InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Crismon Butterfly's Dream ❯ Chapter 1: Songs of Darkness: Arc 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Of Crimson Butterfly’s Dream
A Sesshomaru Fanfic
Based off the Manga Series
A/n: for some reason this chapter is all screwed up, I can’t fix it right now, but I will figure it out some how ok ^^A Sesshomaru Fanfic
Based off the Manga Series
so here we go the first chapter >3 kind of exciting don’t you think!
I’m going to try and keep a 10,000 word or higher limit for each chapter if I can’t well, sorry lol.
If you want me to post more chapters you must stay on me, because I do forget lol. Though no one reviewing me won’t cause me not to post, it will just take me longer lol.
Chapter one is dedicated to my first Reviewer of the series: kuchikiwrath! Thanks for the encouragement!
Suggested songs: if you go to my home page there is a link for the play list: songs: Aura and Obsession
Chapter one: Songs of Darkness
“ Sesshomaru! Inuyasha! Stop fighting or you’re going to get us all killed!” Kagome shouted from behind Miroku’s barrier.
The two brothers were locked in battle even as the witch Yamasuso’s demon hanyou son commanded the Demon’s under her control. Ijime wasn’t a very good-looking hanyou either, not like Inuyasha that at least looked human. No, he was large, broken looking with black skin and white hair, his face was contorted in strange proportions with an upturned nose. He was a bat demon hanyou, and the witch’s pride and joy. His wings were useless and he snarled pointing his demons towards where Miroku guarded Kagome and Rin.
“Back off Kagome, I know what I’m doing!” Inuyasha shouted at her, just as Sesshomaru’s sword swung over his head, effectively cutting some of his hair and killing a demon.
“What the hell, that almost got me!” Inuyasha snapped at Sesshomaru, “Pity, you moved in time,” Sesshomaru retorted and ran, taking a large ogre head on and slicing it in half with the Tokijin.
Ijime laughed darkly and looked up at the witch Yamasuso for her approval she only smiled from behind her veil. She was very old, and had a demonic aura around her, but she had been human at one time, maybe have even been beautiful, but she had become a demon in order to be more powerful. She was as much trouble as Naraku, as she had a large amount of jewel shards, and had tried to kidnap Kagome, Rin, and Sango so that she should devour them for their youth so Yamasuso could live longer alongside her half-breed son.
“How my donnin’ mama, I’m doing good,” he said loudly, the witch smiled, “very good Ijime, now get me the girl, get me the child first,” the witch said softly.
Kagome swallowed hard and held onto Rin tightly who cried out at the mention of her. Rin clung to Kagome and buried her face into Kagome’s chest. Sango stood outside the barrier and swung her boomerang bone killing large amounts of demons.
Ijime wasn’t very bright and he stood, stumbling across the ground towards Miroku’s barrier, “don’t come any closer demon!” Miroku shouted, his left hand grabbing the beads of his right hand.
“Miroku don’t even think about it, Yamasuso will only poison you again,” Kagome shouted at him. Just as she shouted that, Jaime’s big black hands came down onto the barrier sending big crackles of lighting across the field.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha shouted. Sesshomaru looked back as well, and narrowed his eyes only a fraction but followed after his brother.
Ijime repeated his actions beating his fits onto the barrier effectively digging it into the ground and bringing Miroku to his knees with the effort. Yamasuso’s hands lifted shakily to protect her son, but Kagome grabbed her bow and knocked and arrow firing through Miroku’s barrier and hitting the old woman’s sleeve of her kimono and pinning it to the wall.
Yamasuso shrieked and looked at Kagome with burning black eyes, but it was too late for her to save her son as both Inuyasha’s and Sesshomaru’s swords sliced through the demon hangout’s flesh. Ijime shouted crying out for his mother.
Yamasuso screamed loudly black tears streaking down her face, “you foul demons! You killed my son! You will not go unpunished! You will not forget this!!” she shouted and called her demon hoards to her.
“Kagome don’t let her get away!” Inuyasha shouted, Kagome set another arrow onto her bow and aimed, the witch stared at her and Kagome shrieked as she was thrown back by some force and into the Miroku knocking over the already weak monk.
“Remember this demon brothers, you shall pay, with your lives!” she shouted the demon’s ripped her free of the arrow and she jumped onto the nearest dragon demon’s back and she was gone.
Sesshomaru turned to Rin looking at her, “Sesshomaru-same!” she shouted and ran to him instantly, Kagome still wondered what brought Sesshomaru to keep the child near him as he did, but no one could really understood the powerful yoke lord, but no one ever got close enough to find out.
“Kagome, are you ok,” Inuyasha asked as he approached, “yes I’m fine Inuyasha, but…I’m sorry I didn’t get her,” she said to him.
