InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Fur and Musk ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha or any of the wonderful characters. I make no profit from this, only a sense of enjoyment.

A/N: Yah, I know I'm horrible, I have other fics I'm in the process of writing too. But I've found I need chaos in my life, several projects at once gives me a variety to choose from, so when I get burned out on one I can work on another. Sorry this chap was so short, but it's just a teaser. Please read and review. First person to guess who the "Boss" is gets a cookie. *grins*.

The three girls gathered round the large desk, Ayumi taking matters into her own hands as she thumbed through the catalog. She looked onto each profile with a stern expression, despite the rubberiness of her own legs as she turned each page, only to be greeted with yet another gorgeous hunk of the male species. She'd long since bitten her lower lip and acknowledged the fact she was blushing just as bad as she would have done in her earlier years in High School.

Yuka peeked over her shoulder, her lips slightly parted and that faintly dazed look in her eyes at all the fleshy offerings. She rested a hand on the girl's shoulder to steady herself and swallowed involuntarily as Ayumi turned another page. Her eyes grew wide, a small gasp leaving her lips at the latest profile, "Oh my god, he's gorgeous," she practically drooled. Ayumi shrugged the girl off, taking another step away from her in a vain attempt at keeping some form of composure around herself.

"Guys, should we even be doing *this*," Eri piped in, moving closer as her eyes darted around the office building, looking for any potential threat or hazard as if everyone had the plague or something. She was the brightest of them all, her pale skin burning hot to the point she refused to even keep looking at the small portfolio. She's settled for looking indignant and blatantly ashamed to be in such a place.

There was a soft cough which alerted the girls once again to the receptionist behind the desk, a small elderly woman with graying hair. She offered them a sweetly professional smile, even her eyes glittering with that politely warm gleam that any good salesman had. Her voice was tender and understanding, thought not overly warm as she spoke, "I assure you, all our 'gentlemen' are strictly professional, they all have good records and are in." She paused, coughing again into her fist as she lowered her eyes, a genuine smile crossing her lips, "peek condition and very skilled." Her name tag flashed in the light, shiny and newly polished, the letters A L I C E crisp and neatly embedded into the metal.

Another gasp and Eri nearly lost her footing, her knees going weak beneath her at the thoughts instilled with those words. Her voice was a little breathy as she cast about for a place of refugee, her eyes spying a row of chair nearby that would do nicely. She quickly voiced her opinion, before even that gave out on her, "For heavens sake," she panted out, "it has been that long since she lost Inu...".

In unison Yuka and Ayumi's glances shot up, both girls boring daggers into their friend and cutting her off before she could finish her sentence. Frowns turned down the lips of both girls, but it was Yuka that spoke first, her voice high enough for her retreating her friend to hear, "That bastard never deserved our dear Kagome...".

Ayumi nodded in agreement, turning another page absently, not even paying any attention at all to the image on the paper. "We're getting her a stripper for her birthday and thats THAT." She nodded her head briskly, intently putting her foot down on the matter. Her word was law and damn anyone that was going to disagree with her.

Yuka leaned into Ayumi, drawing close to the girl's ear and whispering quietly as her eyes suddenly trailed across a man walking the opposite side of the room, heading off toward the elevators. "How about that one," she sneakily directed Ayumi's attention to her particular target. The man was lean, the well tailored suit fitted snug to his muscular frame work, but his every movement spoke of power and grace. A soft thud alerted Ayumi to the fact that she'd let the binder slip from her hands and hit the floor. She quickly retrieved the item off the floor, her cheeks flushing all the brighter in her embarrassment but she was smiling mischievously as she glanced back at Yuka who shared the same devilish grin.

"We want him," both girl spoke one after the other, each laughing that little nervous bubble to ease discomfort of the situation. The receptionist turned her eyes to look toward the elevator, letting them take in the sight of what man they had spied. She shook her head with a laugh of her own, her lips quirking into a sort of smirk at the two girls. She had to admit to herself they had good tastes, very good tastes at that. If only she'd been younger she would have gone after *that* herself.

"I'm sorry, girls, he's not available," a raised hand suppressed the beginning utterance of the whines that were forth coming from each girl, "The Boss doesn't do jobs anymore. But I think I know a suitable replacement." Both girl's blinked in shock and surprise, their facings falling into perplexed lines as they looked back toward the elevator doors, but the man was no longer present. They felt some bit of lose at that, it'd been like staring at the sun, and neither had had entirely long enough a look to satisfy their urges.

Grabbing up the binder, Alice turned quickly to the right page, to a man with a similar appearance, but nothing could match the majestic handsomeness of the owner. Ayumi nodded slowly and Yuka smiled brightly, clearly still pleased with the selection. "I guess he'll do," she teased, nudging Ayumi in the ribs as she gave a wistful sigh.

"Alright, girls, if you'll sign here and fill out the paper work I'll get everything started," Alice smiled sweetly drawing out the proper forms from the left hand drawer of her desk. Again that professional smile creased her mouth as she lead the girl's through the papers and fifteen minutes later nodding graciously she tucked away the order forms into the right envelope, "I'm sure you'll be very happy with Atsusa. Now do have a good day."

Collecting up their friend, Eri, Ayumi and Yuka left the building giggling intently among each other at the deviousness of their surprise birthday gift. Kagome wasn't going to know what hit her. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly before they faded completely away. Alice shook her head again at the audacity of that small group, she gathered up the envelope, tapping it across the desk to settle them uniformly before reaching for the seal.

"I think I'll handle this request myself," a cool and completely masculine voice sounded by her ear as the envelope deftly was snatched from her fingers. She was dumbfounded at first, her mouth forming a small O of surprise as she turned to look into the voice of her employer. He smiled at her, it wasn't a bright smile, just a lazy pull of the lips that seemed to melt even the coldest heart. She swallowed around the sudden lump in her throat and nodded in a automatic fashion.

"Uh... alright, sir," she managed to speak out, completely taken aback by the impromptu actions of her Boss, she hadn't even heard him come up to her desk or anything. She shook her head again as the man was already walking away, envelope tucked beneath an arm. This was a first for her and it slowly sunk in, she felt a spike of jealousy. Damn that Kagome Higurashi was going to be one lucky girl.