InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Aftermath ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay, here's another chapter. We get to see if that spell worked or not. Hehe. :)

Chapter 2: Aftermath

"Kagome? Kagome? Are you still mad at me?" AJ asked, as they sat in his car, in front of her darkened house. Rain poured down in sheets and lightning struck off in the distance, lighting up the solemn girl's blank features. She hadn't said one word since he followed her up the stairs and then found her already sitting in the car, arms wrapped around her chest. He didn't even say bye to Cynthia and just left. Now, here they were, sitting in this humid small car, with Kagome not saying anything.

She took a deep breath, then looked at him, her eyes void of any emotion, as she finally decided to speak, "AJ... I-I'm sorry with the way I acted back there, but... you guys laughed at me. It pissed me off, if you haven't noticed, okay? So, thank you for taking me home. I'm going in now." With that simple statement, she opened the door and got out, but not before she turned to look back at him over her shoulder, and saying, "Oh, and you're an asshole."

His mouth stood agape, as she shut the door in his face and walked up the driveway. He sighed, shaking his head, "Dammit, she's such a bitch." He turned the key in the ignition and took one more glance at his friend, before driving off into the stormy night.


Angry and hurt tears welled up in her eyes as soon as she sat down on her mattress. She shook her head, hair swaying back and forth, as she sobbed, "Bastards. They're all bastards." After a long fit of crying, she glanced at the Snoopy clock and gasped, "Oh God, it's 4 AM!" With the obvious stated, she quickly shed herself of the wet clothing and got under the comfy cool covers. Thunder rumbled outside, as she closed her sleep deprived eyes, whispering to herself, "It wasn't a stupid wish."


'She called me gay, Kagome. She called me fuckin' gay!' The dream Inuyasha shouted, arms folded over his chest, as she walked into the clearing. She glanced up and saw a crystal clear blue sky winking at her. She smiled, and looked at the hanyou, 'Sorry.'

'Sorry?! Dammit, why didn't you defend me or something?!' He approached her, haori dancing in the mystical breeze, and grabbed her arms, tightly, 'why do you have to be so shy? You gotta stand up for yourself, bitch!'

She rolled her eyes, and let out a sigh, 'I don't know. I just... it hurt.'

He was his turn to sigh, as he gazed at her, then he spoke once more, 'Listen, I don't mean to be hard on you, but you gotta realize that I'm not there to protect you. You could get hurt, badly.'

Tears welled up in her brown eyes, as she looked into his molten amber orbs, which caused her heart to beat fast, 'Protect me?'

'Duh. You know how much I care for you, Kagome,' he said, voice going down an octave, as one hand let go of her arm and reached up to wipe a small tear that had escaped to fall down her cheek. He gave a rare smile, 'you know how much I love you.'

Her heart skipped a beat at his words and she gasped, as he leaned down to kiss her, but he froze right before his lips touched her's. She arched an eyebrow, before saying his name aloud, 'Inuyasha?' He let out a breath, which caused her to shiver as she took note of how close they really were, and was confused when he spoke again, 'Kagome, I need you to wake up.'

Her eyes went wide. She did not want to wake up right now. So, she squeaked, 'Huh?'

'Wake up...'


"Oi, wake up wench!" A harsh but pleasant sounding voice yelled, right by her ear. She fought the urge to smack the person in the head to get him to shut the fuck up, so instead she opened her eyes. Bad decision.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Kagome screamed loud enough to wake the dead, as she jumped up out of her bed, and got into an akward sort of fighting stance she had seen on a movie once, "what the FUCK?!"

There, in front of her shocked form, was the man from her dreams. He was dressed just the same, in his familiar crimson haori and MC Hammer pants, with a really weird look on his gorgeous face. She would of drooled at how hot he looked, croutched on her bed, his cute puppy ears twitching this way and that, but she couldn't really do that since she was too shocked to do anything.

His golden eyes were wide, like cartoonish wide, as he just stared at her. They stood like that for what seemed like an eternity, but they were both shaken out of their daze when Kagome's Mom yelled, in concern, "Kagome?! Kagome, is everything alright?!"