“It couldn’t be helped Kagome-chan, she’s a very powerful witch,” Sango said as she joined them Kirara at her side and Shippo on the cats back, “what about what the witch said, about Inuyasha paying with his life?” Shippo asked.
“It is concerning, but we can’t dwell on it,” Miroku said getting up slowly; Sango went to his side supporting him.
“Yes, we can’t, I have to be heading home,” Kagome said, “home! But why!” Inuyasha shouted, Kagome glared at him, “don’t start,” she said.
“We should all head back Inuyasha, after this, I don’t think it would be a good idea to keep going,” Sango said. Inuyasha grumbled softly and just agreed with the rest of the group with loud growls.
Kagome sighed softly and whipped her forehead as she pulled herself up and out of the well. She needed this rest there was no argument there, even after the thirty something sit commands she had ordered to Inuyasha even as he argued with her not to leave.Kagome exited the well house and looked around; it was early autumn, so the leaves of some of the trees had not changed color yet. The sacred tree still stood as it always had, tall and graceful, the tree where everything began. A curious thought occurred to her, what it she had never fallen through the well, would that mean that still as of today Inuyasha would have been pinned to that tree, or at least have been inside it as the tree had already tried to do when she found him.
Kagome didn’t dwell on it any more than that and to brisk steps back towards the house. She could already smell her mom cooking lunch, and she couldn’t help but smile and walk faster.
Sota met her at the door way, just getting home from probably hanging out at a friend’s house, “Kagome your home, how’s Inuyasha?” he asked as he opened the door for his sister.
“He’s Inuyasha, nothing new about him other than he is still nothing but a pain in the neck,” she said and lead the way into the house.
“WHAT!?” a shout from the kitchen had both Kagome and Sota running dropping their bags in the hall and sliding to a stop at the door. Grandpa sat at the breakfast table while mom held the wall phone to her ear and had the cord wrapped around a finger.
“Cho, why didn’t you call me sooner, I could have had your room ready for you by now,” Kagome’s mother said rather breathlessly. Kagome could just barley here the voice on the other end of the line, “I didn’t want to bother you oka-san, you don’t have to do those things for me I’m twenty-two now you know,” Cho replied.
“Oh but Cho-chan, I’m your mother, that’s my job, when will you be arriving,” Kagome’s mother asked smiling at her other two children, “sometime within the next three or four days, it should be either late Saturday evening, or noon Sunday,” Cho replied.
“So soon Cho, alright then, I will try to have your room ready for you when you get home,” Kagome’s mom said smiling. Cho’s soft laughter could be heard; it had a bell like quality to it that brought up memories for Kagome.
“I sent a lot of my stuff on ahead of me, I think most of my things should be arriving tomorrow, and mom, I had to buy Chikara a bigger kennel, I hope he won’t be too big for the house,” she said. It was their mother’s turn to laugh, “Chikara isn’t any problem Cho-chan, he’s just as much family as you, we’ll see you soon Cho, love you,” Kagome’s mother said.
“Love you to mom,” Cho replied before a click and then her mother placed the phone back on the wall.
Kagome couldn’t help it, she had a big wide smile on her face as she waited to hear what her mother had to say, Sota said it first, “Chonii-chan is coming home!” he said loudly smiling at their mother.
“Yes she is, she just graduated, and decided it was time to come back to Japan” their mother said and went back to cooking supper.
“but I thought she said, she was going to be living in England with Benji,” Kagome asked and sat down at the table with grandpa, “if you ask me, that boy was nothing but trouble, I’m glad she’s coming home instead,” he snorted.
“Grandpa,” Kagome said surprised. But he had been right, the last spring break Cho had brought Benji to Japan to meet them, and he had made every one very miserable, she wasn’t going to go into any more detail than that.
Cho was Kagome’s older sister, the oxford graduate that up until now, no one really knew about, and her friends didn’t talk about her, because of the last time Kagome and Cho had seen each other it had been a, rather sour good bye. That was four years ago, Kagome had been 12 years old, and she was now 16.
Kagome glanced at a far wall, where a full family photo hung, taken after her father had died of cancer when Sota was only two years old. Kagome was as tall as Sota is now, and she was holding the little Sota, while her mother stood beside her on her right a hand on her shoulder, and grandpa on her other side. But behind mom was another girl, leaning against the Sacred tree, she had never been one to take photo’s so mom didn’t mind as long as she was seen somewhat.
In that picture, Cho was about as tall as Kagome is now, and she had hip length blonde hair and big oval shaped thick glasses with sapphire colored eyes. But her hair was tipped in blue even her bangs. She was even wearing the uniform that Kagome wore now, in fact, it had been Cho’s some of the one’s she wore to the feudal era, it had been the reason her tops always looked a little lose.
