the ground on all fours, breathing shallowly. “I'll give you this, Sesshomaru. You're poison's the most potent that I've ever come across. Not even Naraku's miasma could affect me like this,” she said, taking her hand and moving his hair out of his face. She then forced Sesshomaru's mouth open as wide as she could get it, busting his jaw, then she ripped out Sesshomaru's two top fangs. It was then that Sesshomaru stopped breathing. It was then that the blood stopped flowing. Sada smiled and got up, the two fangs as her prize. “These should come in handy,” she said as she slowly got up and walked back to the hideout behind the waterfall.
~*~ All right, I had to have Sada have some respect for Sesshomaru. He's too great of a warrior. It killed me to kill him, but it had to be done. ~*~