Her jaw dropped and her brain scrambled to think of something that she could do. Then, it came to her and she acted on it. She shoved the poor hanyou in her closet and closed the door, as her Mom ambled in, "Kagome, what on earth are you doing?"

She was blushing, but smiled, leaning against the door, "N-nothing, Mom, just getting ready for school... and stuff."

Her mother arched a trimmed eyebrow and then asked, "So, why were you screaming then?"

"Spider!" She quickly answered, as she began to hear light scratching on the other side of the door. She didn't think it could get any worse right then, but her Mom just had to hear those damn noises, "What's that?"

Kagome stood in her Mother's path to the doorknob, and she muttered, "Just the spider." Okay, that was a really stupid answer but she couldn't think of anything else! But somehow, someway her Mother bought it as she shrugged, "Okay. You got ten minutes before school starts, honey, and I don't think a spider's going to help any."

Her eyes widened as her Mom walked out. Kagome immediately ran and closed the door, then went back to the closet, where the scratching noises were gaining volume. 'Oh my God, Inuyasha is in MY closet! What the hell am I gonna do with a hanyou?! Well, I could... NO! Bad, bad thoughts!' She took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and watched in fasination as he tumbled out onto the carpet.

"Don't shove me in there!" He yelled, steadying himself enough to stand, as he pointed an accusing clawed finger at her, "you! Why did you bring me here?!"

"Why did I-?! Dude, I didn't do shit, okay? I have no earthly idea why... wait." It had suddenly dawned on her. 'The spell! It had actually fucking worked! Holy mother of God, it had worked! HA! Take that, AJ and Cynthia!' She glanced at the hanyou that stood before her, and wondered why he was looking at her like that. The truth of the entire situation unfolded inside her mind, as she slowly looked down and noticed how bare she was. 'OH NO! I'M NAKED?!'

The blush on her cheeks began to make its way down her neck and the rest of her body, until she looked like a naked tomato. 'Oh, why? Why?!' She made a leap for her bed and covered herself with the first thing she could find, which happend to be a pillow with an Inuyasha pillowcase on it, but hey it was something. Okay, now that embarrasing situation was over, she had to figure out what to do with the hanyou.

She glanced up at him and then sighed, "Okay, then. Do you know where you are?"

He looked as if he had been shot, as he sat down on the mattress, and gazed at her, "Uh, no."

'Well, duh, of course he doesn't know where he is. He's from Feudal Japan, for Christ's sake!' She took another deep breath, to calm her frazzled nerves, and asked, "Do you know how you got here?"

He gave her a pissed off expression, arms going into his sleeves, "I said no."

"Okay... well, first off, you're in America. It's a bit far from where you're from and-" She was cut short when suddenly he lunged for her, claws extended, and pinned her down on the bed. She would of shouted in glee but that it was hard to when he had a hand around her neck and was squeezing pretty hard. His clothes were really soft against her bare skin, and it felt nice. 'At least I'll die happy...' She thought, in morbid optimism, as he stared at her with murder in his beautiful eyes.

"Tell me how I can get back, right fucking now," he growled, his nose barely touching her own, as his other hand went up to reveal those sharp claws, "or I'll slice your throat open."

She choked, trying to let him know she couldn't really speak, but it seemed he didn't take note of this as he glared at her, his fury apparent. She pushed her hands against his chest, trying not to notice how warm his body was nor how good it felt to be touching those muscles. He chuckled, "I'm strong, if you haven't realized, bitch."

What could she do? She had to do something, anything, so she wouldn't be killed, especially by her favorite manga character. Well, namely because of that, but still she didn't really want to die. Her vision was becoming blurry and it was hard to think, as he tightened his grip. 'He's gonna snap my neck, if I don't do something fast!'

What the hell could she do? One strange, forbidden thought appeared inside her fuzzy mind, and she figured it might be her only way out. So, she swallowed her pride and dignity and got up all of her strength, then pulled her head upwards, which caused the hanyou's eyes to widen and his grip to loosen just a bit. It was just what she needed as she pressed her lips to his.

***TBC**** *Mwuhahahahaha!!!! I'm so fucking evil! Review! Pwease?*