Cho was, essentially adopted, Kagome’s mom and dad were just starting their life, and Kagome’s mom was pregnant when they found Cho, at six years old, wandering the streets. Cho’s mother had been found dead in an ally a few years before then, but no one found her child, they had assumed she was with the father, but not even the police knew where to find him.
So when Cho was found the search for Cho’s father was impossible, Cho was going to go into foster care, and instead, Kagome’s mom and dad adopted her. So that was how Kagome ended up with the blonde sibling.
But even as a young baby, Cho had always had the blue tipped hair, in fact every time their mother had tried to cut the blue tips off, they just grew right back. Cho was born with blue tipped hair. No one could understand why and many just assumed it was a new form of albinism, but because Cho’s mother had already been cremated, and her father was never found, they could never ask them why. Not only that, Cho had a butterfly tattoo on her back, but it to, was a birthmark, and it was the same shade of blue.
The last Kagome had seen Cho, her hair had gotten much longer, and the blue tips had seemed to grow from where her hair stopped as about mid-calf, to her waist the blue tips had taken over that much of her blonde hair. Then there were the glasses, Cho was blind as a bat, and it seemed to have only gotten worse during college, some even thought she would go blind. But Cho, often said she was to stubborn to let herself go blind, and she would run a hand through her hair a familiar habit that Kagome found herself missing sometimes.
She could just imagine Inuyasha and Cho in a face off, the two of them would be a battle to the end. That stopped her short and she looked up at her mom in alarm. “Mom! What am I going to tell Nii-chan about Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted.
“Why the truth of course,” Grandpa said to her waving a hand at her, “are we forgetting, that this is Nii-chan, the same Nii-chan that chased my first date right before I started junior high school out of the shrine with a 300 year old kattana,” Kagome said exasperated.
Mother laughed softly and smiled at her, “I don’t think Cho is that extreme anymore, though, I don’t imagine she will be happy with your grades, after all, all the video chatting you two did to help you study for your middle school entrance exams,” her mother said.
Kagome groaned slumping against the table; she had completely forgotten that one other wonderful but annoying trait of her older sister. She was a genius, she was top of the class in grade school, junior high, and even high school. She didn’t need cram schools, or to study or to even have to crack open a book, she just knew it. And she didn’t expect any less from Kagome. She didn’t hate that about her sister, it had actually helped her quite often even now her sister’s high school notes in math managed to get her by through the classes of her first year of high school. She still wasn’t doing really well.
“don’t worry Kagome, just be happy, she’s coming home, we’ll deal with the rest of the stuff as it come up, till then, go take the sheets of your sisters bed and wash them for me will you,” Kagome’s mom asked. Kagome nodded, “sure mom, I’ll wash them with my other cloths” she said and got up running down the hallway and towards the stairs.
The cab slowed to a stop, the brakes making the slightest squeaking sound.“here you are, Higurashi shrine,” the Cab driver said turning around to face the back and the woman sitting there. Cho simply nodded sharply and dug through her purse before pulling out the cab fair.
She climbed out and he followed her opening the trunk to pull out her suitcases, “Come on Chikara,” Cho whistled, a large white fox climbed out after her, replying with a soft yip. The fox had soft pink eyes, and a pinker nose, he looked excited. “here you are maim,” the man said and nodded, “thank you,” she replied quietly and grabbed her bag.
Chikara jumped easily clearing the space between the ground and Cho’s shoulder and made himself comfortable across her shoulders. Cho smiled at him then turned her attention back to the shrine stairs. She looked up, home, again, that word bounced around her head.
four years now, sense the last time she had seen the shrine, and it had not been a pleasant leave. Her younger sister Kagome, had not been happy one bit about Cho leaving. But it had been an opportunity that she couldn’t pass up, even though there were many colleges in Japan just as prestigious, but Oxford, it just spoke of instant recognition. She wasn’t looking to be famous, but just to be well known in the world of archeology, she really just wanted it because it would be quiet evening’s in the storage of the museum translating and studying all the things from the past that time had left behind.
Cho took the first step to the shrine, why was that first step, did it always feel like some great feat had been accomplished. Maybe because all the time that she has lived with her family, her adopted family, she never felt completely full filled. It was only when the old family heirlooms in the storage house surrounded her, did she ever feel like she was complete.
Each step she took brought her closer and closer to home, and even though she had those other thoughts in her head, she couldn’t help but to feel a little excited at the same time. By the time she reached the top of the steps she was crying hot, happy tears, and she ran the rest of the way to the front door of her childhood home.
Cho fumbled with the doorknob and her old house key, she literally sighed once the key slipped into the keyhole then clicked unlocking the door. It swung open lazily, Chikara didn’t even wait for her, and he leaped off her shoulder and charged into the house with loud yips and making excited bouncing maneuvers that made soft thumping sounds as he would land on the hard wood floor.
Kagome poked her head out from around the corner as the albino fox ran past her and into the kitchen. Cho held her breath, and waited, thoughts of the last time she had seen her sister, didn’t end well, or any of the times she had visited. She still could recall the events of Cho’s last day in Japan four years ago.
“You’re leaving! I can’t believe this!” twelve year old Kagome shouted in Cho’s face. Cho drew back sinking into her chair as far as it would allow, “Kagome, don’t be unreasonable, this is a good thing for your sister,” Kagome’s mother said softly touching Kagome’s arm.
“but it’s not fair mom, Cho said she would be here, she promised she would take me to my first day of junior high!” Kagome shouted louder.
“Ka-chan, I have to take this opportunity, there only offering it to me once, I know I promised Ka-chan, I know, but please understand,” Cho said softly reaching to hug her sister.
“no!” Kagome pulled away and ran down the hall way and they could hear the exaggerated stomps up the stairs followed by Kagome’s bedroom door slamming shut.
“Cho-chan, don’t worry about it, I’m sure she will be fine,” Their mother said now reaching to touch Cho’s hand. Cho shook her head, “I have to talk to her mom, need her to understand,” Cho said and stood up following after her younger sister.
She looked at the white door silently, then knocked, “Please Ka-chan, talk to me,” Cho said softly. The door rattled as something hit it, most likely a pillow from her bed, “Go away Nii-chan! I hate you!” she shouted.
Cho remained silent, she didn’t know how to react, and sure Kagome has said that many times, but this time, it meant more then just a simple tantrum. Tears threatened to burn her eyes but Cho held them back, and walked away.
Cho had left a week later, not once having spoken to Kagome, she didn’t even ride with her mom to the airport to tell her good bye. All the other times that Cho had visited, even then, Kagome had avoided her, not by choice, so said her mom, she was so focused on her study’s she didn’t have time to talk to her.
A smile spread across Kagome’s face and Cho returned the smile dropping her bags and opening her arms to her sister. Kagome didn’t even show any resentment of the twelve year old and the sister’s collided with one another hugging each other tightly.
“Chonii-chan!, you have no idea how much I’ve missed being called Ka-chan!” Kagome shouted excitedly.
Cho laughed softly and hugged her again then held her at arms length, she was so, tall now, but it was ever more a reminder, that Cho was taller then all of them at a height of five foot six inches. She could rest her head on Kagome’s head. Kagome still had to look up at her sister, and sometimes, it was funny, but it only made it ever more noticeable that Cho was different.
Always different, she couldn’t date very many guys in high school, she was taller then them, or at eye level with them, it got ridiculous after awhile. Which is why she was so happy to be in England, she actually felt small for once in her life. Until certain events she had yet to explain and didn’t want to dwell on them.
“come on Nii-chan, this way,” Kagome said tugging her towards the kitchen.
Cho slipped off her shoes and followed her sister, closing the door behind her. Kagome rounded the corner into the kitchen followed soon after by Cho who froze in the doorway. Across the kitchen along the wall in big letters read ‘welcome home Cho’. Cho placed a hand to her mouth and tried not to laugh or cry, both emotions were battling one another.
Mom picked up a cake and placed it onto the table, while Souta and Kagome together set the rest of the table with the food. Cho became nostalgic at that moment as she watched the family fall back in routine as if Cho had not been gone for four years. Cho sat down with at the table, her place always beside Kagome, while grandpa sat at the head, Souta and mama across from Kagome and Cho. Food was served along with slices of the red velvet cake.
It was, all strange and heart warming, and sad at the same time. Chikara had even settled back into his old habits of pacing the house, inspecting every room as if it held some great-unknown secret to his fox senses. It hadn’t taken long for Chikara to start pestering Buyo, either, of course, four years ago, the fat cat had been nothing but a sweet and shy kitten. Buyo didn’t recognize the fox so a small fight didn’t take long to brake out before Chikara got wiser and left him alone for now.
“you have to tell us everything Nii-chan, what was England like!,” Souta was the first to brake the magic of the moment of feeling home, to remind her of her past home for the last four years, “Souta, you’ve asked me that every time I came to visit what is the difference from then and now,” Cho asked him smiling softly.
Souta blushed a little and everyone shared a soft laugh, “well, how does it feel to be a college graduate,” her mother asked instead.
Cho thought for a moment then chuckled, “really not much anything special, I mean, yea I have a degree now, but, it’s not going to do me much good till I find somewhere to start working,” she said softly.
“Cho, I thought, you were going to go to America, with Benji, what happen,” Kagome said turning to her sister with chopsticks in mouth. Cho stayed silent and lifted her tea to her mouth, staring into the steaming liquid, “Benjamin, isn’t my fiancé anymore,” she said softly, an edge to her voice before she took a sip.
“I’m sorry to hear that Hun,” mama said softly heavy concern in her voice. Cho only shook her head and smiled, “its all right really, I’m over it, I’m happy to have come home instead, now, speaking of school, how about you two,” Cho said doing a total one eighty with the conversation.
“ I’ve got all perfect marks! I’m only 25 people away from the top of the class,” Souta said excitedly, Cho turned to her younger sister smiling brightly, “what about you Kagome, you just started high school, where are you going, mom wanted to let you tell me,” Cho said smiling.
Kagome avoided her sister’s eyes and struggled for the right words, “I’m going to N-high school,” she said softly then took a peek at her sister, “n..highschool, Kagome, what happen to X- High school, you were so dead set on it the last time we video chatted,” Cho said setting her tea down, “and it was a really good school!” she added with emphases.
“well…Nii-chan, I didn’t, I didn’t make high enough marks,” she said looking down, “and I’m not doing so well now,” she added shrinking in her seat a little.
Mom clamped her hands instantly as Cho’s face turned a dangerously red color, “ Cho, Kagome is working very hard, I’m sure if you study with her again, she can pull up her grades quickly,” she said. Cho turned away and took a breath, “of course, don’t worry Ka-chan, we’ll start studying tonight ok, just bring me your notes,” Cho said.
Kagome nodded and smiled at her sister who had closed her eyes, and mouthed a heart felt thank you to her mother. But that didn’t stop Kagome from noticing Cho’s two signature frustrated maneuvers of running a hand through her hair then readjusting her glass to sit higher on her nose.
Kagome walked down the stairs carrying all of her books that she was using for school this year. Cho’s room was down stairs at the end of the hall along side her stairs. Grandpa’s was on the far other end. Kagome knocked gently and she could here Cho moving around inside moving things so Kagome could get in. then the door slide open.Cho’s room was rather small, the story was that when Cho was first brought into the house they asked her where she wanted her room to be, and she chose the smallest room in the house, which was more like a small storage room. Kagome’s father had done a lot of remodeling putting in a small closet and built in dresser drawers. He had even built the desk and the shelves over her desk. Cho’s bed wasn’t anything more then a futon couch. With a red comforter thrown over it.
Cho’s walls were a dark shade of red and covering in hundreds of butterflies that she and mama had worked together to paint. Cho loved butterflies as much as she loved air to breath. Chikara was already in his normal spot curled up in his little basket under her desk. The desk was already piled high with Cho’s encyclopedias on world cultures, but they were pushed into the farthest corner to give Kagome room to study.
Kagome sat down in the old black computer chair and set down her books then turned to look at her sister who was sitting on her couch bed with her suit case at her feet open and putting away cloths in the open drawer in front of her. Cho had changed drastically from last spring, her once thigh long hair was now even shorter then Souta’s and looked almost completely blue instead of blonde.
Not only that, her eyes had changed, not in color, or really shape, but the once warm welcoming feeling seem to have faded away. Or maybe it was the glasses, her large oval glasses her gone and replaced with smaller more narrow lenses that cut her eyes in half. Cho had always had a distant look to her Sapphire eyes, but the distance had grown to almost be cold and uncaring. Cho looked up at Kagome, a soft smile on her lips, that only just barely reached her eyes, at least Kagome now knew, it wasn’t home that caused Cho to change.
“Cho, what happen with Benji, you were so happy with him,” Kagome asked, catching Cho off guard.
Her older sister sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “it’s a long story Ka-chan, just be happy its over with for me, please,” Cho said and finished the last of her unpacking before she leaned back against the couch with a sigh.
“something had to have happen Nii-chan, the last time we asked you to cut your hair, you threaten to cut off someone’s fingers, so why now, why cut your hair if something hadn’t happen,” Kagome said. Cho looked at her from the corner of her eye then leaned her head back, “remember when I was in middle school, I came home crying and I took the kitchen knife and stated sawing off my hair,” she said.
Kagome nodded, “mom was furious, there was hair all over the floor and she had to take you to the nearest beauty shop, you had the shortest bob cut in the school,” she replied.
Cho let the silence continue for a moment, “remember what I said why I did it,” she asked her, “because you confessed to you crush, and he said he didn’t date weirdo’s with blue hair,” Kagome replied.
“but I thought Benji loved your hair,” Kagome quickly added.
Cho remained silent, then looked at her sister again running a hand through the cropped hair till it stood up straight in the air. Cho sighed once more and decided to tell her what happen, “Benji left me, for some model visiting in England and went to America with her instead, he told me he just couldn’t put up with the blue hair anymore, even that hair,” she said coughing a little as Kagome turned red.
“Cho, look you’re a great girl, your nice, your cute, but, its just to weird, its not normal ok,” Benji said as he looked down at Cho with his new blonde model on his arm.
“like what is up with that, that’s not even possible someone’s hair growing blue,” the woman said, well it was possible, Cho was here, she was real, her hair was blue.
“I’m sure you’ll be happy to go home anyways, it’s not like they liked me or anything, its just better this way,” he added. Cho balled her hands into a fist, “better this way, when were you going to tell me that it was gonna be this way, after you were already in America! Or until I caught you, walking down the street with some other girl in your arms!,” Cho had shouted at him.
“Cho please, don’t make a seen, I was going to tell you, but, I just hadn’t found the right moment yet, I didn’t want you to be to upset,” he said, Cho snarled, “upset! You didn’t want me to be upset! Benji, telling me you don’t love me because of my hair, after already asking me to marry you would make me upset no matter what you said, or what ever fucking moment you were to pick!” Cho had shrieked.
Furious tears streaked down her face as she yanked off the 400$ diamond engagement ring from her finger and through it effectively catching him right in between the eyes with the diamond.
“that was uncalled for Bitch!,” the chick shouted at her, Cho glared at the girl as hard as she could and the girl quickly closed her mouth, she then turned her eyes onto Benji his eyes opened wide and he took a involuntary step back, “I hope you to are happy together!,” she snapped and walked away.
Kagome’s mouth was hanging open, and the only sound she made was a sharp gasp. Cho waited for her sister to finish processing the information, “excuse my language, but the fucking ass hole,” she said.
Cho couldn’t help but laugh as Kagome whispered the last of her sentence so that their mother wouldn’t hear it. Kagome crossed the distance of the room and sat next to her sister wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly. “grandpa was right, Benji wasn’t good enough for you,” Kagome said. Cho placed a hand on her sister’s head.
“yea well, after I got home, I pretty much ripped and broke everything he ever gave me, and well, you see the result, I cut my hair, with scissors this time, I was just so mad, it just kept getting shorter and shorter, this was the best the beautician could do with out pretty much shaving my head,” Cho said with a soft laugh.
“what about you Kagome, are you dating yet,” Cho asked her, Kagome sat up with raised eyebrows, “you ask, you who chased away my dates before I could even start junior high,” she said. Cho smiled sheepishly, “I still swear today I checked that kattana first and it was not sharp at all,” Cho said a blush creeping across her face.
“and beside Kagome, you were only 11 then, your 16 now, it’s a big difference in age and maturity,” Cho said and leaned back, “so, who is he,” she added smiling.
“well, he’s not actually my boyfriend, Cho, just, well just a friend,” she said a distant looking filling her eyes. “ah, but you do like him though, perhaps little sister, you might love him?” Cho said tilting her head.
Kagome turned a crimson red and looked away a little, “well, I guess I love him a little, but, he’s so mean, a jerk, he’s possessive and gets easily jealous and has a short temper, sometimes I wonder why I even go near him,” she said and crossed her arms, “but some times he can also be really nice, and even more surprising he turns out to be kind of smart, “ she laughed a little.
“does he like you back,” Cho asked, Kagome snorted, “only cause I can sense…cause he just wants me close, he doesn’t love me, he still loves his…ex” Kagome said, she had almost told her sister about the jewel shards of the Shikon no tama and how she can see them.
“then why do you burden your self with him, if he loves his ex still,” Cho said arching an eyebrow to her, “I don’t ever recall Kagome Higurashi liking two-timers, I lost several good books from your love struck tantrums,” Cho said teasingly.
“I don’t really know, but I know that I am happy around him, I always thought that was all that mattered,” Kagome said, Cho hugged her sister close, “hmm, sometimes, but it will never be enough, you will want more, and it will come down to, if he will be willing to give,” Cho said.
“you really think so, that he will go away, if I ask for more,” Kagome said, her face turning pale as the thoughts raced through her head. Cho watched her, it was almost like she was watching the events that had played between her little sister and this guy, through an emotional stand point, “I guess you’ll have to think that over, but its bed time, you need to get up early if were gonna study before you start school again,” Cho said.
Kagome nodded and hugged her sister tightly once more then left her room taking her books with her and shutting the door gently behind her. Cho looked down at the now snoring fox, “Chikara,” she said, the fox looked up and got up jumping on her bed with her, “Chikara, consider yourself lucky your not a girl,” she said and smiled slipping under the comforter with the white fox.
lightning flashed across the sky, dark curl clouds hung low as the spilled their weight over the city. Cho cried and cried, she clung to her mother, shook her, begged her to wake up. Laughter filled her head, sharp jeers and words that the toddler didn’t understand.“mommy, mommy please wake up, please,” Cho cried louder.
Cho lifted her hands they were coated with both water and slick red liquid, Cho cried louder over the sound of the laughter and the thunder all clashing together playing a dark melody in her head.
“you want this to go away,” voices spoke to her, spoke to the child clinging to her dead mother in the ally of down town Tokyo.
“mommy please wake up,” she begged the still woman.
“child, do you want to undo this, I can give you that power,” the voices sang to her softly.
The child lifted her head, listening, “take hold of me Child, I can give you that power, to go back to this time, and to undo her death, you need only wish that your mother was still alive, and I will make it come true” the voices sang.
“mommy,” the child spoke.
Cho shout out of bed so fast that Chikara was thrown off the bed with an annoyed yip. Cho looked around her room wildly, she couldn’t see anything but black blurs, so she reached for her bed side lamp and her glasses flicking the light on and putting on her glasses. But the room was empty, she was alone, covered in sweat, and breathing like she had ran a triathlon.
She wasn’t even home 24 hours, and already, the night terrors had returned. For years, sense she first became Cho Yume Higurashi, she was plagued with nightmares, mostly because she had been a witness to her own mothers death. It didn’t help any the guilt she felt for not being able to remember who killed her mother.
She remembered all those nights she would wake up crying, Kagome, Souta, and Cho’s father would be there within only a few moments from her first scream. It didn’t matter whether he had work in the morning, or what hour, he would be there. It had been hard on every one when he died of cancer a couple of years after Souta was born. That was the last time anyone heard her cry out, here in her bedroom, but it didn’t stop the dreams, they only got worse.
It made sense, now she knew why home was always a question, and a week before she returned to Japan, she had seen the same dream again, a reminder to what was waiting for her back home. Cho ran a hand through her moist hair with a heavy sigh, she drew her knees up close to chest and laid her forehead onto her knees. She could already feel a nasty headache blooming in between her eyes.
Chikara gave another soft yip and jumped back onto the bed looking at her with a tilted head. Cho smiled at him and rubbed his head, “you got use to sleeping with me in England, you forgot about my nightmares,” she said to the aged fox that was still a just a pup the last time they were in Japan together.
The albino fox that Cho had found in the well house a few years after father died. It was so small so weak, and it needed help, Cho had begged her mother to please let her keep the weak fox, so she did all she could. Her mother called some friends and they got some paper work together so that mama would have a license to own the exotic animal, that same license Cho later got when she turned 17. So Chikara was rather old at this point, but still pretty young, she often wondered if she made a mistake by not taking him to a zoo, but she couldn’t imagine her personal bodyguard not in her life.
Chikara’s head lifted turning towards the door, and he growled. Alarmed Cho stood up and pressed her ear to the door and listened. She heard nothing, but Chikara hadn’t stopped growling, that wasn’t a good sign.
“stay here,” she ordered, the fox whined but sat.
Cho looked around her room and spotted a wooden bat, another cherished item from her late adopted father and took it into her hand with a firm grip and slipped down the hallway, her back to the wall and the side of the stairs in front of her. now she heard it, soft foot falls in the rest of the house as they came towards the stair well.
Cho walked faster stepping lightly on the tip of her toes till she got to the arch way of the connecting hall that lead to the kitchen, living room, and dinning room. She peaked carefully around the corner, just in time to see a man walk into the hallway from the living room, he was dressed in red and had whitish hair. Cho didn’t have time to get a good look at him as he looked up and she ducked back behind the wall.
Cho held her bat tightly and got into a swinging position his footsteps got closer and closer. The he appeared, and she swung.
“heiyo!!!!” she shouted and the bat jerked as it met the man’s head with a sickening crack and wood flew all around as the bat broke in half.
Cho stared open mouthed at her broken bat and the man went to his knees holding his head. He was growling and Cho jumped back holding what was left of her bat up in defense.
“what the hell is wrong with you Kagome!!!” the man shouted getting up on shaky legs checking his hands once in a while to make sure he wasn’t bleeding.
Cho stared at him, he was indeed dressed in red, but they weren’t gym cloths like she had first thought, no it was a red kimono. And his hair was in deed white, and very long, and he had dog-ears. That didn’t register to well, why the hell did a burglar have dog-ears, for god sake why was the burglar in a kimono.
He looked up at her with amber colored eyes and she blinked slowly with surprise. He returned the look eyes widened, “wait…your not Kagome,” he said.
Kagome, why the hell would she be Kagome. Cho was eye level with the kid, hell they were the exact same height Kagome was almost a whole head shorter then her, not only that, but Cho was, much more curvy then her teenage sister, for the fact that her tank top was straining. She was also blue and blonde haired and wearing glasses, “what gave it away,” Cho snapped.
There was a commotion upstairs and Kagome appeared on the stairs running, “Inuyasha what are you doing here! It’s almost 3 in the morning!” Kagome shouted at him in a harsh whisper.
“what am I doing here, to save your ass that’s what, who the hell is she,” Inuyasha shouted back not even bothering to whisper, Cho through the bat at him, succeeding in catching him in the head again where he growled again, “can’t you whisper, people are sleeping,” Cho snarled.
“who are you,” he snapped, “Inuyasha, that’s my sister, Cho,” Kagome said stepping off the stairs and to stand in front of him. Inuyasha looked back at Cho with an angry glare, which Cho happily returned.
“sense when do you have a sister, I thought you only had a brother,” Inuyasha said looking at Kagome, “you never asked either,” she said glaring at him. Inuyasha scuffed then looked at Cho, “why the hell did you hit me,” he said snarling.
“well when someone enters someone’s home at three in the morning uninvited you don’t welcome them with cookies and milk now do you,” Cho said narrowing her eyes and looking at him over the top of her glasses.
Cho’s door opened suddenly and the albino fox was down the hall faster then she knew that fox could run. Chikara leaped teeth bared, they heard the foxes teeth snap close and they looked down. Chikara’s sharp teeth sank into Inuyasha’s hip, well, pretty much his ass.
Kagome covered her mouth and Cho knew she was laughing as Inuyasha shouted and grabbed the fox to try and yank him off but the fox held tightly working in his teeth deeper into the dog-boy’s flesh, “what the hell, get him off me!” Inuyasha shouted.
“Chikara, Release,” Cho ordered sharply and the fox let go instantly yipping and wagging its tail before running to Cho and jumping into her arms in one leap. “ Chikara, still wins vote of best guard dog in all of Japan,” Kagome said now laughing.
“that wasn’t funny Kagome,” Inuyasha said.
As much as this was fun to watch Cho wanted answers and prepared to speak up but Kagome spoke first, “why are you here Inuyasha, I told you I will be at least a week till I get back I will be starting school soon,” she asked him.
“its like I said, I came to save your ass, the village was attacked by one of Yamasuso’s demon’s it had a jewel shard, we chased it to the well, and it jumped in, it made it here Kagome, its after you again,” he said turning to her.
“your joking, it got through the well, there’s no telling where it could be,” Kagome said now shouting.
“where what could be,” Cho asked looking between them, but just as she asked that she felt hands slip around her waist. Cho felt the chill from the hands and her body turned rigid and the foul smell of decay filled her nose.
“Cho!” Kagome screamed as Cho was yanked back at dizzying speeds into the connecting hall way and out of the window in the living room. Inuyasha and Kagome weren’t far behind but it wasn’t fast enough. Chikara was pinned to her chest the fox snarled and growled trying to bite the shadowy hands. Cho kicked and struggled but they were far too strong.
They were dragged to the well house where the door’s swung open on there own accord and what ever creature was holding her sprung down the steps like a rabbit rattling Cho’s brain in her skull. At the doors of the well house she saw Kagome and Inuyasha, just as the creatures leaped into the well.
Cho screamed.
Warm light surrounded her and Cho opened her eyes. Hands still held her and fox still fought. They seemed to be moving slowly, at the same time Cho could feel fingers seem to drag across her skin as if what ever was surrounding her was trying to drag her back keep her in place. But the demon had her tight, yes demon she knew that much. She lifted her head and turned shifting in the monsters arms with ease to face the creature.
It had no eyes no ears no anything except for the big open gaping mouth where that horrible smell of death was pouring out, “what the fuck!” Cho said with a snarl.
The demon hissed viciously into her face, and Cho snarled again, “I don’t know what the fuck you are or where you think your taking me, but its not gonna happen,” Cho snapped and pulled her leg back and lifted kneeing the monster in its gut.
The demon shrieked and it’s grip loosened around her, just enough so that Cho could free an arm to draw it back with a closed fist and smash it into the demon’s face. That did the trick and the demon was flung away from her. Chikara moved to her shoulder, and the demon screamed as it’s body was suddenly torn apart then it vanished leaving behind a silvery purple gem that Cho quickly grabbed from the air just as the watery lights vanished and Cho was placed gently down at the bottom of the well.
Cho looked up eyes opened wide to find moonlight to be shinning down over her. Cho quickly got up and grabbed a near by vine hanging down the side of the well and hauled her self up and out of the well.
Where the hell is Higurashi shrine, she thought to herself, seeing only a forest in front of her. where was she, what happen, where was all of freaking Tokyo, and how did she get back so she could question her very much in trouble younger sister.
A few moments Cho’s name was shouted and Inuyasha and Kagome shout out of the well to land beside her. seeing that Cho was alone and fine, Inuyasha let Kagome down off his back and looked at her.
“where’s did the demon go?,” he asked, Cho petted Chikara’s head, “I beat him off while still in the well and he just vanished,” she said then turned to her younger sister.
“Kagome, what’s going on, where are we are what was that,” Cho said narrowing her eyes.
“Cho, your in the feudal era, and that was a demon sent by a witch named Yamasuso who had kidnapped me right before you came here to eat me so that she could have eternal youth and immortality” Kagome said.
Everything that was and then and all that Cho knew fell from beneath her feet.
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